Beauty on the side

Chapter 017 Rouge Error 6

Today, Princess Qin suddenly said that she wanted to write. The study was too far away. She said that there was a pen and ink belonging to her in Li Shimin's bedroom and told me to pick it up.

The two palaces are not far away, and they are only a few steps away. Li Shimin's bedroom was wide open, and two maids were cleaning the door. After I said something, I stepped into the inner hall and found the pen and ink said by Princess Qin on the table next to the couch.

Taking pen and ink, he saw a clean robe covered on the table. He thought that Li Shimin was tired when he returned to the hall and casually took off his robe and threw it on the table. I picked up the robe and prepared to hang it on the hanger rail. I shook the robe with my hand, and a blue suddenly fell from my clothes.

"Bang!" There was a sound on the ground, and I looked down. It turned out to be the broken jade I lost!

I picked it up. The broken jade of the two halves has been inlaid, and the gap between them is extremely small. It takes a hard look to distinguish it. This piece of jade was found missing when I woke up after I hit the stick that day. It had been placed under my pillow before. At that time, I thought that a piece of broken jade was not worth money, or fell when I went to the pillow. Now I think about it, is it...

There was a sound of footsteps coming outside the door. I hurriedly turned around and saw Li Shimin. Li Shimin looked at me, lowered his eyes on my hand holding the jade, and his slightly opened lips were slightly at a loss, and then turned back in an instant.

He strode towards me and said, "Take it back!"

"Why, how come..." He came to me, and I was surprised to hold the jade pendant.

Li Shimin said with a relaxed face, "I dropped your jade pendant that day, and I should set it for you."

"It's not this!" I shouted. There was a clear echo in the bedroom. I quickly covered my mouth and whispered, "Did you save me from prison that day?"

"Yes." Li Shimin nodded without hesitation.

"The crime of me and Liu Meiren was suppressed by you?" I asked.

"All of them are not. Most of the prince doesn't care about it, so let you go." Li Shimin said.

But Liu Meiren and I are not guilty at all! Thinking of the days at that time, I looked at the person in front of me painfully. Since I wanted to save him, why didn't I find out the matter clearly?

"The king and prince of Qin should know the truth." I decided, "Why don't you find out the matter, so that Liu Meiren won't..."

Li Shimin couldn't see any feelings towards me. He said, "It's certainly a death crime to assassinate the prince. If the prince hadn't been too kind to let her go, he wouldn't have let you suffer. Since the guilt has been uploaded, it will take this game, but unexpectedly, it still took two lives.

It turned out that Li Jiancheng checked Liqian's background and knew that her woman was alone, soft and soft-hearted, so she opened up. At that time, if you point to Liqian, it will be a life; if you don't mean it, others will take advantage of it. And this doesn't mean that it will kill two people. Thinking of the scene in prison, I was still a little scared. I swore in my heart that I would stay calm in my life and never take another half step into that cell.

"Well, maidservant, thank your Highness and the prince for saving their lives!" At this point, what else can I do?

The figure in front of me did not move and stood in front of me. After a long time, Li Shimin said, "I'm going to go on an expedition, and I have to stand your face."

He pinched my chin and raised me. When his fingertips touched my face, my heart shook in an instant.

"The eyes are dodging and the ears are red. You..." Li Shimin looked at me. Hearing this, I quickly patted his hand, but was lifted close to his arms by his big hand, and the hand around my waist pressed tightly, as if to crush me.

With a faint musk around him, Li Shimin pressed his head and asked, "Do you often meet the prince?"

I put my hand against his shoulder and didn't dare to look up at him. I squeaked with my face and replied, "It's just a coincidence."

"Oh? What did you happen to do?" Li Shimin asked.

"Your Highness, let me go first." I pushed my hand and pulled some distance. Unexpectedly, Li Shimin pulled his backhand and covered the back of my head close to his face, and his lips were warm.

Suddenly, it came to my mind that I saw the vague shadow in the prison at that time, the white robe, the white palms, and the warm touch. I have such a moment to indulge in his warm breath, like the warm sunlight blowing in the wind in spring, accompanied by fresh sweetness and trembling panic.

"Is there such a thing?" Li Shimin lowered his voice.

I was hot and shook my head: ""

"Hmm." Li Shimin cturned the corners of his mouth, "I'm going to lead the army to war..." he said.

The heartbeat was not calm, and I looked down at his skirt: "Princess Qin knows that Her Royal Highness is going on an expedition, and she has been in a bad mood recently."

Li Shimin loosened my shoulder and sighed deeply: "I'm pregnant without dirt, so I... I can only be ashamed of her and suffer her." He took a few steps and brushed my shoulder. "You are in the palace. Coincidentally, don't do too much, otherwise no one can save you! There are some things, it's best to pretend that you can't hear, can't see, and don't know anything.

I said, "I understand. I will definitely take good care of myself so that your Highness can hand over Princess Qin to me to take care of.

Li Shimin turned to me and said, "I only said this to you, and I didn't mean anything else."

