Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 263 Winning or losing

The distance between Ren Jingcheng and Qian Yibo is less than half a meter. Even if Qian Yibo is a fairy, he has no time to avoid Ren Jingcheng's attack. He was hit by a series of bullets and retreated continuously and could not stop.

However, Ren Jingcheng obviously did not want to kill Qian Yibo this time, but just wanted to use the impact of the bullet to distance the two.

This is also a helpless move. Ren Jingcheng can't use the "tactical gun dance" in the free operation mode, which is equivalent to losing the ability to fight close to his opponent. Now that Qian Yibo is so close to him, he doesn't know if there will be any problem, and it's safer to open the distance. After all, long-range attacks are The gunner's greatest guarantee and killer.

Qian Yibo hit by continuous bullets has almost no way to move. His role is balanced, which is much less resistant than the power type. If it is a power type in an ordinary attack like Ren Jingcheng, he can almost counterattack with a thick physique, while the balanced type can only be hit back by bullets. There is no way to do anything.

Ren Jingcheng pushed Qian Yibo three meters away with abruptly with a bullet, and the impact of the bullet on him weakened to an invaluable extent. Qian Yibo turned around and left the scope of Ren Jingcheng's shooting.

As soon as he took off, Qian Yibo rushed to Ren Jingcheng with the dagger in his hand.

Ren Jingcheng naturally didn't want Qian Yibo to get close to him and fired several shots in a row. Unfortunately, such an ordinary attack was useless to Qian Yibo. He didn't even use any dodge skills, but easily dodged all the attacks of Ren Jingcheng by shifting.

When the two entered within one meter, Qian Yibo stopped, bowed, leaned forward, and scratched towards Ren Jingcheng's neck with one move.

Ren Jingcheng retreated slightly and flashed the blow, but Qian Yibo's dagger slipped around in his hand and continued to row towards his neck, completely regardless of Ren Jingcheng dodging.

Ren Jingcheng withdrew one more step back and leaned back slightly. He wanted to flash Qian Yibo's attack. Unexpectedly, Qian Yibo's whole body in front of him suddenly turned into a gray fog and disappeared.

"Ghost Step"

Ren Jingcheng is extremely familiar with this move. Although this skill is smart, it is difficult to pose a threat to him, but his body still maintains a backward posture and can't control it at will. He can't do anything but watch.

Qian Yibo suddenly appeared behind Ren Jingcheng. The dagger was like a poisonous snake and got into Ren Jingcheng's vest. When pulling the dagger away, Qian Yibo did not forget to use a move to "tear" to enlarge Ren Jingcheng's wound and cause bleeding damage.

Qian Yibo came quickly and went quickly. After one hit, he immediately withdrew and retreated, because he knew that Ren Jingcheng's counterattack would come faster than expected.

Qian Yibo was right. He did not use any control skills to kill. Although Ren Jingcheng fell into a stiff effect because of the hit, he was definitely not enough time to use the next move.

As soon as he stepped back a few steps, Ren Jingcheng's bullet had followed him. Qian Yibo dodged left and right and avoided the bullets one by one. He was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but suddenly there was a sharp sound in the air. Before he could react, the bullet instantly penetrated into his forehead.

Qian Yibo now understands that all the bullets fired by Ren Jingcheng just now are actually the cover of this bullet. This is a really fatal shot. No wonder he dodged all the bullets so easily. It turned out that Ren Jingcheng deliberately released water, and the purpose was to make He is relaxed.


This is the name of the combat skills used by Ren Jingcheng when he hit Qian Yibo. This skill is not very good. As long as you can aim at ten *, you can play well, but this skill is quite useful for light gunners. Whether it is in terms of lethality or causing a coma to the enemy after hitting the head, it is very commendable and a cost-effective skill.

Moreover, the bullet plane with a "headshot" is extremely fast, and the chill is overwhelming, which increases its value by three points.

For this skill, Ren Jingcheng used the least, because he had a "speed continuous shooting" at the wheel speed, and he had a "ranial shooting" for the wheel damage, and the headshot hit seemed a little useless to him. If it hadn't been for an unexpected sneak attack, Ren Jingcheng probably wouldn't have chosen to use this.

But after using it this time, Ren Jingcheng found that he seemed to have underestimated this skill before. Its practicality is much higher than he thought, and maybe he should use it more in the future.

Qian Yibo was hit by a "headshot" and suddenly fell into a coma. He said secretly in his heart: No!

At the same time, Ren Jingcheng has raised the eagle pupil and shot at Qian Yibo.

