Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 60 Send him to the hospital

Tao Na panicked all the way. In fact, she didn't remember the route very well. She ran and stopped, looked for the east and looked for the west, and finally found the direction.

"That's over there!" Tao Na pointed forward and gasped.

Ren Jingcheng and others raised their eyes and found several figures standing on two sides not far ahead.

It was the fire machine standing on one side. At this time, his clothes were a little ragged, and there was a tear in the corners of his eyes. His trousers were covered with dust, there was a shoe print on his thighs, and his coat was also stained with a lot of dark red blood, and a man at his feet was moaning in pain on the ground, obviously What's the point of being hit by the fire engine?

On the other side is a scar-faced young man with an iron tube. Next to him stood a man in a blue coat, looking at the fire machine with fierce eyes. As for the fourth person in Tao Na's mouth, they didn't see it. They didn't know whether he was knocked down in the alley by the fire engine or had left.

The arrival of Ren Jingcheng and his party soon attracted Sheng Langyuan's attention. He turned his head and glanced at them, raised a faint smile at the corners of his mouth, and handed the iron pipe to the man in blue beside him.

"Brother Fan, you are really a good man. You are as brave as you used to be!" Sheng Langyuan slapped twice and praised the fire engine.

"Sheng Langyuan, don't talk nonsense. If you want to beat me, if you want to leave, get out quickly." The fire machine said coldly.

"Brother Fan, why are you in a hurry? We haven't seen each other for so many years. Why don't we get close?" Sheng Langyuan looked up to the sky and said.

"Then come and see if I can waste you as I did back then!" The lighter hooked his finger and said.

"Brother Fan, don't talk so much. It's not sure who will ruin who. Why, forget the pain when the scar is healed!"

The words of the fire machine obviously talked about Sheng Langyuan's pain, but his face was like sinking water, and his tone of speech instantly fell to the freezing point.

"Then try it!" The fire machine raised its chin slightly and said contemptuously.

"Forget it, you have a lot of people. That's all for today. I'll have fun with you when I have a chance." Sheng Langyuan sneered and glanced at Ren Jingcheng.

"Get out!"

"Why don't you get out of here, shameful thing!" Sheng Langyuan shouted at the man lying on the ground and moaning.

The man hummed a few times, stood up with difficulty, staggered past, and the man in blue hurriedly took a few steps and held him.


Sheng Langyuan coldly spit out a word, turned around and led his hands and left, but after a few steps, he stopped again, turned his head and stared at the fire machine.

"Brother Fan, you'd better be careful from today. Boss Luo is very unhappy. If he is not happy, others can't be happy. You know this better than me."

After saying this, Sheng Langyuan turned around and left again.

Seeing Sheng Langyuan's figures disappearing from sight, the fire engine shouted "Ouch", his body crooked, fell to the ground with his buttocks, and grinned.

This scene shocked Ren Jingcheng and others and ran over in three steps and two steps.

"Brother Fan, Brother Fan, are you all right!" Ren Jingcheng said anxiously.

"It's okay, I'm fine." The fire machine endured the pain and pulled out an ugly smile, "It's really old. Now I can't stand a little skin injury. I think I was in the wind and rain, and the knife was on my neck without blinking."

"Xiaofan, what are you talking about!" Xiao Ou, who was also caring next to him, frowned and scolded.

It can be seen that the fire machine has great respect for Xiao Ou, and he smiled twice and stopped talking.

"Yes, Jian Yang, Brother Fan, where is Jian Yang?"

Ren Jingcheng suddenly remembered that their purpose of coming here was not only for the fire engine, but also for Sun Jianyang.

"Over there, in the alley!" At this time, the fire machine also suddenly reacted and struggled to get up, pointing to the dark and narrow alley next to it.

Ren Jingcheng was about to run to find Sun Jianyang, but he was very worried about the hard appearance of the fire engine and became in a dilemma.

"I'm here to find your friend." Xiao Ou held the rickety fire engine and said to Ren Jingcheng.

Ren Jingcheng nodded and asked you. He turned around and ran to the alley crazily. Ye Xiaoqian also pulled Lu Xinxin and hurriedly followed.

As soon as he entered the entrance of the alley, Ren Jingcheng saw a man lying on the ground with ragged clothes and scars all over his body. Maybe his body was too painful, and his body twitched every few seconds.


Ren Jingcheng shouted, hurriedly squatted down and turned Sun Jianyang over.

At this time, Sun Jianyang was already in a semi-coma. How could he hear Ren Jingcheng's words, but his lips trembling and repeated some meaningless words.

At this time, Ye Xiaoqian and Lu Xinxin also rushed over. Looking at Sun Jianyang's devastated and miserable appearance, they covered their hands on their mouths and let out a soft scream, followed by tears flowing down.

"Fuck asshole!"

Lu Xinxin only felt a burst of suffocation in her chest and trembled with anger. She couldn't help looking up to the sky and swearing.

