Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 67 Regional Dispute

Alang's sudden appearance surprised several people present. Especially Ren Jingcheng didn't understand why Alan, who was still talking and laughing on the stage just now, suddenly ran over. Was it specially to relieve them?

"Where did you come from?" Li Mingle obviously has a lot of hostility to Alang and has a faint sense of vigilance when he speaks, but this proves Ren Jingcheng's speculation that Li Mingle and Alang have known each other for a long time and seem to have an old grudge.

"It's so strange that you came to my territory and asked me where I came from! I also want to ask you why you suddenly came here to make trouble. Aaron raised his voice slightly.

"I'm just discussing the ideal of life with this beautiful woman. You have to talk about your territory. Why can't I come to the store you opened? Li Mingle said tit-for-tat.

"You also know that this is my store, so where are you still bragging? If Master Li doesn't let others go, others can't leave. Are you crazy!" Alan's words were a clear personal attack.

"Damn it, how dare you talk to me like this!" Li Mingle was very angry when he heard the words and raised his fist and shouted.

"Don't brag. If you really hit me, I don't know how to deal with you!" Aaron was not afraid at all, but took the first two steps and said.

"Hmm, what's the point of playing with your mouth? Why don't we practice in the game?"

Li Mingle seemed to be really afraid to do it. He put down his fist, hummed twice, and said unconvincedly.

As soon as this said, A Lang was silent in an instant. Ren Jingcheng and Ye Xiaoqian also looked at each other and shouted: No.

As long as people who often patronize ShowTown know that Alang and Aming, as bosses, are really honest. They can only say that they can't practice. No one can compare with them, but as long as they enter the game, they are similar to rookies. In addition to being abused, they will be abused.

Alang's sudden silence showed that he knew that he really couldn't do it. His face suddenly turned awkwardly red, but his mind was spinning quickly, thinking about how to not lose face and resolve Li Mingle's challenge.

At this moment, Ye Xiaoqian's mobile phone made a "buzzing" vibration. Ye Xiaoqian looked down and was surprised that it was Xiaoya who sent her a text message.

Clicking on it, Ye Xiaoqian took a cursory look at the text message, and the surprise on her face was even worse.

"Jingcheng, Jingcheng!" Ye Xiaoqian pulled and Ren Jingcheng whispered.

Ren Jingcheng looked at Ye Xiaoqian blankly and didn't know what happened to her.

"Jingcheng, you go ahead and teach that guy a lesson!" Ye Xiaoqian pointed to Li Mingle and said.

Tonight, ShowTown did not play the annoying heavy metal music, and Ye Xiaoqian did not deliberately lower her voice. This word suddenly came to Li Mingle, who was still staring at Alan.

"Oh, beauty, I'm quite confident in this little white face. It seems that I really haven't heard the name of Master Li!" Li Mingle rolled his eyes and said strangely.

"What's your name, Master Li? Let's talk about it!" Ren Jingcheng was happy and joked.

"I am the deputy captain of the Tianhe Team, the first team in Nanxing District. How about it, boy? Are you that material again? Li Mingle slanted at Ren Jingcheng and said proudly.

He was really surprised by his words as soon as he took office. C City is a more developed city of WarGame in the country. There are six administrative areas in the whole city of C. Donghua District is the strongest area in the amateur circle. It gathers the rapid team, the sky dance team, the madman team, the watermelon peel team and other well-known amateur teams in the city and even the country. , and the Jiantian City team of the two professional teams is also located in this area.

Donghua District is so strong that even if it is not deliberately targeted, the amateur teams in the other five regions can't breathe. Among these five areas, the high-tech zone is a newly planned economic zone. There are either factories or construction sites, and then office buildings in the area. There are no residents at all, and naturally there are no teams.

The Midtown, located in the center of the city, is the political and economic center of the whole city C. It is said that an inch of land and an inch of gold are cheap, and an inch of land and an inch of diamonds are almost the same. Naturally, amateur circles based on ordinary players will not come to such places, and the cost of using land is too high. Instead, the Red Scorpion Team, one of the professional teams, stood in a large place in the Midtown because the boss was a rich man in C City.

Except for these two districts, Nanxing District is the most powerful area and the area that poses the greatest threat to Donghua District.

As the scope of WarGame's influence increases year by year, there are more and more amateur teams, ranging from hundreds to less than a dozen people. Anyway, it is free to register an official team. As long as there are people, anyone can build one where there are activities. As for whether it can survive as an official censor, the game company will not Go to take care of it.

There are many teams, but WarGame needs to have a big enough place to fight. Now there are so many teams in Donghua District, and naturally it is almost saturated. On the contrary, Nanxing District is a newly planned residential area by the government, and the population has shown explosive growth in recent years. In addition, Nanxing District still belongs to There are a lot of open spaces in the area, and many places can be cleaned up casually to fight against each other, so the power of the amateur circle in South China has expanded greatly in the past two years.

The so-called one mountain does not allow two tigers. The amateur circle in Nanxing District has grown. Donghua District, as the leader of the amateur circle in C City, has been threatened and challenged. Therefore, in the past two years, there have been many wars and disputes between amateur teams in the two areas, and real-life fights are also common. Ren Jingcheng even saw a post on the Internet banging for gathering all the amateur teams in Donghua District to destroy the teams in Nanhua District.

Of course, this is a joke, but being able to say this kind of joke also shows how bad the relationship between the amateur circles in the two regions has been.

As for the Tianhe team, Ren Jingcheng also knew that * is not very simple. There was a lot of noise in Nanxing District, which not only defeated many teams in Donghua District, but also the team in Nanxing District was defeated by them a lot. Their boss once publicly said that their goal was to enter the professional league within three years, but most of them Players think it is a gimmick. After all, the whole professional league has not been expanded for three consecutive years, and there has been no upgrade. The Tianhe team is not qualified for both capital and strength. The only rapid team established by the fire machine is the most qualified to become a professional team in C city.

"Little Yajie? Why?" Ren Jingcheng returned the mobile phone to Ye Xiaoqian and scratched his head and asked puzzledly.

"Who knows! However, Li Mingle is so annoying that I guess no one in the whole ShowTown likes him, and Xiaoya just uses your hand to teach him a lesson. Ye Xiaoqian said.

"Ha ha, you are wrong. I'm not the kind of person who has nothing to do."

As this sentence came to her ears, Xiaoya pushed the door and came in.