Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 62 The Past of the Fire Machine

Ren Jingcheng listened to the fire machine narration silently and did not dare to interrupt at all.

"At that time, there were only nine people in our team. As the initiator, I naturally became the captain, and Sheng Langyuan became the vice captain because of his excellent technology.

"At first, we got along well and were very energetic. Everyone practiced hard in order to enter the professional circle, trained hard, and did not let go of any game in order to become famous. However, there will be problems over time.

"It takes more money than we think to become a professional club. The training venue, equipment, daily accommodation, meals, and transportation costs needed to participate in the competition are overwhelmingly pressed against us, and the bonuses for playing some amateur games can't be met at all."

"With only a year of support, the team has been fragmented. In the end, only me, Sheng Langyuan and three girls named Xiaozhu are left. At this time, Xiaozhu advised us to give up, but I really didn't want to. I was still struggling to support it. Sheng Langyuan suggested that we go outside to find funds.

"His suggestion is equivalent to selling the team we built. Naturally, I don't agree, but Sheng Langyuan won Xiaozhu and was rejected mostly through my opinion. The only thing I can do is hope that Sheng Langyuan can find a boss who respects us enough.

"A few days later, Sheng Langyuan found a boss surnamed Luo. When introducing Boss Luo, he said that Boss Luo has made a lot of investments in some small and medium-sized professional teams, but he still hopes to build a rich professional club by himself, and also brings a very detailed * investigation.

"We were already very loud in amateur circles at that time. In that era of lack of management of professional clubs, it was very simple for us to transform into professional clubs with a large investment. For me, Sheng Langyuan brought irresistible **. I just looked at the * investigation brought by Sheng Langyuan and agreed to Boss Luo's capital injection.

"At the beginning, everything went well, and Boss Luo's funds were quickly in place. We began to recruit and actively prepare for the new season of the professional league."

"After about two months, Boss Luo suddenly told us that he had found a team to play a friendly match with us. The competition system was the same as the professional league, singles and team matches. He said that this team was made by a good friend of his, and he wanted to compete with us, which was also a training.

"I can't ask for this proposal, and it can also be regarded as a test of the team."

"We won that game. It was very difficult. In the end, we won. The next day, Boss Luo gave me a check of 100,000 yuan in the name of a reward, and everyone in the team received checks ranging from 30,000 to 50,000 yuan.

"We are naturally happy to have so much money, but just after I made a new training plan, Boss Luo found us another friendly match. Although I was a little unhappy with the game so quickly, I still agreed. We won that game again, and then Boss Luo handed us another check, but the amount was not so exaggerated.

"Just as we wanted to calm down and train well, Boss Luo found another opponent. The game is so dense that we don't have time to train. This time, I raised an objection to Boss Luo and wanted to pause it, but Boss Luo said that the game is also a kind of training to support the battle.

"Of course, I scoffed at his theory. The team was not running in well, and many problems were exposed in the first two games. Such a loose team can't enter the professional league at all. Even if it barely enters, it will never be far away."

"Unfortunately, my opinion is nothing under Boss Luo's silver bomb attack. The players have long been stimulated by his bonus and can't find the east, west, north and south. Coupled with Sheng Langyuan's incitement, they finally decided to go to the game. We still won that game. This time, in addition to checks, Boss Luo also funded us to travel abroad.

"There is no denying that his methods are very skillful. At that time, although I was dissatisfied with the fact that he had been delaying the training by arranging the game, I still respected him very much. I even think that he may do this because he doesn't know how to train and manage professional teams. There should be no problem when we have time to talk to him.

"Ha ha, I'm too young and naive. After returning to China, Boss Luo immediately informed us that we were going to fight again. At that time, we were all very tired, but we could not object to thinking that the money going abroad was all from Boss Luo. As a result, we lost that fatigue battle very badly.

"Boss Luo showed greatness, without scolding or complaining, but only a few words of encouragement. To be honest, I am relieved. But the next day, he called me to the office to give me a list and told me that he had found some people to replace a few people on the list and asked me to talk to them to give up the contract voluntarily, and he would give them a severance pay. If you lose the game, the boss will definitely blame some players. I saw that these people are all substitutes or reserve players, and it doesn't matter at all, so I agreed to his request.

