Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 69 War to Forget Me

The map of the arena completely copied the design of the ancient Roman arena. From the appearance, it is round; when looking down, it is oval. It covers an area of about 20,000 square meters, with a maximum diameter of 188 meters, a small diameter of 156 meters, and a circumference of 527 meters. The wall is divided into four floors and 57 meters high. It is huge, majestic and spectacular. It is majestic, magnificent and amazing.

In the game, the arena is a complete appearance restored by computer technology. In order to set off the lively and fierce atmosphere of the ancient Roman arena, the game company specially virtualized 100,000 spectators on the four-story auditorium of the wall, perfectly reproducing the scene of the ancient Roman arena when the arena was held.

There is no way out for the two sides in such a map. The only thing they can do is to defeat each other.

In fact, Li Mingle was really surprised and speechless about Ren Jingcheng's choice of "death fighting", but he was just surprised. His conceited personality made him not understand what worry and fear were.

As the saying goes: the person who knows you best is often your enemy.

This sentence is very suitable for Li Mingle. As an amateur master in Nanxing District, Li Mingle, who has always regarded players in Donghua District as enemies, can be said to have investigated the well-known players in Donghua District and become familiar with them, and naturally there will be no name of Ren Jingcheng, who is almost a newcomer among these people.

At this moment, Ren Jingcheng is just a struggling bug in his eyes, using some useless tricks to scare his opponent. If it were a fire machine, he would definitely not dare to fight with the other party, but if it were an unknown person like Ren Jingcheng, he would have no scruples.

With the electron synthesis shouting: "Fight", the battle officially began.

The birth of the arena map is very strange. It does not separate the two teams of players, but appears directly in the center of the arena. This way of birth is destined to carry out the battle in the most tragic way, and it is also a special change made by game companies to match the atmosphere of the whole map.

With a flash of white light, the two have entered the field.

After the darkness in front of Ren Jingcheng disappeared, Li Mingle had taken the lead in launching the attack, clenching the hilt of the thick-edged sword with both hands and splitting straight down his head from top to bottom.

Li Mingle's this is purely a temptation, and there is no skill to speak of. Ren Jingcheng jumped back and sent back a shot back.

Li Mingle avoided the bullet sideways, took a few steps forward, and split Ren Jingcheng's right body with a blood-red cross with his sword.

"Cross Chopping": special for medium and long-range weapons. Waving the weapon draws a red cross to attack the target, causing damage with a broken armor effect, which reduces the target's defense and is accompanied by a slight bleeding effect.

The actual attack distance of "Cross Chopping" is half a meter longer than what the eyes can see. Ren Jingcheng, who knows this well, dares not use "back jump" or "roll over" to dodge, and uses "back" to flash a few meters away in an instant.

The rigid judgment of "cross chopping" is not long. Li Mingle's body can move while emptying, "rushing" over, his body is slightly lowered, and his two-handed swords are waved from below. "up chopping" has been tilted towards Ren Jingcheng's abdomen.

Ren Jingcheng had no good way at this time. Li Mingle's opening sword was so unexpected that he fell into the wind without any precautions and could only look for opportunities under being chased.

The damage of "ading" is not high, but the launch is extremely fast. Ren Jingcheng tried his best but it was still a little slower. He was hit by this sword and fell into stiffness. Li Mingle laughed and took the opportunity to hit Ren Jingcheng's leg again.

Ren Jingcheng was beaten softly on his leg and fell to the ground. Before he could get up, Li Mingle's "top pick" had hit him and made him fly high.

"Storm Cut"

Li Mingle pointed the tip of the sword on the ground, used inertia to twist his body, and rotated it quickly. The blade instantly formed a huge storm, roaring and roaring around Ren Jingcheng's whole body and throwing it high.

After a few seconds, the storm disappeared, and Ren Jingcheng also fell from the sky and fell heavily to the ground.

Li Mingle has already had the upper hand at this time. How could he let go of this opportunity, recovering from his stiffness, and once again rushed to Ren Jingcheng with a "rush".

But this time it was not so easy. Ren Jingcheng was hit by Li Mingle and looked at Li Mingle's rushed figure with burning eyes. The eagle pupil raised quickly and raised his hand with three shots.

In order to prevent the "rush" from being intercepted halfway, the game company added a random angle arc forward function to the "rush" when designing this technique to avoid the remote attack of the opposing player. However, Ren Jingcheng's three shots were too accurate, just when Li Mingle approached him and the "rush" was about to end.

When the "rush" approaches the target, the program will have a straight-line correction. At this time, the player is still under the forced control of the program and his body can't move at all. Ren Jingcheng's three shots seized this time and successfully blocked Li Mingle, who could not hide, a few meters away.

