Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 237 Quietly Waiting

Junyi said, "Then help me copy the Code of Conduct 50 times."


"In the future, you will be punished for copying all of them."


Hey, this deal is quite cost-effective. Hurry up and kiss again and stamp the transaction to prevent him from going back on his word.

Junyi raised his head slightly and kissed the big face in front of him. He touched it and separated it, but he felt something wrong. He didn't seem to kiss his face. Looking at the concave and convex shadow face in front of him, he seemed to kiss in the middle of his face. There were two petals of touch, kissing on his mouth.

There was a moment of silence between the two.

Junyi was embarrassed and was about to say something, but the leaning face bent down, and his lips kissed her lips.

Dragonfly touches the water, such as the petals falling on the surface of the water and starting to touch it gently. The water wave moves slightly, and the petals are stained with water droplets. When Xuguang's tongue was on her lips*, Junyi reacted, widened her eyes and her hands and feet to push Xuguang away.

"What are you doing! Are you crazy?"

The marrow knew the taste, Xuguang just temporarily kissed. Now he tasted how to stop, bullied the person under him, pressed her legs, pressed her legs, grabbed her wrists with both hands and imprisoned them at the head of the bed, and kissed it domineeringly.

The kiss was very domineering, and the lips pressed heavily on the lips of the people under them, which still couldn't relieve the desire of the heart at all. They simply wrapped the whole lip in their mouth*; and they also tried to pry open the lips of the people under them directly.

There was a hungry wolf-like red in his eyes.

"Well..." Junyi squeezed his lips tightly and struggled hard. Usually, he felt that he was very strong, but he was not Xuguang's opponent at all. He was pressed without any strength and couldn't use his strength. He wanted to attack with spiritual power, but in the bottom of his heart, he hesitated to really hurt the person who was pressing him. He simply wanted to let his tongue in and bite him, heart At the bottom, I'm afraid of biting his tongue, and I'm afraid that if he bites and bleed, he still won't retreat...

She believed that Xuguang was only impulsive and had known each other for six years. Junyi deeply believed that Xuguang did not really want to "bully" her. She chose not to struggle and wait quietly.

The person controlled by impulse lost his reason, and the struggle under him made the beast more excited. He found that the people under him were no longer struggling. The beast was finally stunned and took a distance to see what happened.

Xu Guang saw a pair of eyes that believed in him staring at him.

But he can't stop.

He stretched out his hand to cover his eyes.

He kissed the lip again.

This time, it is different. The fine kiss and gently pecking is no longer domineering, but from the corners of the lips to the corners of the lips. Again and again, the butterfly stops on the flowers, the wind blows across the lake, the smooth music across the ears, and the best temptation between the lips.

Xuguang's palm feels that the eyes of the people under him are moving left and right. He should be a little confused and should be thinking about how to deal with it.

Junyi felt that Xuguang's hand was released from the clamp and turned to cover his eyes. He grabbed himself with the other hand. She tried to escape, but it was really stuffy. It turned out that the gap in strength was so big that his pride in himself was usually destroyed at this moment. Unexpectedly, he could firmly grasp himself with one hand. Two hands.

The struggle was ineffective, and Junyi could only continue to let him go, and the subtle touch from her lips made her intoxicated. The lips were licked very gently*, soft and moist, making people feel care and loving. I have never been loved so gently. Junyi hopes that it will never end. In my heart, a little gentleman in yellow clothes said: More... More... La la la la more...

The other little gentleman can hardly see in the dark. The lazy sheep Xiaojunyi opened his eyes and said in a daze, "things... seem to be wrong..."

Xiaojunyi in yellow stunned her with a hammer and threatened her Xiaojunyi: "Watch the play honestly, don't talk. It's a bad thing. Look, her end is yours!"

Xiaojunyi, an angel in white, flew out of the shadow at the risk of being hit by a sledgehammer and shouted, "Sh on! Stop..." Many little gentlemen ran out and shouted, "Stop him!" Tell him to stop!"

The alarm bell is a masterpiece!

Yes! You wake up and tell him to stop, otherwise...

Otherwise, you will sink, and you will definitely do something you regret.

Things shouldn't be like this.


Junyi opened her mouth to stop the people on her body. She opened her mouth to say "stop", but she was just taken the opportunity to attack the city and the ground. The dexterous tongue wandered on her lips, waiting for this opportunity.

fell into the war zone.

"Uh...Uh..." Junyi tried his best to resist the invaders with his tongue, but the invaders wandered gently, cling to Junyi's tongue, entangled, and swept over the area he occupied over and over again. Instead, the resistance was used by him, giving him more opportunities to contact.

Resistance is gradually weak.

The next step is the collective fall... sinking...

