Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 294 Truth and Storm

Every time a professional player retires, many players and fans have to make a scene. They are just reluctant to give up.

Thinking that I am used to a person appearing in every game and have been with me for five or even seven or eight years, but suddenly I have to get used to the world without him. There are always some feelings in my heart that I can't give up.

And star players like Li Xiao have a large base of fans, and there are more people who prevent him from retiring than other professional players.

The media will seize the opportunity to directly report this event with the title of "Li Xiao's retirement, the end of an era".

It's really exaggerated. Li Xiao, the most famous figure in the fourth batch of professional players who joined the professional circle, does represent the professional players of that era on one side, but it's too much to say that his retirement is the end of an era. The fourth batch of professional players in many clubs are still playing a pillar. Although it is not as good as a star player as Li Xiao, it cannot be ignored. What's more, there are still a large number of third batch of professional players in some clubs, and even the second batch of professional players who have joined the professional circle.

When this report came out, many media scrambled to reprint it, and the reaction of the players was still divided into two poles as usual. Or they praised the media for being right and exaggerating the impact of Li Xiao's retirement again; or they complained that Li Xiao was putting gold on his face, compared with him. Some good players are nothing, and then list a lot of names of professional players to illustrate their views.

Anyway, Li Xiao was shot while lying down this time. That report was just a means of media hype. What does it have to do with him? As a result, the player pushed everything on him. He was dozens of times more unjust than Dou E in June!

This matter has not ended. On the fourth day of the press conference announcing Li Xiao's retirement in Jiantiancheng, a piece of news was hung on the homepage of major game websites and game forums.

The person who broke the news explained one thing in more than 500 words, that is, the reason why Jiantiancheng retired Li Xiao was not because he had to concentrate on preparing for the World Cup. This is Jiantiancheng to let Ji Chengdong, who has a "good reputation" in the professional circle, join the sword. The cleaning activities carried out by Tiancheng as the captain.

After learning the news, whether they are fans of Li Xiao or not, the first reaction of the players is puzzled. They are very strange. They don't understand how Ji Chengdong, who has a reputation as a "cow man", can make Li Xiao, a popular and powerful popular player. Giving up is not only puzzling, but also makes people feel that there is no other word that can express the mood of outstanding players so clearly.

This is as ridiculous as an entertainment company sweeping out its company's most popular female star in order to make a third-tier film out of the star.

Again, Li Xiao and the fans of Jiantiancheng are naturally angry. Jiantiancheng actually replaced the gentle and virtuous main room with a rich bitch, which really makes them unbearable.

Therefore, the crusade against the high-level officials of Jiantian City is unprecedented. Of course, the most dazzling star is the representative of Jiantian City's brain-damaged fan who has been silent for half a year, a professional stalker - the black tomato sauce.

This guy hasn't heard from him for a long time since the beginning of this season. Even many players have forgotten that there is such a person. I don't know if he has been holding it for too long. As soon as the black tomato sauce appeared, he threw out a sharp article criticizing the senior management, in which the words are obscene and described ** (harmony) No matter how yellow and violent people are, they can't help shaking.

After that, it seemed that it was not enough. The black tomato sauce then published a large number of pictures from the Internet, all of which were private meetings between the boss of Jiantian City and Ji Chengdong. At this time, everyone knew that the stalker had disappeared. He turned out that he had switched from the stalker to the stalking boss.

In these pictures, the black tomato sauce is also accompanied by various explanations. The meaning is also very simple, that is, the boss of Jiantiancheng gave Ji Chengdong a "unspoken rule", and then special explanation is that the boss of Jiantiancheng is 46 years old, divorced and childless. The reason is ominous.

Of course, this is nonsense. The sexual orientation of the boss of Jiantiancheng is very normal. The black tomato sauce is just to damage his image, but those good people on the Internet can't care about this. One or two jump out and open their mouths to spray, and even on some online video programs, some hosts still take it. These are to make fun of.

The boss of Jiantiancheng is really not a man if he can still be silent in the face of such an insult, so he stood up to refute the rumor.

