Beauty on the side

Chapter 007 6gong yan 3

Song Yi took the medicine bottle and wanted to apply medicine to me. I was worried. Looking at the dim candlelight and his dedicated figure, I couldn't help feeling embarrassed and holding the corner of my skirt in my hand and clenching it constantly.

Maybe when he saw me embarrassed, he seemed to say with a smile, "You sit down and leave only one knee to come out with your feet bent."

"Nian'er OK, I can do it too." Nian'er can be drugged by herself. Why do I need someone to serve? What's more, this person is Song Fengyu. I reached for the medicine in his hand, but he received the medicine bottle under his sleeve.

"You just hurt a lot. You'd better sit and have a good rest." He said.

Seeing that he insisted on applying medicine to me, I no longer dared to refuse and obediently showed one knee. He cut the robe and trousers on my knee with scissors and knelt for three or four hours, and his knees were red and swollen. He smeared some medicine on the wound, and a coolness stabbed in from his knee, tinging the nerves there. I couldn't help taking a breath.

"Hold on, cool down and get rid of blood stasis, and it will be fine soon." Song Yi continued to wipe the medicine. After finally wiping both knees, I was relieved. Song Yi gently rubbed the wound on my knee with his palm, which could give better play to the medicinal properties, but I felt that it was too special at this time and pushed his hand away to come by himself.

Song Yi put down his hand and suddenly sighed. I looked at him strangely. He said to me, "Although men and women are not close to each other, doctors treat diseases regardless of gender. If we pay attention to this, won't it delay the best treatment time and even human life? There is no gender difference between patients in the eyes of doctors, which is the principle of practicing medicine!" He looked at me deeply again, "Do you understand?"

I feel very ashamed that he has noticed my thoughts and only regard me as an ordinary patient, and I still have such concerns and thoughts about him.

"Zong Fengyu, I remember." I lowered my head and said that I didn't dare to look at him because of his misunderstanding.

One hand gently stroked my hair and stroked it above my head. Suddenly, a figure came in at the door. It was Xiaomei. She paused slightly at the door and looked at Song Yi and me. Song Yi saw her and motioned to put the food on the table. Xiaomei should have learned from Nian'er that we went to the Shang Food Bureau, hesitated to say something to take care of her health and then left.

When I saw Song Yi getting up to get me food, I immediately stopped him and said that he could do it. He looked back at me. I immediately remembered what he had just said and leaned on **. If I insist, I'm afraid that he will say that I didn't listen to what I just said, because I'm his patient now.

Looking at Song Yi's figure flashing under the candlelight, the moonlight between the clouds also scattered on him. His soft back is really like a fairy on earth. I watched him come towards me in a frannly and forgot to be distracted for a moment. He sat in front of my bed with a bowl and a spoon and asked, "What's wrong?"

I was awakened by him and shook my head and said it was okay. He didn't ask, but asked me to eat something. I saw that the bowl was full of soup, and only some rice was added. He explained that my stomach is weak now, and I can't eat hard and sticky food. It's better to eat something light. He also said that his body needs to rest at night, and it is best to wait until tomorrow morning to drink three or four stomach nourishing medicine. Listening to what he said, my heart was full of emotion.

Song Yi is good, which warms my heart. I think there is no woman in the world who wants to live a stable life like a man like him. I am also a woman who wants to settle down. Since then, I have also had a good impression on him, but the daughter of the court must die of old age. How can I have a little fantasy about him? I can only thank him for his kindness to me.

For a while, my heart was warm like a white veil on my real heart. I wanted to see but I couldn't see it clearly, and I wanted to touch it but couldn't touch it. Or in this way, I feel that this is the heartbeat, and this will always be a big mistake later. If you had known your heart earlier, why would you be depressed and worried later?

This night, I fell asleep with Song Yi's care, and it was already dawn when I woke up. Opening the window, the early summer breeze blew the whole room with the smell of licorice. I put on my clothes and began to live on the other end.

After putting the medicine in the medicine room for a while, Song Yi came in from the outside. Seeing him carrying the imperial medicine box on his side, I didn't know who was sick in the palace, so I called him early. Song Yi put down the imperial medicine box, sat at the table with a huge pen and quickly wrote on the paper, and then handed it to me: "Beauty Liu caused the wind and cold this morning and fried the medicine and sent it away."

I took the medicine list and turned around to restrain the medicine. Yu Shi and Tian Shi also came back from outside and talked with Song Yi. Yu Shi's royal doctor Hongguang looked up and said, "Princess Qin is happy!" Tian Shi's imperial doctor put away the medicine box and said, "This is my first grandson of the Tang Dynasty. I'm going to tell the emperor that he will be very happy!" With that, Tian Shi's imperial doctor came out of the Shang Pharmaceutical Bureau. When I heard that Princess Qin was happy, I was already unintentional to listen to Song Yi and Yu's imperial doctor. I silently neatly tidyed Liu Mei's medicine and went outside to make a stove. But Princess Qin is happy but not, what does it have to do with me? At this time, I really feel that I am a person of all-sided desires, and I actually have this feeling. I shook my head secretly and threw away some previous unrealistic fantasies. In this palace, one day is the most important thing to save my life.

