Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 64 What is the purpose of cultivation and handsome men can only live another 100 days

"I have decided that I want to practice. I want to go to the fairyland. The stones flowing out of the fairyland can bring people back to life. There must be a way to resurrect the little brother!" For the way out.

For the first time in his life, he violated the rules. He proposed to Junyi and Xuguang to practice together in the cave. Even if he was not a disciple of the Xiaoyao School, he could not use the aura of the Xiaoyao School to practice according to the regulations.

"When I save my little brother, I will apologize with death." For the way out.

"Actually, don't need it..." Junyi has a good idea. "Don't we recruit disciples at Dakaishan Gate? People who are innocent can come to sign up. You can also go to the entry test and become a disciple of our sect. I really secretly checked yesterday. The punishment for our Xiaoyao disciples for private use spiritual veins is death. Suspended death, you don't have to die, and you are allowed to make contributions."

"Good." For example, Chaolu thought for a moment and agreed. He was a free practice, and he had some ideas for free practice. He did not want to join the sect. Other disciples of the Xiaoyao School also proposed to him about the entry-level school were rejected by him.

He has been living muddle-headedly. He lives not for nothing. He lives only because he lives and has long forgotten the time. It is no different from the "little brother" lying in the coffin, but now it is different. He has a goal and a direction to work hard in order to find a way to save the "little brother" in the fairyland. He is willing to do anything.

"For the sake of my little brother, I must go to the fairyland!" For Lu, he asked, "What are you doing to cultivate immortals?"

Xuguang smiled and said, "Of course, in order to live and live a long life, is it needless to say?"

Your intention is silent.

Junyi began to cultivate immortality in order to practice with Mingzhen's brother. She was almost destined to be born. Later, she was abandoned by the bastard Mingzhen. She practiced immortality to revenge on that bastard. She never thought about other purposes of cultivating immortals, but now, compared with the reason of Chaolu, her reason is so indiocre. Small, dirty and boring.

She has been practicing since she was a baby. She learned to meditate before she learned to speak. Practice has penetrated into her bone marrow and become a part of her life, but she really hasn't thought about finding a reason to practice.

Mingzhen's bastard must have revenge, but using revenge on him as his goal of immortality, Junyi felt that he really looked up to him too much.

What is she doing to cultivate immortals?

Long life? She doesn't seem to care much. She is still young and can't realize the importance of age. If she is unhappy, what's the difference between living 10,000 years and 100 years? But I have been unhappy for more than 9,000 years;

Become stronger? She doesn't care much. She is a woman. She really doesn't understand the strange belief that men fight back and go just to prove that she is stronger. What's the use of being the strongest? It's almost enough to protect people who are important to you and live an ordinary life. In a woman like Junyi, the strongest title can only satisfy a strange sense of vanity.

"I also want to go to the fairyland." Junyi said, "I want to practice, go to the ancient southern country, the daughter country, the demon clan, the demon clan, the fairyland... After walking out of the square quiet room of the inner door, I gradually found that the world is so big that I can't imagine. In the past, I felt that I had gone a long way out of the inner door. It turned out that there was an endless outer door outside the inner door. There are still many cities and villages that have been endless for many days and even many years. Going forward, every place is a completely different world. I want to see this unimaginable world.

My reason is not bad. Junyi looked at Xuguang proudly after saying that. Compared with his reason, Xuguang's "long life" is obviously vulgar. This is a very beautiful word - "dream".

"You have to be able to live to see..." Xuguang sighed, suddenly decadently as if he was ten years old. He put his hand on Junyi's shoulder and said hoarsely, "It's up to you whether I can live or not."

"Are you... all right?" Junyi is aware that something is wrong with his body. Who is a normal person who sleeps for a few days and eats five meals a day?

"To be honest, I can only live a hundred days."

"One hundred days?"

"Yes," Xuguang said sadly, "you know, I was expelled from the clan, and my cultivation has been abolished. Now my health is worse day by day, and I will live another 100 days at most. Maybe... at any time... will... die..."

For the first time, Chaolu was surprised and hurriedly said, "What should I do? What medicine do you need? Let's find it quickly! I still have three crystals here. If it's a medicine that can be bought, just take the crystals and buy them back first.

"Oh, don't believe him. He's lying." Junyi sighed faintly and shook his head silently. This Xuguang, the problem of "lie" was hopeless, and he was going to die.

"Lie? How come?" For the first time, Chaolu looked at Xuguang in astonishment. What he said was so true that every word was from the bottom of his heart. How could he lie?

Junyi didn't say much. Xuguang's lying ability has reached the point where he still believes in it even if he is exposed. Looking at his red lips and white teeth, and there is roast chicken oil on his mouth, how can he look like he is going to die? However, his look and tone are very demagogic. Even if you say that he is lying, Chaolu still believes a little.