"Of course, these people were very unhappy and even made a scene in the training room. I had a headache and ended the training ahead of schedule. I wanted them to think about it and continue to persuade them the next day. Unexpectedly, they came to my room together that night and promised to give up the contract.

"The people Boss Luo found to replace them were very strong and gradually replaced the main force of the team. After that, the games arranged by Boss Luo became more intensive. Sometimes he even had to play three or four games a day. If he wins, he will get a bonus. If he loses, he will drive away a few people, and then he will find a few more to fill them.

"After the start of the new season, except for me, Sheng Langyuan and Xiaozhu, all the rest of the club were kicked out and replaced by Boss Luo's own people."

"At that time, I didn't find any problems at all, and I was still looking forward to how brilliant I could create after participating in the professional league."

"However, just as I was ready to start my debut in the professional circle, Boss Luo suddenly told me that the team's professional qualification was rejected by the league committee, and we did not qualify for the league at all."

"I was disappointed and angry about this, and impulsively wanted to ask the league committee. As a result, it was not completed under the dissuasion of Boss Luo and Sheng Langyuan. Boss Luo even said that we should train hard. He has asked several committee officials that we will definitely qualify for the league next year.

"But the more I think about it, the more angry I am, the more extreme my thoughts will be. I felt that the officials of the league committee didn't know who took the benefits and gave our quota to others. In addition, the idea that a * case broke out in the league committee at that time became more entrenched.

"Just when the procuratorate posted a notice to meet the masses for evidence, I went to the procuratorate and sued the situation and my suspicion."

"Three days, the longest three days of my life in 19 years."

"Three days later, I received a letter from the procuratorate, which was very simple. It was found that the situation I responded to was fictitious, and the Rangers Club had not submitted any application for league qualification."

"Ha ha, I haven't submitted it. These four words alone ruined my efforts and dreams for nearly two years. At that time, I was confused and my mind was blank. I had no other ideas except to ask Boss Luo. I really want to ask him why he destroyed all my expectations. However, Xiaozhu happened to come to me that day and stopped me, saying that it would be better to investigate everything clearly.

"You probably guessed it too. Boss Luo turned out to be a banker in a black market gambling competition. His only purpose of helping me form a team is to play a black game. He didn't think about submitting any professional league application at all. With the replacement of the players in batches, now the whole team except Xiaozhu and Sheng Langyuan are all his people.

"In the face of such a situation, I can't imagine it, so I went to Sheng Langyuan and Xiaozhu to discuss it. Unexpectedly, Sheng Langyuan generously admitted that he had already known the identity of Boss Luo. He laughed at my dream as too illusory and unrealistic. As a professional player, he could not earn the money he could make in the black game in his life. He also admitted that he bet on every game and used us as his gambling tool.

"At that time, we had a fierce conflict. Xiaozhu was also injured in that conflict. After being admitted to the hospital, he cut off all contact with us. I haven't seen her for so many years."

"Later, I took the initiative to quit. Before leaving, I reported Boss Luo's bullying us to help him play the black game to the Public Security Bureau, destroying the Wanderers team established by myself."

"In an investigation by the Public Security Bureau, Boss Luo was tough, * Shen only fined 100,000 yuan, and all the team members arranged by Sheng Langyuan and Boss Luo to join the team were sentenced. I was treated with probation because I took the initiative to confess.

"I thought this matter was over, but when I joined the Jiantian City Club and was ready to start again, Sheng Langyuan was released from prison under the arrangement of Boss Luo and came to me for revenge."

"It's ridiculous. The two men are like a duel. They found an empty place and fought fiercely. I left the scar on his face, and he left an incurable injury on my leg."

Hearing that the fire machine had a leg injury, Ren Jingcheng could no longer calm down. He opened his mouth and was about to say something, but was stopped by the fire machine shaking his hand.

"I said, just listen to it. Don't ask."

"After that duel, I withdrew from the Jiantiancheng Club because of a leg injury. In a violent mood, I directly tore my face with Jiantiancheng. I lost my future, and even ruined the future of Yangyang."

"In the end, I'm just a loser with dreams..."

Speaking of this, the fire machine finally seemed to have a sense of relief. It was greatly relieved, and the corners of its mouth again brought a light smile full of self-deprecating signs. It looked at Ren Jingcheng and wanted to continue to say something, but ** Sun Jianyang's moan interrupted everything.


P.S: Because I have something to do today, I only have enough time to update. I'm very sorry!!