Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 198 Behind the Scene

Ren Jingcheng's strength is obvious to all.

Q's Zhanhu Club was the third runner-up in the school league last year. Lu Zhe, the first master of Zhanhu, was indispensable for being able to stand in this position. If Zhanhu can go further, I believe that the MVP players of the season are undisputedly in Lu Zhe's pocket.

His personality is very annoying, but there is no denying that his strength is indeed strong, and it is no exaggeration to say that one is top three.

In this way, Lu Zhe seemed to be a child bullied by adults in Ren Jingcheng's hands, and he lost extremely ugly without resistance.

When you have such a powerful team member, there is only one thing in your mind, winning the championship!

Big brother can be sure that with the addition of Ren Jingcheng, the road to winning the championship will not be too difficult even if it is not smooth.

Unfortunately, all these fantasy bubbles were smashed by the legendary club's press conference.

The school league is completely incomparable with the professional league. Maybe many people will pay attention to the school league every year, but it is more boring to pass the time in their spare time. It is impossible for them to really pay out real money like supporting the professional league.

Fortunately, the school league has its own foundation. Every year, it is enough to invest enough for the operation of the league, coupled with some support from sponsors, so there is no problem in the daily operation of the school league.

But when it comes to the personal fame, income and future development of the players, it certainly can't be compared with the professional league.

Needless to say, let's just talk about the salary.

The school league has subsidies for players, 200 yuan a month. This number is almost negligible in today's economic situation. Then, after entering the playoffs, the League Foundation will subsidize each club. The amount is not large, just a few thousand yuan. Last year, it rose to 10,000 yuan, and finally it was Guanya. The reward for the third runner-up is expensive, but according to the regulations, this fee can only be used for the operation of the club and cannot be paid to the players.

Roughly calculated, the players of the school league not only don't make money, but sometimes even have to take out their own money to strengthen their roles.

Professional league is very different. Newcomers to the league will have an income of 100,000 yuan according to the regulations. This income is nothing special. In order to welcome newcomers to join the professional circle, the people gave him a name as installation fee or signing fee.

After that, the minimum salary starts from 20,000 yuan per month. This is only the basic salary. Of course, professional players will not only expect this income to live, and most of the salary after signing the contract is much higher than this figure. Even if it is a reserve player, his monthly income will never be less than 50,000 yuan. The substitute team The staff will be higher.

And those starters have more sources of income. Advertising endorsement is one of them. It is open with the club three or seven, and the players get seven. This is the public price. In private, it depends on whether the player's agent is good or not. In addition, there are also attending various commercial activities or explaining to Li Xiao, and then hosting TV or online programs. These income clubs will not The draw is all owned by the individual players.

The benefits of star players are here, and a monthly income of one million is by no means a dream.

One is upside down, and the other is a monthly income of two million. No matter how stupid people are, they also know how to choose!

Ren Jingcheng is not only stupid, but the most intelligent one. The eldest brother will not think that he will give up an opportunity to become a multimillionaire and stay in the Flying Tiger to play an inconspicuous school league.

What else can the big brother say? It is he who asked the legendary club to help, which is equivalent to giving out the opportunity for the Flying Tiger to win the championship. There is no one in the world who sells regret medicine, and it is useless to be annoyed.

Looking at Xue Bing's angry face in the video, the eldest brother, Da Ming and Li Cuiyun fell into silence.

And there is another person who is silent at this moment, but unlike the eldest brother, their silence comes from helplessness, but his silence comes from anger.

This person lives in another building next to Ren Jingcheng's dormitory building. Room 412 is the dormitory number.

This number represents that this is a high-end dormitory, a two-person room with simple furniture and air conditioning, which is not luxurious, but it is very advanced for a college student.

At this moment, the right knuckle of the young man sitting in front of the computer holding the mouse has turned white, and his face is twisted into a ball of anger. The video of the legendary club press conference is being played on the computer in front of him.


Looking at the video and listening to the words in the video, he couldn't help it anymore. He suddenly grabbed the mouse and tore the wire and threw it on the wall.

The mouse fell to the ground with the sound of "Kala" and became garbage. He felt unresolved. He stood up, grabbed his laptop and raised it high, ready to fall to the ground.

However, the remaining reason still prevented him from acting so recklessly. He took a few deep breaths and calmed down. He put his notebook back on the table and slowly sat down.

It's really a chicken that can't eat rice...

