Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 196 Legendary Press Conference

"You know a lot!"

Thinking about the curve in the middle, the elder brother couldn't help sighing, glanced at the loud sound, and said meaningfully.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm going to go back to my hometown directly after graduation, but I don't have the idea of matching."

Daming received the big brother's eyes, and the alarm bell in his heart made a big deal, and quickly waved his hand to explain.

"What's more, I know that it's not all thanks to you. You are not ashamed to say this now."

Da Ming looked at the eldest brother angrily and said very aggrievedly.

"Vend me? Where did this come from?"

The eldest brother looked puzzled when he heard the words, and he didn't seem to know what Da Ming was talking about.

"Damn, after you became the captain last year, which bastard told me to sing a red face and a white face? What's wrong, I sang so successfully with everyone in the club, and they are willing to tell me everything. Instead, you white-faced blame me!"

The loud voice suddenly raised a few eight degrees and roared like a machine gun.

"I'm not complaining about you, I'm jealous!"

When the eldest brother saw that he was annoyed, he quickly spread out his hands and licked his face and said with a smile.

"Look at you, they tell you everything. As a captain, I'm like an outsider. When I see one by one, I see a mouse like a cat. How can I balance my heart!"

"Forget it, who can be blamed? It's not your own bad taste. You like to treat people and scramble to be that bad-headed guy."

He sneered with disdain and snorted coldly.

"I said, why do you need it? It's really not worth it to make everyone hate you for a woman. Where is there no grass in the world, big brother!"

After saying that, Da Ming suddenly changed his words and said in a tone similar to a joke.

As a result, this made the big brother's face stiff, who had been smiling, and his face suddenly sank. There was a kind of breathtaking coldness all over his body, and even the surrounding temperature dropped a little.

This scene made Daming, who was proud just now, feel short of breath and regretted it. He didn't know why he suddenly had such a cheap mouth and insisted on mentioning that to stimulate the eldest brother. Now it's good. Let's lift a stone and hit himself in the foot!

"Don't mention her to me again..."

The eldest brother looked at Daming for a long time and gritted his teeth word by word.

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault. Don't be angry. No one cares about you when you are angry!"

Da Ming apologized in a hurry. After saying that, he suddenly remembered something and said again.

"But, to be honest, Li Cuiyun has liked you for two or three years. What's the matter? Why don't you give her a chance to accept you, a bachelor!"

"In fact, it's really good. Although she is not the kind of beautiful, she has a good personality, and she also has a lot of money and an only daughter. You have seen her father, and she doesn't have the power-eyed personality of an upstart. Where can you find such a good condition? You're not a handsome man, so don't pick it!"

surprisingly, the eldest brother did not jump violently because of Da Ming's words, but calm down and thought about it carefully. He knew that Da Ming really said this because of him, and he also knew Li Cuiyun's thoughts, otherwise he would not have been single for three years based on Li Cuiyun's family background. Find a boyfriend, and won't let her father spend a lot of money every year to fund a school club that doesn't help the family's career.

"I'm thinking about..."

Thinking of this, the eldest brother didn't know what happened, and suddenly said inexplicably.

"Ah, what are you talking about?"

Daming didn't expect that the words "think about it" would suddenly pop out of his big brother's mouth. He was stunned, half surprised and half pretended to be stupid.

"I said I would consider the matter between Li Cuiyun and me. Don't worry about it."

Big brother really fell in love with Da Ming's words this time, and he would not hide it with his character, so he said it directly.

"Well, if you make it, I will ask Li Cuiyun to invite me to the super expensive western restaurant last time and give her a chance to thank me as a matchmaker."

Daming knew that this matter was settled when he saw the eldest brother's expression, and said with a smile.

"Oc, if the eldest brother really agrees to be my boyfriend, I will give you a year to eat in that restaurant until you don't want to eat!"

At this moment, suddenly a female voice came from the door of the office, saying excitedly.

Only then did the two big men, Big Brother and Daming, notice that Li Cuiyun stood at the door of the office and listened to all the words they had just said.

What he said was was enjoyable. It could be seen that the heroine appeared in the words, but the eldest brother and Daming suddenly became embarrassed.

