Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 168 Emotional Enlightenment Class of the Little Tiger Cultivated by the Public (Antibody Cow)

Soon it heard a man's voice: "Why didn't Junyi Fairy come?" Unfortunately, I also prepared two big gifts for her. She will like it when she sees it.

Junyi is very familiar with these two words. It seems that he is talking about the stupid nun. Although Xiaohu can't understand what he said, it's definitely not a good word. Can you see the stupid nun? - Xiaohu tasted the taste of expectation.

It also remembers the voice that was talking. It was the boss of the people who grabbed it. Although the voice is more unpleasant now, the tiger and leopard's ears can still be heard. The little tiger raised his nose and sniffed in the dark air. Well, the smell is the same, but it is more smelly, more unpleasant, and it is burnt, ah, stinky, stinky tiger and leopard. !

The little tiger sniffed painfully. Such a smell really tormented its ** nose!

When it was struggling to cover its nose with its claws, the cage was opened on all sides. The little tiger looked around and didn't see the stupid nun. He was very disappointed. Xiaohu thought in a daze: This kind of mood that doesn't care about other things and just wants to bow his head and sigh is called "disappointment"...

It saw several people who caught it, as well as their "head man" (the same meaning as the head horse), but it was already a "burnt version".

Opposite them also stood a zombie and a person who lost one hand. It also knew that when they went to a strange house before, they smelled the smell left by him more than once. The smell of sweat and the feet were very bad. It can't be wrong.

Little tiger also saw a quiet woman who had been locked up. The woman was very ugly. From the perspective of the tiger and leopard, this kind of woman with small eyes and big breasts is the ugliest. The big eyes are the most likely to be found in the night. How can she run fast with big breasts? A thin waist can't give birth to a tiger and leopard baby at all. There is no reason for the face clown. It's purely a tiger's personal. Ah, no, a "tiger" aesthetic.

The woman is still quiet, and she doesn't know everything that happened. She is as quiet as a plant.

Xiaohu heard the zombie say, "She didn't come, which disappointed you."

The big man who lost a hand shouted, "Qiao Si! Let your blood pay for it today!"

Xiaohu felt that he must have had bad luck recently. The man named Qiao Si actually put the knife on his neck: "If you dare to take a step forward, I will cut it!"

What does it have to do with it? Is it because it has caught too many spiritual deer recently? Human beings are so unreasonable that they break all their hair!

Qiao Si's knife is extremely sharp. The little tiger's pure white satin-like hair has been cut a lot by the sharp knife. The little tiger cherishes his pure white hair very much, even if it is very hot in summer.

Because the silly nun likes to touch its hair very much, and takes it to take a shower to help her take care of her long white hair. The comb is stained with water droplets. When it slowly combs down from the smooth long hair, the silly nun's face always shows envy and desire. Xiaohu likes to see her expression at that time. .

It didn't like to take a shower, but only took a bath when it fell into the lake (Little Tiger: Don't laugh, hairy animals don't like to take a bath. If you don't believe it, try to grow hair!), but since it was pressed by Junyi for the first time, it actually found the comfort of taking a bath. It turned out that it was not so uncomfortable after the hair was soaked, and And the river in summer is so cool to relieve the summer heat.

Unfortunately, after only washing once, the stupid nun disappeared and couldn't find it.

There is a mood that has never been before full of Xiaohu's heart. He doesn't know that this feeling is called "nostalgia". It just thinks in a daze: the knife is on my neck, and I'm still recalling the plot of taking a bath. I was really infected by the nun...

So the little tiger tried to struggle, but its claws and neck were buckled in the iron ring and could not move at all. It roared and tried to overwhelm its opponent with momentum.

In the face of an opponent who is so powerful that it is absolutely impossible to win, it still wants to overwhelm the opponent, which also infects the stupid nun's stupidity.

After roaring, the struggling little tiger heard the zombies and said, "Please, I will avenge them and explain it to Junyi."

Xiaohu could feel that the head of the "burned version" was about to vomit blood. His aura was angry and angry aura. Xiaohu saw him wave his hand, and the people behind him rushed forward to fight with the zombies.

Xiaohu immediately felt that he was so handsome. Even his posture of putting a sharp knife on his neck was handsome. He would cultivate into such a person in the future. At that time, when he waved his claws, the tigers and leopards followed him! Get rid of those bats and vulture, and the fat deer are all theirs!

Huh? Why didn't the leader go up and run back instead? How did the ground open? It's amazing, but why did he get into the ground? He was stopped by the zombie again. Did he use the method of enveloping? Is this a failure?

At this point, Xiaohu couldn't understand it and came to visit him in his heart.


The evil lion said that Qiao Si and they took Junyi and Zhaolu around the guard to Tianqing Peak from a dilapidated and idle iron cable.