Thinking of the future arranged by the legendary boss for Ren Jingcheng in the video, he was not angry. Originally, he thought that finding that Ren Jingcheng was using "gun dance" was equivalent to catching Ren Jingcheng's handle, and then using Q's large campus intranet to make it stink, and even squeezed out of the upcoming school league.

Unexpectedly, a legendary club suddenly jumped out to clean up the mess, which not only did not damage his reputation, but raised Ren Jingcheng to a higher position.

The legendary boss is by no means a fool. It is true that Ren Jingcheng is a newcomer, and it is not true that he is not famous, but after what he said, the media must be catching up with this news. It is strange that the three words "Ren Jingcheng" will soon become a household name!

"Luo Qiuchen, what's wrong with your mouse..."

At this moment, a boy pushed the door, looked at the wreckage of the mouse on the ground, and asked in surprise.

"Nothing, I accidentally threw it out just now!"

Turning his head, Luo Qiuchen's handsome and extraordinary face showed a smile and explained.


The boy nodded. Although it was strange how Luo Qiuchen could break the wire of the mouse, he did not ask in detail.

Yes, the rumor of Q campus network is not actually Song Qiang's guess like the big brother, but Luo Qiuchen.

Luo Qiuchen has been not far from the club and Ren Jingcheng during this period. It seems that he only has a trace of grudge rather than hatred for the continuous scandal in the classroom some time ago because of Ren Jingcheng's relationship, but in fact, he thinks about it all the time, especially when the video circulates on the P university's intranet. During that time, he almost became the laughingstock of the whole P.

Although Ren Jingcheng has been nicknamed as a "broken egg boy", he is not close to others, and it is not easy for people to take him as a joke. It's okay to talk about privately. When he really sees him, he still doesn't say anything and doesn't say a word.

He is not so polite to Luo Qiuchen. In order to maintain his image, he has always been extremely kind to everyone, talking about the appearance of making friends all over the world. It is inevitable that such people like to use it to make fun of him and talk about his embarrassing things to entertain the atmosphere.

Luo Qiuchen usually laughed at these jokes, but since the video came out, he has been reminded all the time that he had made such a fool of himself in the classroom, and the most annoying thing is that someone always asks him from time to time, "The egg doesn't hurt".

He could bear it once or twice, but a few times later, the picture suddenly became the biggest nightmare in his mind, and the hatred for Ren Jingcheng's teeth also accumulated more and more, and finally became a heart disease for him.

It's just that Luo Qiuchen is not Song Qiang. Song Qiang lives in a small city, and his living environment is not complicated. No one holds any contradictions in the market. His mouth is noisy, and all the beatings in his hands are vented out, which also creates Song Qiang's straight mind and does not turn around.

He is dissatisfied with Ren Jingcheng, and even hates him, but he will clearly tell everyone in the club that he hates Ren Jingcheng, just doesn't like it, but he doesn't want to give him a good look, but if he talks about plots and tricks to frame him in private, he really doesn't have this brain.

Luo Qiuchen is different. He is a typical hypocrite. He usually wears a mask of a good man. The behavior of a little man stabs in the back has never been a few, and he has also been smart. He has sold others and made others grateful to thank him a lot.

He originally expected it very well and used the Q campus network to spread rumors about Ren Jingcheng. Whether the rumors are true or not, Ren Jingcheng will definitely be subject to the qualification examination of the school league committee after the start of the league. There is no doubt that it is normal for such a bad rumor to be suspended for three months.

Three months is enough for him to think of a plan to propose Ren Jingcheng to the club, and he can humiliate Ren Jingcheng through rumors.

But in the end, he miscalculated two things.

The first one is Ren Jingcheng's personality.

Ren Jingcheng's personality is not too pleasant to say. He has a kind of unique arrogance and indifference of nerds. He always likes to look at people with oblique eyes. As long as he can't enter his eyes, he will serve him coldly, which is straightforward and desperate.

It's too late for everyone to hide from such a personality, let alone provoke him. The rumor has spread, and everyone also refers to giving advice to Ren Jingcheng, but if you want to say that it is impossible for them to go up and touch this hard nail directly, and will Ren Jingcheng care about what others say about him?

The second thing is that the legendary club suddenly stood up to maintain Ren Jingcheng.

Luo Qiuchen calculated that a rich club like a legend would not care about this kind of rumor that only spread in two schools. There are always rumors that a certain star died, and no star has really stood up to clarify. At their level, there is no need to pay attention to nonsense.

But this time, the legendary club did the opposite. It not only paid attention to it, but also used the media to directly hit Ren Jingcheng's name to the ears of the whole country.