Li Cuiyun didn't say anything, but looked at the big brother and Daming's blushing face with a smile, but her heart was sweeter than eating honey. She waited for three years, and today she finally had a feeling of seeing the sun.

" did you come..."

It took a long time for the eldest brother to stammer.

"It's not because of him!"

Compared with the elder brother's embarrassment, Li Cuiyun had no psychological burden. He walked into the office and pointed to him and said simply as usual.

"Me? What does it have to do with me?"

Daming pointed to his nose and said strangely.

"I asked you to come to the eldest brother and tell him that, but I haven't heard back from you for so long, and I didn't reply to your text message. I had no choice but to come by myself."

Li Cuiyun gave a big look and said angrily.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot the business..."

Da Ming patted his forehead and suddenly realized and regretted it.

"What's the matter?"

When the eldest brother saw Li Cuiyun, he took a picture in a hurry and knew that the matter was not small.

Li Cuiyun did not answer, but just walked to the table to open the browser, entered a URL, and pressed Enter.

With the sound of pressing the Enter key, a video page pops up.

"The Legend Club called a press conference earlier today..."

While waiting for the video buffer, Li Cuiyun took the opportunity to speak.

"Legend? What does that have to do with us?

It is true that the Flying Tiger Club is affiliated with the legendary club, but both clubs operate independently, and no one can affect anyone. However, Flying Tiger can use the legendary name when recruiting holiday trainees, and the legendary club can use the name of P. In addition, the two clubs are happy. There is not much communication between the department.

Now the legend held a press conference and the elder brother doesn't think it has anything to do with them.

"You will know when you see!"

As Li Cuiyun's words fell, as the external face of the legendary club in the video, Xue Bing, the spokesman, picked up the microphone at hand and began to speak...

The video has been edited and is not long, only two minutes, but it is enough to explain the matter clearly.

In the video, Xue Bing said two things.

The first is about the new head coach of the legendary club. Zhou Yingran, a retired player who has been identified as the first World Cup champion of WarGame and has helped the legendary club win three league championships and three consecutive championships. And the time when he took office was also confirmed after the National Day holiday.

This news is calm. The news that Zhou Yingran will become the new head coach of the legendary club is actually leaked under the operation of the legendary. The media has long been immune to this news. Now the confirmation of the legend is only to confirm the authenticity of the old news. It is not worth making a fus.

But the second thing makes them not so calm.

The second thing is the extremely offensive article about Ren Jingcheng in the WarGame section of the Q University intranet that the big brother is worried about.

Xue Bing gave a general introduction to the matter, and then said that the content of the article was purely a misunderstanding. The information of "tactical gun dance" has been properly kept by the legendary club and has never been leaked. Please rest assured.

The media is not very clear about this matter. After all, Qda and Pda have not yet reached the field that attracts much attention. The people don't care much about their affairs. This matter is only rumored between the two schools, but the outside world does not know it at all.

Now that Xue Bing said that the media didn't pay attention to it. It's not a big deal at all. It's not worth putting it in at the press conference. Just make a statement. It's not necessary to get such an important occasion.

Just when the reporters decided to give a piece of tofu for this matter, Xue Bing turned around and began to talk about the hero in the article, Ren Jingcheng.

"Maybe everyone is wondering why our club will talk about this!"

"Actually, what the article said is not completely misunderstood. The skills used by Ren Jingcheng mentioned in the article are exactly the 'tactical gun dance'."

Xue Bing deliberately said this sentence in a very casual tone, as if there was a deep relationship between the legendary club and Ren Jingcheng.

The group of media reporters sitting in their seats and feeling a little bored were suddenly refreshed when they heard Xue Bing's words. Their eyes came out with a dazzling light comparable to a searchlight, eager to rub their fists and ready to dig out more things on Xue Bing.

"I know that journalists must have a lot of problems, but let me talk about the relationship between the next Jingcheng and our club first."

"Ren Jingcheng was a disciple of our club's incoming coach Zhou when he was in C City. Due to academic considerations, Coach Zhou did not let him join the professional circle, but arranged him to enter the school league for training, and our legend is also ready to officially sign him next year. Invitation..."

Before Xue Bing finished his words, the press gallery was already boiling.

In the office of the Flying Tiger Club, the door of the eldest brother was wrinkled into a mess.