Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 111 is coming to an end

The group battle that broke out in front of the government building was actually not fierce. Although the red and blue teams had their own injuries, in general, all the contestants did not work hard, and none of them were serious.

In the final analysis, whether it is the red team or the blue team, they are not real teammates. They are always competitive. It is impossible for them to fight with each other wholeheartedly, especially those players with card readers, but also need to beware of the enemy team, but also need time to pay attention to their own team. People will be even less active.

Ren Jingcheng is also one of them. He only turned around the periphery of the battle circle and found a place that was not easy for others to detect and wanted to avoid it for a while.

The melee happened quickly and ended quickly. In the end, the red and blue teams did not take advantage of it. They left a few people to be eliminated and withdrew one after another.

However, on the whole, the blue team where Ren Jingcheng is located has a slight advantage, because they have actually gathered 32 waste cards to activate the card reader, while the red team is a little unlucky, missing two, and the blue team won the final victory in this melee.

As there are two sides, good news and bad news follows. The bad news is about the card reader. Just as the two teams were fighting, the remaining two card readers were also found, and they were the same person. This person was either someone else or Ma Kang.

After all, Ma Kang is a professional player who has just retired. If he participates in the melee and seems to be suspected of bullying, he is also very arrogant. He really did not participate, but silently dug out the remaining two card readers, otherwise the Blue Team may be in danger this time.

In a word, now that the card reader has been found, and 32 waste cards have been collected. However, on whether to activate the card reader, the blue team is full of discussion and their opinions cannot be unified, and the blue team is instantly divided into two factions.

If they have a card reader, they naturally want to activate it later, so that their security will be higher. If they don't have a card reader, they hope to activate it now, because at that time, both the red team and the blue team are bound to have a scuffle for the card reader. Under the muddy water, they will have the hope of getting the card reader. Point.

Of course, there are also some people who think everything is good.

The blue team is noisy here, which does not mean that the red team will be idle, especially Ma Kang. He has been promoted when he bought the card reader. At this time, the only thing to do is to activate the card reader. It can be seen that the blue team has not moved for a long time, and he decided not to wait patiently.

So, Ma Kang began his solo hunting operation.

At this time, the people of the blue team are not far from the government building, which is very good news for Ma Kang. Ma Kang's methods are much better than those in the amateur circle. One after another, the people of the blue team were ambushed and eliminated. When the people of the blue team woke up during the discussion and found this situation, everything was already After too late, the Red Team actually gathered 32 waste cards by relying on Ma Kang's efforts.

Soon, the announcement that the card reader was activated spread to the ears of the 40 players who remained on the map. After the announcement on both sides, the team status of the red and blue teams was immediately lifted, and everyone became individuals.

This is lively. Players with card readers fled crazily, and players without card readers began to chase crazily.

Really speaking, 32 card readers are actually not scattered. For example, Ma Kang has two, and he is still few. Some people even have three or four, so strictly speaking, there are actually less than 20 players with card readers, that is, half of the players do not have card readers.

And players who save multiple card readers have no intention of giving up. After all, everyone is a competitive relationship. Without a card reader, one less person will advance to the group stage, and the fewer people there are in the group stage, the greater their chances of continuing to enter the 1/8 game.

At this time, there is still an hour before the end of the game. This time is not short or long, but it is hard for everyone. Of course, people with card readers are nervous, careful, highly concentrated, and people without card readers are not safe, because people who also do not have card readers sneak up and hunt. They hope to reduce their competitors.

At this time, the form of the whole map is changing rapidly between killing and being killed, and no one is safe.

The goddess of luck no longer takes care of Ren Jingcheng this time. At this time, he has been targeted by two people. These two people are not the same guys before. They are partners of the same team. One has a card reader and the other does not. Their purpose is obviously the one on Ren Jingcheng.

Both of them are from an unknown team. Ren Jingcheng has also seen the situation of this team in the old editor's notebook, but at present, these two people are far above the average level of that team, especially their cooperation makes Ren Jingcheng a headache.

Two people have a powerful melee and a balanced long-range. The melee restrains Ren Jingcheng in front and is responsible for the main attack. Under the bag of the two people, Ren Jingcheng's OP value drops sharply and is supported bitterly.

Ren Jingcheng tried to break through several times, but they failed under the tacit interception, and also tried to attack one of the two people with all their strength, but they did a better cover for each other, but Ren Jingcheng still failed.

