Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 107 Tracking Card Reader


With the roar of the explosion, the Terminator's whole body was blown into pieces and scattered all over the ground.

Ren Jingcheng put away the eagle pupil and looked at the countless metal fragments on the ground and breathed a sigh of relief.

It is much more difficult to kill this metal skeleton robot called Terminator than Ren Jingcheng thought. Its attack mode is a little simple, but its speed is extremely fast. Coupled with the super dodge reaction to combat skills, it makes people feel extremely tired both mentally and physically.

It took Ren Jingcheng ten minutes to kill the Terminator, which greatly exceeded his expectations. Ten minutes is not long, but all his time is only four hours. During this period, he not only has to find the card reader like looking for a needle in a haystack, but also to find a machine to activate the card reader, and also to avoid the contestants who deal with the red team. It really can't be wasted a minute or a second.

However, it's okay to take some time to kill the Terminator. Once the target is locked, it will be entangled endlessly. Even if Ren Jingcheng escapes far away, the Terminator can lock his position anytime and anywhere with the help of the system god. Isn't it bad if it suddenly jumps out when fighting against other players? To the extreme.

Ren Jingcheng took a short break, took a special look at the radar, and found that the sound of the Terminator explosion just now did not seem to attract the attention of other contestants, so he was relieved to leave.

As soon as he raised his foot and didn't step out, something on the ground suddenly attracted Ren Jingcheng's attention.

It's a square thing, black and looks like a smartphone.

Ren Jingcheng withdrew his footsteps, squatted down, reached out and grabbed it in his hand, looked up and down, and found that it was more like a tablet shrank to the size of a mobile phone, but there was no button on it.

Suddenly, the change suddenly occurred, and the thing in Ren Jingcheng's hand swayed left and right. Ren Jingcheng was shocked and was about to let go. The thing actually stretched out eight slender metal needle-like legs like arthropod insects in the blink of an eye, and then unexpectedly bounced and jumped high.

Ren Jingcheng, who couldn't figure out what the current situation was, was a little panicked. He didn't know if he should kill this thing, but before he made a decision, the thing had fallen on his left forearm. Ren Jingcheng shook his arm in shock and wanted to throw it out. As a result, the eight metal legs of the thing were like nails. Zi generally nailed Ren Jingcheng's little arm and was not moved at all.

And the more terrible was still behind. After a long time, the two pairs of the eight metal legs suddenly danced together and pierced Ren Jingcheng's lower arms. After being fixed under Ren Jingcheng's skin and flesh, the other two pairs of metal legs were also rooted on his forearm.

How can Ren Jingcheng not be scared in the face of this strange horror movie-like situation in front of him? At this time, he can only break out in a cold sweat and warn himself in his heart that he is in the game, which is not reality...

Although Ren Jingcheng was extremely reluctant to see what happened to his arm, he still raised his left forearm in front of him under the trend of strong curiosity. It didn't matter, and his whole body became dull.

At this time, a screen suddenly appeared on his forearm, showing a map, and a small green dot on the map couldn't help flashing.

Ren Jingcheng's brain is unusual. After turning around, he understood what he had just got. This thing should be a tracker. As for what is being tracked, it is said that it is the card reader.

No wonder the game is only limited to four hours. The card reader with the existence of this thing on the whole map is not secret at all. As long as you search according to the scanned range, you can find the card reader.

This thing also verifies the statement of the fire machine. It is not difficult to get the card reader, but how to keep it. After all, with this kind of tracker, the person who gets the card reader is completely transparent and can't hide it. This tracker is completely a tool to cause conflicts among the contestants.

Thinking of this, Ren Jingcheng also understood that there is not only one way to eliminate this game, but four ways.

First of all, the pursuit of Terminator. The overall strength of this robot is better than that of players. Coupled with the inability to use team skills, it makes them a veriter. Although the players participating in the competition are good, those who are slightly weak in the single-player battle accidentally overturned and were directly eliminated.

Because the card reader needs to be activated with a waste card, it is bound to cause an extremely fierce conflict between the red and blue teams. There are only 51 people in a team. It is not easy to collect 32 waste cards, and it is inevitable to lose people on both sides in the fight. Whether you can collect 32 waste cards is an unknown difficulty.

The next step is to compete with each other for the card reader. As the fire machine said, there seems to be no rule in the rule that they cannot attack the same teammates. Those who get the card reader should not only beware of the interception of the other team, but also pay attention to the fact that their teammates will attack him at any time, and all of this has become easier because of the existence of the tracker. It's tragic.

