Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 268 Rescue

Ren Jingcheng has been trying to find a suitable opportunity to escape in the attack between Qian Yibo and Oriental Star. Unfortunately, the cooperation between the two is so tacit that he can't find any chance.

On the other side, the fighters who have cleaned up Gao Xiaoliang are even more coveted and rushed up anytime and anywhere, making Ren Jingcheng's psychological pressure unusual.

But the next scene surprised Ren Jingcheng.

The fighting group did not run up to participate in the siege as he expected. Instead, they merged slightly and turned around and left quickly together.

Ren Jingcheng immediately understood that the other party's goal could only be Zhou Ting. This time, there was no boulder to help Zhou Ting, which made her have to fall into a bitter battle with the young lady. At this time, the two have fought for many rounds, and it is still a close match. It seems that there is still a big scene!

"Tingting, be careful, the fighter has gone to your place!"

Ren Jingcheng responded to the siege of Qian Yibo and Oriental Star, and did not forget to remind Zhou Ting.

At this time, Zhou Ting's battle with the young lady had become white-hot. There was no time to talk. After listening to Ren Jingcheng's words, she just nodded quickly. After nodding, she remembered that Ren Jingcheng could not see her nodding at all.

But Zhou Ting waited for a long time and didn't wait for the fighter. Suddenly, she felt very strange and suspicious, but the young lady's attack was too dense. Zhou Ting didn't have the time to think about it, so she had no choice but to leave everything behind.

Zhou Ting can't think about it, which doesn't mean that Ren Jingcheng doesn't have time. Although he had to pay Yibo and Dongfangxing to make Ren Jingcheng feel very hard, he still took time to make his head move.

The more Ren Jingcheng thinks about it, the more he feels wrong. If the goal of the fight is really Zhou Ting, it doesn't seem to be so slow. After all, the battle circle between Zhou Ting and Miss is not far from here. Ren Jingcheng's radar clearly shows that two red and one blue dots are entangled, which can represent the blue dots that fight against others. I don't know why I can't see any of them.

Isn't their goal Tingting?

Ren Jingcheng's eyes turned, and suddenly there was an ominous feeling in his heart.

"No, big brother!"

Ren Jingcheng shouted secretly, and his heart suddenly became anxious.

At this time, he couldn't imagine that the target of the fight was too sorry for his superior IQ. He really didn't expect that the fighter was so bold that he and Zhou Ting's two simple targets were not besieged and killed, but found the big brothers with many people.

Ren Jingcheng was about to remind the big brother, but the three red dots broke into the scope of his radar detection at this time. Needless to say, these three red dots were the big brothers.

At this moment, four blue dots suddenly appeared on the radar and surrounded the elder brothers from the side. Almost in an instant, three red dots collided with four blue dots.

Seeing this, Ren Jingcheng could no longer stand it. He shouted, and suddenly glowed ice blue all over his body, and then the light became stronger and stronger, and gradually moved behind Ren Jingcheng, generating two ice-blue energy bodies in the position of his left and right shoulder blades.

Qian Yibo and Dongfang Xing obviously have a lot of research on Ren Jingcheng. As soon as they saw him like this, they knew that he wanted to show those combat skills that did not know his name but could always turn the world around at a critical moment.

We must not let him succeed!

This idea appeared in Qian Yibo and Dongfangxing's mind at the same time, and the action was a little more fierce.

Ren Jingcheng dodged the attack of Qian Yibo and the Oriental Star, while observing the two ice-blue energy bodies behind him. He saw that the volume of the two ice-blue energy bodies actually doubled in just a few seconds, and it would continue to grow depending on the situation.

Waited for a while, and the two ice-blue energy bodies had become the size of an adult's skull.

Ren Jingcheng's face flashed with joy, his hands suddenly crossed in front of his chest, and then suddenly pulled down, and the two energy bodies suddenly emitted a dazzling light.

Qian Yibo and Dongfangxing were caught off guard and their eyes were damaged. They hurriedly turned their heads to one side and dared not look directly in the direction of Ren Jingcheng.

The dazzling light suddenly came and went quickly, and quickly faded in less than three seconds, bringing the surrounding light back to normal.

Qian Yibo and Dongfang Xing were afraid that Ren Jingcheng would take this opportunity to escape, and almost opened their eyes together as the light receded, but the scene in front of them surprised them beyond reversibly.

Ren Jingcheng still stood still and did not leave, but the two energy bodies on the shoulder blades behind him turned into a pair of transparent ice-blue wings. The pair of wings spread out and looked two meters long, shaking in mid-air, and a few ice-blue feathers fell from it slowly. Falls to the ground, and when the feathers fall to the ground, there will be a slight roar. Obviously, these feathers contain great energy.

"Tactical Gun Dance • Wings of Light"

Ren Jingcheng tried to control his wings and flapped twice, and nodded with satisfaction. "Wings of Light" is one of the three most difficult skills to master in tactical gun dance. Ren Jingcheng has practiced for more than half a year and has never succeeded. Unexpectedly, he succeeded unexpectedly under great pressure this time.

Although Qian Yibo and Dongfangxing don't know where the thing behind Ren Jingcheng came from, they are well aware of the principle that "if something abnormal things are, they are demons". No matter what the pair of wings are and how they come from, Ren Jingcheng will never get them out for viewing for no reason. This pair of wings must be big. The problem.

The two knew that they could not wait any longer, so they took action together and killed Ren Jingcheng.

Ren Jingcheng smiled calmly, and the "wings of light" behind him suddenly fanned quickly, and the "wings of light" fanned faster and faster. With the "wings of light" fanning, Ren Jingcheng's feet gradually left the ground and his whole body suspended into the air.

The attack of Qian Yibo and Dongfangxing was killed at this time, and Ren Jingcheng could almost feel the determination contained in the two attacks to stop him.

But Ren Jingcheng will never stop because of this. The "Wings of Light" flashed hard again. Ren Jingcheng suddenly disappeared in front of Qian Yibo and Oriental Star. Except for a few ice-blue feathers left in the air that were slowly falling, there was no trace of Ren Jingcheng.

The attack of Qian Yibo and Dongfangxing naturally fell into the air, and the two looked at each other and didn't understand what had happened.

"Captain, why did Ren Jingcheng come to us?"

Just as the two were feeling blank, Liu Yuexin's surprised shouting with some fear came from their headphones.