Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 30 Fancy Girl

Qin Zhong heard that the ninja's voice seemed to be a little different from the familiar voice before. Suddenly, Qin Zhong seemed to understand the mystery. I'm afraid this ninja was not a person. They borrowed the Korean army's array to return to this period of three or seven years. Then the ninjas and foxes in this era are probably not them. It's the same as the 137 cave and the iceberg.

Thinking of this, Qin Zhong's eyebrows trembled slightly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he said coldly, "I'm afraid it's not me. It should be you."

"Aha, you are quite stinky, so wait a minute and wait until I finish cleaning up these things before I settle accounts with you."

Qin Zhong and the other two, who saw the ninja suddenly disappear into the yellow mud wall of the tomb hall, were immediately dumbfounded. What's the reason? Can a guy still go through the wall? The design of this tomb is too awesome.

Guo Dafu blinked his eyes, came to the wall, knocked with his hand, turned around and shook his head and said, " boss, this wall is really a real wall. How could that guy get in just now?"

Mona didn't believe it. He also came closer and knocked with her hand a few times. She also looked back at Qin Zhong. The yellow mud wall was really a yellow mud wall, and there was no gap that could let them continue to move in.

And the shadow of the big fox just now also passed through the wall easily.

Qin Zhong's brain turned rapidly. In his opinion, the wall was likely to be an illusion. Maybe the fox and the ninja are not normal people, but just a ghost of nothingness.

"Don't look for it. If they are so eager to dump us, it proves that they must avoid here to do something necessary. If it's so important, it's definitely not as simple as we can imagine. They also have to spend a lot of time. In this case, why don't we take this stone? The coffin is opened to see who the owner of the tomb is. Maybe we can find something valuable from him.

Qin Zhong's analysis made Guo Dafu and Meng Na scratch their heads. They thought that Qin Zhong's idea may make some sense. Anyway, in this tomb, either go back or try to get through the wall like the ninja, but no matter what, it is crucial for them to get out of this tomb, because the distance is full of distance. On the day of the fire on the Zhouda stage, there may be only one day left.

Mona prayed in front of the sarcophagus, and then he put the Bible on the lid of the sarcophagus. Then Qin Zhong began to start the lid of the sarcophagus with a steel knife, and Guo Dafu helped push it hard.

The gravel foam that fell when the sarcophagus was pushed and the rumbling sound really made Qin Zhong and others feel a little surprised, because they saw a human leg in the sarcophagus. When the lid of the sarcophagus was pushed to normal, Guo Dafu listened and gasped and said, " boss, you said this There should be a dead man lying in the sarcophagus. How do I think there is a living man lying in it?

"What?" Qin Zhong hurried to the mouth of the coffin. Half of the coffin had been opened. The legs exposed were very well-proportioned, and there was a trace of anger. The embroidered trousers on his fleshy legs did not look like dead legs. The snow-white skin exposed at the ankles was really unbelievable.

" boss, how do I look like a living person?"

"Your living people have been lying in the sarcophagus of this tomb for decades and hundreds of years?" At this moment, Mona still doesn't forget to say two words to Guo Dafu.

Qin Zhong walked into the coffin. When the lid of the coffin slowly opened, the body displayed in the coffin really surprised Qin Zhong: "This man..."

"Well, why is this person so familiar!" Guo Dafu saw the mystery.

Seeing that both Qin Zhong and Guo Dafu showed such a surprised expression, Mona felt uncomfortable: "Look, you two are attracted by the beauty of this fox spirit, right?"

"Yes, such a fancy girl, not to mention us, as long as we are a normal man, we will covet. Although it is a corpse, in this way, this woman's original beauty is enough to make men in the world shake and move their hearts." Qin Zhong said with emotion.

When Mona heard this, her face was full of reluctance, but anyway, Qin Zhong's words could make at least three people present have an opinion on the beautiful woman in the coffin. Even Mengna had to admit that the beauty of the woman who had been dead for so long was enough to make her feel a little shabby.

Guo Dafu scratched the lush hair on his head and his beard, which grew rapidly due to excess hormone secretion, and whispered, "Big boss, I remember who this man looks like!"

Qin Zhong stretched out a finger and said, "Shh, don't talk nonsense. Just know who it is. Thinking that this woman is not as simple as we think. In this matter, the ninja has come in, and I'm not sure. It must be a little tricky."

As he spoke, Qin Zhong looked back at Mengna and said to Mengna with a smile on his face, "Honey, about this woman's matter, see if you can reach out and help him up. I want to see what this little girl has eaten ** to maintain such a good appearance, and it is under him. There is something on the side."

"Good things can't find me. Besides, why does this dead man only let me alone? Can't Guo Dafu reach out his hand?"

"You are a woman, and the dead are also a woman. In order to show respect for the dead, I decided that you would come. We old men can't tamper with women."

Mona looked at Qin Zhong and stretched out her hand in fear and was ready to help the female corpse, while Qin Zhong stared at the female corpse tightly at this moment.

Guo Dafu saw that the female corpse was being picked up little by little, and then went around to the coffin, as if he was looking for something in the coffin. When the body gradually rose up, the fragrance of lilies emitted from the sarcophagus. The fragrance went straight to the nasal cavity of Qin Zhong and the three people. When these smells filled the brains of the three people, the freshness The pleasant feeling is just like heaven and earth.


I don't know when a green bead fell from the mouth of the body. After the bead fell, Qin Zhong was shocked.

"What? What's the matter? This bead was obviously stuffed into the stone tablet in the shaman's cemetery. How could it appear here and in this woman's mouth?

" boss, look, the body has changed!" Guo Dafu shouted.

Qin Zhong stared at it. I don't know if it was because the beads rolled down that the body did not have the freshness of the beginning. The originally tender skin became dry and invisible at this moment. The smell of the room was full of fragrance, and there was only a dry smell of the corpse left, and Mona had not left the arm of the body. Snow-white powder is now available.

"Ah!" Mona screamed, his hand suddenly loosened, and the body quickly fell into the sarcophagus. Because the body slipped too fast, the body's head and body were already different.

Qin Zhong immediately pulled Mona Guo Dafu and took a step back. Just before leaving, Qin Zhong took out the green bead that slipped out of the mouth of the body. Just as the green bead left the sarcophagus, the sarcophagus instantly turned into a pile of yellow mud, piled up into a pile of loess, dry The scorpse was also buried in it.

Guo Dafu was shocked and sweated coldly. Mona hurriedly sniffed the smell of her hands with her nose: "Oh, my God, it's all corpses. I hate it."

Qin Zhong ignored Mengna's situation at this moment. He stared at the green bead with his eyes and not only sighed, "Five elements of beads? How could she come here? How could that woman be here? If so, the shopkeeper's son is fascinated by the fox fairy, and the fox fairy uses the daughter of the shadow play owner. That is to say, the shopkeeper's son must also be optimistic about the daughter of the shadow play owner. Such a relationship seems normal, but it is not right. Often, the woman lies here.

Is there still the shadow of the Japanese ninja behind them and what is the relationship between them? Qin Zhong fell into thinking for a moment, but at this moment, there was a squeaking sound in the yellow mud pile.