Mei Gu Xiancheng

First meeting of three encounters 2

I don't know how long she slept. She heard the heartbeat. In the morning, with the heartbeat, a wisp of clear sunlight shot in from the leaves. The white fog rose from the ground, and the surroundings became like a fairyland. Youyi heard the sound of horses' hoofs stepping on the ground.

The heartbeat and the horse's hoof overlap, which is surprisingly beautiful.

Is this heartbeat your own heartbeat? Where does the horse's hoof come from?

Opening her eyes, Junyi saw a white horse coming towards her from not far away from the forest. Her pure white hair, white hoofs, her bones were handsome, her eyelashes were like a fan, and her big eyes were pure and flawless. The white horse came to her side, lowered her head to rub her neck, and said something silently. She wanted to turn her head to see clearly. Chu Baima's affectionate eyes found that his neck... couldn't move...

Then... woke up...

When I woke up, the sky was not bright, and I didn't know when the torch had been extinguished. It was the darkest time of the night that Junyi rubbed his sleepy neck and couldn't help grinning: What a tacky dream...

Prince Charming... The girl's eternal dream.

Which girl doesn't look forward to Prince Charming?

Junyi often looked forward to it. At that time, she thought that her prince was the eldest brother, and often fantasized about the small details of their future marriage and life, such as salty vegetables.

Later, I was heart-wounded and had to realize that I was not living in the story but in reality. There would be no Prince Charming in reality, and even if he appeared, he would not be his own, so...

So she still can't give up her longing, hehe, just more "quietly" longing.

Junyi is such a woman. She realizes the reality and realizes that she is not the princess in the fairy tale, but occasionally she fantasizes about it in her heart. It's also good to occasionally satisfy her childish little heart - just think about it in her heart, think about it alone, and don't let others see that she is so naive occasionally. That's all.

The surroundings were so quiet that there was no sound at all. Junyi subconsciously lit the torch with fire spells, and the scene she saw made her suspect that she was still in her dream.

All the spiritual beasts who healed their wounds here, whether they were herbivores or carnivores, lay devoutly on the ground, wiping the ground and retreating little by little, pulling out long traces.

"What's the matter? Don't scare me..." Junyi's heart suddenly came to her voice. Even if no spirit beast could understand her words, even if no one could answer, she couldn't help asking. Rather than asking what had happened to the spirit beasts, it was better to say that she was talking to herself and comforting herself not to be afraid.

Because he is too tired, Junyi slept too deeply. At this moment, he is still not fully awake from his sleep. There seems to be a film in front of him. Everything seems unreal, and he can't figure out whether he is awake or dreaming.

The ground fluctuates like a torn carpet, and Junyi is also a practitioner who has killed ten low-level monsters. Although her cultivation is lower, she still has some courage, but at this moment, the overwhelming spiritual pressure and murderous spirit that seem to appear out of thin air have suppressed her even the idea and courage to escape. No, my mind is blank.

If only she could wake up like those low-level spirit beasts and notice that she would exit earlier, but she was a step late and trapped in it. She could only sit on the ground like a puppet and can't move.

Many bubbles rose from under the mud pool, and the mud surface rose in an arch shape and gradually collapsed in the shape of a bowl, as if a monster was breathing under the mud, and then three long cracks appeared on the ground.

The unknown monster sleeping here is waking up!

The crack is getting bigger and bigger, and three huge tails burst out of the crack, mixed with flying sand and stones. The gray tail shakes violently, and it is shaking off the soil stuck to its body.

The splashed mud with a big fist hit Junyi. The momentum of the mud made her upper body swing like a leaf in the wind. The pain gave her some thoughts. Junyi's person who wanted to fall into the nightmare was pushed. Finally, she woke up and could finally control her body. Her first reaction was to lie on the ground tightly with her hands. Protect your head.

The sand and mud fell like rain, and the air was full of flying dust. There was dust in my eyes. I couldn't open it for a moment, and you didn't dare to open my eyes.

Yes, if everything is a dream, this is the dream that should belong to her: meet a monster, win the monster, or be torn into pieces by the monster.

Or, such a powerful monster disdains to eat her. It is likely that it's just - tore her alive to relieve her boredom... Er... This is even worse...



A long roar resounded through the mountains and forests, but no flock of birds was taken off and swept into the sky, unlike the usual occurrence.

It's not that they were not shocked, but under the pressure of murderous spirit and aura, the spiritual birds huddled in the nest and dare not move. In fact, although they are far away, they can't move like Jun's will. Birds with poor spirituality have many instincts to pretend to be dead, and beetles, snakes and rats are also "dead" on the spot. Even if there is no spirituality, there is an instinct to live. The instinct tells them that at this time, shooting the first "bird" is the best way to reduce their "being" in this dangerous situation.