On the way to send medicine to Liu Meiren, I saw a row of palace eunuchs holding large wooden square plates in their hands and going in the direction of Chengqian Hall. It was time for the emperor to be overjoyed and sent a pile of treasures to Princess Qin. I suddenly remembered the angry face and the two half jade pendants under the pillow that day. Since that day, I have never seen Li Shimin again. My humble maid of honor has not seen him. What's more, Princess Qin is now pregnant, and he should accompany her more in Chengqian Hall. At this time, His Royal Highness the King of Qin should be even more happy.

I looked up at the sky and was about to enter the hot sun. The sun made me sleepy. Under the swaying green branches in the distance, I swayed with the shadow. Behind the low palace wall, there are pieces of newly replaced green leaves falling, drifting in a trance and falling elegantly. That's where Liu Meiren is.

When she saw Liu Meiren, she was still lying on the bed, as if she hadn't slept all night. Seeing the medicine coming, she smiled and called her maid to take the medicine. She held the medicine bowl and couldn't help frowning when she smelled the medicine. I took a piece of something wrapped in a handkerchief from my waist and lowered my head and said, "Beauty, after taking the medicine, the honey dates in my mouth can eliminate the bitter taste."

Liu Meiren looked at me deeply and said, "Come on."

I took a few steps forward to her and opened the veil at a distance from her, which was full of dates. Liu Mei glanced, lowered her head and drank all the medicine. She hurriedly took a honey date and put it in her mouth. For a long time, she frowned slightly and looked at me a few more times. I wrapped the veil and handed it to her maid of honor. I took the empty medicine bowl and was about to retreat. She suddenly stopped me.

"I heard that Princess Qin is happy, but is it true?"

As soon as Liu Meiren said this, I couldn't help sighing that the news in the palace spread as fast as the wind. If there is a good thing, she will soon be promoted, but if something wrong, she will definitely be demoted to no dignity by everyone. No wonder there is a buyer in the palace. Liu Meiren asked about this at this time, and she didn't know why.

"Yes. This morning, Song Fengyu began to plan for the October abortion for Princess Qin. I said.

"Oh." Liu Meiren sighed, "That's good. You step back."

I retreated to her. At that moment, I saw her jade hand gently caressing her flat abdomen and turning her eyes out of the window. Outside the window, the sun is just right, hundreds of flowers are blooming, and two swallows are flying together.

Liu Meiren is very young and looks only one or two years older than me. She should have been favored by Emperor Li Yuan in her later years. A woman married at this age will inevitably want her child to be happy and satisfy her mother's nature. However, although Liu Meiren was favored by Li Yuan recently, she was childless. She heard that Princess Qin was pregnant. If she wanted to have a child according to generation, the emperor's daughter-in-law had a child, but she would not be sad.

This is the fate of the women in the palace. With glory and wealth, I have lost my freedom, even the hope of being a mother, and I have to worry about the careless indifference in the palace from time to time. For example, out of favor. And some of this is voluntary, and some of it does not violate the Holy Order. The palace can't speculate about the master of the palace. Liu Meiren's side eyes looked at the flying swallow, and I couldn't help but feel sad by her. There are always thousands of sorrows for the 72 concubines in the three palaces and six courtyards.

Back to the Shang Pharmacy, Song Yi was standing at the door. When he saw me, he asked, "How about Liu Meiren?"

I said, "Since Song Fengyu is so worried, why did he still go to deliver medicine?" I'm a little confused about him. Since I went to see Liu Meiren early in the morning, sent medicine and asked about her, why didn't I go there myself?

Song Yi stretched out his hand and opened the lid of the medicine in my hand. Seeing that the medicine in the bowl had been drunk, he nodded to me and said, "This morning, Liu Meiren appointed me to go to the doctor and cared about her, but because she used to be from my pharmacy."

It turned out that Liu Meiren was from Shang Pharmaceutical Bureau. No wonder she looked a little afraid of Song Yi last night, and it is no wonder that Song Yi was so worried. I nodded and said, "I asked more questions."

"It doesn't matter." Song Yi grinned, "That's right, the prince ordered you to send the medicine. It's already fried, and you can send it."

Song Yi said this naturally, but I felt that his eyes seemed to be covered with a veil and he couldn't see his emotions clearly. Li Jiancheng obviously had an arm injury. He should have known it. He should have known about my dressing for the prince that day, but he had no intention of mentioning it with me.

People in the palace can't figure out their minds.

I rushed to the East Palace with Li Jiancheng's medicine. Seeing that Li Jiancheng was still in the study, he leaned against the chair to read a book and only glanced faintly when he saw me coming. He did not hesitate to take the medicine bowl and drink it all. He didn't care about the bitter taste at all. Of course, I didn't bring honey dates. If the prince was still afraid of the bitter taste, wouldn't it be a joke?