Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 218 Opening of the Performance Competition

defeated the strong enemy of the Fight Club. Relying on the net victory, the Flying Tigers Club finally surpassed the Fight and the military soul and was sent to the top of the school league list.

However, it is regrettable that the Flying Tiger did not stay at the top of the list for too long. The next 12th, 13 and 14th rounds of three consecutive away battles made the people of the Flying Tiger miserable and tired.

In this situation, they ushered in their 15th round of opponents.

Although this flying tiger is a home battle, which avoids the pain of running around, the previously accumulated fatigue burst out uncontrollably, and even Ren Jingcheng, who has always had good physical strength, is unbalanced, not to mention others.

After barely winning the individual game with a score of 4:3, the Flying Tigers performed poorly in the team game and lost the 15th round of the league with a score of 5:7.

In the face of such a result, the Flying Tigers can only ask the sky who made the league schedule so tricky? Three consecutive away games make it impossible for any club to maintain the usual level.

Losing this game, the Flying Tigers fell directly from the first position in the league to the fourth in the league. The top three clubs are Fight, Military Soul and Killing Tiger.

After the 15th round of the school league, the time also entered December. At the same time, the school league also ushered in a one-week adjustment period.

Big brother did not arrange any training plan this week, because he knew that the fatigue of some time ago had dragged down everyone's body. Now what they need most is to have a good rest to recover a lot of lost physical strength. It doesn't matter whether they train or not.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or the league committee deliberately arranged this. Pete Stella's second stop in B City was on the weekend of this week to cooperate with the exhibition match promoted by the new version of WarGame.

As a team in the school league, Flying Tigers got five tickets for the exhibition match in the name of the club. These five tickets were distributed as part of the club's welfare, and the big brother was distributed by lottery. Unfortunately, the seven starters, including Ren Jingcheng, did not get any of them.

After leaving the club, Zhou Ting was a little depressed because she didn't get the tickets.

Ren Jingcheng knew that Zhou Ting had been calling online to find scalpers as early as possible after Zhou Ting announced the specific time of Peter Stella's visit to B city. Unfortunately, this ticket was so popular that even the scalpers who had always been powerful had been able to get a few tickets. As for Zhou Ting Not to mention.

Originally, I thought that there was a welfare ticket within the club this time, which should be able to get one based on her contribution to the league, but the big brother came to a collective 9 lottery, which made Zhou Ting miss the ticket.

When Ren Jingcheng saw Zhou Ting's bitter face all day, he couldn't help sighing and took out two tickets for the exhibition game with anti-counterfeiting magnetic strips from his pocket and shook them twice in front of Zhou Ting.

"Where did you get it?"

Zhou Ting has long been familiar with the appearance of the tickets that made her dream come back. Zhou Ting recognized the two tickets in front of her eyes. She reached out and grabbed the two tickets and shouted excitedly and curiously.

"The gift of the legendary boss!"

Ren Jingcheng shrugged his shoulders and spread out his hand and said.

Since the last time I met Xiaoou at his residence in B City, Xie Jin's contact with Ren Jingcheng has not been interrupted. Of course, most of the time Xie Jin took the initiative to contact Ren Jingcheng.

The two have also met several times in private, and they have to admire Xie Jin's persistence. Such a big boss can put down his body to be a job that a rookie detective should do. It is impossible to say that there is no sign of looseness in Ren Jingcheng's heart, and even several times Ren Jingcheng was almost impulsive. He promised to go to the legendary club to play a professional game. Fortunately, he, who has always had excellent self-control, resisted it.

This time, as the owner of a rich club in the professional league, Xie Jin is absolutely simple to get tickets for the exhibition game. He can get ten or eight tickets with any phone call. However, there is no need for professional clubs to get tickets. They are all guests of the exhibition competition and do not need any tickets.

On the contrary, Xie Jin made a special phone call for Ren Jingcheng and got a few tickets.

As soon as Ren Jingcheng got the ticket, he was kidnapped by Qin Zhengshi and Huo Siyang in the dormitory, two for themselves, and one for Huo Siyang's girlfriend.

After that, Ren Jingcheng sent another one to Ye Xiaoqian at the Polytechnic University. Although they have broken up, they will still call each other as friends or make an appointment for dinner in private. Of course, Ren Jingcheng will not forget his former girlfriend.

One of the remaining two Ren Jingcheng is for himself, and the other one was originally planned to be given to Zhou Ting, but unfortunately he couldn't find a suitable time. This time is just right.

Zhou Ting hugged Ren Jingcheng excitedly when she got the ticket and kissed him fiercely on his face.

Ren Jingcheng was suddenly stunned by a strong kiss, and his whole body became dull in an instant. One hand subconsciously touched the position where he had been kissed and stood still.

