Beauty on the side

Chapter 021 Chaos 4

Li Jiancheng waved her hand to the maid of honor, and she made a bow and retreated. He came to me and looked at me with a smile. I hurriedly said to him, "Does the prince know about the palace?"

"I've heard a little." Li Jiancheng said, "It's good for you to do your own thing."

I thought for a moment and said to Li Jiancheng, "Prince, I have something to ask."

Li Jiancheng smiled and said, "Just ask."

My men clutched their sleeves tightly, and I asked, "It's been a month, Xue Ju who doesn't know Longxi..."

Li Jiancheng smiled stiffly, but soon rose naturally: "Do you care about Xue Ju or me?"

"Naturally, it's my dynasty!" I said urgently.

Li Jiancheng smiled and said, "Are you afraid that I will give you the name of rebellion?"

When I saw him like this, I blamed myself for my previous care. I laughed and said, "Prince, don't make fun of me."

"Only this time." Li Jiancheng paused for a while, and the person who walked by at any time took my hand and said, "Do you think I was also a joke before?"

I withdrew my hand: "The prince told me to do my job well. Princess Qin is still waiting for me to leave first."

The emperor's favor will kill women. In fact, which one of the royal nobles in this palace will not be fatal?

Princess Qin recently began to be sleepy. After sunset, she went to bed and slept quietly, which also made me leave earlier.

Passing by the path of the opening pavilion and the palace maid in the morning, she couldn't help sighing that Yin Defei was just a woman who wanted her husband's favor. Now she is out of favor and seriously ill, and these inexplicable things happened in her palace. She should be cold to the bottom of her heart.

I thought about it and walked to the palace.

The palace is indeed much more deserted than before. The eunuch guarding the door has gone. After the rain, the leaves fell on the yard and the ground were not cleaned. There were maids who went in and out, but now there is no one on the porch.

I walked to Yin Defei's palace and saw only two maids passing by along the way. At this time, I seemed to faintly hear a soft cry and listened to it, but the cry disappeared. I shook my head. I should have heard it wrong. I continued to walk in, and soon I heard the powerless cry. This time I couldn't help but feel creepy when I heard it. I looked in the direction of the crying, which was separated by a wall, and behind the wall was a green bamboo forest.

At this time, the sky was dark, and the last few rays of sunlight were also suppressed by the dark clouds in the sky, only struggling to reveal a circle of golden yellow. At this time, a maid hurried to the side. I pulled her and pointed to the green bamboo forest and asked, "Do you know where it is?"

The maid of honor had a panic on her face and said to me urgently, "There have been a lot of troubles in Guanwa Palace recently. Hearing them, the evil spirit of Guanwa Palace is getting heavier and heavier, and the lonely ghosts and wild ghosts are wandering around. Whoever is still haunting in Guanwa Palace after sunset will be caught and eaten by ghosts.

The palace maid is missing! I suddenly remembered what the little maid said when she quarreled with the maid of the Kai's Palace in the daytime.

"Sister, don't stay here. Go back quickly!" After saying that, the maid hurried away.

There was a gust of wind behind me, and my hair stroked my face, causing bursts of itching. I don't believe in ghosts and gods, but I don't believe them at all. After listening to the maid's words, I was in a panic. I turned around and decided to go back to the pharmacy first, and then inquire about it.

After walking for a while, there was a faint cry in my ear. I stopped and felt that there was infinite sadness and helplessness hidden in the cry. At this moment, there is a contradiction in my heart. I'm afraid, I'm really afraid, but this cry has irresistible power for me. I think if I don't check it out earlier, I'm afraid I'll be absent-minded for a few days.

As soon as I gritted my teeth, I stepped out of the palace, borrowed a lantern from the maid on patrol at night, and went to the green bamboo forest.

Looking for the direction, I came to a big house without a plaque and an embroidered iron chain was locked on the closed door. I looked up at the swaying green bamboo in the wall, and the lantern walked around the palace wall. I wonder why the door of this house is locked all year round, but there are crying voices coming from inside? Is it really a ghost?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help shrinking my neck and looking at the dark front. The tall green bamboo stretched out from the wall and under the dark moon shadow. The weak candlelight in my hand can no longer illuminate the front road.

I raised my breath and walked forward, and the faint cry came from the high wall again. Every time I took a few steps forward, the sound became clearer. Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed in front of me. I was shocked and realized that it was just a black cat. I breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly became alert. Where did the black cat go?

I carried the lamp to explore the corner where the black cat disappeared, and faintly shone a hole under a yellow fallen bamboo leaf. The size of the hole was exactly the size of the cat. There is nothing to make a fuss about, but...

