Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 139 Perfect Performance

It was still a silent shot, and the "spiral penetration bomb" rotated the torn air and shot at Zhuo Tao.

"spiral penetrating bullet" is the fastest bullet in addition to "chargeable bullet", and many snipers need to like the sense of speed and armor-piercing effect brought by this bullet.

Without the sound of gunfire, Zhuo Tao's dodging action in the face of such a fast bullet was obviously half a beat slower. Although he tried his best, he was still scratched by the bullet and brushed his thighs and shot into the sand under his feet.

Sun Jianyang hit with one shot, and the second shot followed closely. The unique silver light of the "chargeable bullet" drew a shiny slender tail in the air, hitting Zhuo Tao's chest like a meteor.



Two voices came in a row, and the extraordinary speed of the "charge bomb" finally made a contribution. Zhuo Tao was hit in the chest almost unresponsively, fell back and fell to the ground, splashing yellow sand all over the sky.

Sun Jianyang was blocked by the splashed sand and did not shoot again, but he was very satisfied with the two shots just now. Although the "chargeable bullet" damage was not enough, it only took away Zhuo Tao's 500 OP value, but as long as it was used alternately with the "spiral penetration bomb", he was almost certain that he would win the game. The victory.

The sand dispersed, and Sun Jianyang was about to shoot again, but suddenly found that Zhuo Tao was no longer in the scope.

Sun Jianyang frowned and looked up from behind the scope in disbelief and found that Zhuo Tao was really not there.

Where have you been?

Sun Jianyang muttered in his heart and scanned the scope as a telescope, but there was still no trace of Zhuo Tao.

This is the worst part of the jungle war. Although Sun Jianyang, a sniper, can quietly find a place to hide, Zhuo Tao can also use this to disappear from his sight.

The radar of the individual race could not be used, which proved that although Zhuo Tao could disappear, Sun Jianyang knew that the place where he was staying was no longer safe, grabbed the sniper rifle, turned around and jumped off the poplar tree.

As soon as Sun Jianyang stepped on the ground, a slender black shadow swept over from the side with an arc.


Sun Jianyang instantly judged the name of this combat skill and retreated quickly, regardless of the fact that he had not fully stood firmly.

After a few steps back, Sun Jianyang almost lost his balance and fell to the ground, but Fortunately, he had flashed Zhuo Tao's "sweeping" attack.

But this does not mean that he is safe. The advantage of "sweeping" is that it is not only a combat skill with a trip effect, but also the lowest of all combat skills. Zhuo Tao has made good use of this. Almost at the same time as Sun Jianyang dodged, he has changed his moves, and the knight's long gun glorious pillar took the trend. Go up and down.


How can Sun Jianyang, who has not corrected his body balance, continue to dodge? He was immediately hit by a "hammer" and was knocked to the ground without any suspense.

Zhuo Tao will not let go of this opportunity. "Chasing Assault" as a special upgraded combat skill for "Assault" is the most appropriate at this time.

Sun Jianyang was beaten and rolled on the ground twice before he stood up, looking particularly embarrassed.

Zhuo Tao's third blow came again, and his body rotated to drive the tip of the gun close to the ground and quickly rotated. The seven-stage damage of the "round combo" Sun Jianyang was not falling, and all of them were hit by him.

Sun Jianyang can't stand the damage value of up to 850%. If his armor had not been improved by Xiaoya's hand, he would not have lost 2,000 OP points at this time.

Even so, coupled with the previous "hammer" and "chasing thrusts", Sun Jianyang dropped a total of 3,500 OP values, and less than half of the remaining OP values.

The recruitment of the "combation combo" gave Sun Jianyang time to get up.

Sun Jianyang didn't do anything else first. The sniper rifle hunted foxes, regardless of whether he aimed or not, it was a "cracker" towards Zhuo Tao.

He didn't expect this shot to get Zhuo Tao. At this time, it was difficult for the sniper rifle to work. He just bought time to take the dagger "snake line" in his hand and was ready to start a close fight with Zhuo Tao.

The "crack bomb" was indeed easily flashed by Zhuo Tao. Sun Jianyang, who had been expected, had launched a "ghost step" and suddenly appeared behind Zhuo Tao. The snake line waved strangely back and forth with his wrist and put it between Zhuo Tao's throat in the blink of an eye. On the wrist, the snake's thin and sharp blade gently scratched Zhuo Tao's throat. Throat.

The critical damage of "throat cutting" directly scraped Zhuo Tao's 1200 OP value, and the next bleeding effect made his OP value pay 500 OP value in the next ten seconds.