Zhou Ting didn't pay attention to what she had done at all. She raised the ticket in her hand and walked around the road with a bright smile.

Early on Saturday morning, Ren Jingcheng's mobile phone rang, waking up all the people in dormitory 206 in their deep sleep.

Ren Jingcheng was sleepy, weakly picked up his mobile phone and put it in his ear. "Hey, hey" for a long time before he found that he did not press the answer button.

Ren Jingcheng pressed the answer button slightly awkwardly, but heard a busy sound in his ear. The other party seemed to have hung up the phone.

Ren Jingcheng was about to call back when his mobile phone rang again.

Ren Jingcheng did not forget to press the answer button this time.

The phone call was from Zhou Ting, and there was nothing important. He just told Ren Jingcheng to gather with her at the school gate.

Ren Jingcheng's phone call also woke up Qin Zhengshi and Huo Siyang, who were sleeping in a muddle. They complained that Ren Jingcheng was about to turn around and go to sleep, but suddenly remembered what day it was today. They suddenly hit a thrill together and jumped up from ** and ran to wash in panic. On the contrary, Ren Jingcheng, who woke up first It fell behind the two.

Looking at the panicked Qin Huo, Ren Jingcheng kindly did not remind them that it was only 7 o'clock in the morning, and the time of the exhibition game was really 1 p.m. Even now, he could not enter.

After thinking about it, Ren Jingcheng still called Zhou Ting to remind her that it was too early to rush there now.

But Zhou Ting didn't want to listen. She kept saying, "Early birds have insects to eat."

Knowing that Zhou Ting was overexcited, Ren Jingcheng had no choice but to sigh and shake his head helplessly and prepare for going out with toiletries.

Under Ren Jingcheng's probation, it was half an hour after Ren Jingcheng, Huo Siyang and Qin Zhengshi went out, and Zhou Ting also called more than eight phone calls and added more than ten text messages.

called Huo Siyang's girlfriend, met Zhou Ting at the school gate, and had a good breakfast. At Zhou Ting's urging, everyone went to the location of the exhibition competition.

The exhibition competition was held in the Space Square outside the B City Science and Technology Museum.

Although the name of the cosmic square has the word universe, in fact, this square is not a particularly large square, with a capacity of only 10,000 people, and the surrounding various decorations and virtual equipment occupy the space. Only 5,000 spectators can participate in this exhibition competition, which is why the ticket is so one ticket. The reason why it is difficult to find.

Ren Jingcheng and his party walked out of the subway and walked more than 200 meters to reach the scope of the Science and Technology Museum.

As soon as the Science and Technology Museum came into view, Ren Jingcheng and others were stopped by three policemen.

After checking the identities and student ID cards of several people, the police told Ren Jingcheng that they had to be cautious because there were too many people in this exhibition competition. If it caused trouble, please forgive them.

Ren Jingcheng and others were wondering what the policemen had just said. They didn't go far and figured it out in an instant.

"A lot of people!"

Huo Siyang raised his eyes and muttered.

"Didn't you say that there were only 5,000 spectators in this exhibition competition? Why are there so many people?

Ren Jingcheng frowned. There were at least two or thirty thousand people in front of him. No wonder those policemen just now looked like facing a big enemy.

"These people want to see if they can get in, and some are looking for scalpers."

Suddenly, a familiar voice came to his ear, which shocked Ren Jingcheng's body.

"Li Xiao!"

Before Ren Jingcheng could speak, Qin Zhengshi shouted in surprise.

The person who came is Li Xiao, the captain of Jiantian City, a rich professional club.

Li Xiao saw that Qin Zhengshi recognized him, nodded to him with a smile, and then turned his eyes to Ren Jingcheng.

"Jingcheng, long time no see!"

Li Xiao said with a smile.

"Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Ren Jingcheng also said with a smile.

Looking at the familiar question and answer between Li Xiao and Ren Jingcheng, Huo Siyang and Qin Zhengshi next to him were stunned. For a moment, they didn't understand what the situation was. Even if Ren Jingcheng's master was Zhou Yingran with extraordinary history, it was too abnormal to be so familiar with Li Xiao.

"I said, Jingcheng, you are too boring!"

Li Xiao looked at Ren Jingcheng and suddenly said amazingly.

Ren Jingcheng was stunned when he heard the words, and then understood what Li Xiao was talking about.

Li Xiao once invited him to join Jiantian City, but he resolutely refused. As a result, some time ago, the news that he wanted to join the legendary made the city full of storms. Li Xiao, who was in the professional circle, could not hear the news. This sentence obviously has the meaning of guilt.