Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 70 The introductory test should not come and he is a monster?

Chapter 70 The entry test should not come and he is a monster?

Junyi cried, what did she do? What the hell did she do! Why do people who have refined the cultivation of the water system, who are really calm, always do impulsive, strange and reckless things? Who will tell her what's wrong with her?

There was also the voice of Ai Ai in the Xuguang period: "Help me, I'm dizzy, ah... I'm still bleeding, I'm going to die... I must bleed to death... I don't want to die like this, I must die..."

Because Xuguang had a nosebleed and was dizzy, he was afraid that he would not be able to test his spiritual root at this time and arranged to test it again the next day. It happened that Xuguang's origin was unknown, and he needed to report it before deciding whether he was qualified to participate in the test.

After a person who was unloaded and nailed to the ground as a specimen, those who liked to make trouble were much more honest. Not only did they not dare to make trouble, but people also bowed their heads and walked past the nailed people.

There are all kinds of birds when the forest is big, and there are many people. There are always a group of people, among which there are always honest and dishonest people. There are one or two who are particularly smart, several of whom are particularly stupid, and the remaining half are easy to be incited by the flow.

It's the same as the sheep.

Junyi has always wondered why they dare to attack themselves and why these people dare to pay no attention to themselves. Aren't they afraid of free people at all?

No, of course, I'm afraid. Later, Junyi took off a piece of his arm, especially when Junyi condensed the spiritual group, didn't they start to escape?

They are afraid, but what they are afraid of is the spiritual "immortal" of the inner door of the Xiaoyao School. What they are afraid of is the inner disciples. This is a place to speak with strength. When they find that the outer disciples of the Xiaoyao School are almost the same as their combat effectiveness, what is there to be afraid of?

External disciples work every day. Several of them can cultivate spiritual power, let alone use it. If they can't use spiritual power, they are mortals like them. What are they afraid of?

The inner disciple was injured and killed. This disciple's teachers, brothers, sisters and sisters will avenge him, and they will fight to the ends of the earth and can't escape. Xiaoyao faction will issue a wanted order. Please be good at finding people, and they will also find the news that they will not let go if they find the enemy's family, relatives and friends. Even spend a lot of crystals to kill!

As for the disciples of the outer door, they will be injured, or even killed if they are beaten to death. The Xiaoyao faction will not spend a lot of energy to deal with it. Generally, the Xiaoyao faction will deal with it by themselves, and the way for the Xiaoyao faction's outer door is to entrust such matters to the local government, just like many outsourced construction projects in the outer door. Same.

Sometimes the outer disciples are even easier to bully than ordinary people, and they are not powerful, and no one gives their heads, and they are afraid of being punished by the door rules. The outer disciples at the lower level, such as those who have planted the spiritual valley, have never even known one or two of them.

Who will be afraid of the outer disciples in such a long time? It's good not to bully the face of the free school.

Inner disciples are different. As long as they stand in front of them, ordinary mortals will kneel down; even if they do nothing but stand there, ordinary mortals are too scared to look up.

Open the mountain gate to recruit disciples. The crowd of people must be mixed. People are crowded and crowded. Conflicts will certainly not be few. It is inevitable to exploit loopholes for some essentially bad people, and it is inevitable to trigger the tyrannical side of human nature. At this time, you have to use some extraordinary means, or Jun Yi almost cruelly taught those people a lesson, and those who were ready to do good deeds were completely suppressed.

No one dares to make trouble. The pressure in the 400-meter isolation circle immediately eased a lot, and things became less. Junyi wanted to see how the entry test was, so he proposed to help at the registration office and asked for permission.

Whether there is a guarantee of recommendation or not, the first step of registration is the same, which is to fill in the form, explain the origin of the name and gender, etc. If you can't read, there are also a copywriters here, and you will be charged 500 taels of silver; 50 taels of pen and ink can be used casually; if there is no silver, there is no way to go. As a charity facility, there is a free Feibang's ghostwriting, but it is very slow. He only writes more than a dozen people a day, and there are requirements, such as being less than 18 years old.

There are also many people who have the capacity to help. No one takes the lead in this matter. There is a rich lady who lent pen and ink to a child. A prince set up a stand for free handwriting. There are also people who dare to ask capable people around them for help. Generally, they will help. There is no need to take the lead in shouting. There is no need to incite emotions. Help.

Junyi saw the morning dew in the queue. His appearance of the dead was particularly conspicuous in the crowd, and no one approached him. Such a crowded place also created a vacuum area with a diameter of nearly five meters around him.

Seeing him, Junyi quickly took the form and gave it to him. She felt very sorry for him, because a deacon had only one guarantee, and Junyi guaranteed Xuguang.

"No, Huhu~" For like Chaolu, he pushed away the form that Junyi took. He couldn't breathe after leaving the unknown cemetery for a long time, and his breathing was very heavy. "Huhu~ Everyone is queuing up. It's unfair for me to jump the queue."

