Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 68 Fighting

Qin Zhong's words hurt the old devil's heart. Ghosts also have feelings, as well as their self-esteem, their hatred, their heart of justice, and their heart of discernment.

Lao Dao's face was not good-looking, but when Qin Zhong said this, there was a mass of solemn black gas on his black face. Each black gas was expanding rapidly, and the power on the old ghost gradually faded, and his figure gradually faded.

Qin Zhong suddenly felt something wrong. This old man had a move. It seems that he really said that he must have left a hand, which is not so simple. At the beginning, several snakes were very surprising. They had never seen such snakes and split into bodies, which was really confusing.

On the other hand, these things are all old-fashioned pets, so he must have the same skills.

At this time, a large group of figures came out of the woods. It seemed that they were all students in the college, and there were several higher-level teachers in this group.

"Oh, isn't that the newcomer in psychology?" A student said.

A teacher's face was not angry: "Well, I heard that he is quite powerful. He can't handle a big dumpling here. It's really a coward. Let's go. Let's take this ghost upside down and are ready to receive it. It's not long before the mission area is closed."

"Teacher, I'll go." A student reported that he was brave. He passed by the inverted student who had been accompanying Qin Zhong and stopped: "Classmate, are you injured?"

"No, that zongzi is too powerful. I'm not my opponent."

"Hey, you can't watch a freshman and a female teacher deal with that zongzi. What can they do? Since you are not as good as others, I won't say anything. Help me cheer up and cheer up later."

The speaking student competed under his feet, and a shovel in his hand tilted to the old road.

The old man roared: "Little man, get out!" The shadow of the group behind the old man seemed to be a few arms, punching the students who rushed up: "Huh, it's vulnerable."

The elder of more than a dozen people rushed to Bala, they never thought that an old student who had entered the school for three or four years would simply be blown away by this big rice dumplings, which is too exaggerated.

The teacher shouted coldly, "Go again, I don't believe that a freshman can deal with it. There's nothing we can do?"

The average strength of the three old students is more than ten levels, and their speed is flying. They show their own weapons and greet the old way at the same time.

The old man swings his body from side to side and shakes down the dust: "Look for death!" Looking at his gradually faded figure, there were a few more dark shadows. These dark shadows turned into a few thick fists, which hit the bodies of the rushing students at a high speed. Each student seemed to be a volleyball, and were shaken away fiercely, crackling on the ground, and the sound was neat.

It was not until this time that the teacher trembled with shock: "That map, look at where this place is and what kind of person this ghost Taoist priest is."

"Teacher, this is the fairy Taoist." A student said holding the profile on the map.

Qin Zhong laughed and said, "Taozi, his uncle's son, I think it's a caterpillar. If you can't do it, don't force it. It's easy to affect the next generation."

Chen Mu laughed, and then sat lazily and focused on Qin Zhong's cheerleading team: "Come on, Qin Zhong."

"Qin Zhong?" It was not until this time that those students who fought inverted really remembered Qin Zhong, an awesome and non-sounding name.


Another dark shadow stood in front of Qin Zhong. Qin Zhong was stunned and looked at the person with surprise: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

" boss, the old man ran too slowly and was possessed by a devil halfway. There was nothing I could do. I killed him."

"Big?" The students who fought upside down were all impressed by Guo Dafu's speed, and what made them speechless was the name of the boss. A physical education teacher with such a speed actually called a freshman boss. Is Qin Zhong an underworld?

"Dodge, it's nothing for you here. Go aside and accompany your sister Muer to cheer for your boss." Qin Zhong has had a good rest at this moment and feels that his physical strength is still recovering as before.

But Guo Dafu raised the * in his hand: "Cow nose, come here and let your grandfather split you."

"Buffard, don't be there. Just catch my punch first." In the same way, a dark shadow flashed past Guo Dafu's side.

Guo Dafu cut the shadow into two semicircle with a knife. I don't know why all of these two semicirces hit Guo Dafu's left and right shoulders, and then watched him fall to the ground crookedly and foam again.

Qin Zhong raised his eyebrows: "It's really his uncle's screw. He will humiliate your boss as soon as he comes out."

Chen Mu quickly helped Guo Dafu to one side and pinched the hole under his nose with his hand, which made Guo Dafu recover, but he only felt that his arm was disobedient: "Big brother, I'm injured again and can't help you."

"If you don't make trouble for your boss, I will burn high incense." As soon as Qin Zhong's voice fell, the two knives in his hand never stopped. He and the old man were inseparable in mid-air. The black gas blossomed, and the knife light was woven into a net all over the sky.

After more than a dozen faces, Qin Zhong crossed with two knives and cut the dark green black gas in four halves from the middle of the old man's body.

As Qin Zhong expected, these four-and-a-half black air mass formed four old-fashioned shadows in mid-air. These four black shadows did not stop, and in an instant became eight, sixteen, one increased to hundreds of dark shadows, and hundreds of old-fashioned figures appeared in the dark green sky.

This change can make the students watching on the side be stunned and dumb.

Only the teacher trembling with two lips that could no longer be closed and said, "Is that demon hole also made by this guy? It can actually make this old man use a deadly trick."

"No, I don't know!" The students are still numb.

Qin Zhong scratched his head, felt his body slightly, and had suffered a lot of shocks.

"Old man, you don't have to play blinding your eyes with grandpa. If you want to do this, I won't even be able to practice the target today." Qin Zhong's mind flew around. He knew that this old way used the same split technique. There must be one of the most important things in this old way, but it's really not easy to find it at once. There is no shadow of the ghost itself, and he can't tell which one is true and which is false.

The old man smiled and said, "Kid, this is your death. When I kill you, the rest of the people will take care of my home. I want to rebuild my Taoist temple of heaven and earth."

"Do your ghost dream and burn your Taoism in a moment. Let's see how you still call me." Qin Zhong said this, and his two knives flew again, and the soul-losing knife method was used to the extreme. After a few knives, he first knocked out a few virtual shadows.

But the remaining shadows are constantly attacking. Qin Zhong has been punched more than a dozen times in a row, and his body has begun to breathe. Thanks to the vast righteousness in his body, it is working. Otherwise, these dozen punches will definitely kill him.

The ultimate soul-losing knife method consumes considerable physical strength, but Qin Zhong is happy about it. As he uses it, he rubs sand and stones with his toes, because he thought of a problem. Whether it is a ghost or a human, there will be an instinctive dodge reaction after seeing the sand and stone, which is also a habitual action, and ghosts are also a ghost. Well, but the shadow of the split will not.

After a thick mass of dust was rolled up at the foot of Qin Zhong, hundreds of ghosts and Qin Zhong were wrapped in it, and Qin Zhong's two knives rolled back and forth, and only Qin Zhong's knife light was seen in the sand, and those black gas did not emit the light he should have.

"Qin Zhong!" Chen Mu couldn't stand it.

"Big boss, hold on, brother, come and help you." Although Guo Dafu couldn't get up, he still wanted to help.

And other students panicked with those teachers for a moment: "Such a strong student can't do it. Look at the map and get ready to run."

Gradually, the yellow dust gradually dissipated, and Qin Zhong stood opposite the old road.

It became extremely quiet in front of the Taoist temple of heaven and earth. It seemed that everyone's breathing and heartbeat could be heard, and everyone's eyes fell on Qin Zhong and Lao Dao.