"Well, I admit that I lied, a hundred days, hehe," Xuguang lowered his head and the smile on the corners of his mouth was as desolate as a falling flower. "A hundred days... How can I live? At that time, they wronged me to betray the enemy to abolish my cultivation. The day before the execution, my friend sent Zilong Dan, saying that he could serve it. Keep your cultivation, and I have no doubt that I will serve it. He is my friend, ha... He is my friend... I really didn't expect that he and they are the same. They knew that if I was really executed, no one would be able to beat me at that time, so they set up such a poison scheme to trick to trick me into cheating myself into eating the elixirs. I was happy to think Purple bili. The divine effect saved my cultivation. In fact, their execution at that time was just a gesture. I also thanked my friends for sending elixir to make me retreat all over my body. In fact, hehe... Friends are the people who hurt me the deepest. The elixir is surrounded by special wax oil, lurking in my body and slowly spread in my body day by day, waiting for me to observe. I feel that I can't force it out. I can only wait to die day by day, a hundred days... No, maybe, there are only 50 days, ten days... Maybe, I will die the next moment... Junyi, now only you, only you are my glimmer of hope to live..."

Junyi listened to him. She loved to listen to the story, but after listening to the story, she said, "Don't think that the complexity of making up can fool me. Tell me what you want me to do."

Junyi has a principle that no matter what Xuguang says, whether it is a lie or the truth, she doesn't believe it at all. Anyway, this guy really doesn't have a word of truth, and she just doesn't believe it at all.

"If you want water and fire to be refined together, you need people who practice water and fire at the same time to save me." Xuguang Road.

"That's the purpose of your double revision." Jun Yi smiled, and her smile was a little cold in the shadow of the cloak. She had long believed that there was pure friendship in the world. The friendship was based on various conditions, but now that she proved this again, she was still a little cold.

There are many female practitioners in the water department. Why did Xuguang find the gentleman who has just begun to practice? Junyi's transformation has hurt the bloodline, and Xuguang still needs to spend a lot of spiritual power to heal her wounds. With Xuguang's demagogic ability, it is far more convenient to attract any aquatic female nun with a smile.

He chose Junyi because Junyi has a rare two spiritual roots of water and fire. The most rare thing is that Junyi's two spiritual roots of water and fire are very balanced. The water and fire roots belong to the middle and upper, and the strength is almost the same. According to theory, water and fire cannot be cultivated at the same time, but if you really want to go against the sky, Junyi's balanced water and fire spiritual roots. There is no doubt that it is a treasure that can be encountered and cannot be sought.

"You deliberately approached me at the beginning, and you planned it at the beginning, didn't you?" You are going to ask.

Actually, at the beginning, it was not. It was really a chance encounter, but Xuguang smiled and said, "That's right, I can only live for a few hours (Junyi: Why did you shrink again), and there is no purpose. How can you waste time on a stupid little girl's body? I want to find a beautiful one. I heard that the one with the first Paihua of Xiaoyao School is not bad..."

Once upon a time, Junyi had an illusion. Now she can't even talk about the illusion. It can only be said that it is a daydream for a little girl who has not yet died in love. She once felt that Xuguang liked her a little, at least appreciates her personality. Now it seems that it is just a use.

Cinderella woke up from her dream.

Reality is that. Being used and being used have nothing to do with liking.

At least, isn't it worth using? Let's talk for comfort.

The reality is, hurry up and get the benefits!!! Since you helped me remove fire for your own purposes, you shouldn't accept my crystals.

Junyi said that he really gave Xuguang ** crystals in installments a few days ago. This guy really shamelessly accepted it. Since he helped him live, it's a little hard to accept crystals.

"No." Xuguang said, like a stingy businessman, "One yard by one, that's because you want to remove fire by yourself. I'm helping you."

"Water and fire practitioners are too dangerous. Since you want me to practice, I have the right to accept your *** crystal every day as a venture fund."

"No." The stingy businessman said, "The greater the risk, the greater the profit. Your cultivation will be beyond the reach of others. I will help you practice all the way, so I won't ask you for crystals."

This man is so angry... Junyi is crazy, but he feels that what he said is a little reasonable. It seems to be like this, but he just feels that he has suffered a loss. He holds his breath and can't wait to bite the treacherous guy in front of him.

Junyi couldn't say anything about him. He hugged his legs and leaned against the wall of the cave and drew circles, occasionally looking at the situation of Chaolu.

Since he knew that his resurrection had no decisive relationship with the spiritual vein, Chaolu did not foolishly hope that when Junyi and Xuguang bargained, he had put the bones of his "little brother" back into the coffin and put them away, and then meditated and practiced on the side of the cave.

Only by turning into a god can you go to the fairyland. If you want to turn into a god to go to the fairyland without grasping every minute and every second of practice, you should know that in the human world, the highest cultivation realm is Yuanying. There can't be a period of becoming a god for thousands of years. If you really have a god, you need to ask, you are not a pure human being. , or the vein left by the immortals in the world or something.

How can it be easy for a person to become an immortal?

Junyi drew several circles of curse Xuguang, and began to meditating and practice after calming down.

I was speechless all night.

When she wanted to go back, Xuguang injected a spiritual power into Junyi's body to help her practice, and then rubbed several acupuncture points on her body a few times, and then used wooden spiritual power to drive her fatigue. Junyi immediately felt neither tired nor sleepy.

Just saw that Chaolu was going to kill them: "You! You! You guys! How can you be so rude! Men and women are not close to you, how can you do this! Still in front of me! Oh, my God! Is it really the wind of the world?"