Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 114 Battle Sweetheart

Although the substitutes of the Sound of the Wind and Sands team rushed to the battlefield quickly, the game has entered the endgame, and even if he has the ability to fight against the sky, he can't change the result of the game.

After three minutes of garbage time, the whole game ended, and the passers-by A team defeated the Wind and Sand Sound team in 44 seconds and advanced to the third round of the team knockout round.

The opponents of the passers-by A team in the third round became worthless again, full of strength and strength. Under the oppressive play of Ren Jingcheng and others, they surrendered in just three and a half minutes and were defeated.

After the passers-by A team finished this round of the game, the first day of the team knockout match was all over, and the passers-by A team successfully entered the fourth round.

The next day, the game continued, and the opponents of the passers-by A team were the Sweetheart Team.

This team is like a tender water team. It is also one of the most distinctive teams in C City. The tender water team is a pure female team, and the sweet friend team is a couple team. The team is full of male and female friends or couples. The number of people is not large, but it is very popular in City C.

The sweet honey team is played by three men and three women. Looking at their game code names, you can know that they are three couples.

The name of the Sweetheart Like Honey Team is slightly grandiorous, but its strength is not great. It is definitely much better than the Wind and Sand Sound Team.

The characteristics of their team are also obvious. No matter what the situation is faced, they act in pairs, help each other, and never fall alone.

After a simple test, Ren Jingcheng and his team began the opening battle at the eastern foot of the volcano in the middle of the map.

The fighting style of the Sweetheart Ruomi Team is also very interesting. Both of them cooperate, one defense and one attack, the advance and retreat are well-founded, and cooperate with each other, so that Ren Jingcheng and they also have to fight in a 2VS2 way.

At this time, the shortcomings of the lack of tacit understanding of the passers-by team were fully exposed. Wang Jun and Ma Chao are fine. After all, the two are very familiar with each other and have cooperated for a long time, so they can still draw with the other party; Ren Jingcheng and Lu Xinxin are slightly worse, and they will not lose if they reluctantly support them. The most worrying thing is the fire machine. And Sun Jianyang.

Although Sun Jianyang's heart knot on the fire machine is gradually untied, there are always pimples, and the fire machine also feels that it owes Sun Jianyang, so he is always a little scared when facing him.

It's too difficult for such a worried two people to deal with a couple who have a good relationship with each other. It is not an exaverse to say that they will retreat.

Six people are divided into three groups for a breathtaking fast-paced battle. Although their respective situations are different, the development trend is not very optimistic for the passers-by team.

Three minutes later, the front line of the passers-by A team began to gap from the combination of fire engine and Sun Jianyang, and a few seconds later it completely collapsed.

Ren Jingcheng did not expect such a situation, but he also reacted quickly and immediately gave instructions to let everyone gather and retreat.

This decision was right, but it encountered a little trouble in its implementation. It was still the combination of the fire engine and Sun Jianyang. At this time, the two have completely fallen into the control of each other, and they can't get rid of the entanglement of the couple with all their strength.

The opportunity to retreat is fleeting, and time cannot be wasted. As soon as the fire machine gritted its teeth, the two fires flashed and "scattered" shots. Dozens of bullets seemed to fly around aimlessly and messy, but all the bullets miraculously wrapped all the two opponents in it.

Sun Jianyang saw this scene, praised "OK" in his heart, quickly turned around and retreated, and merged with Ren Jingcheng and others.

The fire machine saw that Sun Jianyang and Ren Jingcheng successfully merged together, and the two fires suddenly fired a lot of bullets, but this time the target was not only the two people in front of them, but also all six members of the sweet honey team.

Ren Jingcheng and others were surprised to see the act of the fire engine. He obviously wanted to sacrifice himself in exchange for the time for others to escape. After a moment of hesitation, although he couldn't bear it, Ren Jingcheng still made the right decision and ran in the direction of the first supply point with other rapids.

Six-on-one, no matter how strong the fire machine is, there is no chance of winning. After a few symbolic resistance under the siege of the six members of the sweetheart team, the OP value was directly bottomed out and the game was killed.

Ye Xiaoqian entered the field directly as a substitute, and quickly joined Ren Jingcheng and others at the supply point and rushed to the second supply point where the sweet honey team was located.

Soon the two teams met, and the mid-game battle began.

The passers-by A team changed its tactics this time. Ma Chao and Wang Jun, who have the best tacit understanding, are responsible for cutting the duo of the Sweetheart Rumi team. Ren Jingcheng and Ye Xiaoqian cooperate to stop the others who support, while Lu Xinxin and Sun Jianyang are mainly responsible for setting fire and killing the cut single target.

This is a tactic discussed by everyone along the way. Since the cooperation is not tacit enough, they have to rely on personal strength and technology to defeat their opponents.

