Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 105 Rules of the Game

The palace worker saw that everyone around him's attention was focused on him and showed a meaningful smile.

"The reason why everyone is divided into two teams is that these 32 card readers are not found and can be used, but require a small activation program." Gong Gong shook the card reader in his hand and said.

"Activation program?"

"Yes, this program is concentrated in your competition cards. However, everyone should pay special attention to one thing. In order to activate the program, you must use a waste card. The palace worker's fingers subconsciously pointed forward and continued in a strengthened tone.

"What is a waste card?" Some of the contestants asked questions that many people wanted to ask.

The waste card is the competition card on the contestant who was killed. Once the player is killed, the activation program on the competition card will be automatically opened. At this time, the player who kills the other party has to do one thing. Take the waste card to a place on the map, where there will be a machine and a slot on the machine. Every time a waste card is inserted, a card reader is activated, so a total of three are needed. Twelve waste cards. The palace worker explained.

"In addition, the time interval between these 32 waste cards inserted into the machine cannot exceed one minute, otherwise all the waste cards previously inserted into the machine will be automatically locked, and the card reader will not be activated, and naturally there will be one less place for promotion. So the best way is to collect 32 waste cards all the time, and then activate all the card readers at one time, and then the ownership of the card reader can be solved by everyone!" The palace worker paused for a moment and said again.

"Well, according to what you mean, the number of places to advance to the group stage is not necessarily 32? What about the rules of the game? Suddenly, a voice came out of the crowd and asked.

"Ha ha, that's right. Thirty-two people are just a plan, but in fact, my intention is to only 16 people. As for the rules, WarGame is a very competitive game. The rules are just obstacles to competition and can be completely ignored. The palace worker nodded and admitted righteously that he just ignored the rules, and put an expression on his face what you could do to me.

When everyone around heard this, they looked at each other in surprise. Unexpectedly, the seemingly polite palace worker was so deviant and arrogant.

"Yes, there is one more thing to remind everyone." Gong Gong raised a finger and shook it and said with a gloomy smile, "The competition time is only four hours. As long as the game is over, if no one can insert the card into the card reader when the time comes, it will be eliminated!"


"All eliminated..."

"Just kidding!"

As soon as Gong Gong's words fell, the contestants around him suddenly exploded, and their faces showed both surprise and anger.

"There is no such rule in the rules. If you ignore the rules like this, we will sue the challenge committee and the game official." Some people obviously have a lot of opinions on this rule and shout loudly.

"If you are not satisfied, you can quit. No one will force you." Gong Gong's coldly stared at the player who protested loudly and said lightly, "Don't blame me for not reminding you. I'm fully responsible for this challenge. Even the head office can't control it. What I said is the rule. If you are not convinced, you can go to sue and see what they will say."

As soon as this came out, the voice of everyone's discussion sounded again, like a vegetable market.

Ren Jingcheng was thinking about the information revealed in Gong Gong's words and felt that this game would not be as simple as Gong Gong Gong said, and there must be some tricks in it.

"What do you think?" At this moment, the fire machine next to him touched Ren Jingcheng and stretched out his head and asked in a low voice.

"I don't have any opinion, but I just feel that it won't be so simple inside." Ren Jingcheng pondered for a moment and replied.

"Yes, that guy said it was a group match, but in fact, it was still an individual match..." The fire machine nodded and agreed.

"How to say?" Sun Jianyang next to him didn't figure out what the palace worker was going to do. Hearing the words of the fire machine, he quickly interrupted and asked.

"There are two problems that he didn't make clear." The fire machine lowered his eyes slightly and looked around and found that there was no one around them, but he still lowered his voice a little more uneasly and continued, "First of all, he didn't say whether the same group could attack each other, but only said that he wanted to collect 32 waste cards, that is to say, it is likely to kill his teammates in the same group. The waste card is also counted..."

The second question is about the activation of the card reader. It's unfair for unlucky players to get the card reader. In order to balance this, they will definitely do something on the card reader, which makes it absolutely difficult for the person who keeps the card reader.

