Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 99 The aftertaste of the second round of the league

There were two rounds of the professional league, and the successive defeats of the rich teams is an unimaginable event. Even Ren Jingcheng, a player who does not support any club, was speechless and shocked after seeing such a result.

In the evening, he also discussed with the fire engine and others on QQ to explore which play these rich teams are playing. Unfortunately, even the fire machine, which has always been regarded as a Pepsi, does not understand. In his opinion, there is no reason for these giants to lose. After all, other teams in the league can never be suspended in just two months. Suddenly, the strength has soared several times or even dozens of times. In this way, the reason is that these rich teams.

If you watch the game carefully, you will find that the strength of the players in the rich team is still there, but I don't know why they can't grasp it at the critical moment. They are either fast or slow. Instead, they will be seized by the opportunity to fight a round of sharp counterattack.

There are many people who can see the problem, but no one knows why this problem occurs. It can't be a collective stomachache, and there is no disgusting reaction every time it comes to the critical moment!

No one knows what the rich team is doing. Speaking of each result, the strangest thing is that some of the IDs of the most cheerful insiders turned off without saying a word, which makes people have infinite reverie.

After quarreling on the forum for several hours, both brain-damaged fans, ordinary fans and no fans were very tired. They went offline to rest one after another, and the forum was temporarily quiet.

But everyone knows that this matter is endless, and the media reports the next day are the big head. This problem is absolutely hotter than the sun overhead in summer. These rich families can't take off a layer of skin.

Sure enough, Ren Jingcheng passed by the newsstand the next day and saw that the front page of the newspaper was squeezed out of half of the place to report the defeat of the WarGame professional league giants again yesterday.

After buying a newspaper, Ren Jingcheng turned over and found that there was nothing new about it. In addition to reporting the results and process of last night's game, the most important content was various incredible conjectures about the defeat of the rich teams. Finally, he pointed out that the rich teams should give all fans a friendship. Dai, you can't lose so clearly. I think it's irrational for the rich club to refuse to explain together and refuse to interview.

After reading it twice, Ren Jingcheng felt that the reporter who wrote this report was a little too shameless. He really regarded himself as the uncrowned king. It was full of accusations and complaints about the refusal to interview the rich team. Finally, he even called on everyone to resist the monopoly of the (harmonious) rich team's playoff quota and changed it to support it. The small club looks like a mad dog with a stick, biting people everywhere.

Ren Jingcheng doesn't know how many people will agree with this reporter's point of view, but he knows that this reporter probably won't have anything to do with WarGame's report from now on.

Shaking his head, Ren Jingcheng threw the newspaper into the trash can next to him. This is not something he should consider now.

No matter how many people shake their heads and sigh for the losses of the giants one after another, it is more important for Ren Jingcheng in the eleventh round of today's challenge. Besides, he is not very interested in the professional league, and it has nothing to do with him whether he loses or not.

However, because of such an unexpected event in the professional league, all the people's eyes have been diverted. The C City Challenge has still suffered a small impact. At least there are very few spectators today, just 30 or 40 people, just a few days ago. Hundreds of thousands are completely incomparable.

There is a shortage of spectators, and the contestants participating in individual competitions have almost been eliminated, so the competition venue seems unusually empty, which makes Ren Jingcheng, who has been used to the lively these days, feel a little uncomfortable.

At 9:30 a.m., the eleventh round of the challenge officially began. At this time, the remaining players were not available, and the game was going fast. After waiting for half an hour, it was Ren Jingcheng's turn to play.

Ren Jingcheng's opponent is also a little famous, but he is obviously out of state today. The normal battle is like sleepwalking. He was killed by Ren Jingcheng almost without fighting back, and it took only more than a minute.

And he is not the only one who is out of state today. The field has been cold one after another, and many well-known amateur players have been eliminated by opponents who are weaker than him, making the atmosphere of the whole field a little strange.

Seeing this situation, Ren Jingcheng also scratched his scalp strangely and didn't understand what had happened. Is it possible that the failure of the rich club is still an infectious disease? It infected so many people overnight, so that they can't exert their strength in the game?

Of course, the statement of infectious diseases is just a joke, but the reason for the failure of these people is really inseparable from the impact of the defeat of those rich clubs, especially the Jiantiancheng Club rooted in C City.

