Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 81 For friends, you must win

The bet on the fire engine undoubtedly made Li Mingle ecstatic. The rise speed of the amateur team in Nanhua District is beyond anyone's imagination. Especially in the past two years, the comprehensive strength has been even with the amateur team in Donghua District. If it hadn't been for the existence of the two "Donghua Double Pillars" of the Rapid Team and the Sky Dance Team in Donghua District, it was only a matter of time before Donghua District's defeat to Nanhua District. That's all.

Now Li Mingle has become the new owner of Tianhe Team. Although he can only act secretly because of the "losers are not allowed to contact WarGame" in any way in violation of the "death fight", it is undeniable that the interests of Tianhe Team have been closely related to his personal interests.

If the amateur team in Donghua District loses the rapid team, the prospect is light, and it is more appropriate to say that it is a defeat. Of course, the biggest loss of power in Donghua District is the many amateur teams in Nanhua District, and Tianhe Team, as the top team in Nanhua District, will naturally have greater development.

Li Mingle, the boss of the development of Tianhe Team, will definitely get great benefits. If he can make a profit, Mr. Li, as the leader of the Li family, will only turn a blind eye to his misappropriation of the company's funds and will not delve into it.

"A gentleman is quick to say, but you won't take what you say as a joke, will you?" Li Mingle asked suspiciously.

"Of course!" The fire machine nodded with a smile, ignored the anxious faces of Ren Jingcheng and Alang next to him, and continued, "You have to show sincerity to solve things, don't you? I'm sincere enough..."

"Big enough, of course!" Li Mingle said in a hurry with a proud arc at the corners of his mouth. That urgent look seemed to be afraid of the opportunity to repent.

Ren Jingcheng was even more anxious. He stood up and wanted to speak, but was pulled by the fire engine.

"So you agreed?" The fire machine smiled indifferently and said to Li Mingle.

"Why don't I agree with your fire machine? Agree, of course!" Li Mingle's turbulent mood calmed down a little, leaned slightly on the chair and said with satisfaction.

In Li Mingle's concept, the rapid dissolution of the team is a certainty, and he did not pay attention to Ren Jingcheng at all. That's also true. Ren Jingcheng is not a celebrity. Li Mingle doesn't know what his strength is. Although such a big bet under the fire machine also made Li Mingle feel a little vigilant, he was more concerned about how to develop the Tianhe team after the rapid team disbanded, fantasizing about the moment of future success.

Lost? Li Mingle never thought that having a former professional player like Ma Kang made him feel that this word had never appeared in his dictionary.

However, if Li Mingle knows that Jiantiancheng Club has invited Ren Jingcheng to join, I don't know if he will be so calm...

When Li Mingle left happily like a dream, Ren Jingcheng and Alan couldn't help it anymore.

"Xiaofan, are you crazy?" Alan jumped three feet high and pointed to the nose of the lighter and said directly.

Ren Jingcheng didn't say anything, but he frowned and looked at the fire machine. No one was in favor of Alan's words.

"I'm not crazy. I'm quite normal. Don't you think so?" The fire engine still smiled and shook its head.

"How can we think you are normal? You actually made that kind of bet with Li Mingle. Isn't it crazy?" After saying that, Alan paused again and said angrily, "Disband the team? Humph, you can also figure it out.

"If you lose, let Xiaojing stay away from WarGame from now on?" The fire machine shrugged his shoulders and asked.

Do you know what the three words 'play rogue' mean? Why can't he play the rogue Jingcheng? Aaron shouted angrily.

"Brother Lang is right, Brother Fan, this is my business.' "Deadfight" was originally my impulse to provoke such a lot of mess. Let me solve it. Isn't it just that I can't contact WarGame anymore? What's the big deal..." Ren Jingcheng suddenly interrupted and said sincerely.

"Oc's it, don't say anything about it." The fire engine said easily.

"Xiaofan, to be honest, do you have any other ideas to deal with my difficult cousin? Therefore, the conditions for disbanding the team are proposed. If you have it, Jingcheng and I will definitely keep it a secret!" Alan suddenly mysteriously approached the ear of the fire engine and said in a low voice.

Ren Jingcheng's eyes also lit up when he heard the words, looking at the lighter with an expectant face, hoping to hear a positive answer from his mouth.

"Of course--" The fire machine pulled a long tone and said these two words, but before Ren Jingcheng and Alan's reassuring smile appeared on their faces, two words suddenly popped up: "No!"

"Haha, of course not. Don't be so conspiracy..." The fireman looked up to the sky and repeated it again.

Alang was also a little angry when he was fooled by the fire machine like this, and he stared at the fire machine quite unhappily.

"Forget it, don't care about it, be kind-hearted as a donkey liver and lung!"

Alang snorted and said loudly. After saying that, he opened the door and left quickly.