If Ren Jingcheng can definitely take away Qian Yibo with a set of moves at ordinary times, but he has not fully understand the full free operation mode, and there will inevitably be problems in the connection of skills.

Sure enough, after Qian Yibo lost more than 1,000 OP value, Ren Jingcheng's hand suddenly slowed down a little. Although the time was so short that it was almost negligible, Qian Yibo still found that he had escaped from Ren Jingcheng's attack range almost at the same time.

Ren Jingcheng sighed when he saw this: What a pity!

But there is nothing he can do. In the face of a master like Qian Yibo, a slight negligence may cause a fatal mistake. This time, Qian Yibo just escaped with his combo, and it is likely that Qian Yibo will bring him unimaginable harm next time.

In the next few minutes, Ren Jingcheng and Qian Yibo played quite lively, but everyone could see that the two of them still had more tentative attacks and did not find a chance to win or lose a game.

The OP value of the two was slowly depleted in this mutual test, and gradually both Ren Jingcheng and Qian Yibo began to become impatient.

After a while, Qian Yibo finally seemed to be unable to stand it. He waved the dagger forward hard. The dagger first drove his arm, and then drove his whole body from his arm. The whole body suddenly rushed to Ren Jingcheng at a meteor-like speed.

Qian Yibo's behavior looks like looking for death, but this move is actually famous and one of the combat skills, called "Meteor Piercing", which is a high-damage move.

Although this move looks ordinary, but the whole person rushes towards the other party, in fact, the dagger will drive the surrounding air to flow together in the process of stabbing, using ultra-fast speed to make the air wrap the player's body, forming an invisible air mask, immune to all damage.

is immune to all damage, which sounds awesome, but the "meteor puncture" is not invincible, because its attack direction can only be directly in front of a straight line, and the attack range is quite narrow, and the damage to the target in front of it can be so high as scary, but as If the player deviates slightly from its attack range by more than one centimeter, its damage will be as low as frightening.

Ren Jingcheng actually feels strange about why Qian Yibo chose to use this move, because with his ability, it is very simple to flash this move even in full free operation mode.

But now is not the time to ask why. Qian Yibo's "meteor puncture" is just around the corner.

Ren Jingcheng hardly thought about it and habitually flashed to the right side of his body. As a result, as soon as his body moved, the "meteor piercing" strangely followed the same trend and continued to stab him.

This time, Ren Jingcheng was so surprised that he couldn't even close his mouth. He had never heard that "Meteor Piercing" would turn around, but now he doesn't have time to figure out what happened for him.

Ren Jingcheng keeps retreating, hoping to delay the time to wait for the end of the "meteor puncture" and the crisis will be resolved naturally. However, although he is a speed-type character, it is impossible to be faster than the "meteor puncture" technique in any case, let alone that he retreats, and the speed has been first. A few points have been subtracted.

This situation lasted for less than a few seconds, and Qian Yibo's "meteor puncture" had hit Ren Jingcheng's body fiercely. Ren Jingcheng's whole body was suddenly thrown far away, and the number representing his OP value also jumped quickly, obviously a minor injury.

The big move of "Meteor Piercing" has been stiff for a long time. Qian Yibo was unable to continue to pursue with one blow. He could only stand still and watch Ren Jingcheng slowly get up from the ground.

But when the figure on the ground stood up, everyone was surprised, whether it was Qian Yibo in the field or the two clubs in the appearance battle on the field, because standing up was not Ren Jingcheng, but exactly the same person as Qian Yibo's role.

How is this possible!

This sentence crossed everyone's mind in an instant, which is simply a living damn!

Among these people, only Zhou Ting roughly understood what happened, because she knew that Ren Jingcheng had the medal from the temple fair, which should be the effect of the "mirror" function.

Qian Yibo's mirror image waved his hand as soon as he stood up. In an instant, there were three identical mirror images beside it. The four mirrors raised the dagger in his hand together, used the "meteor piercing" and rushed towards Qian Yibo from the four directions.

Qian Yibo was really dumbfounded this time. It's terrible that he can still use the same combat skills.

He was dumbfounded, but Qian Yibo still cheered up to deal with the current crisis. Although the four mirrors were killed towards him from four directions, it did not mean that there were no loopholes at all.

Qian Yibo's body moved and changed its orientation. A mirrored "meteor puncture" passed him without causing any harm to him. Qian Yibo was secretly relieved to see this. Fortunately, the "meteor puncture" made by these things that did not know what it was was only the default version of the system, and the one he used The kind of "meteor puncture" that can turn a corner is different, otherwise he will be really miserable this time.