Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 12 Old Mushroom

The old man's words seemed to have dispelled Qin Zhong's anger by half. Through the old man's introduction, it seemed that many places could be linked to what he knew. Coupled with Yingzi's constant talking about some of the things his grandfather said when he was a child, the credibility of what the old man said suddenly climbed to a certain height.

Qin Zhong loosened the blade in his hand, squatted down, and looked carefully at the old man sitting on the ground: "Old man, do you mean to confirm whether the so-called big shaman is dead or alive?"


Qin Zhong also wanted to know more about the shamans, so he suppressed the matter despite Guo Dafu's soaring anger: "Let him take us away."

"Well, the old man doesn't know the way. How can I take you away?"

Guo Dafu had just calmed down and was burned by the old man's words: "Your uncle, an old man is easy to deceive, isn't he?"

"Well, don't tell him. He means that he wants to follow us, so let him follow him for the face of Yingzi, but we have agreed that I will ask you a lot of things later. You have to answer me seriously and carefully, okay?"

Qin Zhong never thought that he would one day threaten a hundreds of-year-old man with a knife, nor did he think that all this seemed to be a scene that could not be shown in movies.

Along the way, Qin Zhong learned a lot about the shaman from the old man. The snow moth was raised by the old man, so he was ready to use it as his personal weapon. As a shaman, he had the right to choose whether to resist the wind, fire, main water, thunder, etc., etc., and the old man just chose to raise spirits.

In Grandpa Qin Zhong's notes, the snow moth was recorded as a group of evil things, because his father also went to the depths of the Greater Khingan Mountains to find the former residence of the shaman, but he returned without success, but Qin Zhong, as a descendant, was so lucky to find the ancient virgin tribe. Not only that, but he also met such a person. He didn't know whether he was happy or annoyed.

And the old man expressed that he wanted to follow Qin Zhong to the depths of the palace, and he taught Qin Zhong how to open the corner door.

Qin Zhong and others stood in front of the corner door. The old man coughed a few times and said, "At the beginning, when designing the corner door, I asked my opinion. I told them that this corner door is the last door to the underground holy place. It must be designed, so there must be three people to open this door, and there must be a woman. Fortunately, there are some of you."

"Do you still want women? Who made such a damaging move? Guo Dafu has always been angry.

Qin Zhong nodded and said, "Okay, you continue to say, how should this door be opened?"

"This door is called the mysterious door. There is a carved green dragon on the door, and below is a phoenix. Only after placing the two sacred objects in the right position and facing the ice ball in the door can the door be pushed open."

Qin Zhong observed for a while, and there were indeed these two things on the door, but according to the distance, it would be easy to do. Qin Zhong grabbed the dragon sculpture with one hand, the phoenix head with the other hand, and competed with each other. In a blink of an eye, the dragon and phoenix opposite the ice beads in the middle of the door.

In such an action, the corner door has undergone a huge change. The water flow in the middle of the corner door made of full ice began to tell the cycle. Gradually, the ice beads seemed to be soaked in the hot spring, and Qin Zhong touched the position on the door with his hands began to appear bursts of heat, and the corner door But at this moment, there were bursts of roaring, and the door gradually opened.

But the door opened in a strange direction. The ice door seemed to be a suspension bridge. An ice chain on the door slowly opened the ice door. After the ice door was opened, it was pulled to a 90-degree angle.

The old man pointed to the door and said with a little smile at the corners of his mouth, "Go ahead, you happen to be two men and one woman. Stand up."

Qin Zhong did not follow what he said at first. He looked out of the corner door and there was a white fog. He didn't know what was outside the corner door. He tried to blow out a breath with his mouth, but the white fog did not seem to respond.

"Where is outside your door?" Qin Zhong asked.

The old man replied without stopping: "That's the way to the Holy Land."

At this time, Guo Dafu had a heart and whispered in Qin Zhong's ear, " boss, I don't think this is right. We can't see anything there. Don't be fooled by the old man, we don't know yet!"

"Well, but if we don't get out of here, do we have any other ways to choose?" Qin Zhong asked rhetorically, and Guo Dafu seemed to be a little depressed.

Na Yingzi stood up without thinking: "I believe in our ancestors, and I also believe in our prophet shaman."

Qin Zhong lowered his head and sighed to Guo Dafu and muttered, "Brother, remember, this is the power of faith." As he spoke, he also walked to the ice gate without choice, but when Guo Dafu went up to the ice gate, the ice gate did not seem to respond, but there was always a strange feeling when the three people stood in the white fog.

"You stand still, the old man is going to sail." The old man said that it would be fast, and he didn't mean to be slow at all. He suddenly pulled up a support point at the bottom of the ice gate with one hand, and the whole ice gate suddenly flew out.

It was not until this moment that Qin Zhong and others felt cheated, because the old man did not stand on the door at all, but looked at Qin Zhong and others grinned and smiled short breath from afar.

"Old man, what's wrong with you? Why can't you come up?" Qin Zhong asked.

The old man's face suddenly changed. He suddenly pulled the ice chain and shouted to Qin Zhong and others who were already buried in the fog: "Oh, I forgot to ask you one thing. Is that little girl a virgin?"

Qin Zhong was stunned as soon as he heard this question. What's the problem? He looked up and down. He was floating in the fog. There was no holy place. Is this holy place in the fog?

Yingzi replied very reservedly, "The ancestors and juniors have never married, and the virginity has not been broken."

At the same time, Guo Dafu shook off his beard and cursed: "Old glass, your uncle, I'm still a virgin. Do you use these? You old mushroom, you were cheated by you again."

"Hey, the young man is irritable, and the old man has no intention to lie to you, but your old mushroom name is very good. I think I will also call it this in the future. Since you have a virgin, the old man will not be afraid. Go down!" The old man said, his hand loosened, and then grabbed the ice chain with both hands, twisted hard, and the ice chain was broken.

And the ice gate where Qin Zhong and others stood seemed to be very smooth, but the falling speed was super fast. I don't know how long the ice gate shuttled in the white fog and finally exposed the ground.

The ground is green and the river is turbulent, which makes Qin Zhong and others nervous: "After all, we have been cheated. If we go this high, I'm afraid we will become ghosts."

"Big boss, you can die beside the boss, and the rich man will die without regret."

At this moment, Yingzi put his hands together, closed his eyes slightly, and did not say a word. He seemed to be praying for something. Soon, the ice gate fell into the rapid river.

The violent shaking made it difficult for Qin Zhong and others to stand firm and seemed to be in danger of falling into the river, but Na Yingzi had been shaken by the ice gate when it hit the water surface and sat down on the ice gate.

"Don't move, stabilize, or no one can save you if you fall into the river."

Qin Zhong heard the old man's voice just now. He turned his head and looked at it. The old man unconsciously stood on the ice gate and smiled loudly: "Hey, the old man didn't lie to you, did he? The design of this door is still very reasonable. Let's go down the river and wait for you at the entrance of the Holy Land."

"Hey, is this green grassland your so-called holy place?" Qin Zhong asked curiously. After all, he felt that what the old man said was right. Although the height they fell from above could completely make people fall into meat cakes, they did not, but a strange question surged into Qin Zhong's heart, and how did the old man come down?

Guo Dafu's action was so fast that he kicked the old man into the water before his back disappeared: "Old mushroom, let you lie to us, old man, I'm scared to death. Is this green holy place? Who are you fooling?"