Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 173 Cute little old man and terrible numbers

Xiaoyao's ancestor began to play tricks and no one could do. Shang Wuge gloated as if he wanted a swordsman. Yao Ning's female master also looked at him reproachfully. The bald master said "Amitabha" and asked the sword master to show his responsibility to be steady and presided over the overall situation. It was not the first time that he was complained.

The more setbacks, the more brave he became. He was defeated and fought repeatedly. He asked the swordsman's master to say, "Get up, the ground is cold."

"Forget it. I'll die. I'll save things for those who wait for me to die!" Xiaoyao's ancestor simply lay on the ground with four legs and eight legs. "While I'm alive, I'll calculate the prices of these mountains and peaks and peaks and sell them to the old immortal one in Fuyang. Or give them Xuanyin and save them energy. Don't fight for so many disciples to die. It's strange and sad. Go and ask them what price they are. Question mark Ah, by the way, don't forget to ask Kunlun, who has a high price.

"Ancestor, don't do this." He hurriedly held his kneeling down to persuade him.

The ancestor kicked his legs and answered him, "And you people, ask which one is willing to take you in."

"..." I'm speechless.

"Ancestor..." Yao Ning couldn't laugh or cry.


"I'm still worth some money." There is no song in Shang.

Xiaoyao's ancestor played for a while, and suddenly said sadly, "Sword, do you have seventy?"

"Yes. The disciple is seventy-eight years old this year.

"It's difficult for you. You're almost 80. I think you just knelt down and your legs and feet are not good, and you still have to serve me."

"Master, don't say that." He said in a hurry.

Xiaoyao's ancestor lay on the ground and stretched out his neck like a little bastard and looked up at the people around him. "You are all old, you are all old... This room is full of old people. Maybe one day you will die, maybe tomorrow, maybe you will close your eyes today and sleep and you won't open your eyes tomorrow. I have worked hard to create. Ah, apprentices, hey...three generations of disciples, hope, hey..."

Shang Wuge lowered his head and whispered, "This is really good this time."

Xiaoyao Laozu listened to his praise and became a little interested. He craned his neck and raised his head and said, "Is it good to hear you praise your disciples for the first time?" Before Shang Wuge's answer, he lowered his head again and put his nose against the floor. "Don't tosss other people's children. Don't help them like last time. They have made a good child, withered and withered. The family came to settle accounts... Hey... I can't say a lot of worries..."

Shang Wuge had no choice but to do it. He raised his buttocks and muttered in his ear.

"Really?" Xiaoyao's ancestors' eyes lit up.

"No 90%, 87."



"How old are you this year?"

"It's just 27th during the Spring Festival."

"Is it still so small?" Xiaoyao Laozu sat up from the ground and rubbed his hands excitedly, "Ok, there are still three years and only thirty. Even if she is six years, she is only thirty-three. There is a way!"

"Go and have a look?" Shang Wuge said.

"Well, go and have a look, go and have a look."

When the sword saw the unfolding of this matter, he quickly stopped him: "Ancestor, ancestor, you are the founder of the mountain. You personally summoned a three-generation disciple. It is really funny to spread out, and you will be said that there is no successor of our Xiaoyao School."

"Get out of here! I have a century-old foundation! Face is a bird!"


There is an old man in Junyi's flower field?

Junyi bent down and looked down for a long time. He was sure that he was an old man. He was already smoking old, only a little more than one meter. Junyi strongly suspected that he did not have one meter. Xiaoyao's ancestors saw through Junyi's idea and smiled, "1 meter and two meters!"

Isn't there anything to be proud of?

When he climbed up the stool in a cloth shirt and barefoot, Junyi noticed that his palms and feet were thick calluses, full of spiritual old man who had been farming for ten lifetimes.

I came with the master of Shang Wuge. Junyi looked at Shang Wuge, hoping that he would remind him who the Buddha was. He seemed to be the oldest master who still "survived"? Mysterious protection? As for Xiaoyao's ancestor, she didn't think about it and felt impossible.

Looking at Shang Wuge's attitude towards him, he is not very respectful. He feels like a brother and friend. He never appears as a protector. How can he say "mysterious" to protect the law? After this analysis, the oldest master who still "vives" is the most likely, as if... er, I don't know.

No matter who it is, kneel down.

Junyi knelt down honestly, looked at the old man, and looked at the business master. He said to me, "What should I call this? Is it just kneeling like this?

Shang Wuge was ready to open his mouth. As soon as the old man raised his hand, Shang Wuge stopped talking and looked at it with a smile.

"Has the foundation been built successfully?" Unexpectedly, the old man came straight to the point and went straight to the point as soon as he raised his hand to signal you.

"This..." Junyi was a little caught off guard and delayed thinking about it. "Junyi is not that she doesn't say anything. She really can't believe it. At the beginning of the year, she has decided that she can only tell the buyers of all the varieties of flowers this year."

"It's easy to buy flowers." The old man groped from his sleeve, took out a small box, and opened it on the table. The flower room immediately flowed as if it had entered the dream space, "One water system and one fire system, is it enough to pay in advance?"