I lowered my body and picked up a few bamboo leaves on the surface. There was a rain this morning. If the fallen leaves on the surface had already existed, they would have been wet by the rain, because the ground is easy to accumulate water, and these bamboo leaves were not wet by the rain, indicating that they were still on the bamboo branches before the rain. It is not easy to accumulate water on bamboo branches, and the rainwater falls to the ground with branches and leaves falling asleep. So, this cat hole was not so conspicuous before, but was covered by bamboo leaves that fell later. And the black cat penetrated directly into this hole so familiarly...

I turned over the lantern and knocked around the cat hole with the lamp pole. Sure enough, I stabbed off a thick layer of fallen leaves, revealing a big low hole.

This big house has been abandoned for a long time, and this big hole is covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves, so it has not been found and repaired in time, which has become the best channel for me to explore this house.

The crying was still coming, and I looked at the big hole and swallowed my throat deeply. There are no palace people on the road, and the palace people's night patrols are outside and never explore here. I frowned, turned around and walked back quickly. I changed my mind and stopped. Since it's all like this, why should I make myself uneasy? Back to the big hole, I decided to go in and have a look.

When I entered the big house, I looked around and faintly saw a green bamboo forest around the wall. The wide yard was full of fallen leaves. In the past, it was not a small house, but I couldn't tell what it was doing here. The lantern in my hand was slightly weak, and I thought it was on the wet ground when I just came in. I straightened the wick inside and walked into this abandoned house.

There was a mournful cry in my ear, and I slowly moved to find its voice. The cry was getting closer and closer, and my heart beat faster. Occasionally, there was a gust of wind around me. I tried to breathe calmly, and my ears were full of the shady crying. As I passed by the closed house, I looked sideways for a while. The door was covered with a layer of spider webs, and it was still slightly floating in the wind. The window was so dark that I quickly withdrew my eyes and dared not look again.

came to the back of the room. The road there was not very flat, concave and convex and cold. I staggered a few steps, and the lantern was attached to something. I fixed my eyes and immediately took a few steps back. Suddenly, there were a few painful cries in my ears, and my ankles were entangled in something. I bit my lips and trembled and put the lantern close to what I had just lit, and a face stained with blood was imprinted under the faint candlelight. Seeing this scene, I still couldn't help shaking my body. The pain just now was made when she crawled towards me, and she was holding her ankle tightly. At least I was sure that she was not a ghost.

Her lower body was buried in the ground, and only the body on her waist was exposed. Her seven orifices were bleeding, her trembling purple lips gasped faintly, and my eyes were full of longing and fear. I tried to see her face and suddenly found that she was the maid of honor who quarreled with the maid of the palace during the day.

"Is that you?" I was surprised.

A bright light suddenly flashed behind her. In a blink of an eye, the palace maid fixed a short dagger in her eyebrows. The bright red blood suddenly flowed all over her face, and her body fell completely softly to the ground. Seeing this, I turned around dumbly, and a black figure flew in front of me. My body flashed to the side and hit the wall of the house. The falling lantern suddenly went out, and it was suddenly dark.

This house must not be simple, the death of the maid must not be simple, and this man in black is even more not simple! And if I don't have God's mercy, I will be buried in this abandoned house like this maid of honor. I immediately tried to calm down and touched the wall of the house in the dark, but the road was really uneven, and I stumbled again and fell to the ground heavily. There was a rapid wind in front of me. I knew that it was the man in black who heard the sound. I clenched my teeth and buried my face in my hand. I was picked up by someone on my waist, followed by a rapid rotation with the staggering sound of swords.

I closed my eyes tightly, and the sound of swords in my ears was sometimes long and sometimes short. I don't know how long it took. I couldn't step on the ground under my feet, gently stroked the breeze on my face, and I was still held on my waist. I dare not open my eyes. I don't know if this person is going to save me or hurt me. Because I'm afraid, I never ask a word, don't make a move, and know that my feet fall to the ground.

"Yi Ran." The man called me, and I suddenly found that the sound was very familiar.

I opened my eyes, and the person in front of me turned out to be Li Jiancheng. I looked at him in surprise and suddenly found that I was no longer in that gloomy house. At this time, we were standing not far from the Shang Pharmacy, and the palace lanterns on the side illuminated us clearly.

"Why is it you?" I was surprised.

Li Jiancheng put the sword into the scabbard, and there was still a trace of blood on the sword wall. Did you kill that man?" I asked.

"Hmm." Li Jiancheng answered indifferently and looked up at me, "Go back quickly. Don't be noisy today."

Looking at his cold face, Li Jiancheng rarely had such a time. I didn't ask much. I blessed him and retreated and walked back to Shang Pharmacy. After a few steps, I turned around and saw Li Jiancheng's hurried footsteps disappear into the night. Did Li Jiancheng only save me by coincidence?