"Brother Fan, you really don't have to do this!" Ren Jingcheng sighed and said softly.

"Xiaojing, your qualifications are very good and you have a long way to go. I believe you can shine on the World Stage of WarGame, because such a thing may bury your whole glorious future. No, it's not worth it." The fire machine patted Ren Jingcheng on the shoulder with his right hand and said seriously.

"Do you mean I will lose?" Ren Jingcheng looked at the fire machine and asked uncertainly.

"No, I have full confidence in you. But the game is not absolute. Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case you will walk a long way to WarGame for a long time. Don't be sad for the current moment. The fire machine showed a signature faint smile and said.

"It's good to win, but if you lose, it's the price of young impulse. As long as you can learn something in it, it will have its value," the fire machine paused and continued.

Ren Jingcheng nodded heavily, got up and walked to the door with some confusion, opened the door, just took a step, and suddenly turned around and looked at the fire machine with unusually shining eyes.

"Thank you! For you, my friend, I will definitely win..."

Ren Jingcheng said this sentence firmly like a rock. Without waiting for the fire machine to speak, he opened the door and left.

The fire machine took a deep breath and spit out a long breath. His eyes emitted a shining light and looked at the door for a long time and fell into meditation.


The ringtone of the mobile phone woke the fire machine in meditation. After taking out the mobile phone and not looking at the caller ID above, the fire machine pressed the answer button.

"Brother Fan, how's it going?" Wang Jun's strong local accent came from the other end of the phone.

"It's done!" The fire engine returned to the road.

Wang Jun, who was on the other end of the phone, was silent when he heard this answer.

"Brother Fan, do you have to do this?" Wang Jun sighed and asked.

"Not necessarily, but I want to do this. I want to bet on whether I can get what I want this time. I want to make the biggest bet to see if I can win this time, otherwise I will be worried and unwilling!" The fire machine replied faintly.

"I will be ready with Xiaochao. Don't worry, Brother Fan." Wang Jun said softly, "Um" and then said.

The fire machine took the phone out of his ear and hung up silently...

Ren Jingcheng didn't see Alan when he left ShowTown. He wanted to come and Alan was sulking somewhere!

According to reason, the fire machine should be under great pressure to help Ren Jingcheng make such a big sacrifice this time, but now he doesn't have it. It seems that the agreement in ShowTown just now did not exist. He is normal, too normal, and normal is no longer normal.

Ren Jingcheng knew his own affairs. He knew that he had been completely angered by Li Mingle, and his rolling anger burned his body and heart. He was not really normal. He was numb and burned to numb by anger. No other emotions could affect him, so he was so normal, because except Angry, he can no longer hold other feelings. If Li Mingle appeared in front of him now, Ren Jingcheng was sure that he would kill this bastard himself.

Li Mingle, I want to defeat you, I swear...

It was 11 p.m. when Ren Jingcheng returned home, and his mother had already fallen asleep.

When he opened the door and walked into the black room, Ren Jingcheng did not turn on the light. He felt that such a dark environment was really suitable for his inner feeling at this time. It was dark, heavy and suffocating.

Walking back to his room, Ren Jingcheng took out his mobile phone and made a phone call to Ye Xiaoqian.

Ye Xiaoqian was about to go to bed, but was shocked by the sound of the mobile phone on the desk. She muttered in her heart that she picked up the mobile phone. Seeing that it was Ren Jingcheng's, she immediately pressed the answer button angrily.

"Hey, Jing Cheng, why did you call me so late?" Ye Xiaoqian asked with a smile.

"Can we meet tomorrow? Then call Jian Yang and Xinxin..." Ren Jingcheng took a deep breath and tried not to bring out the abnormal anger in his heart.

No matter how Ren Jingcheng suppresses and suppresses his anger, Ye Xiaoqian is a ** girl and still notices something wrong in his words, but Ye Xiaoqian is also a smart girl and knows that now is not the time to ask these things.

It will be better to talk about it later...

Ye Xiaoqian keeps telling herself this...

"What's the matter?"

Ye Xiaoqian adjusted her mood and didn't want to show her worries in her tone.

"I want to rebuild our team!" Ren Jingcheng replied.

"Okay, let's have lunch together tomorrow. I will inform Jianyang and Xinxin!" Ye Xiaoqian said.

"See you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow!"

"jing cheng!" Ren Jingcheng just wanted to hang up the phone, but Ye Xiaoqian's slightly anxious cry came from the receiver.


"Have a good sleep, don't worry, think about it tomorrow and do it again..." Ye Xiaoqian finally couldn't stand it and said slowly with care.

"Good night!"

Hearing this, Ren Jingcheng showed a comforting smile on his face and hung up the phone.

That night, Ren Jingcheng slept well and didn't have a dream...