Li Mingle's body suddenly stopped and was stiffened by three shots. Ren Jingcheng could not be polite and "shoot randomly". Wasp-like bullets flew all over the sky in the blink of an eye and rushed towards Li Mingle crazily.

When Li Mingle was able to control his body again, he didn't have time to dodge, but he was tough and rushed to Ren Jingcheng again against the attack of random shooting.

Ren Jingcheng did not hesitate to forcibly cancel the "ranial shooting", and the "double retreat" flashed dozens of meters. Raising his hand was a powerful "hexagonal shot".

600% of the damage Li Mingle did not dare to stand up no matter how arrogant he was. "rolling" and "sliding step" a little awkwardly dodged, and his feet had not yet stood firmly. Ren Jingcheng put on the posture of "targeting and shooting", and a series of bullets splashed with sparks splashing at the muzzle.

Li Mingle suffered a great loss this time. He was hit by five consecutive shots and lost 1,500 OP points before he could avoid it.

He avoided it, but the distance with Ren Jingcheng was further opened. Li Mingle is no exception to find out how dangerous it is for a WarGame player to distance himself from the gunner.

Li Mingle, as the deputy captain of the Tianhe team in Nanxing District, was not a fancy man. After receiving a few more shots, he actually caught a gap between Ren Jingcheng's two combat skills. After "the breakthrough", he jumped a lot, which brought the distance between the two a lot closer.

Ren Jingcheng was also surprised by Li Mingle's magic, but the movement of his hand was not slow. A round of "speed continuous shooting" was already rushing out of the gun, and dozens of bullets lined up to spray Li Mingle.

However, Li Mingle still had a few brushes in his hand. His footsteps slipped and his body moved, drawing a large "V" shape with a series of virtual shadows, avoiding the "speed continuous shooting", and approaching Ren Jingcheng.

"Chosen", the sword light flashed and hit Ren Jingcheng's side in the blink of an eye. "Chocture" is one of the fastest combat skills. The speed of the move is super fast, and it can also cause a stiff effect when causing damage. Both professional players and amateur players will choose it to start their skills.

The speed of "chopping" is fast, but Ren Jingcheng, which can be used as a speed type, is not slow. A "rollover" is used to dodge it.

The speed of "sphopping" is as fast, and there is almost no pause. Li Mingle's second blow has been chased. In the eyes of outsiders, Li Mingle has killed Ren Jingcheng's neck while "slashing".

The sword light of the two-handed sword brought two silver-white apertures falling from the sky and put it around the neck of Ren Jingcheng, who had just stabilized. He quickly cut it twice and disappeared into the air with a piece of blood.

However, the success of the "double-ring continuous chopping" does not make Li Mingle very happy. "Double-ring continuous chopping" is also a fast move, and such combat skills cannot cause an effective stiffness effect at all. But this blow was also his helpless move. Ren Jingcheng's "slash" flashed intact and made him unable to play the combos behind him at all, but he couldn't let Ren Jingcheng go like this. Once he was pulled away from him, he became Li Mingle, so he had to subconsciously choose the fast combat skill of "double-ring chopping". I hope it can delay the action of Ren Jingcheng a little.

Unfortunately, the stiffness effect of "double-ring continuous chopping" is too low. In addition, Ren Jingcheng has tried his best to twist his body to dodge before the move. Ren Jingcheng almost seemed to be fine, and he opened the distance between the two in a blink of an eye.


Li Mingle will not give up. He flashed red all over his body and rushed to Ren Jingcheng again with the comprehensive improvement of attributes after "raging away".

Ren Jingcheng really dares not let him get close at this time. In the face of Li Mingle's defense after the "runaway", his defense is not much thicker than a piece of paper. In addition, he was knocked out a lot of OP values by Li Mingle before. If he is accidentally scratched by Li Mingle's attack, he will really be taken away by a set under the influence of the rigid effect. Even if the stiffness effect is slight, the ending will not be any different.

Ren Jingcheng concentrated his spirit unprecedentedly at this critical moment and fully burst out his speed advantage. His whole person was like a vague shadow, dodging Li Mingle's crazy attack at a very fast speed.

Li Mingle's attack is powerful. Each sword brings a large sword shadow. His footsteps move quickly, and the mud and dust on the ground are flying around. Ren Jingcheng is like an invisible ghost, either moving, moving, or hiding, never giving Li Mingle's attack a chance to get involved.

At this time, the two have completely entered a state of selflessness, and they can't see anything but each other.