Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 13 Next Layer

Qin Zhong's first judgment is that this should be the place where the little devils hoarded supplies, such as weapons and food, but if it is said to hoard here, isn't it too difficult? The stairs are so deep, isn't it looking for hardships? Later, if you think about doing something shady here, or If there are any other exits below, it makes a point. This wooden staircase was originally prepared for their officers or some special people.

For this cave, there are very few introductions in history books, which is almost equal to zero. Up to this day, Qin Zhong can still recite this article: 137 caves is a secret cave in Japan. When Japan* was evacuated, the cave was abandoned and mysteriously disappeared.

Is he really the witness who opened this historical doubt? He couldn't help but have a sense of responsibility and the excitement of winning the treasure.

"Hey, hurry up, I can't wait here. If I don't come down, I'll go somewhere else." Qin Zhong urged that Mona and Mark had also reached the bottom.

Only the big teeth are still stepping on the creaking wooden ladder, muttering Rory's words.

Mona can't stand that guy: "If you talk more, be careful that I will get rid of your big teeth."

"Come and fight. At worst, I'll go back. Do you think I'm willing to come? Isn't it for the curator's face? Would I be willing to go with you?" Daya said this to give himself courage. To be honest, it really doesn't mean anything else.

When Qin Zhong heard this, he raised his eyebrows and said, "When will my face be so valuable? Well, take your time. Let's go somewhere else. I won't urge you this time." As he spoke, he immediately turned the beam of the flashlight to another place.

Now the big teeth are anxious: "No, wait for me, I'll just leave quickly." He accelerated his steps, but if he was unlucky, he would do his back at the critical moment. Just as the big tooth began to run down quickly in two steps and two steps, suddenly there was a sound of wood broken on the stairs. Only the big tooth seemed to fall, falling down rapidly from where he was, every Wherever you go, you can break the stairs fiercely.

As soon as Qin Zhong heard that the voice was wrong, he immediately turned his flashlight to the stairs. When he saw the big teeth, the big teeth were about to fall to the end. At this time, it was too late for him to save the big teeth. He only heard a muffled voice of the big teeth, "Puff!"

Free fall, the big fall hit horizontally into the shallow water, splashing everywhere, and some splashes even sprayed on Qin Zhong's body.

"Let's go and have a look." Qin Zhong hurriedly ran over to see. Except for the frightened appearance on the face of the big teeth, it seemed to be nothing serious. After all, it flew down like a staircase, and it didn't fall heavy.

But when the three people looked at the painful appearance of the big teeth, they suddenly felt that the ground was shaking and shaking violently.

"It's not good. It's stuck. We should have been tricked." Qin Zhong's subconscious has only such a feeling.

Mark was also stupid at this moment and didn't say the adventure: "No, what can I do? It's over. Before I can explore, my mother is in danger. It's sad."

"Shut up."

When several people did not react, the place where they were located began to collapse from the root of the stairs, and the water flowed down rapidly with them, as if it were a waterfall. Four people fell quickly, and in an instant, the four people had disappeared into the darkness.

I don't know how long it took, Qin Zhong woke up from fainting and tried to move his body several times, but he was bound by an inexplicable pain: "This bastard, I don't know if you fell to death!" Qin Zhong complained about the bad luck of big teeth, but there was nothing he could do. He had fallen down and said something too late.

He looked around and found that the flashlight had been thrown into a corner three or four meters away. Fortunately, it was a self-generating mechanical flashlight. As long as he shook it back and forth with his hand twice, the flashlight would automatically be fully charged.

"Uh, it hurts!" The voice came from behind Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong took a long breath: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, I thought I was dead! By the way, where's my sister?" Mark is quite concerned about Mona.

Qin Zhong was about to move when he suddenly felt that one of his arms seemed to be holding a person. He took a look at him with the light of the flashlight: "Here, your sister is lying here very well." He explored Mona's breath with his hand and the signs of life. He felt that the girl seemed to be fine: "Oh, are you dead? I didn't die."

"Well, it's like lying in your arms for a while. It still doesn't work."

Qin Zhong stood up, picked up the flashlight, looked around, and saw the place where the big teeth were lying. The guy seemed to have fallen to death and lay face down on the ground. He approached the guy and kicked his big teeth without any movement.

He touched the body of the big teeth and his body temperature, and could still hear his breathing slightly.

Mark came over and said, "This guy seems to have fallen to death, right?"

"I don't think so." Qin Zhong pinched the big vertebrae of the big tooth fiercely with his hand and suddenly pulled it up: "Get up."

"Ouch!" Big teeth are a little confused. He doesn't know what's going on. There is an egg-sized bag on his forehead.

"Well, since we are not dead, we have to find our way out. Don't die here. That's the saddest thing." Qin Zhong said, lit a flashlight again, and looked up at the place where he fell. There were more than ten square meters of big holes.

Big teeth touched their fangs and looked up at the big hole: "This is a well dug by a bastard who almost threw me to death."

Mark lit the lighter and smoked a cigarette: "You are the only one who is unlucky here. You fell down the stairs and fell down together. You are too embarrassed to scold us."

Qin Zhong muttered in a low voice: "There should be electric lights here. It looks like an underground tunnel. You can't see the head from the light. If nothing happens, this should be the place where the little devils did some shady things."

"Hey, if that's the case, can we find some good goods here?" Mark said.

Big teeth licked their big teeth and stuck them next to Qin Zhong: "Then shall we fish out some before going out?"

Qin Zhong really can't stand the idea of these two guys: "Don't say anything else. It's still a matter whether we can go out. Think too much. Let's see if the light here can light him first."

"Lap down, it's been so long, and the Anti-Japanese War has been victorious for more than 60 years, and there is no light."

"Shut up, smoke your cigarette honestly, don't talk nonsense, and you have to find it if you want to go out." Qin Zhong and several people began to look for places where there might be lights in the cave.

Because several people only have one flashlight, their progress is very slow. They searched several times in the cave and did not find any place where the lights might turn on.

And only a few neglected lamp base was found on the wall. The rust spots on the inner wall of the lamp base have turned into copper sulfate. Qin Zhong touched it with his hand and removed the rusty place, and the original body inside was still well preserved.

"See, there should be lights here. According to the previous statement, there should be a power room here, look!" Qin Zhong found a black cable coming out from behind the lamp stand. He took a few steps along the cable. He didn't go far, and the cable moved.

Mona scratched her explosive head: "My God, there is really a powerhouse here."

"Do you know Japanese?" Mark asked.

Qin Zhong glanced at Mark: "You really have a white face of your Chinese. Do you know how many Chinese characters the Japanese have stolen?"


"Ah, what? Is what Grandpa Qin said wrong? Qin Zhong gently pulled the cable with his hand, which really led to the room: "Yes, it's here, go in."

Big teeth have been ready for a long time. He suddenly jumped up and kicked on the iron door, but after this kick, there seemed to be no response to the iron gate. When Qin Zhong and others reached out to help push it, a strong smell floated out of the iron gate.