Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 85 Old Friends

The problem of training is more difficult to solve than the problem of the coach.

The coach can still find some retired professional players who are idle in society to take on the role. The training is not so simple. The reason is also simple. The coach is just one person, and the training requires six to form a team.

In the end, this problem was not solved. Escort is a high-end product, which is basically composed of second- and third-rate players who have retired from the professional circle, reserve players who have never been able to enter the starting lineup, and children who have been told that they have no talent and have to give up the dream of professional players after a period of training.

These people can be said to be marginalized people in the professional circle and the most gloomy group of people in the future. They entered the professional circle, but they were not valued, and their self-esteem, which was lower than the amateur circle of the professional circle, did not allow them to go down, so they became a group of "foreigners" who could not touch the core of the outside the professional club.

These "foreigners" form one training group after another and enter professional clubs as training partners. They claim to be people in the professional circle and seem to be superior. But the truth is that those in the center of the professional circle look down on them, and the amateur circle doesn't like them because of their arrogant attitude, which makes them become a flattering group of people at both ends.

In view of the attitude of these training groups, they will not serve the amateur team. Even if they really find the training group, they are willing to serve as training partners like Ren Jingcheng or not!

Helplessly, the matter of the training group can only be put aside and solve the problem of coach and equipment first.

The discussion has been decided, and Ren Jingcheng and Ye Xiaoqian began to call respectively.

Xiao Ou was very surprised to receive a phone call from Ren Jingcheng, and when he heard Ren Jingcheng invited him to be a coach, he was surprised to add the word "ten" in front of it. Of course, it was as an adjective.

In fact, what He Ruliang said on the phone a few days ago has made Xiao Ou uncertain for a long time, and his heart and enthusiasm for WarGame have never faded.

In order to prevent this expansion of enthusiasm, Xiao Ou had to bury himself deeply and take a completely indifferent attitude to WarGame, just like what he said to Ren Jingcheng: he hasn't touched WarGame for seven years.

However, as if jokingly, Xiao Ou accepted Ren Jingcheng, an apprentice. When he touched WarGame again, the ** that had been closed by him for seven years was like a volcanic eruption, bursting, rekindling his extinguishing heart. He really wants to regain the feeling of standing at the top of the world.

After all, the idea is an idea. Xiao Ou doesn't know if he still has the courage to face the whole world and seek adventures in the unknown future. As time goes by, this fear is getting deeper and deeper in his heart, which makes him afraid to take a new step.

Ren Jingcheng's phone call came at the right time. One question, in a word, abruptly defeated Xiao Ou's hesitant idea and gave him a reason to face a new future.

Try it...

"Okay, I promise, call me whenever you need training!"

After saying this, Xiao Ou quickly hung up the phone, as if he was afraid of saying something to repent.

Ye Xiaoqian's side is also quite smooth. Xiaoya's relationship with her is unusual. As long as she opens her mouth in person, Xiaoya has no reason to refuse.

"Sister Xiaoya asked us to go to ShowTown to find her. She is waiting for us in the studio!" Ye Xiaoqian said.

"Call Xiao Ou too. He is now our coach. He can give some advice on what kind of equipment he needs." The fire machine turned its head and said something to Ren Jingcheng.

After Ren Jingcheng finished talking on the phone with Xiao Ou again, the group moved to ShowTown.

ShowTown in the afternoon was extremely quiet, with no annoying heavy metal music, no screaming crowd, and no non-mainstream teenagers wandering at the door.

Entering the door of ShowTown, there were seven people in the lobby. In addition to the three clerks working in the bar, there were also four people sitting in front of the bar and didn't know what they were arguing about. The voice was quite low. Ren Jingcheng really didn't hear them clearly. The four people are not old enough to dress up, and they should be about the same as Ren Jingcheng.

There are five people in Ren Jingcheng. It is also a large army to appear in ShowTown during this period, which naturally attracts the attention of four people sitting on the edge of the bar. While the four people turned around and looked at Ren Jingcheng, Sun Jianyang said softly.

"Zhuo Tao?" Sun Jianyang said uncertainly.

"Sun Jianyang?" The oldest of the four jumped off the bar stool, looked at Sun Jianyang and came over, and said uncertainly.

"It's really you. I haven't seen you for a long time!" Sun Jianyang looked quite happy to see this teenager named Zhuo Tao and said excitedly.

"Yes, I haven't seen you for almost two years." Zhuo Tao said with a smile.

After all, we haven't seen each other for a long time. The two are a little strange to each other. After saying a few words like greeting, there is only an awkward smile, and the other words can't be said.

"Well, I have something else to do, I'll go first..." Sun Jianyang waved his head and signaled that Ren Jingcheng and others behind him were waiting for him, and said unnaturally to Zhuo Tao.