As a local professional club in C City, Jiantiancheng Club's reputation far exceeds that of other teams in the league. Although there is also a Red Scorpion Club in C City, Red Scorpion is very different from Jiantian City in terms of seniority and record.

Jiantian City is an absolute idol worshipped by most players in C City, but this idol now shows signs of collapse. The performance of Jiantiancheng in the first round of the professional league made many players very dissatisfied, but Jiantiancheng won at least one when other giants were defeated, which is more or less a comfort to fans. At least they can say that September flowers are worse than them.

But in the second round, Jiantiancheng lost to a third-rate team in the professional league, and the loss was extremely ugly, which made many players unacceptable.

At this time, most of the people who competed on the field of the challenge were fans of Jiantian City. They were puzzled by the defeat of Jiantian City. Especially in the first round, Jiantian City was the only rich team that was not defeated, which made them have the illusion that Jiantian City was still the former Jiantian City, and did not What has changed? As for the question of who the opponent was that night, the fans of Jiantian City naturally ignored it.

However, three days later, the game finally gave a head-on blow to the fans of the Jiantiancheng team. They were dizzy and rejected this fact at the bottom of their hearts. After all, Jiantiancheng used to only lose to other teams belonging to the same rich family, at most to the second-rate team when they were in poor condition, but this time they lost to A third-rate team ranked few in the league, which makes fans feel embarrassed.

It is a desperate way to challenge in this state of soullessness. Therefore, the challenge held this morning was not wonderful. Many well-known players were out, but some guys who had never even heard of their names entered the twelfth round.

Other people's poor state did not affect the people of the passers-by A team at all. Ren Jingcheng did not care about the professional league and had a strong psychological quality. This little thing could not affect him. Sun Jianyang had an instinctive rejection of the professional league after being added to the blacklist by the professional club. As for Ye Xiaoqian, she was strangely not affected. What's the impact? He simply killed his opponent and advanced to the twelfth round.

After the previous 11 round, the number of participants has been reduced to 204, and these people will be regrouped again for the 12th round.

The list of matches has actually been arranged by computer programs for a long time. After a simple confirmation of the conference-like draw ceremony in the afternoon, the twelfth round of the game began. This time, the lucky goddess stood on the side of the passers-by team again, and the four people were still divided into different groups, at least they would not meet until the next redraw.

The situation in the afternoon is better, most of the players have regained their state, and the game is also very wonderful.

Ren Jingcheng's opponent is a girl from a team called Soft Water. This team is still quite well-known in City C, the main reason is that all the members of the team are girls, a team composed of pure girls.

The tender water team is different from Su Yuqing's Silver Light Dance Troupe, which is just a team temporarily formed by a few friends for fun. Soft water is an orthodox amateur team with as many as 90 people. This number does not seem to be large, but the largest team in the amateur circle is only 300. It is already an excellent achievement that the pure girl team like water can have nearly 100 people. After all, the girls who play games are compared with men in total. There are dozens or even hundreds of times fewer births.

Excellent is not only the number of people in the team, but also the strength of the members of the team themselves.

For example, Ren Jingcheng's girl code-named Xiaobei in front of the game is quite famous in the amateur circle in C. In addition to her fierce combat effectiveness, the most important thing is the characters and weapons she uses.

The role of Beauty Beck is a strength type that girls rarely choose, and it is also a heavyweight power type that focuses on strength and physical strength. Coupled with the giant knife in her hand, it is difficult not to attract people's attention, not to mention her giant knife is quite historical.

The knife in the hand of Beauty Beckham is called the Heart of Slaughter. The bloody name also means that the origin of this knife is indeed extraordinary. This knife was once held in the hands of a nearly legendary amateur player. The game ID of that man was called Thousand People. In his two-year WarGam career, he only did one thing, which made a large group of players still worship him ten years later.

What he did was like his game code name - a thousand people.

In two years, thousands of people have traveled all over the country to challenge a thousand well-known amateur players, none of whom have been defeated. Finally, they have successfully confirmed the name of thousands of people, and the name of the weapon he has been holding has also been praised. Yes, that weapon is the heart of slaughter in the hands of Xiaobei...

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