Needless to say, no matter which team activates the card reader, a scuffle is inevitable. Even if there are 32 people left, this kind of struggle may not appear. After all, according to the palace workers, it is obvious that the more contestants are eliminated in this link, even It is better not to play the group round-robin points competition.

Ren Jingcheng didn't think that what Gonggong said was just to deliberately scare them to make the game more intense, but there is no way to prove that he deliberately played with private rights and deliberately tricked them. After all, there are many crazy people with extreme ideas in the world, and this kind of highly logical people are more likely to be refined. God's problem.

In fact, Ren Jingcheng (Harmonious)'s real idea is that what the palace worker said is half true and half false, and it is impossible to eliminate all of them, but it is still possible to eliminate a few more players to shorten the schedule of the group stage. After all, four people in each group round robin is quite a long time and cost. There are only a few rounds less. Now the global economy is not optimistic. It's better to save a little!

But everything is taken for granted. Who knows what agreement the organizer of the challenge and the game company have reached, and what tricks are in it?

What was clearly implanted in his arm was a tracker. Ren Jingcheng suddenly calmed down and looked carefully at the map displayed by the tracker and found that the card reader was not far from his current location.

Ren Jingcheng thought about it and decided to go and have a look. Although retaining the card reader will become the target of everyone at the beginning of the competition and making the situation quite dangerous, the opportunity is always taken early, and the advantages are accumulated little by little.

I made up my mind to run to the location of the card reader.

The road is not peaceful. At least three terminators appeared on Ren Jingcheng's radar, but Ren Jingcheng has a lot of wisdom and knows that they are not limited by sight. It is useless to hide. With the help of the system, as long as they are within their warning range, they will definitely be found and the best way to deal with them. The way is to bypass far ahead and avoid the scanning of the alert range.

There is no danger. Ren Jingcheng came to the front of a ten-story building. This building looks quite interesting. From the appearance, it can be seen that it is probably an office building, but the style is very old-fashioned, not as fancy and changeable as a modern office building, integrating art and merit.

According to the prompt of the tracker, there is a card reader in this building, and as for which room needs to enter the tracker in the building to be displayed.

Ren Jingcheng was about to walk into the office building, but his heart suddenly jumped, and a bad feeling violently hit his brain. Ren Jingcheng believed in his intuition and rushed forward without thinking about it, because he knew that no matter what happened, he could only figure it out by rushing into the building to find a hiding place.

This move undoubtedly saved Ren Jingcheng's life. As soon as his feet left the place, there was a deep and dull sound. A hole with thick fingers appeared on the ground. Without looking at Ren Jingcheng, he knew that it must be a bullet hole.

It was targeted by snipers...

Ren Jingcheng thought while running. At this time, he was still some distance away from the gate of the office building. Knowing that there was a sniper Ren Jingcheng, he immediately began to run the "Z" route to interfere with the opponent's aiming.

The sniper obviously did not intend to give up. He fired bullets one after another at Ren Jingcheng. The shooting speed of the sniper rifle in the game is much faster than in reality. Although the bullets that can be fired by only one person can completely top three or five people in the display.

The strength of this sniper doesn't look good. He fired a total of 27 shots, but he didn't hit a single shot. He was run into the door of the office building smoothly by Ren Jingcheng.

With the cover of the building, the sniper can do nothing but wait patiently.

Ren Jingcheng, who was hiding in the building, was not idle. Looking at the feedback information on the radar, he silently calculated the distance and position of the sniper's shooting. He wanted to find a way to kill the sniper. After all, it was not reassuring that he took the tracker and was targeted by a sniper.

After calculating for a long time, Ren Jingcheng found that this person shot about 800 meters away, with an angle of about 23.5° northwest.

came to a conclusion, and Ren Jingcheng decided to verify it and hide his body. Ren Jingcheng stretched his head to the gate of the office building and looked around.


With a gunshot, a bullet shot at Ren Jingcheng's forehead.

All this was under Ren Jingcheng's control. While the gunfire sounded, Ren Jingcheng's head had shrank back.


When the sniper saw that the shot was not hit again, he immediately cursed angrily.

But what he didn't know was that the shot just now had made Ren Jingcheng accurately estimate his position, and the relationship between the hunter and the prey was about to be reversed.