Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 312 Super Powerful Mother-in-law

The second place where Xuguang wanted to take Junyi to fly in a straight line was more directly, but Xiaoshou said that even if there was a lot of water, it would be dried squid in the sky for a long time. Do you want to eat dried squid?

And the speed in the sea is faster than the sky, which does not waste time.

Turn east, into the deep sea, bypass the strait all the way forward, leave the continent of Vanne from the sea, walk for a year to the other side of the ocean, bypass the strait, which is the place where Xuguang wants to take you to - the Tianhu Dynasty.

The two went ashore to live in a village outside the dynasty. The small village was cooking smoke and birds were chirping on the branches.

The dazzling light came through the cracks of the branches and leaves. Xuguang raised his hand and blocked it in front of him and said, "I have been expelled and can't go in any more."

"Do you want to send a letter?" You want to ask.

"Are you in a hurry to see your parents-in-law?" Xuguang dotingly picked up Junyi's little face, "No, it must have exploded inside."

In the Tianhu Dynasty, the news brought the whole army of the dynasty on guard. Xuguang's mother slapped the table heavily, "Four weapons! What is he going to do?

"The mother is angry, and the child wants to meet." The speaker is Xuguang's brother, the current king of the dynasty, King Wei.

"You can't go." Xuguang's mother said, "If he has a different mind, will you throw yourself into the trap?"

"Does the mother not believe her son?"

"I believe in him. As a mother, I know that he is willing to be a thing in the pool. Anyway, you can't go and mobilized the army before you figure out his intentions, just in case.

Wang Wei still disguised himself. He believed in his brother.

In the morning, Xuguang cooked a good dish and asked Junyi to take out good wine and wait. At noon, the waiting people came as promised. Xuguang raised his wine glass and met his long-lost brothers again.

There was no polite and no inquiry. Xuguang introduced to the two, "This is my brother. Please call me brother."

"Brother." Junyi shouted.

"Go get some more wine, and our brothers should have a good drink." Xuguang Road.

Wine is available in the portable space. Junyi knew that the two of them were going to talk alone and avoided it.

When Junyi went far away, Xuguang looked at her back and said, "Brother, if I have something to do, help me take good care of her. I can only trust you."

"Are you coming back to Tuor alone?" Wei Wang asked, but did not ask Xu Guang what would happen.

"One is to entrust the orphan, and the other is to recognize relatives. She is my wife and must introduce her to her family."

"Hahahaha. You boy also have today." King Wei laughed, "Okay, it's good to have a woman who loves you enough to marry. I thought you would always be a wanderer. Sure enough, there are people in the world who can defeat you, okay!"


Junyi met a woman when she was "take wine". She looked delicate but had a strong aura. Junyi immediately recognized her as Xuguang's mother.

"Xuguang is drinking, right over there." You said.

"It's not easy to be a mother. Two disobedient sons still have to worry about me as a mother." Xuguang's mother said, "Little girl, come here and let their brothers talk. You can talk to me. Two drinks?"

"I can't drink." You said.

"It's so boring that you can't drink." Xuguang's mother said, "Why did my son find such an boring woman and bring her home?"

Jun Yi smiled and didn't say anything.

Xuguang's mother didn't seem to be very talkative. Seeing that Junyi didn't speak, she said, "Why don't you talk? I thought it would be okay if I didn't talk. You are an ordinary human being. Even if Xuguang marries you, we won't recognize you as a daughter-in-law, right?

"I know." Junyi said lightly, "So I didn't call your mother. Don't worry," Junyi paused for a moment and smiled faintly, "I don't need your admission."

"No need to admit it! Try it again!" Xuguang's mother raised her hand to slap you in the face.

Junyi avoided it and said, "Don't bully me. Seeing it with Xuguang affects your mother and son, and you are not such a person."

Do you know? You are very much like me when I was young. I knew my son's vision would not be bad. Xuguang's mother said, "It's a pity that you don't drink. Have a cup of tea with me."

The mellow Pu'er is most suitable for women to drink. The first brew is to wash the tea, and more importantly, the boiling water is used to draw out the aroma of the tea. The second brew is to drink. Junyi presents a cup to the mother of the person you love opposite, "We will go south."

"Do you want to go south?!" Xuguang's mother was shocked, "He has..."

"Yes." You said.

"Would you like to send him south? Have you decided? If he succeeds, you will be on your own side. If you fail..."

"I know that if he wants to do it, I will help him. If he doesn't do it, he will die."

"Is it already so serious?"

"Yes, he was already unstable when he met me." You said.

"I also know some of his cultivation," Xuguang's mother said, "I just didn't expect him to practice so fast after being with you."

"After knowing the reason, I accelerated it. After discussing it for a few days, it's better to do so. We are not a evasive nature. Sooner or later, we will welcome you, even if we die." You said.

