Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 300 Draw a heart on your back

I have to say that Junyi regretted it. She shouted in her heart: Isn't the equipment too bad? It's all up to you! Is there a submarine? It's not a human thing to do!

It's really naked diving!

There is really nothing except the three waterless spiritual roots biting the magic tree spiritual roots that can be used to breathe underwater. ( Junyi complained: It's too simple. Even the spiritual root of Manshu is not a magic weapon! Low-level magic weapons that can't be lower-level!)

Under the sea at a depth of 700 or 800 meters, there is darkness around, only the faint light emitted by dreamy jellyfish and some kind of undersea creatures.

Junyi felt that Xuguang held her tightly, and she also hugged him tightly. The two tacitly combined each other's spiritual protection layer. Under the deep sea, the spiritual power of Youlan, the warm and solid earth spiritual power, the warmth of orange beans, and the fierce gold spiritual power tacitly merged, flowing more elegantly than jellyfish. Move.

The two hugged each other tightly, and they can still feel each other's heartbeats in the deafening tide. One slap can drive away any fear and darkness, and the temperature transmitted by each other's bodies can drive away any cold.

The creeping seeds are deeply rooted in the hearts of the two and sprouted in the hearts of Junyi.

This sprouted seed... is called * affection.

Junyi still wanted to struggle. She looked around and told him that even if she merged with Xuguang and became the most beautiful jellyfish in the sea, she could not fall in love with this man. He was really not a good match. She had never liked him. The more she looked at it, the more annoying she became...

But the spiritual power around them was not too dreamy, and Junyi was stunned by the chest of this man she "she didn't like".

The heart has also been completely captured.

Jellyfish are so poisonous.

Move your fingers to draw a heart❤ shape with two strokes behind Xuguang.

At the same time, Xuguang wrote a word "sui" on her back.

Wander around the world with him? Let him go to see the lonely flowers in the desert to enjoy the mountains and snow, and follow him for the rest of his life? Remember that a long time ago, he also said to take her to see thousands of worlds; remember, he always called himself a "little fool"...

Maybe he doesn't have a word of truth, but at this moment, Junyi believes that his love for himself is true, believes that he can give himself the present and future he wants, and believes that he has a sincere heart under the disguise of lies...

Junyi closed his eyes, raised his head, and his lips approached Xuguang's lips little by little...

Suddenly, a big hand on his waist closed tighter, Xuguang pressed her head on his chest, and his lips and Junyi's lips could be wiped...

At this time, without giving people any reaction, a powerful current swept them in, and countless dozens of meters long jellyfish were also swept in and roared past.

The power of nature shocked Junyi. I don't know how fast the current is, I don't know how much pressure it is, and I don't know where they will be rushed to. Junyi only realize that she can't resist. Even if Jin Dan's cultivation, she has no ability to rush out of the current against the current.

This is the undercurrent of the deep sea, the river under the deep sea, also known as the "sea dragon". Forgive her, she forgot the ocean current arrow in the geography class. I don't know if she has learned this concept at all. She knows this concept in animation.

But in the animation, it is only depicted how fun it is to ride a Shanghai dragon. It doesn't say how powerful it is. The strong water flow can tear up everything. It is not stable at all. It is impossible to drive on the surface of the sea dragon like a boat. It can only be rotated like a lonely boat in a tornado, and then... be torn apart.

In an instant, she clearly realized that she could not harden. She had to follow the huge flow of the sea dragon. She would be torn to pieces like a ship rolled up by a tornado. Only as soft as dead leaves and petals, as boneless as the glowing giant jellyfish around her, let the wind blow, and let the sea flow What do you have to do, so that you can live.

She hugged Xuguang and hugged each other tightly as never before. The protective cover she built was instantly washed away by a sea current that was sharper than the blade and faster than the sound wave, but she did not give up and rebuilt it again and again, layer by layer, and the outer layer was washed away by the inner layer to make up. She is the spiritual power of the water system. Her water system protection cover can protect Xuguang and protect herself for a longer time, as long as the spiritual power can match the speed of the current, as long as!

She could feel that Xuguang was also building a protective cover layer by layer. tacitly, they established an order. The two worked together to support the protective cover, protect each other, and protect each other.

It rotated rapidly in the current like dead leaves, as if ten years had passed, and Junyi's strength and spiritual power had been used to the limit. In the confusion, she felt that Xu Guangqiang supported and kissed her forehead.

Is it a dying kiss? Junyi was thinking that it was the best end to die together like this. She was willing to end it at the best time and be with him.

She wants to have relatives, but only wants ordinary days. The two of them are noisy, awkward, and slowly grow old together.

She never thought of a vigorous love to die together, but if she dies together at this time, she has no regrets or regrets.

The more powerful sea current swept them, and Junyi supported her spiritual power with his last strength. Xuguang's lips kissed her lips, and she was dazzled for a moment.

In an instant, it's still 10,000 years, and she can't tell...

With some dry lips, she gently touched her lips, and a breath of air with a familiar smell was blown into her body. She took a deep breath and enjoyed the thick sweetness that could not melt.

I didn't want to open my eyes and stretch out my tongue to invite his tongue to dance with. I heard him humming and felt him tighten his waist. Life has disappeared, and everything has become non-existent. Only love for him is still here, in the heartbeat.

Hmm?? Heartbeat?? You are more sober. Xu Guang's lips are still entangled.

vaguely, Junyi heard Xue Liu's unhappy voice: "You want a bridal chamber, and I'll build another room for you."

