Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 101 Beauty Beckham's defeat

In principle, it is not wrong for Ren Jingcheng to open the distance from the melee as a long-range attack gunner, but there is a sne smile on the corners of Xiaobei's mouth covered with a mecha mask. For nothing else, she just feels that her opponent is too stupid and knows that she will use the special needle of "air chopping" The fighting skills of the gunners are also life-threatening.

Is Ren Jingcheng really stupid? Of course not. Doesn't he know that Hongyan Xiaobei will use "air chopping" to deal with him, but it's two different things to use and use it.

"Air chopping" is an advanced combat skill, but one of the disadvantages of this combat skill is that the preparation time is slightly longer, and the preparation time means that there are many flaws. Although the opportunity to catch the flaws varies from person to person, the flaw proves that this move is not unmanageable.

Ren Jingcheng also did the same. At the moment when the beauty Xiaobei raised the heart of slaughter again and chopped again, the eagle pupil roared wildly again, and the two eagle pupils in the left and right hands used "randiscriminate shooting" at the same time, and hundreds of bullets were densely gathered into a ball, killing Xiaobei like a wasp.

Beauty Beckham's "air chopping" is really disgusting this time. In the face of this, which is perfect in terms of speed, angle and strike range, the "air chopping" can no longer be used, and what's more disgusting is that "air chopping" can't be canceled independently like all advanced combat skills, even so. It was difficult for her to stop. Xiaobei knew how fast the bullets flew in the game, and the "air chopping" could never be released.

Beauty Beckham is like a wooden stake. All the bullets shot out were hit, and none of them fell. Compared with the strength of the heart of slaughter, her armor is much worse. The OP value of 8,000 points can only be said to be moderate, and at this time, the DP value of the eagle pupil in Ren Jingcheng's hand has been adjusted by Xiaoya. It has reached 9,000 points. Under the pressure of a high value, the OP value of Beauty Beckham directly collapsed, and 3000 points abruptly.

Ren Jingcheng's name of "shooting randomly" also breathed a sigh of relief. The DP value of the heart of slaughter is too high. Although just now, only one air blade hit him and took away the 2500 OP value of the armor. If all four air blades are hit, they can directly take him away. .

The heart of slaughter is really like the Monkey King's golden staff. If you touch it, you will be injured, and if you smash it, you will die. It is by no means affordable.

Beauty Xiaobei was seriously injured, and her cold face was even more frosty. A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Ren Jingcheng fiercely, looking like she couldn't wait to tear him apart. Fortunately, Ren Jingcheng couldn't see the appearance of Xiaobei because of the mecha mask, otherwise he had to be scared. It was no different from meeting a devil on the road.

After that, the battle between the two was slightly glued. The power of the slaughter heart was too strong and Ren Jingcheng did not dare to let Hongyan Xiaobei get close at all, while Hongyan Xiaobei did not dare to use it again because Ren Jingcheng directly cracked her "air chopping" last time, so the scene on the scene was a little subtle. The man ran in front of him and the woman was He chased after and circled several times around the whole martial arts arena, but no one hurt anyone.

The time has passed, and the battle has been going on for more than five minutes. The remaining time has been less than four minutes, but Xiaobei is a little anxious. Her OP value percentage is slightly behind Ren Jingcheng. If it goes on like this, she will definitely be defeated by the system.

Time was involuntary. Beauty Xiaobei also knew that she couldn't wait and decided to gamble. Taking advantage of the opportunity of a dead angle when Ren Jingcheng turned around, Hongyan Xiaobei held high the heart of slaughter and waved down. "air cut" came out again, and the four blades of air made a sound of wind breaking through the air. Attack on Ren Jingcheng.

This blow of "air chopping" was a little hasty, and neither the power nor the speed were satisfactory. Ren Jingcheng also found this, and his body dodged left and right so that the four blades of air did not even touch the corners of his clothes.

But Hongyan Xiaobei did not intend to do anything to Ren Jingcheng. After swinging the "air cut", Hongyan Xiaobei turned her feet and twisted her waist, which led the whole body to rotated quickly and rotated three times, just like a hammerball event in track and field, throwing the heart of slaughter to Ren Jingcheng not far away.

Of course, this loss is not a random loss. In WarGame, there is a name called "Breaking the Sky Whirlwind".

"Breaking the air whirlwind": Use the inertia of the rotation of the body to throw the weapon in the enemy, so that it can rotate in the air for a few seconds and produce an adsorption effect. Then the weapon will return to the hands of the caster by itself. The damage caused is determined by the number of times the weapon rotate in the air. The higher the damage.

Ren Jingcheng was proud to avoid the "air chopping" smoothly at this time. How could he think of a huge shadow flying towards him with a huge roar.

The heart of slaughter is too big, and the power is like a fighter flying in the air. It's strange to be involved in it and not be strangled into pieces.

Ren Jingcheng was also a little panicked. The biggest feature of "breaking the sky whirlwind" is the adsorption feature, which made his plan to turn around and escape become a bubble. Now the only choice is "double quick retreat".


