Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 50 The beginning of loss

Ma Chao and Wang Jun were rushing to Ren Jingcheng and others under the cover of the "arc blockade". Unexpectedly, as soon as they rushed halfway, the two fires of the fire machine suddenly became dumb. On the contrary, a group of irritated wasp-like bullets flew out not far away, swarming towards the two of them with a sharp sound of breaking the air. Come here.

Ren Jingcheng's "discriminate shooting" is really beyond everyone's expectation. They didn't expect that the "discriminate shooting" for light firearms could have the same effect as "arc blockade". Thanks to Ren Jingcheng's use of two guns, the number of bullets originally fired indiscriminately has suddenly doubled, resulting in such surprising results today.

How dare Ma Chao and Wang Jun continue to rush forward at this time? The tacit "rolling" on the left and right avoided the oncoming bullets and jumped behind the outer wall of the next room to hide separately. For a moment, they didn't even dare to show their heads at all.

The rhythm of the attack was disturbed, and the fire machine was also slightly surprised. It was not that Sun Jianyang's "sonic bomb" that could be accurately shot at him without aiming at it. After all, he knew how capable Sun Jianyang was. He was surprised by Ren Jingcheng's handsome and beautiful "randiscrim shooting".

The coverage, tricky angle, and extraordinary shooting speed all make you shout a "like" word.

"Indiscriminate shooting" is a very simple tactical skill. First, it does not need to aim, and second, it does not need any standard shooting posture. As long as it can shoot, it can be used. But such a simple tactical skill also tests the user's technology.

To use random shooting, you must first have a high enough shooting speed. In addition, in order to hit the target as much as possible, you need to control the shooting angle through prediction. Finally, you need to be able to throw the bullet out of a large enough range.

There are not many people who can do these three points well, and even among professional players, because doing comprehensive work requires not only a lot of training, but also the qualifications of the users themselves.

This involves a problem of feel. There are many players in WarGame. Everyone chooses their roles and weapons according to their interests. I'm afraid no one will consider whether it is suitable for them. Professional players are not the most suitable characters for everyone.

Players are blind. They often play which kind of character is the most popular in the battle. Even if they don't like it anymore, as long as everyone says that this kind of character is powerful, he will play this.

The situation of professional players is similar. Power characters shine brilliantly in international competitions and are welcomed by players. The club will adjust their strategy to transfer the core of the team to power characters to cater to the tastes of the public. I don't care about the club that is not suitable for the players. If it is not suitable, they will change people. There are many people who want to join the professional circle. Anyway, the will of the players themselves is not important.

"randiscriminate shooting" is a tactical skill that requires a lot of touch to operate. People who do not have this feeling can only use two aspects at most no matter how hard they train. It is impossible to achieve perfection in any case.

Ren Jingcheng's hand feeling can't be seen from just one "randiscrim shooting", but the fire engine has a strange feeling. Ren Jingcheng is one of the few people.

After the fire machine was surprised, it realized that their attack stopped the other party's opportunity and came. Just as they wanted to remind Ma Chao and Wang Jun, they saw a figure drawing a red arc and rushed towards Ma Chao. He raised his head and looked at the ID above the man's head. It was Lu Xinxin. The role of Black Shark.

Ma Chao was excited when he saw Lu Xinxin rushing over. He was also a powerful character, but unlike Lu Xinxin's full power, Ma Chao slightly increased some speed in order to cooperate with the rapid attack flow of the rapid team.

Lu Xinxin's attack is very powerful, and after the "rush", it is directly a "strong thrust", which goes straight into Ma Chao's waist and eyes.

"Powerful thrust": special for long-handled weapons. Use the amplitude of arm swing to stab a strong blow at the target and cause 300% damage.

Powerful thrust is a simple attack tactical skill, which is rough and simple, without any fancy. Although this kind of skill can cause a lot of damage to the target, it often means slow moves, simple moves, and easy to dodge.

Lu Xinxin cleverly took advantage of the unimaginable speed of "the breakthrough" and threw out the "strong thrust" halfway. When it approached Ma Chao, the blow just stabbed out, effectively offsetting the shortcomings of the slowness of the "strong thrust".

Smart is smart, but it is not necessarily effective. The second disadvantage of "strong thrust" cannot be avoided under any circumstances. The offensive route is too simple for Ma Chao to avoid such an attack with his eyes closed.

Facts proved this in the blink of an eye. Ma Chao slowly flashed Lu Xinxin's attack, and his backhand was hit on Lu Xinxin's back.

Fortunately, Ma Chao's knife is only a subconscious role and does not use any tactical skills. Otherwise, Lu Xinxin may not be as simple as a scratch, and she will have to peel off a layer of skin without losing a piece of meat.