"One is enough." Junyi was shocked and took a generous action.

The old man looked at Shang Wuge, who was drinking flower tea by himself and said generously, "The other one is paid for him. Don't pull him out and take him to play together."

The old man went so well that even made the advance payment, and Junyi also had to say, "The foundation has been built successfully."

"Do you say it again?" The old man's voice trembled beyond concealment. The foundation has been built successfully.

"How old are you this year?" It can be heard that the old man couldn't calm down immediately.


"Great! Build a foundation! Twenty-seven! Haha...27! Build a foundation! ..." The old man suddenly jumped off the stool, jumped up and down again... He jumped up and raised his hands and feet in the flower room, jumping, singing and laughing. Junyi couldn't figure out why he was so happy.

The little tiger was scared and hid in the corner as a carpet, asking for no sense of existence.

Poppy couldn't help saying, "What's wrong with this old man?"

Shang Wuge explained with a smile, "I have sent three generations of disciples to be useless. He has been looking forward to a good seedling for many years. I have never seen him so happy since the last genius incident."

Poppy still can't understand it. Junyi nodded and roughly understood it. He felt that he had a great responsibility. It was too difficult to cultivate, improve his cultivation, and it was even more difficult to improve his realm. However, these are not the biggest problems encountered in human cultivation. The biggest difficulty for human beings is that there is not enough time.

The normal life expectancy is 70 years, and the well-maintained life can live 90 years. The realm of cultivation is to practice qi, build foundations, golden elixir, Yuanying, and Huashen.

Yuanying can double her life expectancy, and there is no hope for 70 golden elixir. 50 golden elixirs can only rush through the early stage, the middle period of Jindan and the late Jindan period to impact Yuanying at most. Jindan to Yuanying said that they need to practice for more than 100 years. Character burst, all kinds of opportunities, one-class crystal bath, one-class elixir as a meal. It also takes 50 years to make a foundation, and it takes 17 to get 7 or 2741... At least 40 years old.

Forty-year-old golden elixir, it is estimated that it usually takes 50 years for human practitioners to build a foundation to build a golden elixir. It takes 30 years to build a foundation for people, various opportunities, a kind of crystal bath, and a kind of elixir as a meal. Thirty years, that can be regarded as ten years old to build a foundation.

Ten years old, can't it be?

- It is impossible for people to become immortals.

- Xiu really seeks the possibility in the impossible.

- Struggle in pain, seize hope in despair, this is the truth of cultivating immortals.

Of course, don't say that to the outside world. There is a three- or four-level cultivation in the world, and then get some charms to catch the little demon and mix it with a "half fairy". There are rumors that you will live immortality when you go to Lingshan Mountain.

At least 18 years of building the foundation, building the foundation can live 300 years more, Jindan can live 500 years more (still on the basis of building the foundation to live 300 years), and then it seems that Yuanying can live 1,000 years more, and each legendary versions are too different.

It is incredible and normal that people are willing to believe this unreal but beautiful version.

Even many practitioners don't know that the cultivation of Yuanying can double its life expectancy. Few people care about the fact that human practitioners in the world have the highest cultivation of Yuanying and the highest life expectancy of 216 years old. People who know it do not publicize it. On the one hand, no one believes it, and everyone is willing to think better. In addition On the one hand, if you publicize these bad things, who will come to worship and cultivate immortals? After all, although it is good to cultivate immortals, the mortality rate is high.

It's too difficult to cultivate immortals. Even if you cheat yourself, you can catch some hope from despair. Even if it's a false hope, it's a good hope. It's a good hope that can support you to go on this road.

Huh? Why did you say this...

Go to the topic and talk about how to make the impossible: of course, it is necessary to buy time to build a foundation at the age of ten. It is impossible to build a foundation at the age of 20. The premise of being able to reach the Yuanying period is to build a foundation before 30 years ago. It is good a year earlier and a minute early. Thirty foundations are built, 60 golden elixirs, 90 yuan infants, and 70 yuan into the earth is safe.

17 is seven, 2741... It seems that something is wrong, and it is impossible to calculate it.

By the way, take good care of life to 90 years old, Yuanying = (unremitting efforts + correct method and direction) * bursting character.

Like Junyi's original master Qi Yunzi, who built a foundation at the age of 40 and fifty golden elixir, is now almost 60 years old. It is still the early days of the golden elixir, and his cultivation has not been long since the golden elixir period.

I don't know whether his generation is at a loss or lucky. He is encountering a new cultivation method and some powerful elixir. In more than ten years, he has pulled a group of disciples from foundation-building to golden elixir, but the foundation has not been laid well. Half of them are dead, half disabled, and a handful of blessings are left. The lucky person is a elixirs.

Jiedan is Jiedan, but its cultivation is difficult to grow. Jindan hovers in the early stage, and it is basically impossible in the middle period of Jindan. It's good not to fall back to build the foundation. They are still lucky, much luckier than the paralysis of death.

For Qi Yunzi, if he doesn't use extraordinary means, he only builds the foundation in his 40s and 70 golden elixir. Is there any hope for Yuanying?