Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 271 Tournament

Suddenly hearing Qian Yibo's voice, Ren Jingcheng is still a little uncomfortable. After all, he plays the old version a lot and is used to not being able to talk to his opponents. It will take a little time to adapt to the sudden change of the new version.

However, Ren Jingcheng's proposal is still a little moved. Now the score is 7:7, and the scores of both teams have been broken. It is inevitable to play overtime. It's just a waste of time to play any more. Unfortunately, Ren Jingcheng has always been different from Qian Yibo. He is not the same position in the Flying Tiger. Return to the heart, but have no right to decide.

"Promise him!"

At this moment, the eldest brother's voice suddenly sounded in everyone's headphones. Obviously, he heard Qian Yibo's proposal and expressed his opinions through the outreach system.

Big brother is the captain of Flying Tiger, and he agrees that others will naturally have no objection.

When the field supervisor saw that the two clubs had no objection, they directly announced the end of the team game, and because both teams scored 7 points, and announced that they would play extra matches in the ring.

Because the competition is based on the KOF system, that is, one person will always be in the ring until the OP value is zero, so both the flying tiger and the fight send the strongest team.

Fly Tiger is also simple. Ren Jingcheng, Zhou Ting, Big Brother, and the three of them are undoubtedly the best candidates for the top three combat effectiveness of the club.

It's a little difficult to fight. According to his strength, Qian Yibo is undoubtedly the strongest, but under him, the strength of the rookie, the Oriental star, the eldest lady and the summer skating are not the same. This place is really worth the headache.

In the end, Dongfangxing and Qian Yibo discussed. In addition to the two of them, there was another place for the rookie in the cloud.

The young lady was still thinking about revenge on Zhou Ting. Naturally, she was very unhappy and wanted to play, but Qian Yibo could not listen. The young lady has been defeated by Zhou Ting twice. With her temper, she must have wanted to find her face. She would not think about the game at all. It's better not to let her go up and make trouble.

As for summer skating, it was excluded due to physical problems and lost the opportunity to play.

In the order of appearance, the Flying Tiger took the lead by the worst big brother of the three, then Zhou Ting, and finally Ren Jingcheng as the general who suppressed the array; the fight side was also arranged, first of all, the rookie in the cloud, then the Oriental Star, and finally the strongest Qian Yibo.

After a short break of ten minutes, the competition began.

The eldest brother preferred to fight against the cloud rookie. The strength of the two is not big, and the eldest brother is relatively a little stronger. If it hadn't been for Qian Yibo and Oriental Star suddenly killed in the team competition, the eldest brother would have killed the cloud rookie, but it will take more time.

Both the big brother and the rookie in the cloud know that this game must not be lost, so they work very hard. Their OP and DP values are consumed quite quickly. In fact, this is not suitable for the ring, because the winner will continue to face the second game, whether it is DP value or OP value consumption. If it is big, it will be very unfavorable.

But the big brother and the rookie in the cloud can't think so far at this time. The opponent in front of them is more important. The shranking style of play is absolutely impossible to defeat the opponent. They must have full firepower to win. As for the next game, just try their best to consume the opponent's energy value. They don't expect to be able to choose one or two.

The final result is that the eldest brother is still a higher than one, defeating the rookie in the cloud and getting one point first, but the remaining OP value of the eldest brother at this time is only 800 points. Even if you add the 1000 points automatically replied by the system after the beginning of the second game, there is only 1 800 points, I can't stand the bombardment of a big move.

The same is true. After the beginning of the second game, although the eldest brother tried his best to consume the energy value of the Oriental Star in guerrilla warfare, he was too weak. He was seized by the opportunity by the other party just by defeating the 1000 OP value of the Oriental Star, and a big move directly killed him.

The eldest brother is very dissatisfied with this result. At the beginning of each game, the winning party will automatically reply to 1000 points of DP value and OP value. The eldest brother only knocked out the 1000 points of OP value of Oriental Star, which means that he did not hit it at once and did not achieve the purpose of consuming the opponent at all.

The eldest brother's second record is not good, and the form Zhou Ting faces is relatively grim.

Zhou Ting's strength is still not as good as that of Oriental Star. If she hadn't had the intention of slaughtering ultra-high energy value in her hand to make Dongfang Xing worry about it and equalize the strength gap between the two, Zhou Ting would have lost this game. But even so, her situation is not so good, and it takes a lot of luck to win the game.

Zhou Ting was very smart. At the beginning of the game, she did not fight with Oriental Star, but used the method of fighting. With the high damage of the heart of slaughter, Oriental Star could not get close to her and took the initiative on the court.

But after Zhou Ting gained the upper hand, she could not make enough attacks to threaten the Oriental Star. After a long time, she made the Oriental Star stand firm and gradually forced Zhou Ting to give up the way of fighting and began to fight with him.

Zhou Ting understood that it was unwise to fight against Dongfang Xing, but under the pressure of Dongfang Xing, she had no other choice but to follow the other party's rules.

The situation took a sharp turn for almost a moment. Zhou Ting is actually not much worse than Dongfangxing in terms of momentum and frequency of attack. After all, her fighting style also advocates attack, which is right for her taste, but Dongfangxing's strength is stronger, and the three words "fast, accurate and fierce" are deep. On the contrary, Zhou Ting was suppressed.

In the second half of the game, Zhou Ting found herself as if she was trapped in a quagmire. No matter how hard she struggled, she could never get rid of the entanglement of the quagmire, and even had a tendency to fall deeper and deeper.

Zhou Ting wanted to change this situation, but unfortunately she failed until the end of the game and was really defeated by Oriental Star.

Of course, although Dongfangxing won, he himself was not very uncomfortable. Both OP value and DP value were consumed quite seriously. On the surface, it looked better than the situation of the eldest brother just now, but when he thought that his opponent was Ren Jingcheng next, everyone knew that he was no longer doing anything.

Although Dongfangxing did not want everyone's predictions to become a reality, he was killed by Ren Jingcheng almost without much struggle after the start of the fourth game of the ring.

It's not that Dongfaxing wanted to lose so badly, but that Ren Jingcheng's strength was so strong that he was not given a chance to resist at all. After the opening, he was directly turned to the ground, and then he was sent out in a round of attacks. If he hadn't given Ren Jingcheng such a cold son, I'm afraid Ren Jingcheng would have got a zero injury. Victory.