Looking at the OP value that has fallen by 3500 points, Ren Jingcheng is really anxious. Is it really going to be here today...

Thinking of this, Ren Jingcheng (Harmonious) really wanted to give up and be captured, but God seemed to deliberately fool him, and a fast "charge bomb" suddenly hit one of them at this time.

The two people who besieged Ren Jingcheng, the game code name of the melee is Ma Hou Cannon, and the long-range code name is called Cannon Hou Ma. Looking at the name, you can tell that the two often play together. No wonder they cooperate so tacitly and so smart.

The one attacked by the "chargeable bomb" was the long-range gunback horse. This "chargeable bomb" hit very well, which was the moment when the gunback horse raised the gun in his hand and wanted to attack Ren Jingcheng. The advantage of "charge bomb" is that it is fast, the range is long, and the hit is high. Naturally, the horse has no time to attack Ren Jingcheng. He must protect himself first.

As soon as the attack of the gun stopped, Ren Jingcheng's side revealed a gap. Ren Jingcheng, who had been oppressed and breathless, was overjoyed to see this gap. Without thinking about it, he flashed along this gap and let the attack of the rear cannon fall into the air.

I was also surprised by the failure of the rear cannon. I don't understand why the gap that should have been filled by the rear gun appeared empty, but before he came to his senses, Ren Jingcheng's attack had arrived.

The eagle pupil roared and the bullets of "speed continuous shooting" lined up in a straight line and attacked the rear gun.

How could the rear gun think of Ren Jingcheng's counterattack so quickly? It was immediately hit by the "speed continuous shooting". The damage of "speed continuous shooting" fell second. The most terrible thing is its continuous stiffness effect. The rear gun can't help leaning back and wants to avoid it.

The rear horse of the gun was also uncomfortable. After the "chargeable bullet" interrupted his attack, then another "penetrating bomb" flew. The interval between the two attacks was too short. The horse behind the gun could not escape, and then it was hit by the "penetrating bomb" in the chest and fell to the ground.

Coincidentally, the rear cannon was also hit out by Ren Jingcheng's "fast continuous shooting" and then hit the "hexagonal shooting", and unexpectedly hit the rear horse that had not yet got up.

A pair of brothers and brothers stood up, but there was a sharp sound of bullets breaking through the air.

Years of tacit cooperation made the rear cannon step in front of the rear horse without thinking. The beginning is "block" and wants to block the bullets flying from the air.

The idea is good, but the action is stupid. At this moment, he completely forgets that the enemy they are facing is no longer alone. He just exposes the back of the gun to Ren Jingcheng.

Ren Jingcheng will not let go of this low-level mistake. His hands kept pulling the trigger of the eagle's pupil, and the bullet instantly danced a deadly dance and shot at the rear of the gun.

After the gun, the horse was suddenly attacked and the OP value fell sharply, and the horse gun failed to block the bullet, not because he did not block it, but because the shot was a "shock bomb".

"shock bomb": for heavy firearms, it shoots a bullet that can vibrate continuously. The bullet can ignore all defensive combat skills, directly hit the target, and cause stun damage.

"shock bomb" is a very special combat skill. Although it has a special effect, the damage is not low at all. The only disadvantage is that the rate of fire is very slow and easy to dodge.

In fact, the back cannon does not stop this "shocking bullet". He and the back horse can safely avoid it with their own ability, and even a hair will not be hurt, but he is biased. He is not only injured, but also affected by the broken armor effect of the "penetrating bullet" by Ren Jingcheng hit a set of moves. , OP value is the direct frequency critical point.

At this time, the horse had no power to fight again. It was sent out of the game by Ren Jingcheng several bullets in a row, and only the horse gun was struggling to support it.

After that, like the previous replica, the cannon quickly collapsed after the siege of Ren Jingcheng and unknown people. Although he tried hard to escape from the clutches, unfortunately, he did not practice enough and was finally put to the ground by a "burst bomb" and eliminated.

Ren Jingcheng picked up the card reader that fell to the ground after being killed. Looking up, he saw a figure running towards him quickly and fixed his eyes. This person was Sun Jianyang.

Because they were not in a team and the two could not speak, Sun Jianyang had to go closer and point to the card reader in Ren Jingcheng's hand and waved again.

Ren Jingcheng nodded clearly and threw the card reader over.

Sun Jianyang grabbed the card reader and grinned happily.

At this time, it is only 23 minutes before the end of the game...