Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 261 Accident

Qian Yibo frowned and was very dissatisfied with the performance of the rookie in the cloud. Obviously, he had much stronger strength than the other party, but he missed one opportunity after another because his personal mind was not put on the game, which he could never forgive.

Qian Yibo clasped his fingers angrily and turned around several times. Finally, he couldn't help grabbing the headset and roaring a few times, reminding the rookie in the cloud to concentrate and turn his mind to the game.

This kind of off-court prompting is strictly not allowed in the game, because it is suspected of cheating. However, the teacher who supervised the game heard what Qian Yibo said and did not deliberately embarrass him. He just gave him a warning look, indicating that if he wanted to do this again, he would directly defeat the Fighting Club.

However, Qian Yibo's behavior not only made the stadium supervisor unhappy, but also Dongfangxing, the current captain of the Fighting Club standing next to him, frowned unhappily.

The captain of Dongfangxing has been extremely depressed recently. Originally, he was a good captain, but he didn't expect that Qian Yibo, the former captain, suddenly stepped in and took care of all the big and small things of the club, making his current captain a real person and become a big idle man.

This is nothing. After all, Qian Yibo will graduate in half a year, and because he has to write a thesis, it is impossible for Qian Yibo's energy to put all on the club, but Qian Yibo's repeatedly transcendental behavior has made his current captain worse and worse in the minds of the team members. He is very suspicious of waiting for Qian Yibo to leave. After that, does this club still have his place?

Qian Yibo really didn't expect that something he thought was very ordinary to make his old subordinates so unhappy. In fact, at that time, if he was still in his position, Oriental Star might not have so many thoughts, but he wanted to intervene in things that should not be involved in, so that Dongfang, who had just tasted the taste of power How can the star not have a heart knot?

Let's not talk about the contradiction between the new and old captains of the Fight Club, let's take a look at the changes in the field!

After all, Qian Yibo has been fighting for a long time. Together with his anger, the rookie in the cloud subconsciously became serious.

Tao Jing suffered a lot. She originally relied on the other party's lack of seriousness to fight for a balanced situation. When she really started, she was not the opponent of the rookie in the cloud. Now when she saw that the opponent was serious, she was a little panicked.

For good, Tao Jing is also an old man in the school-level league. She has rich experience. Although she knows that she is not the opponent of the other party, she still racked her brains to find a way to win a glimmer of life for herself, so it really takes more to deal with her.

However, this situation has not lasted for a long. After all, Tao Jing is only reluctant to support it. After a long time, it is difficult to continue to support both physically and mentally, and it is inevitable that there will be flaws.

The serious rookie will never turn a blind eye to these flaws. He takes the opportunity to take action and steadily prevails several times.

Tao Jing tried several times to revive the situation and turn the situation around. Unfortunately, the idea was beautiful, but the reality was cruel. Not to mention that she did not have the ability to reverse the universe, she was taken the opportunity to expand the results by the rookie in the cloud, and lost a lot of OP value in vain.

Unable to attack, Tao Jing had no choice but to tighten the defense circle, trying to rely on time to kill the momentum of her opponent at this moment, and then find an opportunity to regain the initiative.

But how could the rookie in the cloud give him this opportunity? The speed of attack suddenly accelerated, and suddenly tore Tao Jing's defense line to pieces, just like a piece of waste paper put into the shredder.

Tao Jing never thought that her defense would be so vulnerable, and her movements subconsciously slowed down by half a beat.

Her slow behavior was not the right time. For the rookie in the cloud, this was a chance to kill, so he took action decisively.

Tao Jing had no choice but to attack the cloud rookie. The other party was much better than her in speed, consciousness and operation. She had no time to react at all. It was not until the attack of the cloud rookie hit her that she knew that she had been hit.

The cloud rookie obviously wants to take away Tao Jing's remaining OP value with a set of combos, so he didn't use any big moves at all. He just used small tricks to constantly stiffen Tao Jing, and then used several ordinary attacks to kill her OP value.

Although the speed of reducing the OP value is very slow, there will never be any out-of-control situation, but most people will not have this patience, because the longer it takes, the more likely it is to be an accident. If it weren't for the fact that the rookie in the cloud is much stronger than Tao Jing, he would never do it. .

Tao Jing is really in a desperate situation this time. If the rookie in the cloud chooses to use continuous skills to form a combo, she may still have a way to think about it, but the mode of ordinary attacks and tricks is repairing all the flaws because of its simplicity.

monotonous, repetitive, mechanical, almost impossible to describe the continuous move of the rookie in the cloud, but this continuous move has played an unexpected role, and Tao Jing has no chance to fight back.

In five minutes, exactly five minutes, the cloud rookie consumed Tao Jing's OP value below the warning line. At this stage, the cloud rookie had nothing to worry about. With a big move, Tao Jing only felt as if she had been hit by a truck, and her whole person was thrown away by a huge force.

crossing a perfect parabola, Tao Jing fell to the ground in a very indecent posture and turned into a black virtual shadow. Obviously, the OP value had been exhausted.

At the same moment, the people staring at the screen and watching the game all their eyes widened, with a smiling and painful expression.

In fact, at the moment Tao Jing's big move of the rookie in the cloud, her OP value had been emptied to zero, so Tao Jing did not know what happened later, but when she walked out of the preparation room and returned to the rest area, she suddenly became furious when she saw the video automatically recorded by the system.

Because in the video, she opened her legs and raised them high, with one hand covering her chest and the other hand hanging between her legs, she looked like doing something that was not suitable for children.

The rookie in the cloud knew that it was not good at the end of the game. This was not his intention. The posture of falling out was automatically made by the game system, and it was not controlled at all. If such a posture appeared on a boy, it was nothing, but if it appeared on a girl, it would be more or less ashamed. Humiliated.

So as soon as the game was over, the rookie in the clouds ran away, but Tao Jing would not let him go. She rushed to the rest area of the Fight Club in three steps and two steps to look for it. Naturally, she couldn't find it and had to return to the rest area of the Flying Tiger.

But this doesn't mean that she has forgotten this matter. Anyway, the monk can't run away from the temple. She won't believe that the rookie won't come back after the team competition.