Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 206 from City C

What the eldest brother can know is that the protagonist in this report of Ren Jingcheng has no reason not to know, but what puzzles him is why the big boss of Pioneer Weekly intervened.

Who is the big boss behind Pioneer Weekly? This has always been something that everyone wants to know. After all, Pioneer Weekly can always get first-hand information in game companies. The speed of breaking news is faster than the Internet. It is almost impossible without a significant big man behind the scenes.

However, this big man has never appeared, whether it is public or private. Pioneer Weekly has always been either the editor-in-chief or the president. As for the big boss, it seems that he has never existed, so that people can't catch any clues about him.

Ren Jingcheng is really curious. Who is the big boss of Pioneer Weekly and why did he suddenly intervene? Is it entrusted or for another purpose...

One question mark after another keeps emerging in Ren Jingcheng's mind, but at this moment, this question mark obviously has no answer, and can only be hidden in the depths of his heart one after another unsolved mystery.

At 7 p.m., the second round of the school-level league started at the same time in major universities. The opponent of the Flying Tiger Club this time is the Cold Moon Club.

The Cold Moon Club comes from Ren Jingcheng's hometown C City and belongs to C City University of Science and Technology.

The record of the Cold Moon Club is moderate, hovering around 10 in the league all year round, and occasionally entering the playoffs for a year or two.

The Cold Moon Club is an away game this time, which is still very stressful.

Unlike the game at K University, there are really many spectators to watch tonight. After all, the Flying Tigers Club has always had a good record in the league. Naturally, there are many supporters in P University, rather than the Bear Club, which has few supporters at the bottom all year round.

This year's lineup of the Cold Moon Club is the same as last year and there is no change, so the big brother did not think too much about the ranking layout. He still arranged the order of the individual competition according to last year's method of dealing with Cold Moon, but this year Ren Jingcheng and Zhou Ting replaced the two seniors who have graduated.

Gao Xiaoliang was the first to play in the individual competition. In the individual competition, Gao Xiaoliang was completely a cannon fodder. The eldest brother seemed to intend to give up this game.

Of course, Ren Jingcheng doesn't know who appeared on Leng Yue's side, and it's not an important role to look at the eldest brother's expression.

Sure enough, the person who played Leng Yue is really not strong, and it seems that he is also a cannon fodder used as a temptation.

The excitement of the two cannon fodder meeting is naturally low to a level. It's not that the two of them are not playing well or not working hard, but that they are particularly hesitant in the conversion of attack and defense, and the use of attack skills is also particularly stumbling and not smooth, so the rhythm of the game looks It's strange and makes people feel uncomfortable.

lasted about five minutes, the first game was over, and the audience also had a sense of relief that it was finally over.

The result of the game was not unexpected, and Gao Xiaoliang lived up to expectations and lost.

Out of the field, Gao Xiaoliang also shook his head and smiled bitterly. Individual competition is really not his specialty. If it hadn't been for his role that cannot be ignored in the team game, I'm afraid he would have gone to sit in the bench.

In the second game, the eldest brother sent Daming to appear.

Daming's strength is not the top in the club, but it is also good, and Lengyue is not an important person, so Daming's scene is relatively easy.

The same is true. Daming killed his opponent in just 3 minutes and 32 seconds and won the second game.

The score became 1:1, and the two teams returned to the starting line.

Zhou Ting came on the third game.

A beautiful woman like Zhou Ting is the focus wherever she goes. Seeing her on the field, the boys' wolf cry suddenly sounded on the side of the field.

Surprisingly, a girl also came out of Leng Yue.

When Zhou Ting saw the girl, she was stunned for a moment, and then greeted the girl with a smile.

The girl seemed to be very familiar with Zhou Ting. She came over with a smile and took Zhou Ting's hand and talked.

The two girls chatted and seemed to have forgotten about the game. If it hadn't been for the last supervisor sent by the league committee to remind them that the third game would have opened the skylight.

Compared with the slightly dull situation of the first two games, the third game is a straight rise in terms of excitement, which is amazing.

Standing on the sidelines, Ren Jingcheng looked at the action between the two girls on the screen and knew that Zhou Ting must have cooperated with the girl before, because their offensive and defensive modes showed their incomparable familiarity with each other, and even sometimes the opponent moved, and the other person had already put on a response. The posture of payment.

Thinking that the Lengyue Club is from C City University of Science and Technology, Ren Jingcheng feels that it is reasonable for the two to have had the opportunity to cooperate.

Of course, there is still a difference between winning and losing the game. The girl's skills and strength are good. It seems that she can also occupy the top three positions in the Cold Moon Club, but she is still a few worse than Zhou Ting. If she hadn't relied on Zhou Ting's understanding to resolve several crises, she would have lost the game early.