Ren Jingcheng flashed the attack range of "breaking the air whirlwind" with "double retreat". He was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but he didn't want to be suddenly hit by his lower abdomen. Ren Jingcheng's body bent forward in disobedience. As soon as he bent down, he saw a black thing in front of him slammed his forehead.


With a muffled sound, Ren Jingcheng's originally bent body suddenly straightened because of this blow, and his feet staggered two steps unsteadily. At this time, he finally understood what was going on. Xiaobei obviously made two-handed preparations. "Breaking the air whirlwind" is one hand. Even if he can't hit it, he can be forced to use "double speed retreat". After that, as long as he waits in the position where he retreats. After all, the distance of "double speed retreat" is not controlled by him, and it is easy to be The heart catches.

Ren Jingcheng figured out that there was not necessarily a way to deal with it. At this time, the speed of the empty-handed beauty Beckham's move became very fast. Although it could not be compared with the balance as the speed type, it could also cause a lot of damage in the process of Ren Jingcheng's reaction.

Ren Jingcheng, who was hit in a row, seemed to be used to the speed of Hongyan Xiaobei's move and was ready to brew a counterattack. Xiaobei was very ** aware of this. His two long legs danced in turn, bowed left and right, and Ren Jingcheng's body kept swinging from side to side with a set of "meteor series kicks".

After kicking this kick, Beauty Xiaobei did not love to fight and retreated directly. Ren Jingcheng was about to fight back, but saw that the heart of slaughter ended the rotation time of "breaking the air whirlwind" and just returned to the hand of Beauty Xiaobei. The momentum of the beauty Xiaobei with a knife in her hand was raised again, and the heart of slaughter danced crazily and killed Ren Jingcheng's fearlessly. Go.

Ren Jingcheng really can't afford to provoke the heart of slaughter, and the prepared counterattack was also forced to stop. Therefore, the scene of you chasing me, the front and the back of the male and female were staged again on the martial arts arena, but this time the person who was anxious was changed to Ren Jingcheng.

In fact, the empty-handed beauty Beckham seems to attack fiercely, but it really does not cause much damage to Ren Jingcheng, only 700, but this value makes Ren Jingcheng's OP value percentage lag behind Hongyan Beckham.

This is not good news. There are only more than three minutes left. Ren Jingcheng knows that he must bring back his inferiority, otherwise his individual competition will really come to an end.

However, thinking that it is easier and difficult to do, more than a minute has passed, and Ren Jingcheng has not found a good opportunity to fight back.

Ren Jingcheng kept warning his anxious heart to be calm, patient and wait, because he deeply understood that the more he was at this time, the more he could not be in a hurry, otherwise it would be himself who revealed the flaws. He repeated this sentence in his mouth. He was afraid that he would really be desperate and impulsively went directly to find red. Yan Xiaobei fights to the death, impulsiveness is the devil!

In the end, Ren Jingcheng's patience was not in vain, and the turnaround appeared 25 seconds before the end of the game.

I don't know if Xiaobei was distracted by the end of the game, or whether there was a god to bless Ren Jingcheng. There was a short disconnect between the two movements of Xiaobei. This disconnection is just a blink of an eye, and it can't be found in ordinary times.

But at this time, all the spirit of Ren Jingcheng is on Hongyan Xiaobei. Not to mention such a flaw, even Ren Jingcheng can see it no matter how subtle the Hongyan Xiaobei moves.

The flawed Xiaobei also secretly shouted that it was not good. It was still too late to repair his action. Ren Jingcheng has been looking for opportunities for so long, and the counterattack plan brewing in his heart is even more familiar that he can no longer be familiar with it. How can he give Xiaobei any chance?

The eagle pupil roared, and the bullet quickly cut off the action that Xiaobei tried to make up for, and then two bullets hit the key point of Xiaobei's eyebrows and heart, causing him to be paralyzed for three seconds. Usually, such an ordinary attack can't hit Beauty Beckham at all, but at this moment, she has been confused, and coupled with the pressure of Ren Jingcheng, she finally got caught.

Three seconds is very short, but it is enough for Jingcheng to break out, and the "explosive DP" directly uses the killing trick "flowers"...

At this time, Ren Jingcheng's "flowers" have been used more excellently. In just a moment, one ice-blue delicate flowers have exploded on her body. Compared with the previous "flowers" at this time, they are more specific and clear, and also make the cold flowers more gorgeous and eye-catching, just like eyes. In the past, there were really many flowers blooming one after another, and one cluster after another blooming angrily. What's more valuable is that there is a feeling of drifting out of dust.

When Ren Jingcheng controlled the eagle pupil to fly in the air and outlined a huge ice-blue rose with the traces of the blue energy blade under the barrel, everything was over...

In the 12th round of the individual knockout of the C City Challenge, Ren Jingcheng, the captain of the passers-by A team, defeated Hongyan Xiaobei, the first attacker of the tender water team, and was promoted to the final thirteenth round of the knockout round.

(I got up early today, and it was updated early, and it's less than 10 o'clock! Please click, collect, and ask for red tickets. If you like my work, please don't be stingy. Thank you + thank you!)