Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 194 The Annoyance of the Legendary Boss

Xie Jin is very upset, really upset.

The reason for being upset naturally comes from the club.

Just after a meeting with shareholders, Xie Jin calmly returned to the office and lowered the indoor air conditioning temperature to a minimum.

This is his habit. Whenever something difficult happens, he will do it. Even if it is cold for nine days, he feels that he can calm himself down with the help of the temperature of the air conditioner, and then think carefully about how to solve this problem.

The legendary club's poor performance over the years has been the main cause of Xie Jin's troubles and the focus that made him suffer at the shareholders' meeting.

Indeed, the legendary club's record has been declining since Zhou Yingran's retirement. Although it has entered the playoffs every year for ten years, except for entering the top four in the fifth and sixth seasons, the other seasons have been hovering in such an embarrassing position as sixth and seventh.

It is actually a very good achievement to be able to enter the playoffs for a year. Just like the Meteor Tianma Club, which is at the bottom of the playoffs every year, it is also beautiful.

However, the legend is different from Meteor Pegasus. They are the champion club and the only three consecutive championships in the league. The Supreme Club and the Light Angel Club have once launched an impact on this glorious record, but unfortunately they have both failed.

With this unique glorious history, the performance of the legendary club over the years is certainly not satisfactory. Especially in the past two years, after they mistakenly hired a French coach to toss around in the club, the legendary report card is ugly and makes people sick, and the remaining capital of ten years is not enough for them to continue. Squandered.

Xie Jin is not a big boss. Although he also has other industries, the legendary club has always been the most important part of his career and the fundamental place where he is respected by others. He can lose everyone else's business and must never lose the legendary club.

But shareholders don't think so. They prefer a person who can make a lot of money, and Xie Jin's performance in recent years is completely unsatisfactory to them. Whether Xie Jin holds an absolute stake in the club or not, they all want to change a new owner for the club.

The root cause of everything is the lack of a very heavy star player in the legendary club. Since Zhou Yingran retired, the club has been less person who has become the club's cash cow. The legendary club's record in the league can be counted, but the ability to attract money must be counted backwards.

Shareholders must be dissatisfied to see that a lot of * have entered the pockets of other clubs that are not even as good as the legendary. It is understandable to change this club; Xie Jin is not a peaceful man. If you want to hit me in the face, of course, I have to roll up my sleeves and pull it back.

So Xie Jin began his club renovation plan, and what excited him more was that he happened to encounter a suitable opportunity.

WarGame is about to be revised!

This revision is the biggest adjustment made by the game company to WarGame after the revision ten years ago. New maps, new professions, new combat skills, everything is new, and the balance adjustment between the three characters of power, speed and balance is given to the legend. The club where the speed character started came to strengthen the needle.

Power characters have been strong for so long that people have forgotten how the predecessors who operated balanced and speed characters in the early days of the game paved the way for the development of WarGame with one classic battle after another, and how they used them to win one after another. The spread of eye-catching videos to the world through the Internet has laid the foundation for the development of WarGame.

Taking this opportunity, Xie Jin began his plan. The first step was to invite Zhou Yingran, who made great achievements for the legendary club, to be a coach.

There is no doubt that the speed and balance will rise again. Maybe it will never return to the infinite glory of ten years ago, but the situation of being simply suppressed by powerful characters must be gone forever.

Of course, for ordinary players, this is just a mistake made by the game company to make up for a mistake ten years ago. After all, ten years ago, the game company cut the speed type with a disability, cut the balance model by a half disability, and left two disabled people aside regardless of ten years. Now it is just repairing and repairing them again. Being able to stand up and walk has nothing to do with them, but the new profession "evolution" attracts their attention even more.

For professional clubs, this is a super event that can change the tactics that the club has been using for ten years, and it is also a major event that may change the pattern of today's professional clubs.

There is indeed no more qualified coach for the legendary club that started with a speed role than Zhou Yingran.

As for the second step, Xie Jin naturally wants to find a star player who can really compete for the club.

It is the fastest way to find such a person through a transfer, but what is worth considering is that today's power is strong. Many star players are power-type characters, which is inconsistent with the style of the legendary club and is difficult to get the understanding and support of club fans.

So Xie Jin needs to cultivate a new star, but he has searched the whole professional circle and has not found a suitable candidate.

Just as Xie Jin scratched his ears and cheeks and was ready to find a deal with it, the rookie detective in City C brought him a video. The teenager in the video held two guns and used "flowers" that no one had used for ten years.

