Mei Gu Xiancheng

Three encounters meet again 5

However, the centipede is not afraid of fire and death, which is the place where she is afraid. Ordinary insects are afraid of fire and will retreat when they see the open fire, but this is the depths of Lingshan Mountain, and there are no ordinary species here... If it goes on like this, before the centipede has receded, her whole body has been scorched.

Is she helping the centipedes cook their food?

The spread of the spiritual fire is very slowly, and only a large piece of palm can no longer expand. The open fire on half of her body's clothes and cloak have been burned. Junyi secretly calculates how many centipetes she has, and to what extent such a fire is most suitable for her to fight.

It is impossible to easily burn the hundred-legged centipede here by open fire, but it can slow down how much it can slow down. Junyi doesn't know how to estimate that the centipede that has not been burned moves their countless feet and continues to squirm forward without any influence. One side of her face is already full of centipede, and several tentacles have been Touch her eyelashes and eyeballs.

You can't keep them near your eyes! Junyi told himself that he couldn't wait any longer. Now the fire has spread to more than half of the area, but many hundred-legged centipede are not affected.

Now I don't know the probability of success. I don't know if the painful and twisted centipelas in the fire will fall from themselves without being attacked. How long will they resist before being attacked by the centipede on her body? A finger? Two fingers?

This is a race between fire and centipede crawling speed. In the end, it depends on which side can't calm down first.

She hopes to burn a few more, which can reduce her poisoning and increase the probability of survival, but the eyes are one of the most vulnerable places for people. It seems that the eyes are the limit here. No... Maybe she can hold on for a while. It's best to cover all the fire later. No... The impact of eye injury is too great... No... Wait a minute, you can ensure that there is no centipede in your eyes at the last moment... At that time...

The tentacle was in front of her eyeball, stretching longer and longer. She clearly saw the root of the tentacle. The thin foot of a centipede reached the edge of her eyes. Junyi's eyeball turned slightly and looked at the fire in her chest. She wanted to blink her eyes, but she didn't dare to be afraid of being shocked by the hundred-legged centipede near her eyes. Fortunately, the eyeball did not turn. It shocked them, and at the last moment, she was ready to fight hard.

- Speaking of the last fight, she actually doesn't know what to do. She probably just stands up quickly and shoots and kills randomly - wait until she can get up. It really doesn't work. She only hopes to commit suicide before her body is numb and uncontrollable. Sometimes, death is also a luxury.

When Junyi raised his eyes, he had made up his mind to jump up and rotate and burn the spiritual fire 360 degrees. He rotated at high speed and could shake off a few - it is estimated that this move will not be very effective. The spiritual fire can burn several... I just hope that he can move for a longer time before his whole body is numb...

Do everything you can do.

The final ending... let it be God's will...

Junyi raised her eyes and was about to make a last try. Suddenly, a very fast white light brushed her eyes. She also practiced swords and practiced ice and fire daggers, so she was very sensitive to the sword. She keenly felt that the tip of the sword crossed over her eyes. The white light was a sword flower pulled out by the tip of the sword. The tip of the sword took away all the hundred-legged centipede above his eyes.

Her eyelashes touched Jianjian and felt the cold above. What was that the tip of the sword did not hurt her eyelashes.

Then, Jianyi swam around her, and each white light easily and happily split dozens of hundred-legged centipede vertically and symmetrically into two halves and threw them far away.

Junyi blinked his eyes and suspected that he was dreaming now. He suspected that he had been poisoned. This is an illusion caused by Baidu centipede poison - if so, this poison is really good. However, she soon decided that it was not a dream.

When she closed her eyes and opened them again, in the blink of an eye, all ten thousand slender centipedees all over her body were gone, and there was a centipede rain on the grass far away.

All the centipedes that fell are perfect, the perfect half - an eye, a tentacle, all the legs on one side, each body is separated from the middle, perfectly symmetrical, and the incision is smooth and neat, so that this insect that has to twist four sections and has to twist for a long time to die at this moment - not yet Realizing your own death, you are already dead.

The three-tailed spirit fox put away its sword spirit, shook its head repeatedly, and commented, "It's really... I can't stand it... The determination and courage are good, but it's a pity that the cultivation is poor... It's really bad!" He couldn't help complaining, "How can a practitioner's cultivation be so bad? Fighting to the death can only produce such a small fire and burn yourself half to death. The most ridiculous thing is to toss for a long time. In the end, it must be the same result. It's better not to to toss at the beginning. To be honest, you will suffer less. I really can't stand it! I can't stand it, you know!

"What can be solved in the blink of an eye, look at your hard work, even if the cultivation is poor, right? If you have no bottom line, don't go out. If you don't have the ability, you need knowledge. If you don't have knowledge, you need common sense. You don't even know common sense! Obviously, you who have no ability, knowledge and common sense don't know that it's not easy to grow so big. Do you want me to give you a pleasure so that you won't suffer? Anyway, sooner or later, you can save a day's food, and you won't waste the sun rising tomorrow..."

When the three-tailed spirit fox spit out the "trough" in his heart, he really can't spit it out. His tone is in place to sing and play well, and he speaks vividly, like a torrential river, endless.

Junyi has been concentrating on generating spiritual fire, rolling out the fire on his body, and enduring severe pain. Hearing the continuous sound, he noticed that there was a pure white three-tailed fox in front of him, and the little fox was talking to him.