"Okay, okay, I also have friends over there." Zhuo Tao nodded and pointed to several other teenagers sitting by the bar, saying in an equally unnatural tone.

They smiled awkwardly at each other. As soon as they turned around, they had not yet taken the next step, and they turned back together with a tacit understanding.

"Let me have a phone number. I'll call you when I have time!" Sun Jianyang said and took out his mobile phone and handed it over.

"Okay, okay!" Zhuo Tao took the mobile phone, entered his number, and handed it back.

"Well, goodbye!" Sun Jianyang took the mobile phone, looked at the number on the mobile phone, nodded, stretched out a hand and said.

"Oh, goodbye!" Zhuo Tao reached out and held Sun Jianyang's hand and shook it twice and said with a smile.

Sun Jianyang was trying to withdraw his hand, but found that Zhuo Tao suddenly held his hand tightly, making him unable to break free. Sun Jianyang looked up at Zhuo Tao strangely, but saw Zhuo Tao looking at him with a complicated expression. His lips were about to open and close, as if he had something to say.

"What's wrong?" Sun Jianyang asked.

"Well... I haven't seen you for two years... Don't you want to ask where I went?" Zhuo Tao hesitated for a moment and said in a reproachful tone.

"Two years ago, you didn't say goodbye, and now you don't contact me when you come back. You can be a friend. You have left me and disappeared for two years. Why do you blame me now..." Sun Jianyang was dissatisfied with Zhuo Tao's rebuke, frowned and said rudely.

When Zhuo Tao heard the words, his expression became dull in an instant. He sighed and let go of his hand.

"Come here, let's have a good talk!" Seeing Zhuo Tao's appearance, Sun Jianyang felt as if he had met Zhuo Tao's pain. He secretly blamed himself and patted Zhuo Tao on the shoulder and said.

"I'll come to you later..."

He turned his head and said something to Ren Jingcheng and walked to the corner with Zhuo Tao.

Seeing this scene, both Ren Jingcheng and others and Zhuo Tao's group of friends knew that now was not the time to disturb them. They shrugged their shoulders and showed a little helpless expression, so they did what they should do and no longer care about their affairs.

"What have you been doing in the past two years?" Walking to the corner, Sun Jianyang asked questions that he really wanted to ask and hesitated for a long time.

"I went to F City..." Zhuo Tao subconsciously bit his lower lip before whispering, "I went to see my mother and stayed with her for two years."

Sun Jianyang was quite surprised to hear this.

Zhuo Tao met when he was working in a bar on Longyingkou Second Street after being expelled from school. Zhuo Tao's family is worse than him. At least he still has a relative like his grandmother, and Zhuo Tao's family is all dead. At that time, Zhuo Tao was as old as him, only 14 years old. Naturally, such a child could not do anything good under the pressure of survival. He relied on playing black games, and Zhuo Tao was a thief.

The process of meeting the two is quite dramatic. Zhuo Tao was caught by the bar owner for stealing things in the bar. The boss was also a good man. He knew that it was not easy for children in the violent neighborhood of Longyingkou Second Street, so he did not call the police and left him to work in the bar. Of course, the boss also knew that it was illegal to hire child labor, so Zhuo Tao was arranged to the kitchen to do some chores such as washing dishes like Sun Jianyang.

Later, after chatting, the two teenagers became friends, and later Sun Jianyang began to teach Zhuo Tao to play WarGame. What he didn't expect was that Zhuo Tao's talent was no worse than him. He soon made a little reputation on Longyingkou Second Street, and also became a partner in the black market gambling competition with Sun Jianyang.

One day two years later, Zhuo Tao suddenly disappeared without any messages or clues, leaving only his savings for two years.

Longyingkou Second Street is a dangerous place, where there is nothing to surprise about the inexplicable evaporation of a person. Whether it is Sun Jianyang or other people in the bar, even Sheng Langyuan and Boss Luo, they all thought that Zhuo Tao was involved in some trouble and destroyed his body after being killed.

No one expected that this person would appear again in two years...

In fact, Zhuo Tao's disappearance made Sun Jianyang heartbroken for a long time. In his understanding, Zhuo Tao has replaced the fire engine and become his brother. Like his grandmother, he was his family, but this family suddenly lost news, and the biggest possibility is that he was murdered. The 16-year-old Sun Jian Yang is undoubtedly a huge blow.

And now, this person appears alive in front of his eyes again, and Sun Jianyang's mood is complicated. In fact, he really wanted to beat Zhuo Tao and breathe a good breath, but every time he thought of Ren Jingcheng, the faces of the fire machine and others would appear in his heart to stop his reckless behavior.

Sun Jianyang knew that Zhuo Tao's position in his heart was no longer so important. This former brother is now just a friend, because he has a more important brother. This person who disappeared for no reason two years ago and had no news has faded with the passage of time.