"How can this be counted as a queue jump?" Jun Yi said, for the Chaolu has lived in the Xiaoyao School for decades, how can he be admitted in advance, and his body is also special, so he can't queue up here for a long time.

"This is jumping the queue, huhu~" For the first time, Chao Zhengzheng said, "Today I get the form early because I know you, and tomorrow I can test to enter the inner door early because I know the master of the inner door. What about those who don't know anyone? Why can I get special treatment? Whoohoo..."

"Well...okay." I felt that people's eyes were focused here. Junyi pulled down her cloak a little more. She was really kind and was said. People looked at Chaolu with admiration and looked at Junyi with condemnation.

Oh... Today, it's not going well. Xuguang's place is not going well. He couldn't control his punching Xuguang, and inexplicably smashed the reagent to detect whether it was a monster. For like Chaolu, he was also speechless to ask the sky... Junyi sighed in his heart.

was sighing, and a familiar voice came to her ears: "You are not qualified to ask for my blood. You don't know how noble my blood is at all, and your free school is not worthy of me as an apprentice at all. If my father hadn't asked me to come here to experience and invite me with the phoenix of the fairyland, I wouldn't have Will come."

Her arrogant words naturally attracted a lot of sideways. Looking along the sound, a woman in white stood in front of the reagent table to detect whether she was a monster, white trousers and white shoes, and her hair was decorated with white pompom. She looked down at the ground and said these words, with white eyelashes densely. Low drooping.

Listening to the voice and tone of speech, it seems to be Bibi.

"Bibi?" Junyi walked over and asked tentatively.

"I don't know you. How do you know my name? Strangely, I really don't know a low-cultivation female nun..." Bibi raised his eyes and looked at Junyi timidly, and quickly lowered his eyes.

"I'm Junyi. Remember me, Xuguang, which we have seen in Xianren Lake..." Junyi said and pulled Bibi aside.

"Your intention? It's you," Bibi remembered and wondered, "You are different from that time. Your temperament is completely different, as if you are two people. Are you really a gentleman?"


"Why is it different?" Bibi asked.

"Because I am a human being, and people will change."

Junyi used to be a gunpowder barrel. Who would have thought that he could become calm today? Junyi had never realized that he could even become at least two black.

"Oh, you have become more stable than then, and I can obviously feel that your temperament is much more restrained," Bibi continued, "but it's still very bad, not at the same level as me."

"...thank you. You haven't changed." Junyi said carefully and whispered, "You may not know that you have not taken the entry test of 'people'. The rolling red reagent is to test whether you are a monster or not. The blood of the monster will condense into ice. If someone's blood drips in and let the reagent condense, then ta is a monster, a powerful repairer who is secretly lurking. He will be arrested and even killed on the spot.

"Oh, I see. You suspect that I'm a monster," Bibi said bluntly, but she was not stupid. "If I'm really a monster, what will you do?"

"It's not what I want to do, it's what you want to do." Junyi said, "If you are caught by human beings, you will be locked up, forced to sign a contract, and skinned alive..."

"Do you mean to persuade me to go?" I don't understand.

I don't advise you to go. Do you advise me to contribute the skin to us? Junyi said, "If you can go, go, demon, there is a demon's cultivation method."

"I don't understand..." Bibi looked up at Junyi strangely and reached out to lift her cloak to see something from her face.

"Why don't you understand?" Junyi quickly covered her cloak to avoid it and asked patiently. If she didn't understand, she could explain.

"If I am really a monster, it should be your sworn enemy. Why do you help a monster? You should try your best to kill monsters. Oh, I understand. Although your temperament is different, you are still as nosy as before. Ha ha, you are really a king! I feel familiar with you."

Junyi smiled faintly and shook her head. Now she has a familiar feeling. It seems that she has really changed a lot.

Bibi said, "You are still the same as before. You don't measure your ability. You don't know your position. It's simply messy. I've never seen such a messy nun like you. No wonder you're so weak."


"By the way, I'm not a rabbit spirit." Bibi lowered his head and went to the test and stretched out his hand. "If you want to test it, just test it. I'm not a monster. My blood is much nobler than yours. You'd better measure it."

Such a girl, the outer disciple in charge of this test really didn't know what to say to her. If it hadn't been for her cuteness, he would have coaxed her away. He secretly gave a look at the demon-catching team hidden in the crowd. Looking at the girl's appearance, Bacheng was a rabbit spirit, and it was a great success to catch her back.

Unfortunately, he was disappointed. After Bibi's blood went down, there was no reaction. The red ** was still rolling, and there was no trace of solidification. Of course, she did not measure how noble her blood was.

Seeing that Bibi passed the test, Junyi's heart was relieved a lot. Not only Bibi, but also Xuguang. The two came from the same place. If Bibi is not a monster, Xuguang should not be either.

Xu Guang's blood has indeed been tested and passed the test, but I don't know why there is always a trace of uneasiness in Junyi's heart, and this uneasiness is getting bigger and bigger.