And Qianmo's voice: "Haha, continue, it's wonderful. It's just that I'm going to learn," he said silently. "Xiao Yanyan, is my usual kiss too rude, or Xuguang's kissing skills are good? I didn't admit it before. It seems that it's too far away. I'll learn it now and try to satisfy you."

He said shamelessly, "Don't talk nonsense."

Qian Mo said, "Are you talking nonsense? So Xiao Yanyan is satisfied with my kissing skills? No, I have to study again to make you more satisfied. Why don't we do it now, come on..."

He blushed and whispered a few words in his ear. Qian Mo smiled happily and continued to whisper without words.


Junyi woke up, opened his kissed eyes, and breathed the air around him. It was air. People are no longer in the terrible current.

Junyi is from the water system, but he is afraid of getting into the water today. Breathing the air, she felt like entering heaven.

"Where is this? Heaven? Is heaven like this? Too crippled, isn't it? I haven't done anything bad except the master's Linghe diarrhea. I want to appeal, I want to defend, and I want to go to heaven!"

Xuguang built a house with the remnants of butterfly silk and forced away the water in the house with the help of several people. Xue Liu took out a lot of man tree roots to release air. I don't know where the house was. Outside the window was the sound of earthly water, and there was a strange sound of slapping the house. I don't know what it was.

Xue Liu saw that Junyi woke up, took a look at Xuguang, who kept her side for half a step, and said coldly, "Take time to rest. If you don't want to be digested, quickly replenish your physical and spiritual power."

"Well, drink water and eat bread. Eat and drink quickly. Buf in five minutes. You said. In fact, she is a little embarrassed and is trying to make more cold jokes to divert her attention. Just now... What did she do just now? Did she stick out her tongue to hook Xuguang's tongue... Ah ah ah (10,000 "ah" 100 million "ah" around the earth 10 billion times "ah"!!! ............)

"Little fool, you look cute when you talk nonsense." Xuguang looked at her and smiled, straightening out the messy hair on her forehead.

Where are we? Why didn't you tell me such a powerful sea dragon..." Junyi said. Xuguang introduced the situation and said that the seabed is very deep, which is very fun and so on.

"I forgot to tell you. Don't worry, it's over. We have hitchhiked now. Xuguang Road.

"Hid ride?"

"Well, we are now in the belly of the sea monster." Xue Liu said coldly.

Junyi jumped up and said, "No... Say it again, where are we?!!"

Xueliu sneered: "In the belly of the sea monster, we must go to its fish bubble as soon as possible. There is no corrosion**, there is air, and the pressure is small. Otherwise, we will either be digested by it for half a quarter of an hour or be flattened by him, and the protection of the remnant winged butterfly will not last long."

Junyi asked weakly, "Well... we were spit out by the sea dragon, and then the sea monster swallowed us as delicious food, right?"

"I don't think so," Xu Guang explained. "I speculate that the sea monster sucks the undercurrent of the seabed into his stomach. I guess he wants to eat the jellyfish fish rolled by the undercurrent and involve us together."

The sea dragon was so terrible that it had no resistance at all. The sea monster could open its mouth and suck the ocean current. Junyi was shocked: "What kind of spirit beast is this sea monster?"

Xuguang and Xue Liu shook their heads together: "I don't know. It's too big to see the whole picture."

Junyi lowered his head, was silent, and recalled.

Speakless: "Don't worry. There must be a way. We won't die."

Xue Liu looks down on Junyi: "Don't come with this courage."

shielding Xue Liu's misfor good, Junyi shook his head and said, "No, I want to say!" She stood up and raised her arm. "Let's find a way to go to the stomach of the sea monster. According to the plot analogy of One Piece, there must be treasures there!!"

Junyi's eyes are shining with crystal.

Xue Liu was stunned. This little girl Xiu was not scared. She was too bold and excited!

And she herself was trembling all the way, afraid of what would happen, and still go to the stomach of the sea monster? She didn't even dare to think about it.

Qian Mo asked curiously, "What is the Pirate King? Big squid?"

Xuguang replied casually, "Don't care. She imagined it herself. Sometimes her brain is a little funny."

"So it is."

No one present doubted it. He deeply felt that although Xuguang was cunning, the "show" was not a lie.

Eating and drinking quickly to supplement physical strength, Xuguang, Qianmo and Wuchang worked together to change the downward trend of the remnant winged butterfly house. Xueliu explored the direction of divine knowledge, crossed the bloodline, and followed the skeleton to the "fish bubble" of the sea monster.

The fish bubble is the organ that the fish controls the rise and fall of the body. If you want to rise, let a lot of air into the fish bubble, and the body will float and fall.

Junyi couldn't help anything, so she did business for them, took out water and food from the universe bag, and made various delicacies. She had a large amount of water reserves, and she also took out all parts of the four bathtubs and assembled them. (Don't ask her why she put four bathtubs. It needs to be assembled because the bathtub is a little big and can't be put in without disassembling it.), put water for them to bathe, help them wash clothes... all kinds of things.

For good, although the sea monster is big, there is a place to store air in the body. It is not under much pressure, does not corrode, and can live in people.

Xue Liu took out the hourglass and put it on the table and said, "We are going to stay here for 41 days." She looked at the two loving couples and said with deep meaning, "You two keep your strength. After 41 days, we have really powerful killers to deal with."

Qianmo spoiled the speechless on her lap and whispered in her ear. I guess she was already thinking about "that kind" thing.

Xuguang silently stretched out his hand to hold Junyi's hand. Junyi did not break free from him and clasped with him.

There is just one thing that I don't understand. Junyi asked Xue Liu, "Xue Liu, you are very familiar with the route. Have you been here before?"