Junyi didn't know where she would sink. She felt that she was sinking, as if she was surrounded by warm water, which was the heat created by Xuguang, and even her body was filled with his warm heat.

Her hands can't move, her feet can't move, and her body can't move every inch. Everything can't be determined. It's up to the person who kissed her.

Xuguang almost wrapped Junyi's mouth, letting her tongue slide deepest in the mouth of the woman under her, licking from the depths of her tongue to the tip of her tongue, and from the tip of her tongue to the depths.


I don't know when Xuguang grabbed Junyi's hand and stroked her back. The heat of the palm penetrated through the skin on her back into Junyi's body and into Junyi's heart, but Junyi did not realize it.

The tip of Xuguang's tongue shook the tip of his tongue over and over again, gently crossed the side, returned to the tip of his tongue, and then the tip of his tongue... He was sending an invitation to dance together.

Junyi doesn't know what to do. There is nothing in front of him. There is a paste in the brain, and the body is also paralyzed into a pool of paste, just sinking and sinking...


I don't know how long it took, a voice came to my ears, and Junyi felt someone blowing into his mouth.

Junyi opened his eyes and found himself lying **. Xuguang blew into his mouth and told himself to breathe. Yes, breathe. Oh, my God, how long has it been since he didn't breathe? He was going to die.

Finally, I remembered to breathe, and my body gasped eagerly and greedily. I heard a voice laughing in my ear, "It's not that I found out early that you suffocated yourself..."

I remember.

He wants to kiss himself. I thought he wouldn't force it. Believe that he will not bully himself.



Junyi's eyes returned to Qingming, and a heavy slap fell on Xuguang's face.

That handsome and unparalleled face can't be beaten by other women. It's just an oval face with concave and convex shadows in Junyi's eyes. She can definitely beat it down!

Five clear fingerprints appeared on the handsome face, and the corners of the mouth also bleed, flowing into a line along the corners of the mouth.

Xu Guang did not hide.

He knew that he was going to suffer like this. He hoped that Junyi could beat him harder, so that he would feel better.

"I..." He wanted to apologize, but he couldn't say it. He only sent his face up. "Have you calmed down? If you haven't calmed down, hit him again."

"Please go out." Junyi is calm, as cold as an iceberg, as quiet as the windless water.

Xuguang knows that Junyi is really angry. If she likes someone, she will talk well, fight, laugh and communicate. This time, I'm really angry and won't want to talk to myself. Just like Mingzhen, Mingzhen ignored how she knelt down and begged her and didn't want to waste time, but she was willing to have a long talk with Bingwei. Even if Bingwei couldn't listen, she would try to persuade her.

Junyi turned over and got out of bed, pushed Xuguang out of the door with three quilts, expressionless, almost indifferently, with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth, and closed the door slowly.

It was snowing heavily outside. Xuguang stood pitifully at the door wrapped in a quilt, leaned against the door and pecked the door panel with his fingers, and said to the crack of the door, "At least give me clothes..."

The door opened, and several sets of clothes, including underwear and socks, were thrown from the inside to Xu Guang's face and fell to the ground. The door... closed again.

The dormitory room is not too big, and some noise can be heard around it. Between Xuguang's previous appearance, something too shocking happened this night. The disciples did not fall asleep. They lay at the bedside meeting and discussed how Xuguang appeared here. What did he have to do with Junyi? How long has it been? Some disciples heard this As he came out to look, he saw the scene of Junyi throwing his clothes and shoes all over Xuguang from afar, and he was shocked into a wooden man in an instant.

I don't know who built a few little snowmen in the yard, and the little snowmen laughed: Look at those people, they are too stunned. We can't move. Why are they more still than us?

The next day, when eating, several people raised their chins and put down their chins to chew things. If they didn't hold it with their hands, their chins would keep falling down.

For three days, Junyi ignored Xuguang. He went to the morning class, practiced by himself, and slept by himself. Occasionally, he would watch him think deeply and think deeply in the distance. Xuguang saw that she wanted to go over, but he saw that her eyes were obviously not ready to talk. It took another time.

Xuguang waited quietly without bothering her.

Finally, Junyi took the initiative to come to Xuguang: "I have thought that people have needs and physiological needs should be met, especially men. It is said that it is not good to restrain for a long time."

Xu Guang is looking forward to it. He assumed countless possibilities, saying that he would break off diplomatic relations and avoid meeting in the future. He may ask him why he likes this possibility so that he can explain it, but he didn't expect Junyi to say so, whether there will be a "sexual" life in the future... It's too happy, and happiness is not very real.

The truth is that what is too happy and seems unreal is unreal, because Junyi next said, "Go to the foot of the mountain and make a red sleeve trick."


"I'm also too clear-minded. It's time to vent."

Ah? What?" Xuguang was stunned for a moment, and his brain was blank.