In the end, Zhou Ting still won the game and looked relatively relaxed.

The game became 2:1, with the home team in front and the visiting team behind, and the Flying Tigers took the lead.

After three games, the game will continue in five minutes at halftime.

Using this time, Ren Jingcheng asked Zhou Ting, and then knew that the girl Leng Yue had just played was actually in the same tenderness team as Zhou Ting in City C, and had cooperated countless times in the team. If Zhou Ting hadn't come to college in B City, this cooperation would have continued.

After explaining a few words, the girl came over with another boy from the Lengyue Club.

After saying hello to each other, Zhou Ting took the girl aside to chat, leaving the boy and Ren Jingcheng with big eyes.

"Ha ha, hello!"

The two can't be so silent forever. Of course, Ren Jingcheng's temper will not speak first, so the boy opened his mouth first.


Ren Jingcheng nodded lightly and replied.

"You don't know me, but I know you."

The boy was silent for a moment and suddenly said.

"Ah, have we met?"

Ren Jingcheng was stunned when he heard the words, looked at the boy carefully in surprise, confirmed that he really didn't know the other party, and then said.

"We haven't officially met, and I also met you through photos."

The boy smiled kindly and said.

However, this explanation is equivalent to saying nothing. Ren Jingcheng is still staring at the boy confused, and his eyes are full of doubts.

"Oh, hehe, it's my fault that I didn't make it clear. My surname is Fang, and I used to be a member of the rapid team."

The boy laughed again and explained.

Rapid team? The surname is Fang?

Ren Jingcheng's mind had a sense of familiarity. He always felt as if he had heard of a rapid team with the surname Fang, but he really didn't remember it.

The rest time was only five minutes, and it was almost time for Ren Jingcheng to speak. The boy called the girl who chatted with Zhou Ting happily, and the two walked back to the rest area of the Cold Moon Club together.

Staring at the boy's back and again, Ren Jingcheng suddenly flashed and finally remembered who this was.

At the beginning of the establishment of the rapid team, there were not only fire engines, Ma Chao and Wang Jun's three giants, and the fourth man, which was this boy surnamed Fang. Later, after he went to college, he gradually broke away from his daily activities in the rapid team. He only occasionally went back to have a look and never participated in any games in the name of the rapid team, so he was finally forgotten by the amateur circle in City C.

Ren Jingcheng once saw a group photo of the four of them on the computer of the fire engine, but he naturally forgot it over time.

Just as Ren Jingcheng was still recalling the boy surnamed Fang, the fourth game has begun.

In the fourth game, Tao Jing played on the side of Feihu, and Leng Yue sent their captain.

The captain of Lengyue is the same as that of most school league clubs. Both technology and strength are among the top three. Although Tao Jing's strength is good, it is not enough to deal with such opponents.

Like a replica of the last match with the Bear Club, Tao Jing gorgeously once again became the cannon fodder for the exchange, successfully redeemed the captain of the cold moon and lost the game.

The score becomes 2:2 and returns to the starting point.

The fifth game began soon. Zhu Xin played on Feihu's side, and Leng Yue's side was lined up by boys surnamed.

"Brother, deal with it carefully!"

Seeing a boy surnamed Fang go to war, Ren Jingcheng couldn't help walking to Zhu Xin and reminded him.

Ren Jingcheng knows exactly what the strength of fire machine, Wang Jun and Ma Chao is. Inference, the strength of boys surnamed Fang who can be as famous as them in the rapid team definitely belongs to the ranks of masters.

"I'm not his opponent. Whether you can take down the individual competition depends on you and your big brother."

Zhu Xin turned his head to look at Ren Jingcheng, smiled bitterly and sighed.

After saying that, he walked into the preparation area without waiting for Ren Jingcheng to speak again.

"Do you know him?"

Big brother listened to Ren Jingcheng's words clearly next to him and couldn't help asking.

"I don't know him. Do you remember when I mentioned the friend called Fire Machine who helped me a lot when I first came into contact with WarGame? They used to belong to an amateur team."

Ren Jingcheng explained.

"Oh, that boy is very strong. Like you, he competed on behalf of Leng Yue in his senior year. No one in our club has been able to beat him for three consecutive years. I wanted you to bump into him, but I didn't expect Brother Zhu to meet him."

The elder brother nodded with understanding and said with a little emotion.

"Of course, the fire engine is known as the first master in the amateur circle in C city, and his teammates must also be very strong."

This kind of straightforward praise will certainly not come from the mouth of Ren Jingcheng. These words were said by Zhou Ting, who came from nowhere.