Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 209 Past

Chinese people generally like to use a step-by-step approach when talking about important things. The advantage of this is that it gives both sides enough time to think and makes them less aggressive, which has a lot to do with the modesty and courteous attitude handed down since ancient times.

But this time Xie Jin did not do so, but used the method of listing topics and going straight to the topic to suppress Ren Jingcheng's thinking, and did not give him time to think too much, so that Ren Jingcheng could reflect the most real thoughts in his heart from language, expression and physical movements, so that he could persuade Ren Jingcheng to join. Legendary Club.

This conversation, which seems to have a whip constantly whipped behind him, really turned Ren Jingcheng's brain into a mess, and he didn't have time to think about anything.

"Boss Xie, let me tell you the truth. In fact, I am not completely interested in the professional circle, but I don't want my studies to give way for this. Being a scholar has always been my dream since I was a child. Although I have also considered whether I can go further on the road of games since I came into contact with WarGame, but Turning around, I still hope that I can make achievements in my studies in the future.

"I know that it is not easy to become a qualified professional player, which requires a lot of training and tactical strengthening. If I want to take care of school affairs, I really can't handle it, so I can only refuse your invitation."

Listening to Ren Jingcheng's explanation and looking at Ren Jingcheng's expression, Xie Jin knew that his strategy had worked. Ren Jingcheng unconsciously and honestly said the most real thoughts in his heart.

As long as you have the idea of entering the professional circle, the most scary thing is that you are not interested in the professional circle at all, then I have a headache...

Xie Jin's smile did not fade, and the unspoken words flashed in his heart.

As long as he has an idea, Xie Jin is confident to use imperceptibly to let Ren Jingcheng agree, and it's still early. Even if he successfully signs a contract with Ren Jingcheng, he won't be able to play until next season. Why don't you put down and take your time?

"Ha ha, Jingcheng, don't be in a hurry to refuse, you'd better think about it again. Everyone has a dilemma, but there are no problems in the world that can't be solved. Maybe we can think of a way to do both worlds, right?"

Xie Jin slowed down his tone and said in an extremely considerate tone.

Ren Jingcheng didn't say anything, just nodded and promised Xie Jin that he would consider it.

When he got what he wanted, Xie Jin didn't stay much. He got up and left Ren Jingcheng and Xiaoou to talk alone.

"Do you intend to let me join the legend and become a professional player?"

Ren Jingcheng looked at Xiao Ou and asked.

Looking at Xiao Ou arranging for him to meet with the legendary boss today, Ren Jingcheng guessed more or less about Xiao Ou's thoughts.

"There is such an idea." Xiao Ou didn't intend to hide it. He paused and continued, "Of course, I hope you can apply what you have learned, use everything I taught you to shine in the professional circle, and even go on the world stage."

"Why didn't you tell me before that you had this idea?"

It's really the first time Ren Jingcheng heard Xiao Ou say this. Usually, the two have never been involved in such a topic. Ren Jingcheng has always thought that Xiao Ou intends to be a real foreign master and have an indifferent attitude towards the professional circle!

"There is nothing to say. I withdrew from the professional circle at the most glorious moment of my life. I thought I was walking freely, and others also praised me for being able to retreat bravely and afford to let it go, but in fact, I have never let it down. If I really don't have one for the professional circle Do you think I will promise Legend to be a coach?

Little Ou shrugged his shoulders and spread out his hands and said.

Ren Jingcheng was silent when he heard the words. Yes, Xiao Ou chose to retire at the moment of winning the world championship. Maybe he thought that there was no regret in his life and no longer the value of challenging, but he ignored the real needs in his heart.

Maybe it's too young. I always think that life is a long way to go, and there is plenty of time to continue walking. Even if I give up now, there is no problem when I want to pick it up. Unfortunately, unconsciously, time slips away like this. As I get older, I feel more and more and more I feel, as if there is an invisible hand pushing it. You continue to move forward and wait for you to turn around, but you have no time to ignore it.

Regret, regret, but it's more regret. It's a pity that I didn't seize the opportunity to extend the time a little longer.

"Think about it and think about whether you want to do something that you have never imagined while you are young. The career of a professional player will not be long. When you retire in three or five years, you will also have a lot of time to pursue your new career."

Xiao Ou thought about it, and still advised Ren Jingcheng to consider Xie Jin's proposal.

Ren Jingcheng saw Xiao Ou's opinion and suddenly felt that maybe he really needed to consider it.

