Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 310 Ghost Story Night

Xuguang came to Xiaoyao faction just to ask Qi Yunzi, Junyi's master, a word. He asked, "Where did you buy Junyi?"

"We..." Junyi's heart trembled.

"Yes, go to your parents." Xuguang Road.

"I don't want to see them." You said.

"But you really want to," "by the way, have you seen Xiaohu? I didn't see it when I came back last time, and I missed it again this time. I want to take it with me. Junyi doesn't want to say or think about it. She would rather say something else.

Xuguang held Junyi's hand, "I'll accompany you."

Little tiger, the Xiaoyao school no longer has this white winged tiger and leopard, because there is an extra white carpet in Xuanyuan Xiaopang's room.

"When did you come up? Very clever." Your intention is surprised.

Xiaohu raised his eyes to look at the nushi, still using her own contemptuous eyes. He was thinking: This nushi is so stupid, I'd better take care of her all the way, otherwise how can I rest assured?


I picked up Bingwei, such as Chaolu's predecessor and Xiaohu, and the four of them went to Junyi's biological parents first.

Junyi didn't say she wanted to go or not to go. Looking at her mood, Xuguang proposed a "ghost story night" for four people and three spiritual pets.

Xuguang, Junyi, Bingwei, Ru Chaolu and Xiaoshou, Xiaohu sat in a circle in Xuanyuan, lit candles, and Junyi comfortably leaned against Xiaohu to make Xuguang's eyes glow green.

Xuguang said first. He said, "When I was a child, one night I went home alone and saw a girl crying."

"Do not say it too scary!" Junyi warned that she was most afraid of these and still wanted to say it. I don't know what bad intentions he had.

Xuguang continued: "The girl tied two small braids and cried very sadly."

It doesn't sound scary. Junyi began to care about the girl: "Are you lost?"

"I went over and asked her, 'What's wrong with you? Are you lost?'" Xuguang deliberately paused.

"And then?" Junyi stood up and asked.

"The girl turned around and had two small braids on her face." Xuguang Road.

Junyi was so scared that he hugged the little tiger tightly: "Ah! Ghost! Help! ......โ€

Xiaohu fainted directly under the eyes of Lord Xuguang who wanted to smash ten thousand pieces of it and buried it alive on the spot.

However, when it comes to ghost stories, you think of one thing. Strictly speaking, it is not a ghost story, but she can't figure it out.


That's what happened after she broke up with Huangfu Qingyi.

That year, Junyi refused Huangfu Qingyi to send Gao Xuan away and walked back from the imperial city. Looking all the way, the speed was neither fast nor slow.

After another day's walk, I will return to Xiaoyao School. At dusk, I will stay in a small shop on the outskirts of the city. What? Why don't you sleep in the tent? The tent was used in the wilderness without the village or the store. At that time, Xuanyuan Xiaopang and Xiaoshou did not provide wireless space. Of course, there were hotels or sleeping hotels.

The condition of the shop is not good, and the atmosphere is very strange, but Junyi is a repairman, and the black shop dares to live in it... But the ghost shop will scare her out of her.

The layout of the inn is very common. The entrance is the walkway. On one side of the aisle is a place to eat, and on the other side is the counter. The aisle leads to the stairs upstairs. There is a circle of male guests drinking and talking loudly around the fire. It's very noisy and can't hear what they are saying. There is an unknown animal that has been peeled on the fire, bloody. They couldn't look directly, and the firelight blushed their faces from below, which was particularly ferocious.

When Junyi approached the door of the inn that day, the last inch of the sunset just disappeared on the horizon. Before the store was lit, he suddenly couldn't adapt to the change of light in front of him. At this moment! A pale and bloodless face opened his mouth and rushed to Junyi!

"Ah! Ghost! Help! ..." Junyi shouted and fled to the door, ghost, not one! Another white-faced ghost at the door opened his mouth to stop her. The ghost was still talking, but Junyi was too scared to hear what they were saying, as if to say, "This doesn't look delicious." Yes, it doesn't look delicious and can't be wasted. Chop it and fry it into meatballs together with good meat to be offered to the Ghost King. ......

"Ah, ah, ah, ah..." you shouted.

"It's so noisy." Xuguang's two fluffy ears hung tightly, hoping to cover the sound more or less. At that time, Xuguang appeared in the form of a little fox.

"It hurts..." Xuguang bit Junyi with his small sharp teeth.

Junyi shouted in horror, and the little fox Xuguang finally couldn't stand it, revealing his sharp teeth and biting two deep holes in Junyi's fingers.

"Master, take a good look. It's not a ghost, it's a human." Poppy Road, the poppy was still there at that time.

"People?" Junyi squatted on the ground and covered his head. He dared not move. He summoned up the courage to move his eyes to look at the white-faced and red-lipped ghost. He even moved his eyes gently and slowly, for fear that the sound of his eyes would be noticed by the two ghosts.

At this time, the slightly fat shopkeeper came out from the back of the counter and taught his daughters, "Tell you not to dress up to greet the guests like this." The shopkeeper ran to Junyi and apologize, "Don't be afraid, these two are my daughters, not ghosts," he turned his head and scolded, "Why don't you remove my makeup!"