As a result, it happened to fall into the trap of black tomato sauce. Less than an hour after the boss of Jiantiancheng refuted the rumor, the black tomato sauce uploaded another video video about a secret meeting between the boss of Jiantiancheng and Ji Chengdong, and it seemed that he didn't make enough attention, so he went directly to one. Title: Unsuitable for children.

Of course, the content of the video does not have the kind of picture that is not suitable for children as the black tomato sauce said, and the scene on the picture is not the key point. What really attracts the attention of others is the content of their dialogue.

The dialogue between the two was very messy, but after screening, everyone gradually restored the truth of Li Xiao's retirement incident.

In fact, there are only two words to tell the truth about Li Xiao's retirement: save money!

According to the financial statements of Jiantian City last season, their total income in the twelfth season of the professional league was 77 million. Excluding daily expenses and the salaries and taxes of employees and players, they made a net profit of about 30 million, with operating costs of more than 50%, while other clubs are only about 35%- -40%.

In the operating cost, the salary of the team members is the largest expenditure, and the highest amount is Li Xiao.

Li Xiao's annual salary is 5.7 million, plus advertising endorsements and so on, and her annual income is about 8 million. This level is not too prominent in today's professional circle, but this annual salary is far higher than others in the club. Take Jiantiancheng's annual salary ranking second. His annual salary is only 3 million, which is half of Li Xiao, which makes the boss of Jiantiancheng feel very unhappy.

And what makes the boss of Jiantiancheng most uncomfortable is that as Li Xiao becomes more famous, the advertising share given to the club is getting less and less. From the earliest 46, to the later 37, to the current 28th, although with the rise of Li Xiao's advertising fees, the club is here The overall money earned above has not decreased, or at least increased, but watching Li Xiao put more money into his pocket and the club have to take out so much money to support him, the boss of Jiantiancheng naturally feels that it is not worth it.

Therefore, when his brain is hot, he wants to kick Li Xiao, a star player who supports Jian Tiancheng with one hand.

The boss of Jiantiancheng is not a fool. He kicked Li Xiao away. Jiantiancheng's income will definitely be affected. He also needs a star player to make up for this hole, but looking at the whole professional circle, it is much cheaper than Ji Chengdong's reputation.

Although Ji Chengdong is famous for his love for money and his reputation is so corrupt that it is unreparable, his strength is indeed unquestionable, and his bad reputation also makes his worth much cheaper than that of professional players similar to him.

The dialogue on the video is probably the content, but there are many smart people among the players, and they soon figured out that the boss of Jiantiancheng actually has the next step.

It costs a lot of money to win over Ji Chengdong's greed. Obviously, this is not what the boss of Jiantiancheng wants, so his purpose is also very simple. He uses Ji Chengdong to delay a season, and then takes a year or two to cultivate and raise a newcomer to become a star player of Jiantian City.

This is not difficult for the already mature Jiantian City, not to mention the cheapest one for new star players.

If Jiantian City really operates like this model, money will be saved, and even it will bring a lot of income in the short term, but Jiantian City Club's own position in the professional league will be destroyed. As for the future, does Jiantian City still have a future?

Everyone still doesn't understand why the boss of Jiantian City can run a club so successfully and why he is so short-sighted?

In the end, the dark tomato sauce told everyone the answer.

How many years can a game operate successfully? Twenty years, thirty years? Whether the life span of WarGame can exceed 20 years is still unknown, but I can't even think about it for 30 years. I'm a businessman, and I just want to open this club to make money. How long will I wait until I don't make a lot of money now? Wait until the day when the club declines? Don't joke..."

This is what the boss of Jiantiancheng said.

We don't know who said these words, but he made it clear that Jiantiancheng Club is just a money-making tool for him.

The fans of Jiantiancheng, who wanted to understand all this, were collectively silent. Now they have no anger. They are just sad. They are sad that a club wants to lay off the most popular star player just to save money, and the star player has not even declined. Or it's the problem of undisrespect.

In order to save money, the club actually doesn't like to spoil its own image and invite a reputation and a "chicken". Changing the club is like taking off clothes to be the captain of the club.

In order to save money, the club even sacrifices its own future to make a lot of money.

The silence is greater than the death of the heart. The words of the boss of Jiantiancheng have completely shattered the hearts of their fans. They collectively lost their voices and were speechless...