Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 4 was used to masturbate (horizontal and vertical dots)

Among them, the woman's expression is the most important factor. If the woman has a pitiful and painful expression, she basically can't abthe his desire. ( If the injured man is, he has no desire, by the way.)

This is probably a desire to conquer.

The scars are more frightening, the weaker the body is, the more indifferent the expression is, and the more it can highlight the strength and strength of this woman's heart. He likes such visual impact, and he prefers to conquer such a woman.

It can be said that if he likes it to be addicted to the level, how could he be expelled from the ethnic group if it weren't for this "drug addiction"? - Don't reveal too much, Lord Xuguang will be unhappy. These secrets will be carefully, secretly and little by little in the future.

Of course, what is more reassuring is that Lord Xuguang will not use a whip to make vertical on the beauty's body. Horizontal scars, specifically, he likes to meet (or deliberately create a chance encounter) of an injured beauty, and then save the beauty, help her heal her wounds, and take care of her in various ways. In the process, he can still enjoy the pleasure of being "need and being dependent".

The most enjoyable thing is that in the end, the independent and strong beauty who never depends on others is conquered by his various charms, takes the initiative to throw himself into his arms and enjoys it under his fork.

This is probably the complex of "heroes saving beauty".

The "hero to save beauty complex" is too common and classic. Which woman has never fantasized about being saved by a hero? Which man doesn't fantasize about saving the beauty?

If you haven't fantasized about it, please raise your hand... Look, no one raises your hand.

The desire to conquer, the complex of heroes to save beauty, and the need for the body... are all tormenting Xuguang.

Junyi's appearance did not enter his eyes. He did not include Junyi in the ranks of "beauty", but Junyi's expression was really "good". The indifference and the smile at the corners of his mouth made him swallow, coupled with the clear lake, wet clothes tightly attached to his body, and the looming cloth. The carbs of scars. Body, all of this caused a visual impact on him and drove him crazy.

In the clear blue lake, the reflected waves and water light swam on the woman. The woman in front of her was as sacred as a wounded goddess and as pure as a wounded elf.

"It must have been too long to indulge." Xuguang said in his heart that he shook his head to get rid of the "illusion" in front of him.

He knew that he would be laughed at "unable" and "old flower...", and he really shouldn't do this...

Unfortunately, he doesn't care how he will be evaluated, and he has always been uninterested about law, morality, etiquette and shame, so when all kinds of mocking words kept ringing in his mind, part of his yuan god had sneaked out of the sheath and quietly wrapped the king's feet, and his hand was already held on himself. His first male sex. It's been collected.

Everything is caused by the moon.

Moon: "I haven't come out yet. I've been shot while lying down!"

Junyi actually felt an invisible restlessness across the lake, like a heat wave or something. In fact, she didn't feel that there was really heat coming. It was just a feeling. She instinctively felt very uneasy. Although she was looked down upon by Xiaohu, she also had a premonition of danger.

In fact, she didn't know why she felt uneasy, but she didn't care much about the spirit beasts in the fairy lake area.

To be on the safe front, she was about to change to another place, a little farther away from the heat wave, but one foot was entangled in something.

Junyi was shocked, but there was nothing when she looked at it, but she could really feel that it was as soft as cotton, silky and smooth, wrapping her feet, touching it gently, and suddenly and tightly entangled. When she wanted to break free, pure spiritual power passed into her body from the acupuncture points at the soles of her feet, and began to have It was tingling, and then itchy, as if the wound was healing, and she no longer moved.

The spiritual power began to come up from the bottom of her feet along the bloodline. Junyi knew that this spiritual power was powerful and immediately dared not resist at all. In fact, this spiritual power was so powerful that it was useless for her to resist, so she simply let it go.

After a moment, the feeling came again was crisp. A burst of numbness spread from the feet all over the body, and the comfortable gentleman almost moaned.

At the same time, Xuguang is enjoying the scarred ketone. Body. The strong contrast between the white and tenderness gave him a sense of satisfaction and achievement, as well as the physical pleasure.

For a long time, Xuguang's body stiffened, and the sharp beating in his hand. The white substance appeared in his hand and was diluted in the water. Worm. Finally retreated from his mind.

When the feeling of pleasure disappeared, the only thing left him was emptiness. The yuan spirit slowly withdrew weakly. Xuguang slowly calmed down as he gasped. His arms folded on the branches, let his body float in the lake, looked up at the sky weakly, narrowed into a crack, and saw the dazzling light The leaves shine in the cracks.

On the other side, Junyi looked curiously at the water with nothing and always felt that something had happened, but she didn't know what had happened.

She looked at her body as if she were a newborn and tried to shout across the lake: "Which Can you show up and see me?"

There was no movement on the other side, which really puzzled Junyi. On the surface, it seemed that there was a high-level practitioner who cured her wound with spiritual power, but there was a little thing called "instinct" in her heart to remind her: "That's not like that! Not like that! Things are not as simple as they seem! Don't be fooled! Trust me, believe me~"

And why did that man spend his energy to heal himself? Did that man's brain twitch? Is there no place to use it if you have too much spiritual power? Don't say that you fall in love at first sight. If you don't believe it, maybe the woman who still yearns for love in the boudoir will believe it. Anyway, if you don't believe it, she will no longer believe in love. This matter itself is enough. If it really develops like this, it will be too! Too! Too! Dog blood.

Junyi swam to the other side to look for it, but nothing was found.

Xuguang doesn't want to be discovered by her. She can't find it even if she finds it for a few years.

Xuguang thinks that there is no need for him to appear at all. Some men are very separated from sex and love. He is such a man. Thousands of women who have rolled through the sheets and the grass and the beach with him don't mean anything at all; rolling sheets doesn't mean anything, not to mention that he just can't control it for a while, not to masturbate, not to mention that he still By the way, she was cured of her injury. This compensation is very generous, so there is nothing to complain about. Instead, she should be lucky.

Well, the above is the truth, but not the real reason. The real reason is that Xuguang also feels impulsive in the bottom of his heart and did an extremely disgraceful thing on impulse, so in any case, it's better to hide grayly.

This is the end of this matter.

Xuguang fell in love with Junyi and quietly followed her? No; Junyi found Xuguang and the two to talk, and then the story developed naturally? Neither.

But don't worry, the story is still very long. People tend to evaluate a made-made story as "unexpected", but what happens in reality is often more unexpected and even illogical, making people have no choice.