Nevertheless, Sun Jianyang's OP value still lagged far behind.

Zhuo Tao will not stick to his advantage, which is the stupidest way. With a step, he holds the pillar of glory with both hands, and the tip of the gun flashes, and stabs Sun Jianyang with a vague shadow.

"Lightning Stab": for long-handled weapons. Attack the enemy at a speed comparable to lightning, causing 500% damage.

"Lightning stabbing" is a very simple combat skill, and all the essence is on the word "fast". It is often said that "only fast without breaking" is the best annotation to it.

This combat skill is almost insoluble in the eyes of many players, because its speed is so fast that it has often been hit by this move when it has just been discovered. If it hadn't been for its ultra-long rigidity, I'm afraid it would have been really invincible.

Sun Jianyang's unique view of it. "Lightning stabbing" is too simple and rough compared with other combat skills. In order to pursue the ultimate speed, its attack mode and route are naturally greatly simplified, always about 5-8 cm around the player's chest.

The most important thing to deal with this move is to look at the reaction. It must be too late when your eyes react. Everything depends on instinct. You can't have any thoughts and thoughts in your mind, as long as you believe in your body.

Therefore, in the eyes of tens of thousands of audiences, Sun Jianyang staged a textbook-level dodge performance in a few seconds, which was perfect and unharmed Zhuo Tao's "lightning stabbing".


The audience at the scene shouted in surprise. At this moment, what they really can't see with their own eyes is reality. The "lightning stab", which they have always thought can't be avoided, flashed away without injury in front of their eyes. It is really impossible to think about it. If it is a Professional players are not so surprised, but what they have done now is an amateur.

What is an amateur? It's just an ordinary player with a little stronger strength.

They are famous but have no status. They have fans but are not big fans. Most of their daily activities are still the same as ordinary players, working, and they don't live by playing games, because they know that they don't have the ability to play games to feed their stomachs.

Maybe many amateurs have the ability to defeat professional players, but the word "amateur" has never been called in vain. In the minds of players, they are still positioned in the position of "ordinary players with ability".

Nowadays, an ordinary player has flashed a combat skill that ordinary players think is impossible to flash, and the mental impact on them can be imagined how huge it is.

Maybe we can also do it...

I don't know how many viewers can't linger this sentence in their minds, going back and forth.

Sun Jianyang didn't know how sensational his move had just now. At this time, Zhuo Tao was the only one left in his eyes.

The rigid duration of the "lightning stab" can be said to be super long. Sun Jianyang has caught the biggest flaw that Zhuo Tao can reveal. He will never give up this hard-won opportunity.

As soon as the "ghost step" was displayed, Sun Jianyang instantly arrived behind Zhuo Tao and went up to "wound limbs". First, he limited Zhuo Tao's mobility ability, and then used "fast cutting" to draw dozens of wounds on Zhuo Tao's body. Zhuo Tao's body just shook and seemed to recover in effect. Sun Jianyang's already had already been in his hand. The "broken skull" that was ready to go has been knocked out, knocking Zhuo Tao into a coma again.

After that, Sun Jianyang was absorbed and stimulated the potential of his body, showing his most surprising side.

With the fierce offensive, seamless connection, smooth movements, perfect control, rapid speed and strange pace, Sun Jianyang continuously searched Zhuo Tao's OP value with the perfect moves that everyone felt intoxicated with.

The numbers are beating crazily, and Zhuo Tao's OP value is constantly decreasing under the attack of Sun Jianyang. Without any pause, it seems that it will continue like this without an end.

12 seconds, just 12 seconds, Sun Jianyang staged an artistic feast of killing, a perfect performance, and a performance full integration of violence and beauty for all the audience.

6800 OP value is the value when Zhuo Tao stabbed the "lightning stab". Twelve seconds later, this number has become 0, and little by little in the eyes of everyone.

Impact, unprecedented impact.

Sun Jianyang used the dagger in his hand to make the audience experience a visual and ideological storm, which was more shocking and admirable than the previous bloody prison knife's "eps walk".

The "Eplies" is too far away for ordinary players to imagine.

But Sun Jianyang's performance is different. Whether it is to dodge the "lightning stab" or the subsequent consecutive kills, Sun Jianyang did not use any combat skills beyond the ability of ordinary players. Other players will also have this ordinary combat skills. The only difference is that these ordinary combat skills have burst into the most brilliant brilliance in Sun Jianyang's hands.

It turns out that the balanced role is so strong!

This is an idea that has become extremely consistent in the minds of all the audience at the scene.