Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 282 Love makes her stupid

Junyi patted his chest and promised, "You gave me such a big news, I will definitely remember your kindness. This matter is up to me!"

So Junyi was busy setting up the matter between speechless and Qianmo. The first step was to leave Qianmo. This was very simple. Qianmo agreed at one bite. He didn't want to leave in the first place.

The second step is to keep it confidential for the time being.

In the third step, she has an in-depth understanding of the relationship and daily relationship between Qianmo and speechless.

"Speakless, how can you still practice with Lord Qianmo?!!" Your intention is surprised.

Nodding without words.

Qianmo needs someone to practice with him. He is the spiritual power of fire, and the spiritual power of water is silent.

"Isn't the double cultivation to be connected? So your relationship is already very good, right?

Shaking his head speechlessly: "I will cooperate with Lord Qianmo to make my breath consistent with my adult's breathing."

"Wow... I'm speechless, you have such a good name."

"My name is speechless." Speechless.

"When will you quit after you and Qianmo Shuangxiu, and Qianmo will not marry you. Is it particularly easy to marry in the future? Many male practitioners are crying and shouting for it? Junyi asked a very practical question.

Speakless shook his head and said firmly, "Speakless will not marry for life."

"Then will you be his concubine?"

The expression turned red, "How can you insult me so much?!!"

"Don't be excited! I'm reasonable, so that you have a job as a bodyguard, nanny, and maid, and you haven't even been separated from him. Let me take the liberty to ask, how much is your monthly salary? You are a special profession. You must have a lot of salary, right?


"How much reward can you receive every month? Can you say no?"

"Reward... If you are speechless, don't be rewarded if you are speechless. Being able to follow Lord Qianmo is the greatest reward in your life."

"..." You were stunned.

This child is really pure, or the children here are pure, like a pure little romance is really being staged here, the bodyguard and the king, the king and the princess...

Without daily tea, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea, economic factors will not be taken into account, and there will be no personality run-in. There are no secular and all the factors of life. The story only revolves around the entanglement of love.

"It turns out that romance novels don't happen in life, but on earth!"

It's strange that Junyi is so careful about her affairs. Isn't it? It's none of her business. However, when she saw what Junyi said to the poppy, she seemed to understand a little.

Junyi said to the poppy, "Are you bored all day long? Let's discuss your establishment of another door. Why don't you write to a few people first and I'll send it? They will also take time to think about and prepare.


This day, under the shade of a secret tree.

Junyi took out the experience of reading thousands of Xiaoyan in his previous life, and the teaching of a group of tutors was speechless: "Do you know why you like it so stupidly but can't get anything? Because of love.

Because love makes your IQ decline, love makes you willing to be a silent guardian angel.

speechless, this doesn't work, love has to fight for, create, seduce... ah, to attract him! By his side, as his woman, you can better protect, get happiness, and make love a burial place!"


"Don't worry, listen to me! Theoretically, I can't be 100% wrong!"

"In theory?"

"The picture above is first!" Junyi took out his fingers and drew a map of the relationship between the characters.

In view of the relationship between more than two people, Junyi drew an arrow diagram.

Speerless pointed to Qianmo, Qianmo pointed to Xueliu, Xueliu pointed to Xuguang, Xuguang pointed to... Junyi thought about it and drew arrows around Xuguang's name, and Xuguang pointed to all directions.

Although he didn't understand why, Junyi still drew a dotted line from Qianmo's name pointing to his own name. Various "suspicious" signs such as accosted, sending jewelry, confessing, etc., he seemed to be chasing himself. ( Speechless: Don't seem like it. Lord Qianmo has clearly said that he is pursuing you.)

Junyi is flattered, but it's so strange.

"Speakless, what do you think is going on?" You are speechless.

M speechless took the pen in Junyi's hand and drew two arrows. One arrow pointed from Xuguang to Junyi, and the other arrow pointed to Xuguang from Junyi. "Lord Xuguang robbed Lord Xueliu. Because of you, Lord Qianmo wants to avenge you from him. Don't be angry. Lord Qianmo sometimes looks like a child. I Apologize for him."

"Love each other? Xuguang and I?! Misunderstanding! It's a big misunderstanding!" Junyi hurriedly wiped off the two arrows on the silent supplement. "Qianmo misunderstood, and you also misunderstood. I don't like Xuguang. Even if I like it, I don't like that aspect. Xuguang can't like me. We are companions, buddies, best friends, and two people who occasionally walk together..."

said speechlessly, "I think Lord Xuguang likes you."

"He likes more people, and I can know from my toes that his ex-girlfriend in all directions doesn't have 10,000 or 8,000, right? It's over if he likes me. I pray to worship Buddha and pray that he doesn't like me. We are also friends. I'm speechless. Please, can you think of me better?

I can't say anything. After a while, she hurriedly left. She is the bodyguard nanny and Shuangxiu of Lord Qianmo, and she can't leave her post without permission for too long.

Your intention is to practice as usual, which is no different from usual.

It's just that the water fascinated my eyes when I was bathing. Someone handed the towel to my hand, but I didn't have to open my eyes to know that the person around me was him.

