Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 48 The General Situation of Destiny and Outer Door

"Woo-woo..." Lao Cao cried, not because he was smashed, not because there were many things to repair, and there was another person who wanted to "repair", but because there was no "warm bed" work tonight.

Junyi took a sip of wine and said: "Sister, it's your blessing that he wants to love you. To be honest, I have to be drunk before I can have the courage to drink with you. You are full of poisonous sores. He doesn't feel sick and still love you. It's so rare. It's hard to imagine... I can't imagine... It's really impossible. Imagine..."

Junyi deliberately drunk herself. She was really drunk. After she got drunk, she was really open-mouthed and said everything.

Fortunately, she fell asleep while talking. After sleeping for a while, she woke up and vomited. After vomiting, she cried. After crying, she fell asleep again. She didn't say anything rude and didn't get up until the next morning.

Lao Cao slept in the corner of the hall with a repaired bench and a section of hemp rope. Seeing that Junyi woke up, he went through the inauguration procedures for Junyi. After completing it, he took Junyi to see the elders of the outer door.

There is no trouble in the inauguration procedures of the outer door deacon, that is, Lao Cao relies on his "special function" to distinguish lying to verify his body, then lick the bald brush with saliva, write Junyi's name on the yellow book, and then tick it.

After it was ready, Lao Cao covered his injured waist and hummed to put the book under the leg of the table.

"Deacon, do you have to wear a cloak every day without taking it off?" Lao Cao asked.

Junyi nodded and pulled the cloak down to ensure that the cloak covered all the faces.

"In fact, the most important thing for us to cultivate immortals is to be unexpected appearance. You can't do this..." Lao Cao said, but Junyi is really too ugly. Considering other people's feelings, Lao Cao did not insist on Junyi to take off the cloak. "If you insist on wearing it, just be troublesome. Every time you go out for something, you don't care. Do you have any company? You have come to me once, so that someone won't take advantage of it.

"Okay, Brother Cao, please."

"You're welcome," Lao Cao said. "Didn't you call me Lao Cao yesterday? Call me Lao Cao? It sounds good."

The two cleaned up and went out. The light in the morning gently shone on them, and everything became gentle and calm. Yesterday's noise went away. Junyi found that Lao Cao turned out to be elegant and introverted. It was hard to imagine that he was the person who shouted "help" when he was full of "kiss his wife" and beaten by his wife yesterday. .

"I was drunk yesterday. I'm sorry..." Junyi said shyly.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. My wife likes you. My wife likes to be straightforward. Come and play more when you have time."




The two walked silently for a while, and Junyi finally couldn't help asking, "Lao Cao, what do you like about your wife?" His wife is not here at this moment. Maybe he will tell the truth.

"Do you need a reason to like someone?" Old Cao Dao.

"Isn't it necessary?"

"Do you need it?"

Junyi feels that he likes a person. Besides, there is no reason, and he can always find a reason. It can be proved that because of beauty, beautiful women always have countless suitors; or because of a good personality; or because he is similar to his fantasy partner when he was a child; or because of the sunny when he passed by...

No matter what the reason is, there is always a reason.

Lao Cao stopped to think seriously in Junyi's eyes looking forward to the answer. After thinking for a long time, he said, "She is my wife. When I took her over, she was her husband. What's the reason? You young people, think about those loves all day, and we don't want those. She is my wife, and I like her, that's all. If you really want to make a reason, it's 'destined'.

"Is it destined..." Junyi muttered.

It is destined to be such a mysterious word, a word that can't be grasped by itself and can only wait for God's arrangement, precisely because it can only be arranged by God and seems so beautiful!

Is there really such a thing as fate? There really is.

Do you really want to live according to your destiny? Not necessarily.

"However, God may have arranged a fate, but people don't have to go on the road arranged by God..." Junyi still can't figure it out, "You can have other choices. If you want, you can have other choices, and you don't have to take the road arranged by God."

What's more, Lao Cao's marriage was not arranged by God, but arranged by the master.

He can completely abandon his "destined" wife like Mingzhen. After abandoning, he can marry a woman who is more beautiful and better and more helpful to his cultivation.

I saw a better way, and then chose that better way.

"What are you talking about?! I don't like my wife, who do I like to go!" Lao Cao was a little angry, and Junyi's words seemed to ask him to abandon his wife.

Junyi lowered his head and stopped talking.

She still doesn't understand. Maybe she will never understand why Lao Cao's wife is so bad to him. Lao Cao still likes her and really can't figure it out.

She didn't think so much. She just felt that she was like this, the wife of Brother Mingzhen, so she didn't understand after being abandoned. Maybe some bystanders could understand, but after experiencing these, she didn't understand.