Ren Jingcheng, Sun Jianyang and Ye Xiaoqian suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment after listening to the explanation of the fire machine, and deeply felt that the fire machine was right.

The team formation is just a cover. In fact, it is still an individual match, and this individual match is extremely cruel. In order to compete for the line-up, many members of the same team's promotion in the third round may have to stage a tragic drama of fratricate.

"The game is about to start. Does anyone want to quit now? I'm infinitely welcome..." Gong Gong waited for all the contestants to discuss for a while and suddenly shouted.

However, his sentence is in vain. He has come this far. No matter how dissatisfied he is with the new rules, no one will quit. After all, I know that the next game will definitely be a melee scene. Such a scene is most suitable for one thing, that is, fishing in troubled waters...

Seeing that no one said they wanted to quit, the palace worker immediately showed a look of disappointment, sighed and whispered a few words to the young man next to him, and left the simple room.

"Fuck father-in-law!"

As soon as the figure of the palace worker disappeared at the door, some of the players cursed.

It's just that there are few respondents to this sentence, and some people despise the scolders very much. You didn't scold when you were there just now, and now people are gone and pretending to be big garlic!

"Please prepare here. After walking out of the gate, the system will randomly scatter you to the map." The young man took over the work that the palace worker had just said and said loudly.

"Which map is it?" Some of the players asked.

"The map of this competition is urban attack and defense..." the young man said.

As soon as the contestants made a "buzz" again, they discussed it one after another.

Urban attack and defense is not an official map, and its origin should be traced back to more than ten years ago.

At that time, the game company that made WarGame was full of confidence to sell this real-life virtual technology to the military around the world, but the military of various countries did not buy it. In their opinion, they already had a real place to train, why did they need virtual scenes?

The game company did not give up and found a player who often made a map of urban attack and defense for WarGame to make a demonstration. Unfortunately, the military of various countries still made that argument, and finally made the game company sell like the military completely fail.

* The plan of real-life virtual equipment has failed, but maps such as urban attack and defense have been circulated through some channels. As for the way, there is also a lot of speculation. Some say that the game company deliberately leaked it, and some say that the map maker released the map. The most reliable thing is that WarGame enthusiasts in the army spread it. Of course, rumors are always rumors, and no one can get conclusive evidence to prove it in the end. How did the map come out?

Urban attack and defense is a relatively special map. First of all, it is large, larger than the Donghua District Workers' Stadium now surrounded. It is said that the whole map can accommodate 200,000 people to play at the same time, but no one can confirm that the virtual environment of this map has relatively strict requirements, because the surface The volume is too large, so many buildings are needed as reference objects, otherwise the virtual generator cannot (harmonious) normal virtual map scene.

Combining these two points, it seems quite appropriate to use the map of urban attack and defense as the map of the competition at this time, but it is not necessarily good news for the contestants. This map is so big that there is no chance to play at ordinary times. In fact, this map has only appeared three or five times in history.

If you don't play at ordinary times, it means that no one will study this map specially. Even professional players are the same. It can be said that all the contestants present are the same strange to this map, and they are likely to be blinded when they enter the map.

"Where is the machine that activates the card reader?" As the voices of the contestants gradually lowered, another question was asked.

"This is confidential and needs to be found by yourself! And the location of the card reader is also confidential, so don't ask any more..." The young man replied. too tricky!

Listening to the young man's answer, the contestants roared in unison.

Since there is the word "city" in urban attack and defense, it represents that the biggest feature of the map is that there are many buildings and more natural rooms. According to incomplete statistics, there are about 500,000 rooms in the size of the whole map, plus some corners, inconspicuous holes, sewers and so on. The palm-sized card reader is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack, and the time is only four hours...

Now everyone understands that he had no intention at the beginning and never thought of letting the contestants advance to the group stage.

Therefore, there were many abusive voices in the whole simple room, almost overturning the whole house. Some people threw out conspiracy theories, thinking that the "son-in-law" must have been sent by other divisions to destroy, and wanted the C city contestants who had always been strong in the Brilliant Cup not to participate in the national competition.