Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 54 Reversal, Trap, Outbreak

As if everything Sun Jianyang and Ren Jingcheng had done before was prepared for Lu Xinxin's "Dragon Bully Heartbreak", Molong had exposed his ferocious claws and fiercely attacked and bit the stationary target in the air.

Seeing this scene, the people in the field were shocked. Ma Chao's OP value is not much left under Ren Jingcheng and Lu Xinxin's level A. If they are killed by this order or still survive, the difference is not much. In their opinion, the Rangers team has returned to the sky and is weak. As a commentary DJ, small Feng even made a draft in his heart. What should he say to appease the audience's slightly excited mood after the failure of the fire engine?

However, when the dragon head of "Dragon Ba's Broken Heart Strike" was about to approach Ma Chao's chest, a figure suddenly appeared on the side of the dragon's head. His body was crooked, and his right leg kicked fiercely like a long whip on the dragon head. With a "bang", the dragon head shook twice and tilted to one side, wiping Ma Chao's ribs.

Before everyone figured out what was going on, the unique sound of the double fire of the fire machine roared. Countless bullets hit Ren Jingcheng and Sun Jianyang, and the figure who kicked Lu Xinxin's inevitable blow turned his body in the air and unexpectedly followed the trend of falling towards Lu Xinxin's sky. Step on it straight.

Ren Jingcheng was caught off guard and was instantly submerged by the bullets of the fire machine. His whole body was constantly beaten back and stiffened. Sun Jianyang was a little better. After all, he himself was behind the bunker. After receiving a few bullets, he woke up, shrank his body behind the bunker, and dodged the saved bullets.

Lu Xinxin became the most unlucky one. The rigid judgment of such a big move as "Dragon Ba Broken Heart Strike" can be said to be super long. In the face of the foot that fell from the sky, he couldn't do anything and was kicked in the head.

The power of that foot was very great. A powerful character like Lu Xinxin was kicked to the ground at once. At this time, everyone found that the person who kicked the dragon head and kicked Lu Xinxin was Wang Jun.

Lu Xinxin and Ma Chao fell to the ground almost at the same time, but Ma Chao got up much faster than Lu Xinxin. By the halfway up, Ma Chao's alien knife had already split into a gorgeous blue arc against him.

Ma Chao doesn't seem to want to give Lu Xinxin any chance to directly explode DP and kill.

Lu Xinxin was hit by Ma Chao's knife, and his whole body was suddenly out of his control. Ma Chao's alien knife was like a huge magnet, constantly adsorbing his body and hitting the knife body. Every time he hit it, he would be smashed by the blue arc, and the OP value also fell off. At this time, Lu Xinxin was like a top around a lightning rod, and she couldn't help rotating to withstand one lightning strike after another.

Ren Jingcheng and Sun Jianyang really want to help, but unfortunately, they are also mud bodhisattvas crossing the river.

Wang Jun did not take action, but stood aside, looking afraid that Lu Xinxin would escape under Ma Chao's killing. But Ren Jingcheng and Sun Jianyang alone felt that they could not cope with it. They finally understood that the fire machine had always been playing with them and had never taken it seriously.

At this time, the double fire flash bombarded Ren Jingcheng and Sun Jianyang like a fort. All kinds of combat skills came out. After dealing with the attack on the other side, the two of them were in a hurry and exhausted. Originally, Ren Jingcheng and Sun Jianyang were still far away, but under the attack of the fire machine, Ren Jingcheng did not know what happened and gradually moved closer to the place where Sun Jianyang was hiding.

Ren Jingcheng is not stupid. He knows that he has been completely controlled by the attack of the fire machine, which is not a good phenomenon. Now the two of them can disperse the firepower. Once the two come together and the target is concentrated, the fire machine's attack is bound to be more fierce, but he What can he do now? He really has nothing but run towards Sun Jianyang under the pressure of the fire machine.

On the other side, Lu Xinxin finally saw the OP value under the torture of Ma Chao's killing move, fell to the ground and turned into a black shadow, and was killed out.

Seeing this scene, Ren Jingcheng and Sun Jianyang regretted it. They regretted too much and regretted their mistakes. The fire engine obviously dug a trap waiting for them to jump in, and they really jumped. They not only jumped but also fell half to death. Now that Lu Xinxin is out, Ye Xiaoqian is automatically a substitute, but can only these two people support for such a long time? This is really an unknown number...

The audience outside the field will not understand the depressed mood of Ren Jingcheng and Sun Jianyang. In their opinion, the Rovers team's counterattack is really wonderful. From the moment Wang Jun directly broke the move and kicked the "dragon bully heart attack", the fire machine and others directly dominated the game, whether it is the long-range fire suppression of the single gun of the fire machine or Wang Jun The flying change action kicked Lu Xinxin, and Ma Chao's unhesitating explosion of DP to directly kill their opponents showed that they deserved to be the first team in Donghua District - the three giants of the rapid team.

