Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 117 Their Own Battle

Although Yonghua = electricity is the strongest person in the Yonghua Internet cafe team, it is not as important as Yonghua = purple fireworks as the captain.

As the commander of the team, Purple Fireworks is the brain and center of the whole team. Without him, the Yonghua Internet cafe team will only be a piece of scattered sand, which is beyond doubt.

In view of this situation, Sun Jianyang's action towards him is right and smart.

The strength of purple fireworks is actually not weak. It can also be ranked in the middle of the six members of the Yonghua Internet cafe team, second only to the first auxiliary attacker's legs flying fast, so it is not difficult to dodge the burst bomb that attacked him. What's more, the damage of the "cracking bomb" is good, but the speed is really not enough. If there is no interference around, you have to dodge and It's not difficult.

Purple fireworks also wondered why the other party used this slow combat skills to attack him. This was obviously an unhitable blow. Before he could figure out, the "explosive bomb" from his side exploded with a "bang" under Sun Jianyang's control.

The shrapnel was separated by sparks. When the purple fireworks felt the air waves caused by the explosion behind them, their bodies generally made a dodge action. The "explosive bomb" was just a bullet. The explosive power was too limited, and the purple fireworks still flashed calmly.

However, the explosion also attracted all his attention, and no snow-white shiny bullet was found to shoot at him at an ultra-fast speed. It was just a "chargeable bullet".

Purple fireworks is a melee of a powerful character. The radar sensitivity is very high. This "chargeable bomb" is actually difficult to avoid the radar detection of purple fireworks, but the explosion of the "explosive bomb" temporarily interfered with the work of the radar. The shrapnel generated by the explosion filled the radar of the purple fireworks. He did not know that there was a " The "chargeable bomb" breaks into the detection range of the radar.


The sound of the bullet hitting the outer mecha of the purple fireworks was not loud, but the sound was infinitely amplified in the ears of the purple fireworks. He couldn't believe that he was shot, and the most terrible thing was that he didn't know where the bullet came from.

was suddenly attacked, and the purple fireworks that could not figure out the situation were suddenly full of distracting thoughts, which gave Sun Jianyang another chance. The faint firelight flashed at the muzzle, and a "death bullet" had already shot into the chest of the purple fireworks.

"Dead bomb": a powerful bullet that has a chance to cause 1200% damage and directly deduct 2,000 points of armor energy value by ignoring defense. Ordinary non-special effects only cause 120% damage.

"Dead bomb" is also nicknamed by many players, mainly because its probability of appearing is too disgusting. After a large number of tests by data emperors, it is only about 1%, and the "death bomb" is only called this name, and the effect will not really kill the opponent.

Sun Jianyang's launch of this "death bomb" is not really intended to cause a kill, but to pave the way for the next attack.

The radar of the purple fireworks sounded the alarm conscientiously, and the red light on the radar also flashed frequently. The purple fireworks was shocked and secretly blamed how he was stunned in the battle, while dodging, trying to avoid Sun Jianyang's attack.

However, the purple fireworks still started a little late. The body dodged the bullet, but the left arm was hit by a "dead bullet". 1% of the miracle will not appear easily, so this shot is really painless.

Purple fireworks only scratched their skin under the "death bomb". In fact, it is not surprising that the frequency of "death bomb" is used in the game is very high. Basically every sniper wants to try his luck, but unfortunately, it has been held around the world from WarGame in the 12 years. It can be seen from the record of the official game that such luck is too rare. Only four people have been killed in seconds after being hit by "dead bullets" for so many years. Moreover, with the development of the game, the player's equipment is getting better and better, and the defense value has also risen, and the "dead bullet" has never been able to cause the effect of second kill.

Although the "death bomb" did not cause any high damage, the "death bomb" is a big move after all, and the purple fireworks hit the body still fell into a short period of stiffness.

Sun Jianyang was waiting at this moment. Looking at the target through the scope, his fingers pulled the trigger three times in a row, and three "ice flame bombs" took advantage of the effect of "continuous shooting" to shoot quickly into the rigid purple fireworks that could not move.

"Ice Flame Bullet" is a very special bullet. When causing damage, there will be two opposite effects: freezing and burning. Moreover, "Ice Flame Bullet" is also one of the few bullets that snipers can shoot repeatedly, but repeated shooting requires "continuous shooting" to support, which requires extremely high Ming operation.

The flight speed of the "ice flame bomb" is only lower than that of the "energy bomb". There is nothing it can do if it falls into the stiff purple fireworks. In the blink of an eye, it is hit by all three "ice flame bombs", and the whole body is also lifted up by the force of the bullet and falls to the ground.

Entangled by Ren Jingcheng = electricity shouted: No, I just want to put aside Ren Jingcheng's entanglement to rescue the purple fireworks. Purple fireworks are too important to let him take the lead.