Looking up and seeing his dark eyes, seeing me in his eyes and deep me, I unconsciously nodded. After a while, I fell back and put my hands up with the jade pendant in my hand. Li Shimin looked at me puzzledly and said, "Your Highness likes it, then take it."

Li Shimin smiled and said, "I like it a lot. Do you want to dedicate it to me one by one?"

I said, "This is the only thing a maidservant can have when they enter the palace."

Li Shimin's eyes darkened, his face was slightly squeezed, he reached out and stroked the jade pendant, and his fingertips slowly slipped on the jade pattern. After all, he still didn't accept the jade pendant. He said, "It's better to return things to the original owner!"

I am blessed: "Thank you, Your Highness."

Li Shimin turned his back and went out of the hall. I remembered something, took the pen and ink, and quickly caught up with it. After walking for a while, he looked back at me and saw a peace charm wrapped around my finger and stretched out his hand for him. He was slightly stunned. That was what I secretly asked from the temple when I learned that he was going to go out of the palace. Although I knew that he was extremely brave and wise, I still wanted to use the blessing of the gods to keep him safe.

I took the peace charm and handed it to the stunned Li Shimin, and then he reached out to take it. I raised my foot and passed by him and went to the palace of Princess Qin.

I put away the pen and ink, dipped a little water in the inkstone and began to grind the ink. Princess Qin held the pen that was not stained with ink, gently drew it on her fingertips and thought thoughtfully. At this time, a man opened the door, and the maids of honor in the palace were blessed one after another. It's Li Shimin.

I also put the ink strip and blessed him. He waved his hand and said, "Get up."

Princess Qin finally showed joy on her face, but she couldn't hide the sadness of being separated. Li Shimin put his arm around her shoulder and took her to sit aside and said to her, "No dirt, you have to take good care of yourself when I'm away."

Princes Qin nodded with a smile: "Only a country can have a home. People, you can't be distracted outside. You don't have to worry about me at home. Princess Qin took out a brocade color from her sleeve and put it in the palm of Li Shimin's hand: "This is the peace charm I asked the monk in the temple to make for you. You should take good care of it and don't leave."

Li Shimin was inadvertently stunned, smiled naturally, and received the brocade peace charm in his arms: "Thank you, Immaculate."

The ink under my hand suddenly softened, and the black ink spots stained my sleeves. I calmed down and said to Princess Qin, "Princess Qin, the ink is ready."

Princes Qin turned to Li Shimin with a smile: "Shimin, accompany me to practice writing."

"Good." Li Shimin looked at me without a trace and promised her.

On the day Li Shimin went on the expedition, there were gongs and drums in the square, full of ambition.

I listened to the layers of gongs and drums, and could no longer suppress the impulse in my heart. I let go of the medicinal materials at hand and quickly walked out of the Shang Pharmaceutical Bureau.

The high platform of the square is full of maids and eunuchs. My footsteps stopped in front of the steps, hesitated for a while, or walked up. At every step, my heart beat violently, as if to jump out of my chest. Finally, when I arrived at the high platform, I looked down. The soldiers in the square were neatly arranged. The person at the front of the team was wearing black armor and sat on the back of a horse with a big knife held high. He looked serious and exuded a strong spirit all over his body. He is Li Shimin.

I looked at him from afar and also looked deeply. He did not look at this high platform, but proudly looked down at the soldiers who raised their swords in unison. The drums of the expedition became more and more urgent. Li Shimin turned his horse's head, waved his hand, and led the team out of the city slowly. I chok and looked at him far away, hoping that he could come back safely.

Back to the Shang Pharmacy, a maid of honor stood at the door and said to me, "Princess De, please!"

In my heart, even if thousands of people don't want to, I can only follow the maid of honor to see Yin Defei. On the way, I carefully asked, "Sister, do you know what my mother called me for?"

The maid turned her head and said, "It doesn't matter to be a slave. The master can do whatever he wants to do. Empress De asked me to call you, so I came. I don't know what it is.

Seeing that the maid of honor spoke better than others, I continued to ask, "Is the Empress Defei upset recently?"

The maid shook her head: "It's not annoying." She turned her head and thought, and said, "It's just that the emperor has done a few times less." She looked at me and said, "I don't know what you have to do with your sister. The Empress De asked me to come early in the morning."

It seems that it's the harem again. What the maid of honor said to me reminded me a lot, and I don't know what I accidentally did to make Yin Defei fall into a trap. Thinking about it, I have arrived at Yin Defei's palace. The maid of honor announced inside and asked me to go in. I stepped into the palace and saluted Yin Defei, who looked at the window with her back to me. Yin Defei waved her hand, and the maids around her retreated, leaving only me and her.

"Do you have any good friends in the court?"

Yin Defei was still looking out of the window, and this question stunned me. I don't know why, so I nodded. She asked who it was again. I couldn't figure out Gu Nian'er, Zhang Meiyi and Liqian who died quietly. When I read it, I suddenly panicked and looked frightened. Yin Defei slowly turned around and said, "Don't worry, I won't take them as your handle."

I was still panicked. I asked, "The Empress called me to come. I don't know what to explain."