But Ma Chao's knife also aroused Lu Xinxin's fierceness and roared, and the dark ancient spear was a move to "sweep"...

While Lu Xinxin was crossing his hand towards the horse, Wang Jun suddenly entangled Ren Jingcheng. Wang Jun's role is balanced, wearing a pair of gloves on his hands. The surface of the gloves is wrapped in metal strips and covered with inch-long barbs.

Although he has never fought with Wang Jun, Ren Jingcheng also knows that Wang Jun is much more powerful than Ma Chao.

Wang Jun is a typical southerner regardless of his appearance, figure or voice. He looks weaker than some girls, but it is a big mistake to judge Wang Jun.

Wang Jun's profession is a street gangster. Unlike Sun Jianyang, a thg player who wants to add quotation marks, Wang Jun is a real gangster who can also be famous in black and white.

Wang Jun's background is not good. His father was imprisoned for deliberately hurting people in his early years. After being released from prison, it became even worse. As his father, he only taught Wang Jun only one sentence: "If you fight, you should fight ruthlessly." Later, Wang Jun's father died, and his mother also remarried, leaving Wang Jun himself on the street since he was a child, which also gave him a super-talion fighting ability.

Wang Jun's powerful Ren Jingcheng has heard about the fire machine, but now after seeing it, he deeply feels that what the fire machine said at that time was really modest.

Wang Jun did not use any combat skills, but only used ordinary attack fists and feet to attack Ren Jingcheng crazily. With the assistance of the game system, this kind of seemingly ordinary fists and feet is more dangerous.

Ordinary attacks are not rigidly judged, which makes Wang Jun's attacks continue without any pause. In addition, the speed is several times faster than in reality. Ren Jingcheng has no temper at all and can only try his best to avoid and resist. He dares not think about counterattacking.

However, Wang Jun's fists and feet were too fast. After all, Ren Jingcheng did not play WarGame for a long time and could not adapt to this long passive dodge. In the end, he took a step slower and was punched in the ribs by Wang Jun.

Although Wang Jun's punch did not have any tactical skills, he also fell into a short period of stiffness.

Wang Jun smiled and punched Ren Jingcheng's chin. Ren Jingcheng's head was hit back. Wang Jun's fist was closed, and his elbow came like the wind, and a heavy "elbow hit" hit Ren Jingcheng's throat.

"Elbow Strike": Balanced, speed-specific, close combat skill, fast elbow attack the opponent, the damage caused depends on the part hit, and the critical attack causes double damage.

The audience couldn't help shaking when they saw this scene outside the venue and deeply felt that Wang Jun was too cruel. If it came like this in reality, they would be killed.

At the point, Ren Jingcheng's OP value was immediately reduced, but Wang Jun's side was not finished. After the "elbow strike", he immediately received a "side kick". Ren Jingcheng's body was crooked again. Wang Jun took the opportunity to pull Ren Jingcheng with his left hand, and his right fist hit the position in his chest.

"Overlord Fist": balanced, special speed type, close combat skill, use all the strength of the whole body to punch, slow but high damage, and cause a short vertigo effect.

After playing this boxing army, the action stopped. It's not that he didn't want to move, but that he couldn't. The rigid judgment of "Overlord Boxing" was very high. If it hadn't had a dizziness effect, Wang Jun would not have chosen to use this move without the support of his teammates.

The stiffness effect and the dizziness effect almost ended at the same time. Wang Jun's body moved and punched again without thinking about it. However, this time Ren Jingcheng suddenly used a "back jump" and actually dodged. Wang Jun did not expect to hit Ren Jingcheng at once. His footsteps followed closely and his fist hit again...

Sun Jianyang's heart was suppressed by the fire machine. He originally wanted to compare with the fire machine, but he forgot that he had a heavy blocking rifle in his hand, and the shooting speed was very slow, while the fire machine was a medium-sized gun with fast shooting speed.

The blocker should attack in a secret place. The shooting has never been the specialty of blocking firearms, but Sun Jianyang is now strong in attacking the opponent in a short time. How can he not be suppressed?

In fact, the fire engine is also difficult to ride a donkey now. The steel factory is a map with many complex bunkers. In such a map, sniper rifles with the longest attack distance can naturally play an unimaginable role. The kind of guerrilla warfare that shoots for another will really drive people crazy.

In view of this situation, the fire machine could not let Sun Jianyang go and let him stir up the wind and rain everywhere. It had to use fast and wide-scale firepower to suppress it. It was secondary to hurt the enemy, mainly to nail Sun Jianyang in place and prevent him from any chance to help.

At present, the strategy of the fire machine is still correct. Whether it is Lu Xinxin and Ma Chao, Ren Jingcheng and Wang Jun, they all have an advantage. As long as he can suppress Sun Jianyang, the fire machine believes that victory is at his fingertips.