The moment he saw the "flowers" bloom, Xie Jin decided that he was the new star he was looking for.

Through the flowers, he knows that this teenager must have an extraordinary relationship with Zhou Yingran.

Master and apprentice have always been a topic worth hyping. "The master of the world champion and the apprentice of the world champion" are excited to think of this mark Xie Jin.

However, he was cautious and was not in a hurry to contact the teenager in the video. He didn't know how much impact his relationship with Zhou Yingran would have had on this plan. He had to test it and then take action, and the way of action could not be too direct. He had to go through a middleman. Naturally, this person was Zhou Yingran himself is the most suitable.

After Xie Jin made the plan, he repeatedly reviewed it more than ten times. After confirming that there was no problem, a phone call was made to Xiao Ou's mobile phone, who was working in the hairdressing hall in C City...

Xie Jin's plan was extremely confidential and no one knew about it, so he was besieged by shareholders again at this shareholders' meeting, which made him very annoyed and angry. The only gratifying thing is that the news of Zhou Yingran's return to the legendary club made the attitude of these shareholders began to loosen slightly. Obviously, they Zhou Yingran's confidence is several times stronger than that of his club owner.

"Although I'm not here, there is still a legend of my brother here..."

Thinking of this sentence, Xie Jin is very jealous of Zhou Yingran. People who have been absent for ten years can still have such influence, which shows how strong Zhou Yingran was in the legend.

After dealing with Zhou Yingran, the new problem also made Xie Jin feel a headache.

The teenager named Ren Jingcheng is obviously not interested in the professional circle. Although he has not been officially contacted, the news that Jiantiancheng Club's invitation was rejected after seeing a newcomer still spread in the professional circle. Unfortunately, the protagonist of the incident is the teenager named Ren Jingcheng that he also like.

Xie Jin thought about it, and only the way to influence his disciples through Zhou Yingran could work, but the disadvantage of this method is that they need a lot of time, and what they lack most at this time is time.

The new version will be released in October, and Zhou Yingran will also take office in the same month. After the winter break, the professional league will use the new version for the second half of the season, so arrange new tactics, find new core players, and then adapt to the new version and training time is only about three months. Such a little time is not enough for him!

Xie Jin was worried, but the secretary transferred a phone call. He didn't want to answer it, but when he saw that it was Xue Bing, who was in charge of outreach, he was afraid that there was something wrong with the media, so he still answered it.

"Boss, it's me, Xue Bing, I want to report something to you..."

Xue Bing's tone was vaguely excited, which made Xie Jin feel that it was likely to be a good thing.

"Say it!"

The boss is naturally happy and angry, and the things in his mind will not be easily expressed. Naturally, Xie Jin's tone remained unchanged and said two words casually.

Xue Bing began to talk about it when he heard the order. At first, Xie Jin was quite strange. Xue Bing had the right to deal with such an obviously slanderous thing by himself. Why did he suddenly come to ask for his opinion? But when he heard the three words "Ren Jingcheng", his mentality was completely different.

Xue Bing was also ** aware of Xie Jin's change and felt that he had bet on it. The boss was indeed very interested in this person named Ren Jingcheng. From the boss's absent-mindedness at the beginning to the careful inquiry from time to time after hearing the name, he could obviously feel the difference in attitude.

"You did the right thing. You should really tell me first. That's good!"

After Xue Binggang finished speaking, Xie Jin was in a good mood and praised him without hesitation.

"Actually, boss, I have some ideas about how to deal with this matter."

Xue Bing heard that the boss was in a good mood and said cautiously.


Xie Jin was stunned when he heard the words and then said.

"Boss, I'll say it directly. Some words may not be said properly, and I hope you don't pay attention to it."

Xue Bing was afraid of offending Xie Jin, so he took a dose of preventive injection first.


Xie Jin replied.

"Boss, everyone in the club knows that Coach Zhou's relationship with the club is not very good, which is why he did not train successors for the club when he retired."

"Yes, go on!"

"I think we can take this opportunity to attract Coach Zhou's disciples into the club. On the one hand, we can ease our relationship with him. On the other hand, from the video sent to me by my junior, Coach Zhou's disciples are good, and a little training is enough. In order to participate in professional competitions, we can also save time to re-cultivate new people.

Hearing this, Xie Jin nodded unconsciously, but he didn't expect that Xue Bing would think of a place with him.