And most importantly, the fire machine did not disappoint the fans who had been supporting them. They spoke with the facts. They were the strongest in Donghua District. They could resolve any danger and hit their opponents hard.

"What an amazing reversal!" Xiaofeng also spoke at the right time at the moment when Lu Xinxin lay down. The passers-A team thought that they had caught the flaw of the Rangers team and wanted to kill Tianhu in one breath, but they didn't want to be used by the Rangers team. Not only did they fail to achieve their goal, but they also lost a person on their side.

"Yes, I didn't expect that the fire machine would dig such a big pit waiting for the passers-by A team to enter." Li Xiao nodded and sighed.

"From the beginning to the back, the Wanderers team is really an old trick!" Xiaofeng followed and sighed.

"They did a good job of fire engines, and even I went blind. It seems that the fire machine not only taught a lesson to the newcomers of the A team today, but also an old guy like me has been deeply educated. Li Xiao laughed a few times and said self-deprecatingly.

Is this the end? Ren Jingcheng struggled to dodge the bullets of the lighter and looked at Wang Jun and Ma Chao, who had turned around and rushed towards him and Sun Jianyang, with a deep sense of powerlessness.

With a flashing fire machine not far away, it was like a human-eating beast in the eyes of Ren Jingcheng. No matter how hard he tried, how much he struggled, and how unwilling he was, he was just played by him in the end. Everything before was just waiting for the cat-and-mouse game to be dismantled.

A lot of pictures suddenly flashed in his mind. The surprise of seeing Ye Xiaoqian at the police station, the surprise of entering ShowTown for the first time, the excitement of the first battle, the hard training in the official game hall, and Xiao Ou's dedicated teaching... The chaotic pictures couldn't help stirring in his mind, one after another, as if it were endless. Suddenly, the picture settled down. He looked hard. The picture was Ye Xiaoqian holding his hand tightly before the start of the game. At that moment, his heart was calm...

Is it over? Of course not...

Suddenly, Ren Jingcheng, who was suppressed by the fire machine and was almost desperate, moved. His movements were so fast and light, as if a feather suddenly blew up. This feather fluttered and fluttered in the air, relaxed, free, unrestrained, unrestrained and unrelated.

At this moment, the loud gunfire disappeared, and the bullets all over the sky slowed down. Ren Jingcheng didn't know how he did it. As soon as he rushed, he penetrated through the bullets that were more dense than the bees. His left and right hands subconsciously raised the eagle pupils, and the previous sense of stagnation of firing at the same time disappeared. His hand seems to be telling him what to do. He doesn't need to think about it or worry. Everything just needs to be done according to the book.

The eagle's pupil roared at the same time, as if the eagle flapped its wings and soared in the clear sky. His left hand pulled the trigger. The eagle's pupil sounded six times in a row, and the "hexagonal shooting" shot six bullets aimed at the critical point of the fire machine and flew away. Ren Jingcheng's right hand turned, and the muzzle of the gun was aimed at the Wang Jun who rushed over, and he could not allow him to hesitate. Eagle Tong had made a decision for him, and the iconic disorderly shooting of "randiscriminate" suddenly flashed. As for Ma Chao, Ren Jingcheng did not consider it and intuitively told him that Sun Jianyang would help him deal with it.

The fireman looked at the six flying bullets, and his eyes suddenly tightened. He was stunned. He never thought that Ren Jingcheng could fight back under his intensive suppression, and he chose so well when he counterattacked, just when he was halfway through the recruitment and wanted to make another move.

The damage of "hexagonal shooting" is as high, and all the hits can reach six times the damage. The fire machine is the same as Ren Jingcheng's speed type. He absolutely can't afford such a high damage. The fire machine hurriedly canceled the attack that was about to shoot and twisted his body to dodge, but the sequelae caused by the forced cancellation of the attack made him move. It slowed down a lot. Although he had tried his best, the fire engine was still hit by three bullets. Fortunately, he avoided the key point and only took away his 1000 OP value.

And Wang Jun was not so lucky. He was too close to Ren Jingcheng. When Ren Jingcheng's muzzle was aimed at him, he had no time to react. Coupled with the inertia of rushing forward, Wang Jun was just right into the "randiscriminate" bullet group, and nearly 30 bullets hit him. On the body.

The sound of "crackling..." sounded like a bean, hitting everyone's ear drums. In reality, Wang Jun must have been beaten into a sieve. Although it won't be like this in the game, it's almost the same. "Indiscriminate shooting" does not have the effect of forced rigidity, but there is no stiffness effect when so many bullets are piled up together. When it was almost done, Wang Jun naturally couldn't afford it. He retreated one after another and withdrew more than ten meters away in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the blue arc suddenly exploded, and the violent energy was like a thick ice-blue fog that instantly wrapped Ren Jingcheng's whole body...