Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 216 League News

Ren Jingcheng's killing of Zhang Zhengyi was beyond everyone's expectations.

Zhang Zhengyi can be regarded as the trump card of the Military Soul Club. Killing Ren Jingcheng is equivalent to pulling out a fang of the military soul.

Desp>However, it is a pity that the Flying Tigers are still not the opponent of the military soul in the team competition.

Under Cai Zhiyan's magical command skills, the military soul successfully fought a guerrilla war around the supply point, and successfully turned the guerrilla war into an annihilation battle, killing all the flying tigers.

In the end, the military soul won the third round of the league with a score of 7:6 at home.

After the third round, the Fight Club continued to lead with a complete victory, followed by the Army Soul, Flying Tiger and three other clubs with a losing record. However, it is only in the third round, and the league points are not much different, and it can't be seen which teams have the potential to enter the playoffs.

The next day, the people of the Flying Tiger Club returned to P with a little regret. Although they were psychologically prepared to lose the third round of the game, it could be seen that the score was so close that the big brother still felt depressed.

Anyway, the past is over, and the Flying Tigers still have to actively prepare for the next game.

After class in the afternoon, the sound of snoring in Zhouche's dormitory 206 came early in the morning.

After a good night's sleep, Ren Jingcheng habitually got up early, read a book and went to the computer to surf the Internet.

As for the content you want to watch on the Internet, of course, it is about the new version of WarGame.

Due to the competition, Ren Jingcheng's understanding of the new version has been seriously delayed. When he went to the web page, he found that all the forums and game websites had been overwhelmed by articles about the new version.

Ren Jingcheng took a general look and found that most of these articles praised this version, especially the full-degree-of-freedom operating system. Many players think that the game is more playable under the full-degree-of-freedom operating system, which also makes the battle more fierce, although the support of the system is increased in operation. It adds a lot of difficulty, but the feeling of freedom and pleasure still greatly offsets this negative situation.

Players have said that they have begun to gradually practice the full-degree-of-freedom operating system, and believe that soon after they get used to the full-degree-of-freedom operation, the semi-of-freedom operation will definitely be abandoned.

is followed by the evaluation of balance, and this kind of articles is also very popular.

Overall, everyone is quite satisfied with the adjustment of the balance between the three characters. The speed-type and balanced characters have not been improved by a large span, and the power-type characters are not as serious as rumored. Although many players still miss the last version of the power-type strong and scolded it as a garbage game. But most players know that they are just unreasonable.

The balance on the map has been criticized. It is generally believed that game companies are fooling people at all. What it used to be and what it looks like now has not changed at all. On the contrary, many players have not adapted to it after some map features have been changed. Small maps are okay, but large maps have been lost.

And the most disappointing thing for players is yet, that is the new profession that attracts the most attention of players - the evolution.

Maybe the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. The new profession of evolution really makes all players love and hate.

Love is because this profession has many places to play as a new profession, and it is not difficult to get started, which is very suitable for some ordinary players.

Hate is because this profession is too tricky.

The evolutionist is indeed a "magician-like profession" as advertised by the game company. Low defense can also make up for high damage, but what's wrong with the speed of the move or casting speed? The fastest combat skill also requires a second of preparation time, which is for WarGame. For a high-speed game, it is definitely a time for everyone to collapse.

What's more devastating is that the evolutionist's skills can be interrupted as long as they are not completed. Imagine that a big move will take at least five seconds to prepare, and then be interrupted by a sudden bullet. You said it's not depressing.

Although the evolutionist has a good defensive skill, he can only defend, cannot attack, and can never defeat his opponent!

In addition to the above shortcomings, the movement speed of evolutionists is also the most criticized. In comparison, the power profession, which has always been known for its slow speed, can be regarded as a 100-meter flying man in front of evolutionists.

The casting speed and movement speed are slow, which makes the evolutionists have almost no life-saving capital in the battle. As long as they are close to people, they will have no chance to fight back except being beaten. It will be even more tragic in the face of gunners. It is estimated that they will be killed if they can't even release a combat skill.

Of course, the high damage of the evolutionist is an advantage that can never be ignored. With the cooperation of his teammates, the evolutionist can even directly kill everyone in the other team by himself, and he does not rely on any equipment and technical advantages, but can do it casually with the damage of skills.