After dinner in the evening, Ren Jingcheng boarded the bus back to P with hundreds of signed books that made Xiao Ou sign.

Two days have passed, and the news about legends, Xiao Ou, and Ren Jingcheng quickly cooled down and gradually withdrew from the sight of all WarGame players.

It's not that they deliberately want to forget, but a bigger news that occupies their entire vision. The limited brain capacity makes the professional circle that usually pays the most attention to stand aside.

Two days left, WarGame is about to usher in the largest version update in a decade. Since the news was released in August, players have been looking forward to it for two months, and this update has finally come.

Some of the updated information about the game has been released on the game's official website, most of which are about the most concerned new profession "evolution".

Judging from the published content, the evolutionist and the supply soldier are a little similar. They belong to the officially set profession and have their own special equipment and combat skills. Unlike melee and gunners, they look very different in appearance. In fact, they are interoperable. Changing a weapon can become another profession, just like gunners. It will assist in learning some melee means to prevent the lack of effective means to protect yourself.

Such a vague career boundary has a lot to do with the positioning of the early WarGame.

The game company originally wanted to make the game like a real war. Everyone plays a special forces soldier in a battle. As a special forces soldier, he can naturally fight closely and fight with guns remotely. After properly mixed with some elements learned from online games, it became the early WarGame. Mode.

But after so many years, the modified WarGame has lost its early original appearance. The supply is an inherent profession added by the game company three years after the operation of WarGame at the suggestion of players, although it can also choose between three types of characters. However, from its combat skills, it can be seen that there is a clear boundary between occupations, and the emergence of special equipment ammunition packages makes this occupation division clearer.

The same is true of evolutionists, a profession known as "similar to magicians" in publicity completely subverted the early design model of WarGame.

WarGame's early concept was to be as close to reality as possible, making everyone feel like they are in war, so the early maps were also designed for this aspect. A large number of city battle maps were filled in the game, and each map can be played by 20 or 30 people, or even hundreds of people.

This scale makes a large number of ordinary players blocked from the game. Even if they want to play, they can't find enough people to participate. Most of them are professional game clubs or game teams with strength and * to organize a limited number of activities every month.

The high threshold limit made WarGame difficult and slow to develop in the early stage. After profound reflection, the game began to change its direction, gradually shifting the customer's positioning from ashes-level players to ordinary players, and exiting a large number of small maps of 1VS1, 2VS2 and 3VS3. In order to get close to customers, the game company also cut all the previous large maps into several sections, when players are in people. When selecting a large map in the case of insufficient numbers, the system will automatically cut out a part of the map according to the needs to meet the needs of players.

From adapting players to adapting to players, this is the most successful transformation of WarGame.

In fact, WarGame was born much longer than players know, about 15 or 16 years ago, but the extremely unfriendlyness to players in the early days made WarGame only popular on a small scale. Until 13 years ago, WarGame made its first large-scale update and successfully transformed the game. This ushered in the first popular peak of WarGame.

After the development of the professional league, the emergence of the WTP ranking, and the successful holding of the World Cup put WarGame on the fast lane of development.

After a major update of the version ten years ago, the inherent profession of supply soldiers has been added. The emergence of various negative effects makes the game tactics more variable and more playable, and from free operation to semi-free operation, so that more players with poor technology can easily and smoothly play at will. WarGam E has really changed from an entertainment game to a controversial sport.

Now, WarGam is about to usher in another version update. Of course, players are excited. They can't wait to know what major changes WarGame will bring to them this time.

Among them, evolutionists are the most popular among players. In a poll of game websites, 65 percent of users will definitely play an evolutionist, more than 80% of players plan to try it, and 90% of players think that evolutionists will make the game more playable.

Some players said that the most regrettable thing is that WarGame has never had a career like a mage, and now it has finally got it, making his long-cherished wish come true for many years.

However, some negative situations brought about by the emergence of new occupations are also the problem of data cards.

The data card is an indispensable part of the game. All the data of the player's character is stored on it. A data card can only store one character's information. Evolvers will definitely need a new data card to play, so many merchants take the opportunity to speculate on the price of the data card.

Originally, the price of a five yuan, and even a free information card given away in some game stores, soared overnight. The price of 50 or 100 yuan was low, and one store even sold it at a sky-high price of 500 yuan, which had to make people sigh that black merchants are everywhere!