Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 280 Stella's "Knight"

Wang Tao patted his forehead, as if he was extremely annoyed that he didn't recognize Ren Jingcheng earlier, and shouted "regret, regret".

"Actually, I have been looking for you after the exhibition match that day, but unfortunately I haven't found it. I didn't expect you to be enveloped by the legendary club. What a pity!"

Wang Tao looked at Ren Jingcheng and said with regret.

"Alas, there are not many people who can force Peter Stella to use the second form of knight now. Even now, I can't do it."

Wang Tao didn't wait for Jingcheng to say anything, sighed quietly and said more regretfully.

"Second form knight?"

Ren Jingcheng was stunned and a little confused when he heard the words.

"Why, don't you even know Pete Stella's self-created signature combat skills?"

Now Wang Tao is confused, which seems to be incredible that Ren Jingcheng is so ignorant.

"Captain, don't be surprised. In the past two years, everyone knows Pete Stella's 'Blue Knight'. No one remembers that his real killing move is actually called 'knight', but this 'knight' has three forms."

Suddenly, another person came over and interrupted.

Ren Jingcheng looked up and immediately recognized this person. It was Tu Feng who entered his own club at the same time as Wang Tao. However, unlike Wang Tao's encounter, Tu Feng was not trained in his own sky. Although he has always been a formal player, it seems that Tu Feng's strength has always been middle-class in the whole league. The level is not enough.

The reason why Ren Jingcheng was able to recognize this lesserknown player was through a video, which was seen by Xiao Ou, because the role used by Tu Feng was exactly the same speed gunner as him. Xiao Ou hoped that he could learn something from that video.

While Ren Jingcheng was watching the video, Xiao Ou was still beside him, saying that if this had been placed ten years ago, Tu Feng would definitely be the key training object of his own heaven. I'm afraid that the future would be more ambitious than Wang Tao. As a result, a big update brought the speed character to the bottom of the valley and cut off the opportunity of Tu Feng, and could only become a second-rate. Player.

Ren Jingcheng rarely heard such a high evaluation in Xiao Ou's mouth, so it is inevitable that he pays more attention to Tu Feng. Over time, Tu Feng has become the most familiar player in his own club.

"Yes, Pete Stella's growth in recent years is even more surprising than in the past. With the first form of 'knight' alone, 'Blue Knight' alone has been invincible all over the world, and everyone has gradually forgotten that his strength is more than that."

Wang Tao nodded heavily, and there was something else in his tone.

Ren Jingcheng heard that Wang Tao had always regarded Pete Stella as an opponent, but this opponent was too powerful. No matter how he chased them, the distance between them was getting farther and farther away, which inevitably gave him a sense of frustration.

"Can you tell us in detail what's going on with Pete Stra's 'knight'?"

Ren Jingcheng was really interested in Pete Stella. He hesitated for a moment and asked what he wanted to know most.

Wang Tao and Tu Feng looked at each other and nodded with a smile.

"Come here, everyone. The captain has something to say. Let's listen to it. Whether you know it or not, there will be nothing wrong with hearing it!"

Before Wang Tao opened his mouth, Tu Feng stood up and shouted loudly.

When everyone heard the words, they came over and formed a circle, waiting for Wang Tao's speech.

"Peter Stella's 'Knight' has three forms, corresponding to defense, attack, attack and defense..."

Wang Tao slowly opened his mouth and introduced the situation of Peter Stella's self-created skill - "Knight".

"Defense form is the first form of the skill of 'Knight', and it is also the most familiar form. It is called 'Blue Knight'. In this form, Pete Stella's defense ability will be increased by 30%, and the 'blue shield' in his hand can avoid most of the damage, if he doesn't bombard the shield first. It's hard to cause fatal damage to him."

"However, although the 'Blue Knight' is a defensive form, his attack power will also be improved by the effect of 'DP', especially the sword air wave composed of energy waved by the King's Sword is almost incomparable, and there is absolutely no possibility of resistance except dodging."

"The attack form is the second form of 'Knight', which he has rarely used in the past two years. It is called 'Dark Knight'. In this form, Pete Stella will release the protection of the fighter armor, so that his defense will be reduced to zero, but his damage will be increased by 100%, and his speed will also It will increase by 100%. The most terrible thing is that the sword of the king will emit 'dark sword spirit' in this form. This sword spirit is invisible andzhi, with multiple repeated puncture effects. As long as it is hit, it will be continuously attacked to death, and there is no way to relieve it.

Wang Tao stopped here and took a sip of water.

"Isn't he invincible?"

Taking this opportunity, someone interrupted.

"It's not so much. In comparison, the 'Dark Knight' is easier to deal with than the 'Blue Knight'. After all, his defense will be reduced to zero. As long as he can hit a set of moves, there is no problem to kill him, and the 'dark sword spirit' is a close attack, and it is not difficult for the gunner to deal with."

Wang Tao shook his head and continued to say.

Everyone discussed a few words when they heard the words, but they didn't feel anything terrible about the "Dark Knight".

Only Ren Jingcheng has no easy meaning after hearing Wang Tao's words. He has personally felt the power of the "Dark Knight". It's not as simple as Wang Tao said. He doesn't want the "Dark Knight" to crack Pete Strana's ghost-like speed first, which is faster than the naked eye, even more The radar of the game system is still faster. If Ren Jingcheng hadn't mastered the skill of "tactical Gun Dance Light Angel" now, he really couldn't think of any way to avoid it.

"And the offensive and defensive form of 'Knight' is called 'Red Fire Knight'. In this form, Pete Stella will be surrounded by energy, and all attacks on his body will cause 100% anti-shock damage at the same time, and at this time, his king's sword can also use 'dark sword spirit'."

Wang Tao didn't say much about the last form of the "knight", but only a few words, and he didn't say the way to crack it twice, which have made everyone around him speechless.

Because Pete Stella is really in an invincible state in this form, the remote attack will make the opponent unable to attack unscrupulously because of the existence of anti-shock damage, and may even kill himself; in close combat, the infinite attack characteristics of "dark sword gas" is a great threat, and you are carelessly touched. There is no other way but to die.

For a while, the whole activity room fell into silence.