This tactical plan is very good. The personal strength of the honey team is weak. Once she loses contact with her teammates, she suddenly panics. Under the attack of Lu Xinxin and Sun Jianyang, the OP value is like spraying blood and plummeting.

In fact, at this time, it seems that the passer-by team is dominant, but the internal form is extremely dangerous. First of all, the cooperation between Ma Chao and Wang Jun is not as proficient as that of the other party. Every time they divide any pair, they have to take a great risk and pay the cost of OP value loss to fight hard.

Then there are Ren Jingcheng and Ye Xiaoqian, who are responsible for blocking each other. In order to prevent each other from meeting, they are in a hurry. After stopping here and there, they can't stop for a moment, not to mention that they are doing this is equivalent to two or four. In order to better complete the task, they have to avoid high injury and losses, which requires them. Concentrate all their energy to deal with it, and there is no room for a single mistake, which is a big test for their brain.

Sun Jianyang and Lu Xinxin's work is the simplest, but when a person wants to escape, it is not so simple to stop and fight, but compared with others, they are still very easy.

With the joint efforts of the passers-A team, a female player in the Sweetheart Team finally couldn't stand it under the crazy siege of Sun Jianyang and Lu Xinxin. The moment when Lu Xinxin caught her "exploding DP" stopped, and the continuous attacks directly reduced her remaining OP value to zero.

As soon as the female player lay down, the male player with her partner was easy to deal with, and Ren Jingcheng also gave instructions to give up the other two pairs first, and join hands with Sun Jianyang and Lu Xinxin to deal with the male player.

Four fight one by one, and Ren Jingcheng and Ye Xiaoqian are also facing the pressure of four people attacking together. The remaining four people of the Honey Team will not be stupid enough to save the male player. Four-on-one, the defeat of male players is a matter of minutes. It's too late for them to ask for help at this time. It's better to concentrate on attacking and intercept their two people. If they can win an opponent's tactics, they will fail, and they still have hope of victory.

In the face of this crisis moment, Ren Jingcheng did not hold back, directly "exploding DP" and made a killing move. The ice blue flowers composed of blue energy bloomed to their heart's content, bursting in the air one after another, and the sweet heart like a honey team could not approach.

And Ye Xiaoqian also cooperated very well, "thunder bomb", "explosive mines", "frozen*", "U25*", "clapping artillery", "serial explosives", "* bombs", "glycerin bombs", one after another of combat skills were thrown out, and the whole ground shook. In an instant, the volcanic ash that was blown up by the explosion enveloped the area of more than ten meters in an instant.

I don't know if Ye Xiaoqian did it deliberately or everything was a coincidence. The volcanic ash is blocking the sight between the two sides, which has nothing to do with Ren Jingcheng and Ye Xiaoqian, who are fully shrinking defense. But the sweet honey team, as the main attack, suddenly turned into a headless fly and bumped around to find the traces of Ren Jingcheng and Ye Xiaoqian. Traces.

The volcanic ash was very light, the wind quickly dispersed, and the sight became clear again, but the male player who was besieged by Sun Jianyang, Lu Xinxin, Ma Chao and Wang Jun also lay on the ground and turned into a black humanoid shadow.

At this time, the substitutes of the Sweetheart Rushi team also rushed over. He had only one person, and no one could cooperate with him.

Six to five, the passers-by team dominates.

However, there was no one-sided situation in the next game. After all, the Sweetheart Like Honey Team is not muddy, and the overall OP value and DP value of the passers-by A team have been consumed a lot after the division just now. With the tacit cooperation of the Sweetheart Like Honey Team, the passers-by A team can only temporarily avoid the edge and choose a safe one. The way to continue the game.

As the end of the game gradually approached, the one-person sweetheart-like team began to be anxious. They let go of the attack and gathered the most powerful Ren Jingcheng in the fire passer-by A team.

Ren Jingcheng also launched the obscene tactics at this time. Under the cover of his teammates, he fled around and dragged the time, but did not touch the members of the sweet honey team.

Unable to catch Ren Jingcheng, who was slippery, the people of the honey team became more anxious and began to fight separately regardless of their teammates.

The trump card of the Honey Team is their tacit cooperation. At this time, they take the initiative to give up their greatest strengths and present the biggest flaw of the team in front of the passers-by A team.

Ren Jingcheng and others ** discovered the change of the Sweetheart Ruomi team and began a fierce counterattack without thinking about it. At this time, the Sweetheart Ruomi team wanted to form a team to resist. First, the male player who was the substitute was killed, followed by a female player, and then the male player who lost his female companion. Ten seconds later In the end, the last pair of children who fought hard to resist also fell in the siege of Ren Jingcheng's six people.

After 11 minutes and 13 seconds, the passers-by A team defeated the sweet and honey team and advanced to the fifth round of the team knockout round.