"What are you doing here?" Junyi pulled a big towel around him and wrapped his body, revealing only his shoulders and legs.

"I think you miss me. I'll come and show you." Xuguang's mouth is slippery.

"Get out of here." You said.

"Okay, I'll change the reason." Like the sad February rain, Xuguang said, "I think you owe me an apology." What he said was that you mistakenly thought that he was a broken sleeve.

Get out of here. You also owe me an apology." Junyi remembered that his hands were still hot.

"Well, I'll calculate," Xuguang's expression has changed a lot, and now he has become a calculating little boss. "You wronged me and caused great harm to me; I have minor misconduct to you in order to prove my innocence, two-one added five, three five divided by two, you owe me zero seven four to apologize, give you zero, you Give me a cup of tea and laugh, and I won't care about it!"

Junyi sneered: "Then how do you cheated me in six or seven years?"

"Xiaojunjun, I was wrong. I didn't pretend to be a loser at that time. I was really a loser at that time," Xuguang's face bitterly, like a poor puppy. "I didn't appear in all directions, and I can't get in."

"Then how do you hide your identity from me and return Hu Zou's three identity versions?" Not counting doesn't mean you don't remember.

You don't have to turn over old accounts like this, do you? Xu Guang's head sweated, and his tough and rude personality appeared. He slapped a large spider web-like crack on the ground of Bai Yuchi and took the attack as a defense: "You still touched Qianmo's place, and I put up with it! What else do you want from me, I'm a man! There is a limit to tolerance!"

"I'm not who you are. Whoever you like to touch, the person involved didn't say anything. Why are you so excited?"

Because! Because..." Xuguang switched the appearance of the bullied little daughter-in-law and raised the orchid, "Because you are a hooligan, how can you do this..."

"Even if I play hooligan, the victim didn't say anything. What does it matter to you?" Youyi said leisurely.

"Oh, I said," Xuguang said in a normal voice, "Do we still want to reconcile? Stop arguing and reconcile!"

This is still like a sentence. Why do you act so many plays? Fun is fun. Aren't you tired after playing too much?

Junyi didn't want to quarrel with him anymore. He waved his hand and said, "Yes, turn over."

"But I still want to tell you solemnly. If you want to touch that in the future, you can touch mine. I'll sacrifice it. It doesn't matter if you touch it casually..."

"Do you still want to turn this over!!" Junyi roared at him out of control, lifted the water in the pool and splashed his face, "Get out! Get out! Get out of here immediately!"

"I'll get out of here. Auntie, don't be angry. Do you want to see it rolling back and forth or horizontally? In this way, I'll get out of the group. Look at it. It's the most fun.

Xuguang really put his hands on his head and rolled out. It was very funny. Junyi couldn't help laughing and said, "It's so stupid..."

She was stunned with a smile, and her smile froze on her face.

So stupid... stupid...

She said that she was speechless and stupid to be a free bodyguard nanny and double cultivation for Lord Qianmo. She said to Wushe, "Because of love, you have become stupid."

Love makes her stupid, and she will do a lot of ridiculous things;

If love makes her lose an inch, she will lose her base...

Love blinds her judgment, and she makes the wrong judgment...

Junyi thought of a terrible fact that she made a wrong judgment and lost evidence these days, and it was ridiculous... This shows that...

"No, no, no..." She muttered to herself and rushed a handful of water to her face. She told herself, "Definitely not!"

Xuguang was taking a shower and reached a settlement. He was in a good mood. He whistled and soaked in the open bath. He blew very well. The birds that were not afraid of the cold fell on the branch and listened in twos, and the hibernating squirrel poked his head out of the tree hole.

The whistle melody became faster and faster, and suddenly a high and long voice was refreshing. This pleasure was accidentally fascinated by his eyes. He closed his eyes and reached to the place where he put the towel but didn't touch anything. At this time, the towel was put on his hand by a small hand.

"Ah, why are you here!" Xuguang felt that it was Junyi and hurriedly covered the key part.

Junyi blinked: "Don't be so shy. We have seen each other for a long time. Besides, I should be shy if I want to be shy! Ah, your water is so dirty. Why is there something white?

Xuguang's face was as red as a cooked crab: "The soap fell into it and soaked..."

"Oh... it turned out to be soap..." Junyi "simidenly realized".

"Why did you come suddenly?" Xuguang changed the topic, "Wait for me to get dressed first."

"It's not sudden," Junyi said, "Don't bother to put on your clothes. Just say a few words and leave. You can continue to wash after you leave. You can wash it. I just want you to talk to me when I take a shower, and I should also be polite.

"Hmm~" Xuguang's recovery was still very fast, erasing the suspicious marks on his hands without a trace. "Cough, say it."

"I've thought about the things you lied to me in the past, and the things you cheated about me can be written off, but there are two conditions. First, you can't be light to me in the future, keep a distance, you can't mess with me **, not once."

"What is the second condition?"

"What about me," Junyi's index finger circled the edge of the swimming pool, "I did something that would bother you. You can't be angry."

"What's the matter?" Xuguang has a bad feeling.

"You will know soon."