Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 176 Did the father-in-law let go of the father-in-law who sent him to the door?

Poppy sat on the ground and straightened his legs, pounding his little hand, and was very out of the bald master: "Why did this man come from? So fierce!"

You are strange: "Will plant spirit beasts also have sore legs? Isn't it enough for plants to keep a shape and bask in the sun in one place for life?

Poppy glanced at her, "Who said we didn't move? When there is wind, I keep swaying and twisting my waist to exercise. Just following the sun and twisting my head is very active!"

"Well, I admit that sunflowers are very active, but you all walk still, haha."

Poppy did not refute, but looked at a field of flowers in the distance and fell into meditation. Jun Yi thought that she did not disturb when she remembered the past. She should have many memories after 2,000 years of life. In fact... Poppy is not recalling the past. She was thinking that the beautiful business master just now looked back and was very affectionate, but the master did not pay attention to it. Arrived.

Master, you are poor, I won't tell you...

It's almost dawn. Junyi sleeps in the flower room and looks at the stars through the glass roof. The stars are so quiet. Today is really noisy. First, a cute old man, and then a fierce bald head came in the middle of the night. She likes old men, but she doesn't like bald heads... Today's response should be fine. There should be no problem, but she always feels strange and feels something is wrong.

What's wrong?

"Ah! That's stupid!" Junyi reacted and mumbled up!

She came back. Did she just let go of her father-in-law? How could this happen? Ah, ah, ah... She kept patting her head with regret, "Are you stupid? Really, really!"

At that time, the atmosphere was very uncomfortable. It was not a marriage request, but a malicious game. If you do it again, Junyi will still refuse. Love, marriage and home are dreams that cannot be blasphemed.

But you will still regret it!

At the same time, Junyi realized that Shang Shizu was interested in him? This divine brain circuit has only reacted until now.

Is Master Shang really interested in himself? Junyi thought about it. It seemed to be a little bit. When he was injured, he took it to his room, and the room was extremely ambiguous. I don't know whether it was deliberately done or not cleaned afterwards. Anyway, it must be meaningful.

I always chat with her for a long time, and I'm particularly thoughtful. It's not as simple as losing a bet.

Junyi now often regrets it. Master Shang is quite good. Even if the good impression is only a little, it is very good to have a little feeling. Which relationship didn't start with such a "point"? She doesn't want to hang her neck and abuse the body and abuse time. That's just right.

It's a pity... If you give her another chance to choose... If you choose again, ah... still don't know...


Compared with Junyi's dream about "small family", Shang Wuge is doing much more "everyone's demeanor". He licked his face and followed Master Yaoguang, "Are you satisfied? What do you think of your mind? Is there anything to polish in terms of personality? Isn't it stupid?"

is to ask the master again and again, and only change the name.

"I'll go back and analyze it and make a detailed report for you." Master Yaoguang said seriously.

Shang Wuge: "Great, I think you are very bald today, emitting the glory of Buddha."

Master Yaoguang: "I have the conditions."

"Say it," Shang Wuge confidently looked at the bald in front of him. "Look carefully at the glory of Buddha. It's time to wash your hair."

Master Yaoguang: "First, you can't accept her as an apprentice if you withdraw from the competition; second, help me accept her as an apprentice."

"No, you put forward two conditions for a personality analysis?"

"Amitabha, don't pull it down." Master Yaoguang rolled his sleeves and wanted to leave.

"If you want it," Shang Wuge pulled his sleeve, and it's very convenient to pull up his wide robe and big sleeves. "I promise that I won't accept her. She begged me to call out and speak for you in front of her ancestor and in front of her. How about that, buddy?"

The next morning, the dawnlight slowly awakened the sleeping creatures, and the birds fell on the flowers and chatted, "Early, I sent you the message you want."

- The above is purely the good hope of Shang Wu Song.

In fact...

"You bird! If you have to hold back the shit, you have to pull it on my tea plate, right? You bird! Come back if you have the ability! It pissed me off!"

A battle of people and birds began in the clear blue sky. In the end, Shang Wuge pressed the messenger crane under his body, grabbed its neck, and spit out the crane hair, "You bird! You are arguing with me, aren't you? "I'll strangle you!"

"Master, you can't kill the spirit crane!"

"There are cranes under your hands!"

"Ah! Master, my nose!"



Three or four disciples of Shang Wuge came up to pull the fight, with bird hair flying and nosebleeds splashing, ah! A beautiful day has begun.

The following is a detailed report on Junyi's personality sent by the bald master named Linghe:

Name: Junyi Age: 27 Gender: Female

---Personality analysis---

Main personality: 1. From being able to confront a master-level person for more than ten minutes without any panic can be seen that this woman is calm and calm.

2. From her direct abandonment of resistance to pressure, it can be seen that this woman is not competitive and has a calm personality, but it can also be seen that this woman lacks a sense of competition.