The two girls were very aggrieved and said with one voice, "Dad, our makeup is the most popular at present. Dad, you don't understand!"

"Why don't you go quickly!" The shopkeeper raised his hand to make a fight.

"This woman's makeup is pale baby!" The girl was unconvinced and pointed to the king. That's right! So is she!" Another girl also said.

Junyi is very lying down: "I'm natural white..."

"Why don't you go quickly!" The shopkeeper couldn't stand it anymore and raised his hand to make it look like he wanted to fight.

"You don't understand at all! I know how to beat people!" Sister, let's go and never come back!" The two girls ran out crying.

The shopkeeper put down his hand, turned around and helped Junyi up and apologized quickly: "I'm really sorry. You're scared. I'm sorry. The child is ignorant. I really can't control it at this age. I'll beat them hard later."

"Wow..." Junyi was shocked, "Are they really human?"

"It's a human, it's a human," the shopkeeper was helpless. "I don't know what's going on recently. It's like a zombie, and I can't say, hey..."

"Aren't you going to chase them? Is that okay?" Although the little heart still flutters and does not calm down, Junyi is not afraid.

"No," the shopkeeper said, "no need to chase. Eat a few bad meals outside and come back if you want to eat something good."

"Oh, just like my pet, it hurts..." The little fox Xuguang bit her finger again.

"The female guest officer wants to stay in the store. I'm sorry just now. I'll give you a 20% discount on the promotion to the upper room. I'm really embarrassed. I don't know what young people are thinking now. What's the trend recently? Dress up like that ghost, hey..." The shopkeeper said, "Oh, I You can't speak. It's not that you. Your makeup is so beautiful. I told them, don't paint it if it's not good. Can you paint it look like a ghost? Do you think so? Can you... old man have a hearty invitation?"

"You say it."

"If you have time, can you teach my two useless daughters to put on this pale baby makeup? I think your makeup is good. I think it's impossible for them not to follow the trend of pale babies. You can do it well and teach them how to do it. There can't be two scary ghosts in my shop. How about you promise to be free of accommodation and food, plus a fruit plate?

"I'm really natural white..."


That's all for the story.

For Zhaolu felt bored, "I really can't hear anything terrible. What Lord Xuguang said is not scary. I'm going to practice." He really didn't know what happened today and started to play with him.

Junyi said, "Don't you feel horrible? In such an atmosphere, red lips and white faces rushed over! ......โ€

Bingwei recalled with her child in her arms and said, "In those years, pale makeup was popular. It seems that it began to be popular with His Royal Highness Huangfu Qingyi's marriage with you. I think paleness is beautiful. I think now, aesthetics should soon develop into a rosy face and a pearly figure."

Junyi thought for a moment and said, "Are you saying I'm fat?"

Xuguang took the opportunity to hold it and said, "Where are you fat? That's just right."

"You feel just right, don't you?" You said.

For like Chaolu, he was in a hurry to practice. While everyone's attention was on Junyi, he wanted to quietly withdraw, but was caught by Xu Guang. "I must tell a ghost story. Otherwise, you can't leave."

... The night of ghost stories was still going on, and it didn't come to an end until Junyi was scared to shrink into his arms to find a sense of security.


Xiaoshou flew very fast and flew away from the boundary of the business country in only half a day in the sky. Junyi said, "Slow down and don't roll up the tornado."

Xiao Shou said, "Master, I'm already flying at a leisurely speed."

After two halves, Xiaoshou stopped and arrived at the destination of the trip.

The first place Xuguang wants to bring Junyi - the Dead Stone Kingdom, where Junyi's parents are located.

The dead stone country is actually called the grotto country, which is a small country, and its specialty is stone.

It used to be prosperous and rich when it was still called a grotto country, but it has gradually fallen. Many citizens have left their homeland to find new settlements and become subjects of other countries, leaving most of them are old people, children and poor people. Half of the rulers left behind are still living a relatively good life, and half are discussing. With the plan of national migration that will never have the ability and courage to organize.

The reason for the decline is the change of the water vein.

The Grotto Kingdom is located in the basin. A thousand years ago, several rivers passed through here, because there were remote areas with no military value and no mineral resources worth competing for. It used to live a stable and prosperous life and was once a paradise.

But the gods gradually forgot about this country. In thousands of years, several rivers suddenly changed their lanes one after another, and the water flow disappeared in the country after the flood.

At that time, no one thought of leaving, because there was a well, and a deep pit with bamboo was used on the ground. At a depth of a few meters, there was clear, sweet winter, warm summer and cool groundwater.

Hundreds of years have passed. The bigger and deeper the well, the deeper the sound is, and the bigger it is. There are abandoned wells everywhere, and the basin where the grotto country is located is also gradually sinking. From a high point of view, the whole grotto country seems to be in a deep well without water.

In the remote village of Grotto Kingdom, the wind and sand are full of wind and sand. Two people wearing cloaks appear at the entrance of the village. The cloak is of good texture, and they occasionally hold a ring on their fingers stretched out from the cloak. The most knowledgeable elder in the village said that it was a space ring, which is a treasure for a great overhaul.

The arrival of the two shocked the whole village.