So, the huge mountains and forests are quiet as if there are no other animals, only sand and trees, only the roar of the awakening monsters, and all the leaves tremble in the roar.

The "monster" woke up after stretching comfortably.

He got up from a dormant place and opened his eyes, and his green eyes were as bright as cold stars in the sky.

While shaking off the dust and sand on his head, he muttered in the language of the spirit fox: "It's nerve-wracking to hear the heartbeat."


Linghu's language can't be understood, but she listened to the sound outside in the gravel pile and could barely tell that it was like a muttering from the fox's throat.

She can tell because she had a purple fox as a pet when she was a child.

Of course, it is not a spiritual pet, but it is domesticated and bred from ordinary wild foxes. It can't understand people's words. You need to keep it in an iron cage so that you won't run away. Feed it all the time will get a little closer to you. Be careful when you touch it. Even so, it will bite people. Even so, beautiful, soft, dexterous and cute pet fox, female The children still like it.

This cry is very similar to the one raised by Junyi before, but even if this one is a fox, it is still not comparable to the "little purple" she raised. At least the pet purple fox she raised when she was a child will not go under the fairy lake to sleep, and other spirit beasts will not take the initiative to crawl "clear the field" before his appearance, let alone There is such an earth-shaking appearance.

Before I figure out what this is, I can only call it a "monster" first. The violent shaking of the ground caused when the monster came out made Junyi roll aside until he hit a tree and didn't stop until he hit it. Junyi was hit by a sore back and dizzy, and then the gravel fell all over the sky. She buried the whole thing. Fortunately, the sand and gravel are not very dense. There are breathing gaps in which the air can flow. Therefore, she is now in the sand and gravel pile. If she doesn't make a sound now, she will merge with the sand and gravel.

At this time, it is the best strategy for her to pretend that she "does not exist". She is like a tide bug to her. As long as she is in a group, the "monster" may not notice her and is likely to ignore her, just like people ignoring the tide bugs in the earth.

It is the best strategy for Junyi to pretend that she does not exist at this time, and she is buried in sand and gravel, so it is also advantageous to pretend that she does not exist.

However, the conversation between the masters and uncles suddenly flashed in her mind. What the masters and uncles were discussing that day was: three-tailed spirit fox!

A three-tailed spirit fox came to the free mountain!

Combined with the three cracks, spiritual pressure and murderous spirit that appeared on the ground, and the roar like a fox he heard... Junyi was almost 100% sure that he had met this three-tailed spirit fox.

She couldn't help thanking God for his fate and her good luck. You should know that high-level spirit beasts are not common, and the spirit fox is rare in a hundred years. Today, she can only describe it in two words - "opportunality".

opportunity refers to those unattainable luck and fate.

The spirit fox is dormant here in Xianren Lake, and combined with the mysterious "inside story" that the master wants to say, it is not difficult to guess that this spirit fox is injured!

A pile of golden mountains can easily make secular people forget that there are traps under their feet and rush forward desperately, and a high-level spirit beast can also easily make a monk forget that his limited cultivation has done something unrealistic.

Junyi pulled herself out of the sand and stone pile. Her eyes were fascinated by the gray and couldn't see it. She only felt that there was a very beautiful spirit fox in front of her, which seemed to be white (the eyes were gray in front of her, and she couldn't see clearly), but she thought it was white, beautiful white, a beautiful white fox, dancing Three white soft tails swing gracefully.

He is as high as a small hill, and he needs to look up to see his head;

He is looking at the moon and looking affectionately at the bright moon in the sky. There are dreamy white light spots flying around him (in fact, Junyi's eyes are shining with gold stars.)

Junyi walked forward sleepily and reached out to touch the hair on the spirit fox's claws. It's so soft. I don't want to let go when I touch it. I want to touch it all the time, I want to touch under my neck, and I want to sleep with the soft tail...

Fee the itchy claws, and the three-tailed spirit fox moved its claws and lowered its head to scratch with its teeth. Then it noticed Junyi's, er... this "tide insect".

"The courage is quite fat~" The three-tailed spirit fox ridiculed the "tide insect".

(Note: Tideworm, a very common small insect, is very common, but most people don't know its name. If you are interested, you can ask Du Niang to look at the picture. The nail cover is probably so long. There are many shells that are very similar to pangolin, but it is too small, and this shell is relatively hard. The most distinctive feature is Once touched, it will shrink into a ball, and the head and tail will shrink into a very circle. Many people like to touch it and make it shrink into a circle. I'm sure many people have played it.)