Tianqing Peak is one of the 17 peaks of the Xiaoyao School floating in the sky. The peaks are very large and were originally used as a test site. In the past, it could be said that they were mountains, beautiful mountains and rivers, magnificent halls and weaving, but the bad ones were so bad that the ancestors were interested in fighting here with a few apprentices. Xiaoyao faction Master-level figures also like to fight here. In just a few decades, Tianqingfeng was destroyed.

Spiritual power is entangled and disordered, gullies are stretched, mountains and rocks are bumpy, buildings collapse, and no one cares about it. From time to time there is a strong wind, and the wind is a spiritual power sandwiched. If you are not careful, it will even kill people. This is no different from hell.

Junyi originally wanted to fight Qiao Si together, but he couldn't walk halfway. Seventeen peaks are upside down, inverted cone-shaped, and there are not many mountain roads around the mountain. It is much more difficult to climb than ordinary mountains, and the environment here in Tianqing Peak is too bad.

A lesson will always be learned by Qiao Si trapped in the flowing cloud array - don't be careless,

With this lesson, Junyi thought about it for a long time and decided not to go together. She is poisonous and may not be able to help if she goes.

For Zhaolu asked the evil lion to stay with Junyi and tell him clearly, but the evil lion insisted on going up together.

If Tianqing Peak wants to climb to the peak, it usually takes six hours. For the morning dew and the evil lion walk in front, and you will slowly follow behind.

Qiao Si hid in a cave covered by the dense forest in the middle of the peak. The road was not easy to walk, and they had to guard against ambush all the way. For the way, it took them more than three hours to get there.

After another hour, Junyi was still walking slowly. Later, she did not follow them to reveal their footprints, but made a circle. In fact, she didn't know what she was looking for, just followed the feeling in her heart and looked at the strange stone scenery. All the way was special. Pay attention to the ground.

When she turned around, she found the fourth pair of footprints.

Junyi was scared into a cold sweat, and the cold hair on his back stood up to escape collectively.

It's very shallow, almost invisible footprints, and it's not on the easy-to-walk road they walked, but far away from the road they took. Strange rocks and inverted steep slopes, the footprints on a moss are the most obvious marks on the forefoot. It can be inferred that the man clicked his toes here and flew up. .

The fierce wind made Junyi unable to open her eyes. She struggled to grasp the rocks and looked up. There was no place to settle down in a long distance above. There was only one possibility left. He could jump several feet high at this point, and it was still difficult to do it on the flat ground. This man could do it easily in the strong wind. Oh, my God, how deep is this man's cultivation?

Are you tracking yourself with such a profound cultivation? Junyi's calculation, you can't see anything from such a long distance. It should not be tracking... Besides, what should he do to follow himself?

You take a breath and dare not think deeply. Pray that the four gods and Buddha Jesus Christ Maria must not be the backer of Qiao Si at the inner gate, otherwise... it is likely that life will not be followed.

In the distance, a pair of gray eyes looked at the thoughtful gentleman and wiped the sweat on his head. "Oh~~~ I didn't expect to be found by the foundation building for a lifetime."

A gray-eyed monk appeared behind him and joked, "Second, have you made a big fall?"

"Lao Liu, why are you here?"

"If you don't come, how can you get the first-hand information of the second brother and share it with everyone?"

"This woman is so keen that it is really rare." The one called the second one found a reason for himself.

Of course, Lao Liu won't let him go: "Sharp? I can't see this. How can I see that she is careful? Are you careless?

They were chatting. Suddenly, the nun they were monitoring looked up at them and seemed to look straight at them. Both of them were shocked. They knew that they had not been found, but they had left their original position.

You are looking at the wind in the mountain, and the spiritual wind cuts people like a knife. The footprints make her very uneasy. I don't know who is really about to torture this curious baby to death. It's as uncomfortable as if there is a cat scratching in her heart. When her claws scratching her heart, she subconsciously glanced in one direction. In fact She doesn't know what she wants to see.


The evil lion and Qiao Si were fighting, and Qiao Si took out a magic weapon. The evil lion was not his opponent at all and was still holding on hard. For the ground, the elder Chaolu meditated and closed his eyes to practice, and lay several corpses on the ground.

This is the scene you saw when you came in.

But what attracts your attention is the cage opened on all sides. In the cage, a thick iron plate is locked with a tiger and a tiger. The pure white tiger and leopard is a little tiger, and the listless woman next to it seems to be loveless is a poppy that can't be found?

"Poppy! Why are you here?" Junyi went up to help them untie the chains and shackles. Forg Chaolu: The crystals I received do not include cutting their chains and cultivating truth and morality. I'm here to keep them safe.)

When Xiaohu saw Junyi, he was very happy and kept whining, but when it saw that there was only the woman who could not speak next to him in the eyes of this stupid nun, Xiaohu was unhappy again and lay motionless. In the future, he would understand that his mood at this moment was called "lost" and "jealous".

When the poppy saw that the master still didn't speak, Chaolu opened his eyes and answered Junyi's question: "Qiao Si caught them to threaten you."

"That's great!" Junyi said happily.