"You can talk... so cute..." Junyi said. She was still a little confused. She was in a stupid state. She was really dreaming, right? But do you really feel pain in dreams?

"Is that you?" The three-tailed spirit fox heard her voice.

Isn't this voice, tone, and nymphomaniac's words the little pian I met in Xianren Lake two days ago?

The three-tailed spirit fox has just been thinking about how to act alone. Is the era of "fairy immortals not alone" over? If two people are one person, it makes a good deal.

"Me?" Junyi blinked her eyes and was a little confused. She had not connected the cute little fox in front of her with the three-tailed fox several times higher than herself.

The three-tailed spirit fox was about to kindly call her about the situation when Junyi suddenly said, "Wait, thank you!"

Then, Junyi took out a porcelain bottle containing three-grade white cloud healing pills from the burden. It was really painful. Although she was reluctant to give up, she still ate one. Thinking of this, she carefully poured out one and swallowed it.

Of course, the practitioner's medicine to treat ordinary wounds is very effective. The place where the ordinary flame burns on Junyi's body immediately became less painful, a little itchy, and he got scars when he saw it.

The burning hole on the thigh is much more difficult. Because the palm of the hand is facing the burning, the wound is too deep. I saw the bones, and the bones are all burnt. The only fortunate thing is that the surrounding circle of meat is cooked, so it has stopped the bleeding and don't worry about bleeding...

Junyi looked at the wound and sighed. It is inevitable that there will be an ugly scar on her body. The woman is like this. If she is injured, she doesn't worry about the pain first. She doesn't worry about furiating first. The first thing she worries about is scars. What she cares about is the scars, and the most unbearable thing is scars!

You are a woman, a little woman with ordinary cultivation (low), ordinary appearance, * ordinary, and ordinary knowledge, so she is naturally no different from other women in this regard.

After dressing up the wound and cleaning up his body slightly, Junyi looked up and said loudly, "Thank you for saving me. Can the senior show up and leave his name so that he can report it later?

- the classic lines of martial arts novels. Junyi feels that although it is vulgar, he must say it. The master may have gone far and can't hear it, but he still has to say it.

Originally, she felt that her ability was not enough for others to see it in the blink of an eye. There must be no chance to repay. It's better to set up a ranking every day. Later, she thought that she couldn't hear it anyway, so she would repay it in the future. After all, she really wanted to repay.

The three-tailed spirit fox looked at her speechless... This little man really couldn't figure out the situation.

"Oh~~here! Me!" Three-tailed spirit fox.

"What?" Junyi lowered his head and looked at the three-tailed little fox.

"I saved you!" The three-tailed little fox said.


"You really don't remember who I am?"

"You? You..."

Junyi carefully looked at the arrogant little white fox in front of him, white and furry, so cute... The little claws are also so cute, as if they touch them, and they will be shocked... Look at this pair of ears, and they can still move... The cutest is the three white tails, as if swaying with a silent rhythm. Generally, there is only one fox. What about the tail...

Speaking of which, generally foxes don't speak...

"Ah! You..." Junyi finally thought that it was a three-tailed spirit fox with a huge gap in size, but the cultivation can't be confused by the appearance. Look, she is not confused by the appearance, hehe, hehe...

"I really didn't expect that we were so predestined to meet." Junyi said that she was already very predestined to see it once. She really didn't expect to see it twice. However, since she met it and died after she died in a disaster, her little heart forgot the difference in cultivation, forgot the ridicule and her own reflection, and forgot that she had said that she would never say that stupid word again. She blurted out. "Meeting is fate. Do you want to be my spiritual pet?"

"You..." The three-tailed spirit fox rolled his eyes and asked seriously, "Are you a fool?"

"Of course not," Junyi also replied seriously, "I think you should work hard when you live and try if you have a chance."

Looking at the cute little fox in front of her, she kindly added: "The opportunity is in front of you, you can try it. Anyway, by the way, you won't lose a piece of meat if you try it."

Although there will be no less meat, it will be despised.

The three-tailed spirit fox fell directly. As expected, this man's brain was not well-developed, and he simply lacked a tendon.

He concisely dispelled her delusions: "You don't have a chance." He said disdainly, "And it's not fate. Don't think too much. I saw the bonfire coming. I warned you that meeting each other is fate. I'll throw you to the bugs. There are a lot of bugs here. You are skinny enough to eat!"

"Hmm! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! No, no..." Junyi looked at the corpses of the hundred-legged centipede and more hundred-legged centipede that were withdrawing silently and nodded.

"Uh-huh~~" The three-tailed spirit fox nodded with satisfaction and trained very oldly. "There is no end to the long road of immortal cultivation. When you climb a mountain, you will see new scenery. When you see a higher mountain peak, there is no end to the road to immortal cultivation, but you have to go on. Child, remember an old saying: immortals are not only OK, don't ignore these laws and customs. These are summed up after countless years.

"Hmm! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!" Junyi nodded violently. She suffered and knew the danger of a person acting alone. The first thing she did when she went back was to find a companion. If she couldn't find her, she decided to plunge into the crowd and never come out again.

The three-tailed spirit fox looked at her stupid appearance and couldn't help shaking his head, thinking what's wrong with him? How can you say this to a fool?