3. From her attitude towards kneeling, it can be seen that this woman is unwilling to succumb to others and does not want to rule others. She can be entrusted with heavy responsibilities and may be alone in case of trouble.

4, *It can be seen from her pursuit that this woman is not cultivating immortals, but it is especially suitable to choose as a Taoist couple.

5. It can be seen from her attitude towards marriage that this woman is adaptable, but she will stick to the bottom line. Touching the bottom line does not rule out excessive behavior, especially be careful.

6. It can be seen from her attitude towards her that this woman is lonely and can get along well with others but difficult to get close to others.

--Simple analysis of character---

Toughness, kindness, reality, independence, isolation

--Analysis of character defects--

Zhi Xiu is really her fatal defect, which is very suitable for choosing a Taoist couple. Don't have too much hope for her in cultivation.

* Although the hidden curious nature is not obvious, this nature is easy to cause trouble, especially pay attention to it.

With a hidden and unruly manner and respectful attitude, he is not afraid of elders and authority at all. If there are special circumstances, you need to pay attention to it.

Note: * indicates an important item.

"Tut, bald people are serious about doing things!" After reading it, Shang Wuge sighed infinitely that this shaved hair was different. Under the camellia tree, he looked at it again and again.

The prosperity flew, and he remembered his conversation with her that day.

That day, she took the initiative to come to him. She brought snake wine. He chose to drink tea for fear of losing his virtue after drinking. It was also under the camellia tree. The two said a lot of things to sit and drink tea. When they looked at each other... nothing happened, and their eyes looked at each other... When nothing happened, he lifted the hair in front of his forehead to create four eyes again. ......

Finally, he asked, "I heard that you have facial blindness. Can you see my eyes clearly at this moment?"

"I can't see clearly... What's wrong?"

Her expression was so innocent that it still vividly came to his mind.

The petals were silent and fragrant, and Shang Wuge pulled out his long sword with a long sigh, "It's dull..." A sword dance condensed green light, and the falling flowers flew all over the mountain peak. Shang Wuge was crazy, "My ultimate eyes* are useless! My ultimate! Must kill! Affectionate! You don't have to talk about it! Eye discharge*! I don't need it!!!!"

Songless flowers and rain fall, and a sword is free from admiring immortals.

I want to ask you how much you are worried. The wind blows down and the flowers are like rain. I miss the beautiful woman in the evening and morning.

Countless female practitioners poured out to watch, and the "flowers and rain" have disappeared for decades. Since the death of the Taoist couple of Shang Wuge, the immortals have never danced their swords under the camellia tree. The camellia has bloomed year after year, empty and lonely.

Now it's falling like rain again. Are you no longer lonely?

In the distance, a woman in white looked at the flying rain and cried into her beautiful eyes.


The "beath" is very busy. Junyi is visiting Yao Ningfeng. In the early morning, a lively and lovely girl came to find her and told her that Yao Ning's master invited her.

The "bell master" threw an olive branch. Although he was reluctant, he still had to go and see it. It's etiquette.

The girl took her to Yao Ningfeng. Instead of taking her to see the ringer, she took her around and enthusiastically introduced her.

Junyi originally thought that the female masters were all female disciples here, but basically didn't consider it (less men mean fewer opportunities, for sure!) I didn't expect that there were many male disciples. After all, Xiuzhen is still a world dominated by men, and there are relatively few female practitioners.

The girl enthusiastically introduced: "The master received 26 disciples, that is to say, you have 26 masters to choose from. Now Yao Ningfeng has about 38 brothers and ninety-eight sisters. We are all saying that the number of ninety-nine is very meaningful."

"Basic two-to-one, there is a chance." Junyi calculates in a low voice.

"Ha," the girl smiled like a sunrise. "It's four-to-one. Most of the seniors and sisters are married. I'll forget it for you. There are probably more than 100 brothers without Taoist couples. You have a lot of opportunities." She added playfully, "This number has not married and concubines. They are all good brothers and boys who are dedicated to cultivating immortals."

Junyi's reputation for marriage is far-reaching. Even the girl on Yao Ningfeng knew her request and deliberately helped her. Junyi was a little embarrassed, smiling and silent.

A touch of clear sunshine was shining on her smile, and the girl was stunned. "I thought you looked strange. It turned out that you smiled so beautifully. You should smile more."

Passing by the lamp room, Jun Yi stopped and looked inside. The lamp room was lit with a long bright lamp, and the disciples who left the mountain gate for reasons such as foundation training would light a bright lamp, add lamp oil, and the dead lamp went out.

"This is the light room. What's the point of view?"

Junyi suddenly asked, "The disciples who went out to ring the bell peak are missing. The bright light has not been extinguished, but how dull is it all year round?"