She began to think about the issue of "truth".

She doesn't understand.

I don't understand the reason for feelings, the reason why I don't give up, and I don't understand how to stay together.

There must be a reason, or because of the beautiful appearance, or because of the good personality, or because of the family that can be relied on*... When all the reasons do not exist, why should we be together?

Is it because of true feelings? But how did the true love come about? What is the true love? Is it really illusory and illusory?

No, true feelings also need soil, and true feelings also need reasons to germinate and grow. Like Lao Cao, if his wife treats him well, it is also a reason worthy of Lao Cao's "love", but no, his wife is not good to him.

Why does Lao Cao still like his wife? You can't find any reason.

Maybe I can't understand it because I don't believe it anymore.

"Is the eldest sister helping you a lot in practice?" Junyi made up another reason.

"It's all the same. What will we do about Shuangxiu? It's almost there. I'll take you to see the elders, and my task will be completed." Lao Cao obviously doesn't want to talk about this topic anymore.

The other party is unwilling to talk, and it is not easy for you to ask again.

Junyi had to comfort herself: Maybe you won't understand if you ask, because you won't understand it. There are some things and some reasons, even if you know the answer, you can't understand the meaning of the answer.


There are three elders in the outer door of Xiaoyao faction. The elder's surname is Jin Chengshan, and he is also the spiritual power of the gold system. Everyone calls him "Golden Elder". The second elder is Su Ye. He was originally a good surname, but he has gold and silver. I don't know who started to call him "Silver Elder" affectionately. (Jin The silver elder... is like a mountain king); the third elder is even more unfortunate. With gold and silver, he is the "old copper", and his name... no one remembers it for a long time.

The three elders were very busy. When you met, Lao Cao introduced them. They got up from their seats and said enthusiastically, "Uh-huh, work hard in the future." This scene is over.

After meeting the elder, Junyi officially took office at the outer door and became a deacon at the outer door of Xiaoyao.

Outer door......

Outer door......

If you give up the cultivation of immortals, in fact, there is nothing wrong with the outer door.

Strictly speaking, in comparison, each has its own good and bad, but as long as we give up cultivating immortals, our new foreign deacon will only have good things left.

For example, a house. In the inner door with relatively abundant aura, Junyi only has a small room, which is still facing north. Now at the outer door. Although the aura is insufficient, she has a courtyard, facing south, six rooms in the east and west. Which room she likes to live in, Junyi seems lonely and even a little afraid to live alone... Although she cultivates immortals, she is a girl after all.

Therefore, Junyi recruited three foreign disciples as roommates, namely, Tongchang, Chenxuan, who works in the dining room, and Qingru, who works in the washing department.

Two men and two women, with a balance of yin and yang. Tongchang and Chenxuan are men. She and Qing Ru are women. Each of the four lives in one by herself. In this way, the four houses in the yard are popular, and two are kitchens and toilets.

Immortal practitioners are not bound by secular etiquette, and the defense of men and women is far from the weight of the secular world. It is very common for men and women to live in the same yard. Just live in the same room without a name.

Junyi is also considerating to choose three of them from among the many roommates. Copper can often help them do heavy work; Chenxuan can make delicious snacks, and it is absolutely convenient to have dental sacrifices at night; if Qing can help everyone sew, mend and clean up, the housework distribution is fair and reasonable. ( She doesn't have to do anything, hee hee.)

Her scheming careful thinking is well known, but everyone rushed to be roommates. Tongchang and other three people were selected after defeating many competitors.

The new deacon from the inner door is here. Junyi suddenly has a feeling of changing from the stinky buttocks of the peacock to the crown on the chicken's head. If you don't take into account the image, it's okay for her to chirping majestically.


Colleagues get along well. Again, if you don't care how difficult it is to grow, the outer door is indeed a good place to support people.

It's simply better than the fairyland, ah, no, better than the fairyland.

There are three elders in the outer door of the Xiaoyao faction, more than 20 deacons, some of whom were kicked out of the inner door like Junyi, some directly promoted from the outer door, and some recommended by the secular royal family (these deacons mainly take care of the children of the royal family who cultivate immortals in the Xiaoyao faction, also do deacons, and collect some information for the emperor. Well, sending them to them is also a way for the royal family to support the free school in the secular world...). In a word, it's very complicated. One or two sentences are not clear. This can't be said in detail.

Let's still say Junyi. The personnel situation is so complicated. Junyi began to worry that his newcomer would be rejected, as well as the matter of ganging. What Junyi is most afraid of is to engage in small groups. The inner door, the outer door, whose disciples... are already chaotic enough, and There is a royal family in it, and you think that the outer door will mess up into a form that makes you crazy.