"Call an ambulance!"

Ren Jingcheng didn't know how Sun Jianyang's injury was and didn't dare to touch him. He was afraid of causing any secondary injury and sequelae. He just turned his head and told Ye Xiaoqian.

Ye Xiaoqian sucked her nose and hurriedly took out her mobile phone. She was about to press the emergency number when a faint voice came from Sun Jianyang's mouth.

"I can't... can't... call an ambulance..." Sun Jianyang said with difficulty, but the voice was almost extremely low.

"What are you talking about? You can't call an ambulance if you are so seriously injured!" After listening to Sun Jianyang's words, Ren Jingcheng thought that his brain was confused and roared.

"I... I... are fine, I can't call... ambulance, otherwise the game... will be cancelled... will be disqualified..." Sun Jianyang gasped and said intermittently.

"Damn it, when are you still thinking about the game? You really want to die!" Lu Xinxin roared loudly when he heard the words. He couldn't even wait to punch Sun Jianyang again to see if he dared to talk nonsense.

"Call, call!" Ren Jingcheng decided to ignore Sun Jianyang's words and urged Ye Xiaoqian to say.

Ye Xiaoqian nodded and pressed the number in her hand.


Sun Jianyang said anxiously and tremblingly. As soon as he said two words, he coughed violently because of excitement.

Looking at Sun Jianyang's appearance, Ye Xiaoqian didn't dare to press the number again. She looked at Ren Jingcheng in embarrassment and waited for him to pay attention.

"I drove here. You carried him to the parking lot, and we will take him directly to the hospital." At this moment, Xiao Ou, who came late with the lighter, interrupted.

"Don't go... don't go to the hospital!" Sun Jianyang continued to struggle.

"This matter is not up to you. I know you are afraid that you will call the police when you go to the hospital, but it's all caused by yourself. Since you are afraid of involving everyone, you should be honest. Now that something has happened, you must have the courage to accept any result calmly. They are your teammates and your friends. You are a whole. You let them watch you suffer. Do you want to be a hero or abuse their spirit?" Xiao Ou frowned and saw that Sun Jianyang's lifeless appearance was also quite raised, and the words blurted out.

"Let's go to the hospital with him on our back!" The fire engine made the final decision.

This time, Sun Jianyang didn't say a word more.

Ren Jingcheng agreed and went to help Sun Jianyang. He didn't think that Lu Xinxin rushed over.

"I'll do it. I'm not as smart as you, but it's better than you!"

Lu Xinxin blocked Ren Jingcheng and took the lead in carrying Sun Jianyang up.

At this time, a series of sirens came to everyone's ears, and everyone was shocked and looked at each other. If the police are involved at this time, they really don't want to compete. Even if they are not disqualified, they will not be able to leave the police station in a short time.

"Why don't we explain it?" Su Yuqing said.

"No, look at the injury on Xiaofan's body, and then look at this one here. It can't be explained clearly." Xiao Ou shook his head and said negatively.

"What should I do?"

"I'll stay to deal with them, and you go around from the side." Tao Na, who had never spoken, suddenly said, "I will say that the people who fight have run away. There are blood stains here, tools to beat people, and the police I called, they will definitely believe me."

There is no good way for everyone at the moment, so they can only agree with Tao Na's idea.

"I'll stay, too. My father is a policeman. Our family is in the family home of the Public Security Bureau. In case I know someone, it will be easier to talk." Ye Xiaoqian lowered her head and thought about it, and also said.

Ren Jingcheng wanted to say something, but was stopped by Xiao Ou.

"Oi, let's go, or it's too late." Xiao Ou said.

Ren Jingcheng focused on Ye Xiaoqian, stabilized Lu Xinxin's sad Sun Jianyang, and the group quickly left.

Not long after they left, three policemen in * turned from behind the bushes.

Ye Xiaoqian and Tao Na winped at each other and greeted each other.

The journey went well, and Ren Jingcheng and others quickly sent Sun Jianyang and the fire machine to the hospital.

In the emergency room, Ren Jingcheng and Xiaoou sang together to deal with the doctor, while Su Yuqing and Lu Xinxin took care of the injured two.

After a round of examination, there is nothing wrong with the fire engine. Except for skin trauma, there are contusions of muscles and soft tissues. As long as you don't exercise vigorously these days, there will be no problem to rest.

As for Sun Jianyang, he also breathed a sigh of relief. His injury was not as serious as it seemed. Although his body was scars, and the blood holes beaten by iron pipes one after another, fortunately he did not hurt his bones and internal organs. It seems that Sheng Langyuan left points. I'm afraid that things will get bigger.

However, Sun Jianyang's right wrist and left ankle are not so lucky. The doctor's meaning is very clear that there is no problem with the bones, but muscle tear and slight damage to the ligament must be plastered and rest for two to three months.