Ren Jingcheng looked at the content about evolution and turned over the combat skills of the evolution in the officially published Tactical Regulations 101. He found that most players have exaggerated that the evolutionist may be slow and slow, but he still has a lot of control skills.

For example, "deceleration belt", this technique can generate a circle in the range of ten meters in front of you, and any opponent who enters this range will be reduced by 90%. With this time, it is not a problem for evolutionists to escape.

Another example is the "spirit chain", which is a skill to share damage with the opponent. How many OP values are knocked down by the opponent, and how many OP values the opponents also suffer. Combined with the defense skill of absorbing damage, the "energy shield" will definitely make the opponent suffer a big loss unconsciously.

Now it's just that players have not studied this profession thoroughly. After a while, when everyone understands it, I think that evolutionists will definitely be impressed by everyone.

Looking at the time, Ren Jingcheng turned off the computer, woke up others and went to class.


Time has passed, October has inadvertently passed, and a few days have passed since the beginning of November, and the school league has also entered the tenth round of the competition.

After the Flying Tiger Club lost to the Military Soul Club away from home, it has never encountered any strong men in these rounds. Both away and home have made great progress all the way, and it is still easy to win.

After the end of the tenth round of the game, the gap between the clubs in the scoreboard of the school league gradually began to widen.

Last year's league champion, the Fighting Club of H City S still occupies the top of the list with a winning attitude.

The military soul, the flying tiger, and Q's three clubs followed with a record of 27 points.

And Xiong's Club performed well after losing its military soul and ranked eighth in the league.

The result of the Maitian Guardian Team, which was the fifth in the league last year, plummeted, only in the 21st position in the league, which surprised everyone.

In terms of the professional league, the 18th round has just ended.

The traditional eight giants have risen again after the pains at the beginning of the league.

The Supreme Club led the professional league with 45 points, followed by Jiantian City, which also performed well this year, with 45 points as Supreme, but because the net winning score was not as good as Supreme, it ranked second.

The third place in the league is the Light Angel Club. The performance of last year's league champion this year is generally average. Except for their star player Chen Chengyue, who has received a lot of praise, others have more or less received a lot of bad reviews.

The fourth place is the legendary club that suddenly emerged after Zhou Yingran became the head coach. Everyone has been paying attention to the proposition of whether a person can change a club, but Zhou Yingran told everyone that he could do it.

Before Zhou Yingran served as the head coach of the legend, the legend only ranked 10th in the league, which was a position that shocked almost everyone to despair for a traditional rich team, and even began to rumor that the legend did not enter the playoffs this year.

Then Zhou Yingran's arrival changed all this. Since he became the head coach, the legendary club has achieved a five-game winning streak, and even the light angels and East Lake, which belong to the same giants, have been cut off by them, and the 15 points accumulated in a row have also sent the legend to the fourth place in the league, which is fierce A slap in the face of those who don't see the legendary future.

Compared with the legendary strength, East Lake has replaced its position and become a synonym for poor performance. No matter how you look at it, this should not be the performance of East Lake, which has just been awarded the title of a rich family after entering the playoffs for four consecutive years. However, in the face of fans' inquiries, the manager and head coach of East Lake are very calm, only saying that the league is still long, and everything looks back.

Indeed, the professional league is 64 rounds long, and some teams have to play more than 80 games in the playoffs, and it is not yet time to reach a conclusion.

As for several other rich families, there is nothing to say. The sixth is September Flower, which has always been known for its stable results. In previous years, the meteor Tianma, which has been ranked eighth or ninth, rose to the seventh place in the league, and the eighth position in the league is dominated by the Golden Lion's club. According to.

And when players took their sights away from the professional league, another exciting news came to everyone with the new issue of Pioneer Weekly.

In order to cooperate with the promotion of the new version of WarGame, Pete Slager, the ace player of the FOX Club, the champion of the World Cup for two consecutive years and the number one WTP, will play the World Tour.

What domestic players expect most is that Pete Slager ended his hometown of the FOX Club, after the first game in New York, the United States, and the second stop was the capital, City B.