"The closed forbidden place is not easy to enter."

"I will protect him all the way south to his destination. We are his two favorite women in the world and the two women who love him the most in the world. Maybe your love is more than mine. I will definitely help him, and I believe you will also help." You said.

"It's true." Xuguang's mother put down the teacup and said, "You have one of the four weapons in the human world. You have this on your head. Even I should be careful when I speak unconsciously. It's not difficult in the past. I'm afraid you can't withdraw immediately after arriving. Let him go alone. When he becomes a god, he will absorb the spiritual power of thousands of miles around him, whether he succeeds or not, whether he is voluntary or not.

"I will be careful." Jun Yi laughed.


Through the Tianhu Dynasty, there is a mysterious land. The ground is paved with crystals, thousands of feet, thousands of miles, thousands of miles of people, and even a bird can't fly.

Such a place is called the land of gods. There are only ancient dynasties, ancient Liang Kingdom, and the Tianhu Dynasty still has reservations, but it has not been used for a long time. Thick dust and soil fell on the crystals. I don't know if I thought it was a wasteland.

In the human world, only the oldest sacrifices in the ancient dynasty still vaguely know what is going on. When they break through the gods, they will absorb a lot of spiritual power. So many spiritual power in a continent may not be enough. All the spiritual power and aura within thousands of miles will be absorbed, and there will be no grass within thousands of miles.

The movement of the breakthrough of the realm will shock the so-called "heavenly court" in the fairy world. Those vested interests who have become gods will not allow one more people to share resources with them. There will be "imals" who will drop nine thunders according to the "rules". They can't survive in the thunder and become gods. That is nine heavens. Lei, practitioners who have successfully broken through the realm will be directly bombarded back to the foundation period, and it is good to leave a life.

Xuguang wants to become a god, so his cultivation is unstable, so his body is absorbing spiritual power like a black hole. If he doesn't break through, he will deplete himself.

These are what you want to ask Xiaoshou to know.

After knowing it, he discussed with Xuguang for a long time and challenged the god.

Neither she nor Xuguang are waiting to die. Xuguang's cultivation is on the verge of breakthrough. Instead of doing nothing and waiting to die slowly, it is better to fight in the face of challenges.

Junyi was stopped by Xuguang on the edge of the land of gods. "Don't send it. Only when you are safe can I become a god."

"Don't worry, my greatest ability is to take care of myself so that I can leave."

"Aren't you say 'When you become a god, drive the colorful auspicious clouds to marry me'?" Xuguang asked.

"Isn't that your line? Do you want me to say?" You said.

We hugged each other for a long time until the last moment, hoping that we will never be separated.

"I will definitely come back, I promise."

"Then I remember. Why don't I change my name to Junnuo? I have always felt that I don't like the name Junyi."


"Then we made a deal. You promised. I don't know who said that what he promised would definitely be done."

"Yes, I promise to come back, little Nuonuo..."

After Xuguang walked into the land of the gods, Junyi left and went to a safe place to wait for a good or bad result.

In a short time, countless spiritual meteors generally gather in the middle. There are more and more spiritual power, and the center forms a dazzling light and cannot be looked directly at. After a day and night, everything calmed down and the land of God was silent.

When Junyi didn't know whether to go to see it or not, a lightning cut through the sky and split the land of the gods. After a while, the rumble of thunder followed and resounded through the earth.

"He succeeded!" Junyi quickly turned back, turned back and hurried away. In the sky, he asked Xiaoshou to take out a lot of hundreds of meters of iron pillars from his stomach and insert them on the ground - hey, lightning rod.

"What are you doing here? Hurry up and leave!"

Xuguang's consciousness became extremely powerful, and he felt the appearance of Junyi a hundred miles away. He quickly talked to Junyi through the magic weapon in Junyi's mind, which was a magic weapon that could be passed on for thousands of miles.

Come on, naturally, it's here to help deal with thunder.

The first seven lightnings have resisted, and the lightning rods have played a role in attracting countless small lightnings. I don't know if the people above can't tolerate sharing. The eighth one is as thick as a pillar far away in the sky. It splits from the sky, and the radius is within its range, and there is no way to hide. The sky could not see the situation of Xuguang at all. His heart was on him, but the lightning came to her.

Xiaoshou's emergency response was too late. He was hit, and countless colorful powders fell from the sky, as if there was a colorful snow, and then there was nothing left, and then the last lightning fell...

Junyi faintly heard Xuguang shouting at himself: "No..."

She fell with a smile and prayed that he would be fine in the future. If she could occasionally think of her, she would be very satisfied, and then... it was a blank. It turned out that death was very simple, just a blank, and she didn't know anything, just like a dreamless sleep.


This story is over. Not all stories have a good ending.