However, Ren Jingcheng would not let him go easily. The two eagle pupils were extremely handsome, and bullets flew all over the sky, blocking the range of about three meters around his body.

Electricity tried to break through Ren Jingcheng's obstruction several times but failed. He was surprised by Ren Jingcheng's strength and felt more angry. It was really a disgrace to think that a well-known player in the amateur circle in C City was haunted to death by a nobody he had never heard of.

Since he can't break through the other party's obstruction, electricity will calm down and fight one-on-one with Ren Jingcheng. He believes that as long as he is given a chance, he can kill the other party in a row without delay.

With an electric body, he used a "slip step" under his feet to avoid Ren Jingcheng's several bullets and turned sideways to reach Ren Jingcheng's side. The blood star flashed a strange red light, stabbed Ren Jingcheng's ribs and cut Ren Jingcheng's neck.

The left and right bowed, and the control of the two weapons was very good. Ren Jingcheng could not find a flaw for a while, so he had no choice but to retreat. As soon as he withdrew, the electric power immediately canceled the attack. He did not use combat skills and was just an ordinary attack. After the cancellation, there was no stiffness effect. His feet followed him closely, his legs were arched, his body leaned forward, and his wrists turned, and the bloody stars had already hit Ren Jingcheng's heart with chills.

In the face of the electric move, Ren Jingcheng was shocked. He had originally withdrawn from the attack range of electric, but he did not expect that he would offset the distance between the two by one bow step.

Bloody Star is fast and anxious. It's too late to hide. Fortunately, Ren Jingcheng learned martial arts from Shen Yan for a period of time, and his hands and eyes reacted much faster than before. Ying Tong did not shoot, but hit the gun body against the electric wrist.

Although Ren Jingcheng's movements were very fast, after all, after starting late, the blood evil star in his electric hand still stabbed his chest, but the blood evil star only pierced Ren Jingcheng's armor, and Ren Jingcheng's eagle pupil had knocked on the electric wrist.

The wrist that was knocked was soft and weakly drooped. This move finally returned, but this does not mean that the attack of electricity is over. Don't forget that he still has another hand, and there is also a blood star in that hand. Electricity has been drooping and his left hand suddenly, and one move hit Ren Jingcheng. Neck.

Ren Jingcheng never thought that the electric attack would come so fast. He was immediately hit by the "Shou" and the OP value fell by 1000 points in an instant.

But the electric touch made his hand not happy, not because the damage was too low, but because he had just used "Zhang Shou" out of instinct that he actually forgot that the recruitment speed of "Zhang Shou" was too slow, and Ren Jingcheng's counterattack had followed.

"The upper kick" hit the junction of the chest and abdomen of the electric, and the "lower kick" kicked the knees of the electric power, which made the electricity fall into a short stiff effect. Ren Jingcheng raised the eagle pupil with both hands and shot "shoot randomly", and more than 40 bullets lined up in a line of "crack" like rain hitting the electric and electricity.

Ren Jingcheng's control of "randiscrimous shooting" far exceeded that of others. Under his intentional control, the shooting angle of the bullet faintly showed a 20° diagonal line, pushing him directly to the sky with electricity all the way.

The bullet flew higher and higher with electricity, and the angle of the bullet became higher and higher. Finally, all the bullets of "randiscriminately" were fired, and the electricity also fell to the ground. Ren Jingcheng's wrist turned, and the eagle pupil of his left hand suddenly disappeared. His feet were horsestep, and his left hand held his right hand. "targeting shooting" fired one shot every 0.5 seconds. The bullet fired at the electric fire in the sky.

The electric body could not be controlled in the air at all. Ten bullets hit him one by one. There was nothing he could do but look at the crazily falling OP value and sighed silently.

The recruitment of "targeting and shooting" is relatively rigid, and Ren Jingcheng can no longer continue, so he can only let the electricity fall from the sky.

As soon as the electricity landed, it used "get up quickly", stood up, unfolded the "ghost step" and instantly moved to Ren Jingcheng's side. He was about to take action. Suddenly, there was a scream in the air, and a "chargeable bullet" flew towards him.

The electricity did not have time to attack Ren Jingcheng, but he "glided" sideways to avoid the "chargeable bullet" but was stunned. The other party's sniper clearly controlled their captain. How could he suddenly attack him? Could it be that their captain had been killed?

Thinking of this, the electricity could no longer calm down and hurriedly looked in the direction of the purple fireworks, but the figure of the purple fireworks disappeared. Instead, Yonghua, the first attacker of the team = the human-faced beast heart occupied the position of the purple fireworks just now, and the people of the passers-by A team were also replaced by firearms.

Dian was busy shouting on the team channel, and Zi Yanhuo immediately agreed. Obviously, he was still alive, but where did he go?